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/lit/ - Literature

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4655756 No.4655756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about words getting banned and works of literature being edited to suit modern times? It seems pretty stupid if you ask me, people in the middle east and in third world countries are making protests that actually matter but we who live in an apparently democratic first have to put up with this totalitarian tactics whenever someone gets their feelings hurt.

>> No.4655765

It's absolutely retarded.

>> No.4655776

Op, do you really have to ask?

>> No.4655786

"We don't want you calling us bossy...so we're gonna ban you from using the word!"


>> No.4655784

It's interesting that liberals are the ones who want to censor everything now. It wouldn't be too hard to imagine a politically correct production code in Hollywood by 2050 like how they had a Christian moral code in Hollywood's golden age.

>> No.4655788


If we lived in a first world country with free speech stuff like this wouldn't happen.

>> No.4655795


Seems kind of bossy doesn't it?

>> No.4655805

Seriously. how has no one pointed that out to them?

>> No.4655818


>> No.4655820

>Others however side with Sandberg and support her campaign, claiming that “bossy” does have harsh implications on impressionable young minds.

I wonder what /pol/ would make of this.

>> No.4655827

Thought police.

>> No.4655835


>prescriptive linguistics
>not even once

All they'll achieve is give "bossy" a whole new strength. Now you can bitch slap people by simply using the word.

What the fuck is wrong with the word anyway? Now people have extra shit tacked on that word.

We need to cut down on communication. Not everyone should be allowed to spew bullshit all over the place.

>> No.4655839

Gore Vidal warned exactly that this would happen in Live From Golgotha. That tech-empowered revisionism would scramble the world's heritage of texts.

And no, Vidal was not a leftist. He hated all things Roosevelt with a hard blue flame.

>> No.4655844

Funny you say that 'cause in the early Hollywood days the work conditions were appalling, some extras drowned in a flood scene they shot and no one gave a shit.

>> No.4655843

Except that's wrong. While this example is silly as no country would ever conceivably ban the word 'bossy' so I don't know why I'm replying, let alone why the thread even exists, but these retards are allowed to voice their opinion and their concerns because of free speech. Again, this is silly and they are absolutely retarded, but that's the beauty/curse of free speech--even they get to share their opinions with everyone, unfortunately.

>> No.4655850

It's a good song tho. do you hate tasty milkshakes too?

>> No.4655856
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My guess is that they wanted to make a campaign to ban "bitchy," but that's already known to be offensive to the public, so they went with bossy.

>> No.4655857

Michelle Obama signed the campaign i'll have you know.

>> No.4655865

I have a feeling this thread is going to be extremely edgy, more than it already is.

And I don't like it one bit.

>> No.4655875

What does that have to do with censoring?

>> No.4655889

The world gets more progressive, some words are inappropriate like nigger,... bossy is a stretch tho

>> No.4655893

Yeah i agree, it's definitely going too far. Also, how is bossy a female exclusive word?

>> No.4655918

Sheryl Sandberg, the leader of this campaign also claims that women does 66% of the worlds combined work. Yet only owns 1 percent of the worlds wealth.

Her husbands name is David Goldberg. I really wish pol could see this.

>> No.4655921

>daughter comes up
>"Dad, Ted at school called me bossy at class today"
>I reply: "Deal with it!"
>Next day I'm called to the deans office because my girl punched Ted in the stomach
>Just like I taught her
>Tell her "Good girl" on the way home

The only difference between a bossy and the boss is that one actually gives a fuck about what other people say about them

>> No.4655923

words are just random arrangements of phonemes, it is incredible we still live in an age in which people can be offended by their utterance
it is pretty barbaric, it is like if we lived in a shamanist society in which some words are believed to be some sort of magical object whose use is restricted to certain social classes

>> No.4655937

This is simply how the avenues of power are set up. We are allowed weak, ineffectual attempts at "subverting" power structures in such a way that coopts opposition. Identity politics as they have entered the discourse are perfectly suited for this. The oppressed can squabble among each other while ignoring the real fuckers in power.

Most of us dare not enter the realm of actually questioning power directly and if we do, we are either economically and socially ostracized or just straight up crushed.

>> No.4655943

what you talking about cracker?

>> No.4655945

That's just stupid, so many examples that contradict what you're saying eg: Swearing relieves stress

>> No.4655954

>implying that's not the society we live in
>implying society, for that matter
>implying there's something after feudalism

>> No.4655957

>implying power

Man, lotsa spooks on this board today. Geez louise.

>> No.4655959

I now feel less about myself and will not succeed in life. Thanks.

>> No.4655962
File: 354 KB, 725x684, Feminism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They didn't leave any contact information on the official ban bossy page, because you know, why would you need to contact them, it's not like they can be wrong.

>> No.4655961

That is what liberals actually believe.

>> No.4655964
File: 28 KB, 160x171, 1394658776409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/pol/fag here, pic is /pol/'s opinion.

>> No.4655981

Come on, you know it's more to it.

>> No.4655982 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 1470x86, problematic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false flag

>Sheryl Sandberg has long criticized the use the of the word "bossy" to describe young girls who are assertive. Instead, the Facebook COO has urged people to forgo the word with all its negative connotations, and instead [sic] describe these girls as "feminist" or displaying "executive leadership skills."

please don't use the r-word
there are campaigns to end other words, but they don't have the necessarily bossy connotations that "ban" does
also they aren't started by billionaires

>> No.4655984

Do I need to say more?

>> No.4656000

Your daughter is a cunt

>> No.4656006
File: 13 KB, 448x352, Yet_another_Picard_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do a google search

that methodology...

>> No.4656053

>reading this on /pol/ and /lit/

>> No.4656063

If they do it then it is for the greatest good.
Always trust your government.

>> No.4656077


>> No.4656122


words are literally magic. do you even fucking read, wtf. you are so gay.

>> No.4656147


Press Ctrl + w

>> No.4656187

>How does /lit/ feel about words getting banned
Fuck you, you octaroon cunt.

>> No.4656338

Triples of truth

>> No.4656395

omg i want to kill myself

is this real life?

>> No.4656509

nobody's saying "enact a law making it illegal to say the word bossy"
they're saying "everyone should stop using the word bossy because it refers to women who take power"
y'all dumb

>> No.4656544


Conservatives will always try to censor through the guise of family values.

Liberals will always try to censor through special interest groups claiming hate speech.

At the end of the day the most important thing to these people is controlling the means of discourse.

You control the discourse and you control the narrative - that's where the real power is.

>> No.4656567
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>You control the discourse and you control the narrative - that's where the real power is.
This anon knows what the power structure is in the information age

>> No.4656574


>> No.4656571


>y'all dumb

fuck off. this is on the guardian. not some two-bit blog.

>> No.4656626

you thought that post agreed with your side? lol

>> No.4656649


technically it does, if the narrative they're trying to put out is shaping the national consciousness to maintain their "racial purity" in years to come, but this is typical /pol/ rage

>> No.4656652

I don't see the problem in protecting little girls from language that is used to oppress them and make them become more subservient.

>> No.4656658

There's a difference between discouraging the use of a word and BANNING it. Don't use the word 'ban.' No word should be banned.

>> No.4656665

let's ban the word "ban"

>> No.4656667


banning is completely different. it's nannyism that you really don't want.

>> No.4656684


I can't believe /lit/ is full of misogynistic shitlords.

>> No.4656689


>please take the bait

>> No.4656692

Shitlord is a word that actually should be banned.

>> No.4656695


Don't read the Guardian.

>> No.4656693

>implying girls don't like being subservient

>> No.4656697


Wow. Just wow. And I thought /lit/ was the most EDUCATED thread on 4chan.

>> No.4656698

I think we should ban the word ban

>> No.4656701

Yeah, God forbid we should raise our daugthers to be actually decent human beings.

>> No.4656709


I don't have daughter,so I don't care about how you feel, I am just going to objectify her and her friends, the little cunt.

>> No.4656712

A fucking 5th grader could make the same observation

>> No.4656715


>> No.4656741


Is having low self esteems bad, I'm pretty sure half the great artists/writers/ etc had extreme levels of low self esteem. This idea that everyone has to be the same is absurd, everything in the world has it's opposite, including self esteem.

>> No.4656745


Let's ban the Guardian.

>> No.4656759

Why do these people engage in struggle over the most trivial matters?

Do they not realize how massively powerful, violent, and alien the universe is? All we exist for is perpetually on the brink of oblivion, yet they exert their will towards the most nothing causes they could possibly contrive. Hyper-socialized shit scum.

>> No.4656796

But this isn't a campaign to actually 'ban' the word bossy, as in make it illegal to use it or print it; it's a campaign to encourage people to stop using it.

It's completely voluntary.

Why, out of all the boards, doesn't /lit/ at least read?

>> No.4656805


It's the Guardian, that's what their white-liberal-guilt -suffering readers love to do. The same way Daily Mail readers care about Katie Prices new boob job. It's just a game for them.

>> No.4656809


It's ok, I'll just use the word cunt instead, I mean I already do.

>> No.4657504

It should be that being bossy is banned rather than the word.

>> No.4657519

My ex-girlfriend had a tattoo that said "bossy bitch"

>> No.4657539

>now that maya angelou has written a poem about my struggle and a gay couple is on Disney i have been vindicated. society is saved

>> No.4657551

>How does /lit/ feel about words getting banned and works of literature being edited to suit modern times?
"Banning" something from common use isn't the same thing, cretin. Every language is the process of erosion and recreation- your best word choices, pronunciation, and grammar are all complete shit in the eyes of older generations. Your political opinion doesn't matter, people will always choose what words are useful and what words aren't and they either fade, mutate, or persist. Fucking plebs.

>> No.4657562

I ran into a graphic novel online that turned out to be full on guro, what pissed me off is that there was no landing page, no warning, nada. Dafuq! I wrote a very angry email to the publisher asking then to put up a landing page and it looks like they're going to get on it. I'm not trying to tell then what they can and can't write or advocating censorship but for fuks sakes warn me. That's my 2c