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File: 750 KB, 800x515, Little_Miss_Communism_by_hishy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4655502 No.4655502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remove Alturism from the Human race -

Now, name one thing bad about Communism

>> No.4655518


>> No.4655522


>> No.4655526

What human race

>> No.4655528

Those who try are rewarded the same as those who do not.

You cannot pick what you want to do.

If you can, everyone follows their dreams and there is no happy medium between skill and joy.

>> No.4655531

No freedom to take risks and try things that will fail unless higher ups sign off on it.

>> No.4655533
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>unless higher ups sign off on it

>> No.4655538

Is this new meme?

>> No.4655539

Without altruism? None.

>> No.4655543

Hi, Im a doctor. Ive had years of grueling education, where I spent several years on little sleep, wasting my youth to provide help to others during the most stressful time of their life. I lose sleep over the though of making one little mistake that could cost another their life.

Hi, I work at McDonald. I got your order wrong.

Communism tells us both we are equal.

>> No.4655547
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Tfw everyone misinterpretates you

Although I like >>4655539

>> No.4655551

>A: Hey I'm gonna create a stateless utopia where everyone gets to ride unicorns, by undermining and destroying the existing regime of a state. I call the utopia Unicornism.

>B: Well, billions of people now claim to be adherents of Unicornism, and all of them live under totalitarian despotism. Also, there are no unicorns. Seems like Unicornism sucks.


Just face it, bro. Communism = central planning + collectivism + totalitarianism. History has spoken.

>> No.4655553

what do you mean 'remove altruism'? communism depends on altruism

>> No.4655555

If you had posted 4 posts later, your words would have echoed through the heavens, collapsing the remaining feeble communist states across the globe.

>> No.4655558

The mantle must go to another..

>> No.4655563
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Human factor
always turns it into idol worshiping
and blatant propaganda,

>> No.4655568

Your transformation form A to B was far to dramatic

And don't account leaders like Stalin or Mao for an example of Communism good grief

>> No.4655569

There's a reason most successful communal societies are either a) small, b) fueled by religion, or c) both.

>> No.4655571

McDonald's wouldn't exist in a truly communist state.

>> No.4655577


>I work at the Glorious People's Burger Emorium

>> No.4655582

I think he means there would be a food scarcity issue, as most communist states have.

>> No.4655597
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>Retards who assume communism = everyone is the same
>Retards who assume communism = everyone gets paid the same
>Retards who assume you can't own property under communism

Please, instead of falling for popular and false rhetoric and interpretations of communism, actually fucking read a book about it. Or at the very least, skim through the goddamned wikipedia article.

As a side note:

The Soviet Union was not a communist state.
China was not a communist state, still isn't.
None of the Asian countries are communist.
Communism does not exist today and has never existed in any of the large countries you heard of. It has existed, though.

Communist-state is an oxymoron.

The failure of self-proclaimed communist nations can not be blamed on communism. That's like blaming democracy because The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a dictatorial shithole.

Communism is unity without the need of authority. Human nature doesn't fucking exist, 400 years ago we thought killing people willy-nilly was alright. If human nature does exist, it can be sculpted and adapted to communism. Also, appeal to nature fallacy.

Learn a thing or two about the thing you're arguing against instead of parading around your own idiocy and resorting to fallacies.

>> No.4655599
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The problem with communism is it disenfranchises those who add to the world while lifting up those who add nothing. This state cannot maintain itself and only comes about during the most dire of situations, but will eventually return to its normal, healthier rest state.

Communism is an upside down pyramid. Built to fall.

>> No.4655602

>not counting as communists collectivists who tried to restructure their country's entire socioeconomic structure (and those of others) along communist lines and incorporate the entire citizenry into workers' unions, sometimes ripping 90% rural countries into urban-industrial employment and unions in under a decade

"Communists" who deny that Stalin and Mao were thoroughly communist need to read more than two Wikipedia pages on the ideology before they subscribe to it

>> No.4655604

>wikipedia article

>> No.4655610



>> No.4655612

>all people are equal

There is your basic flaw

>> No.4655613

>Communism does not exist today and has never existed in any of the large countries you heard of.

>its only commnism if its perfect and it works as a good example of what i want

Yeah, right.

whats bad about capitalism, you cant cite a counter example because pure capitalism has never existed in the galaxy so far.

>> No.4655614

I think hes laughing at the fact people are supporting communism and suggesting others support it with only a wikipedia article's worth of expertise.

>> No.4655615

Stop being an Ironic Faggot

I agree with what you said but reading a Wiki barely means shit on the ideology of Communism

>> No.4655618
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>> No.4655628
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>>its only commnism if its perfect and it works as a good example of what i want

No you fucking retard, it's only communism if it's ACTUALLY COMMUNISM. Just because it's said so on paper doesn't mean shit. See NK as example.


Communism is the theoretical end-point of government over a very long period of societal evolution.

It roughly goes:

Feudalism -> Capitalism -> Socialism -> Communism

Feudalism establishes the cultural traditions and solidarity of a society, which initially brings them together under the same banner.

Capitalism establishes the infrastructure for mass-manufacturing, housing, etc.

Socialism establishes abundance of resources, necessities and welfare systems by using and improving the previously established infrastructure.

Communism unites the society under a banner of the common good.

>> No.4655632

>knowing anything about communism

>> No.4655633
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You cannot have a successful communist society without having gone through the previous stages of government. You need the solidarity created by the feudal systems. You need the infrastructure established by the free-market. You need the abundance and welfare systems from Socialism. You cannot just skip the middle steps or your people are going to fucking starve.

Trying to compare Communism to Capitalism is like trying to compare a neanderthal to an astronaut. They aren't parallel, and that astronaut wouldn't have shit if neanderthal no learn make fire.

The question isn't "which is better." Communism is better on a theoretical level, though its real-world implementation in some distant future would likely be quite different from original Marxist theory. The real question is "is our society ready and capable to move forward?" Given we still struggle with poverty and starvation on a logistical level, the answer is no. Our capitalist infrastructure is still too underdeveloped to dive completely into socialism (though we CAN start blending the two at this point.) We still need investment in manufacturing, farming and technology. Governments only invest based upon necessity. Businessmen invest based upon greed and wealth. And there's a lot more shit we develop because we can sell it than shit we develop because we need it.

>> No.4655637


For instance, let's say we jump to communism today.

Communism relies upon abundance. Shit is not very abundant right now. We don't have much fuel left, and we haven't developed any feasibly effective alternative fuels. Pretty quickly, once we start trying to provide for everyone equally, we're going to run right the fuck out of fuel. Transportation suffers, which means it'll be that much more difficult to farm. It'll also be nigh-impossible to distribute whatever food we DO have to everyone evenly. Our manufacturing industry will crash, and any abundances we have right now that were dependent upon that fuel source (i.e. all of them) will rapidly become scarcities. People will start starving. Riots will break out. Violence will ensue. And we'll either return to a damaged and even less-developed Capitalist society, our we'll descend into chaos.

>> No.4655638

Yea i can make stuff up too.

>> No.4655640

That's great!

It's a shame you can't read though.

>> No.4655641

Tell me what problem communism solves that capitalism doesnt solve better.

>> No.4655642


Type your own words next time

>> No.4655643

Those are my own words, I am Lankist you dimwit. I didn't feel like re-typing all the bullshit again.

>> No.4655647

intellectual property

>> No.4655645

How about fair distribution of wealth you ingrate

>> No.4655646

Well heres a big flaw for you

>socialism establishes an abundance
It redistributes any abundance, but it does nto create that abundance. Infact it retards the capacity to create abundances.

>> No.4655655

Why should you have controlling stock in a company you have no understanding of. You think wealth is in gold coins that can be split up and given away?

>> No.4655657

Why should you have say in a government that you have no understanding of. You think freedom is really free and can be given away?

>> No.4655658
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I can say nouns too.

>> No.4655661
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>all socialism is marxist
>marxist socialism is communism

>> No.4655662

Do you know what socialism is?

Are you American?

Socialism is when the community controls the means of production, distribution, and exchange. The community knows best because they are feeding themselves, essentially. So yes, it does create abundance.

>> No.4655665

>Communism was never tried!!!

>> No.4655668

I know youre *trying* to be clever but you really make no sense. So lets get back to this redistrubtion of wealth. You want it "more fair". Ok, what does that mean. Those who do get paid their fair value for their contributions? Those who consume pay a fair value for the services and goods they consume? Sounds reasonable to me. how does communism do this better then capitalism?

>> No.4655671

It wasn't though

>> No.4655669

You can't, as I own the rights to that noun.

>> No.4655673

>the community knows best

You must not meet many average people.

>> No.4655674

Are you a monarchist?

>> No.4655675

>I know youre *trying* to sound smart but you really make no sense. So lets get back to this redistrubtion of wealth. You want it "more fair". Ok, what does that mean. Those who do get paid their fair value for their contributions? Those who consume pay a fair value for the services and goods they consume? Sounds reasonable to me. how does capitalism do this better then communism?

>> No.4655676

Americans have practiced socialism throughout the history of the Republic, they're just loathe to call it that. Any time you hear about a "cooperative" or a "collective," it's socialism.

>> No.4655677

Thanks for the noun you worked so hard to make, I made it into a movie that destroyed the meaning you slaved to design for and made it a cheap action thriller. People will remember you and the explosion packed action scenes of "the Brothers ASSimov"

>> No.4655683

I don't mind as long as you pay your royalties.

>> No.4655684

By allowing competition, and the freedom for those who want to participate to do so.

>> No.4655685

Yes it was.

Examples of decent communist states that have tried to exist while being absolutely surrounded by non-communistic states that actively tried to meddle in their affairs, sometimes even violently.


Communism cannot work if capitalism is still around. That's not how it should work or how it was intended to work.

>> No.4655686

Hahaha, but the community decided this was better. Sorry you know nothing.

>> No.4655688

Keep in mind that I am applying anarchist nations as communist nations, as they are mostly identical in final form. The only difference is the method by which the communist/anarchist nation is achieved. I also included 'proper' Marxist states.

>> No.4655691


>> No.4655693

Youre right, communism can only survive if the better system, capitalism, is destroyed.

An artificial survival of the fittest, once you remove the fittest.

>> No.4655700

>i am dense, please pay attention to me

What part of communism not being the arch nemesis of capitalism did you not understand? It isn't an awfully difficult concept to grasp. Really, just read that sentence a couple of times maybe you have misread it.

>> No.4655704

Please re-read and think about that last sentence carefully.

>> No.4655707

The problem with the capitalist system is that it is predicated on a scarcity-driven model of social relations. For that, it is an efficient distribution model; if resources are scarce, and individuals are going to fall through the cracks regardless of what happens, capitalism provides a method of limiting that number based on an incentivization model. But what happens when basic amenities are no longer scarce? We continue to enforce an inequitable distribution for the sake of upholding the system? All while capital inevitably conglomerates and coalesces into the hands of a miniscule minority? Why?

The point of the system is to best serve society's needs and interests, not the other way around. Whether the world stage is really ready for a post-capitalist socio-economic system is certainly open to debate, but I find it hard to believe that the capitalist system is the end-all be-all of socio-economic relations.

>> No.4655708

Communism can only exist without Capitalism. How is it not the arch nemesis?

>> No.4655709


We have ten fields to produce wheat, we will use this system and divide the food to those most deserving based on our opinions. The community has decided.


we have ten feilds of wheat and will provide the food to those who provide the most valuable exchange.

Jon has capitalized on this situation and found a way to increase the yield to 11 bushels.

>> No.4655710


>> No.4655715

The two cannot exist in the same area, because one destroys the other.

>> No.4655717

>based on our opinions. The community has decided.


>> No.4655719

We stop caring about those amenities and work on other aspects of our life to improve.

The US has clean water and electricity and cars, then we built space ships.

Now electricity is expensive, we are working on the best solution to that problem.

>> No.4655720

Because it's part of the theoretical, ideal transition of society. I explained it above.

>Feudalism -> Capitalism -> Socialism -> Communism

Communism cannot exist first WITHOUT capitalism. Because then people will just starve because there is no proper infrastructure or mass-manufacturing.

XD, epic bro! how do i upvote this epic post?

>> No.4655723

Sorry the community does not agree with your opinion.

>> No.4655730

gets mad




For being "the smartest board on 4chan" I'm surprised how easy it is to get you guys to fling your shit around the room

>> No.4655731

No, why exist side by side, he means if the US was to progress through your imaginary system to a communist state, it would not survive because other nations would not be communist.

>> No.4655735
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>tfw China is capitalism-ing so rapidly Americans are shitting themselves

End-communism soon comrades

>> No.4655736

Communism =/= Socialism

>> No.4655743
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All these people who don't know what Communism is

I thought I was on /lit/

>> No.4655745

Oh so who decides things, you do? You get to control your wheat produce? that sounds awfully capitalistic you facist. The community has voted that you be sent to Siberia.

>> No.4655754

Nobody makes decisions, the magical best case is always done because the community is better by nature of combined sharing of yea communism doesn't make sense.

>> No.4655759

How To Be A Communist

Step 1. Say you're a Communist
Step 2. Repeat U DONT NO WUT COMMUNISM IS! until better educated people stop giving you history lessons
(Optional) Step 3. Write apologetics for terror regimes, and then pretend later on that you never did so, when all the pictures of skull piles start coming out

>> No.4655760

Its amazing what a couple billion people can do when they realize "lets make my life better and not some immeasurable contribution to the PEOPLE REPUBLIC!"

>> No.4655761

>Still continues to spout rubbish that's not a part of Communism

>> No.4655766

The difference between "a collective" and "a capitalist" is the same difference as "democracy" and "dictator" but on a smaller, corporate scale.

>> No.4655767

then go move there and enjoy your $750 a month wage at the factory

>> No.4655768

>still makes wishy washy claims about how everything will magically get done

so yea, who makes decisions or was the plan just for things to work and be better by magical nature of being better.

>> No.4655771

>fuck off retard

Nobody is talking about countries. You are, again, missing the point of communism. Communism refers to society for a reason. As in, global society. It cannot work when there are capitalist nations still around because the ideals interfere with one another and spark animosity.

The world is not ready for communism yet because we still lack proper infrastructure or mass-produce for the entire world. In a few decades or maybe even centuries, the world WILL start transition towards a more communist society whether you like it or not, because it is the theoretical end-point of society. Capitalism is just a tiny yet important step in the whole process, communism and capitalism aren't even comparable.

Cave man and astronaut.

The astronaut couldn't be an astronaut if the cave man hadn't learned to make fire first, as I've said.

>> No.4655774

I'll move there once capital is fully abolished.

>> No.4655775

PROtip: Communism is for the Proles

>> No.4655782

The cave man, communism, cannot exist because it is build on the idea of all men being equal, which they are not.

>> No.4655787

>gets mad


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFzIZW2LYoM [Embed]

For being "the smartest board on 4chan" I'm surprised how easy it is to get you guys to fling your shit around the room

>> No.4655789

Define equal

>> No.4655791

The cave man is capitalism, you idiot.

>it is build on the idea of all men being equal

No it isn't. Read a book.

>> No.4655797

ITT a bunch of plebs thinking they can make a difference once their collective voice is counted.

Shouting useless shit through a megaphone is still useless shit.
The collective masses of the proles and pleb will never add more to the world then the labor a robot can do, and as such, they cannot effectively compete with those who create and produce. Communism is doomed to fail because it is inefficient by nature. It tries to equalize what is not equal. The community does not know best. For communism to work there must be a far better educated society, and in such a society, the evils of capitalism will be reduced since consumers will be educated and with the lack of evils people will see no need for communism.

>> No.4655802

Communists sure tell people thats not true alot without ever providing whats actually true.

>> No.4655811
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>implying technology isn't what's going to lead us to communism utopia once it has practically eliminated scarcity

git gud

>> No.4655814

>All those people inventing technology will do it to become the next Mark Zuckerberg.

>> No.4655821

>For communism to work there must be a far better educated society, and in such a society, the evils of capitalism will be reduced since consumers will be educated and with the lack of evils people will see no need for communism.

>> No.4655833

Except that is the exact same theoretical end-point communism speaks of.

Guy basically described communism and then went; "Hah! Nobody will want communism anymore!".

Capitalism with the 'reduced evils' IS communism.

>> No.4655842

>Capitalism with the 'reduced evils' IS communism.

No. Please stop these over simplifications. There will still be states, there will still be money, the classes may exist, with the poor being brought up, but still with rich, there will NOT be common ownership of resources and industry.

>> No.4655852

Those opaque sunglasses weren't really, you know, useful.

>> No.4655858

Oh - and gulags.

>> No.4655862

I don't consider communism to be a replacement. I'd even refer to it as post-capitalism if I wouldn't be shunned to death.

>Communism is doomed to fail because it is inefficient by nature
Capitalists and libertarians argue that decentralization (democracy, less authority) increases efficiency, but when it comes to the stateless order of communism, it becomes inefficient. How come? The highly centralized socialist governments we've seen thus far is not the desired goal, and I personally don't advocate this path.

>It tries to equalize what is not equal
It's meant to stifle authority by shifting power into the hands of the proletariat via democraticy (collective). What sounds better to you: a wide range of stock holders, or a few?

>The community does not know best
Do you believe in democracy?

>For communism to work there must be a far better educated society, and in such a society, the evils of capitalism will be reduced since consumers will be educated and with the lack of evils people will see no need for communism.
The idea is that after this happens, they'll realize they don't need the atlases.

The internet is the greatest display of communism: where information flows practically uncontrolled, unlimited and with no regards to property holders and authority.

>> No.4655866

What evils and what education are you then speaking of?

>> No.4655876

Monopolies, shitty companies screwing people over, disregard for the environment or employees for a quick dollar.

These problems can be fixed without removing all currencies, states, positions of authority.

>> No.4655883

>It tries to equalize what is not equal
It's meant to stifle authority by shifting power into the hands of the proletariat via democraticy (collective).

Are you suggesting a random person knows how best to run a company?

>> No.4655897

>with no regards to property holders and authority.

Try not paying your bill.
Also, tell that to the Chinese.

>> No.4655906

>Are you suggesting a random person knows how best to run a company?

A collective of different expertise and perspective does. A king has always only been as good as his advisors who has always been running the actual show.

>> No.4655907

Your definitions of democracy is narrow. The collective can decide to install their own boss "who knows how to run a company", but the difference is that they can depose him too - like we already do on a state level. Or would you prefer if we, "who don't know how to run a state", we're run by a royal house with no say in their business?

>> No.4655915

So let those who are good at running an X business work in the X industry. How does capitalism not allow this?

>> No.4655919

Or we could use the current system, where CEOs are disposed of all the time.

>> No.4655932

It can, and many do, but you can easily have companies where a few steals the fruits of the collective effort as well.

>> No.4655933

not the other guy but the communist criticism isnt that the capitalist system doesn't put the best possible people in charge (not that it often does) but that the capitalist system in inefficient.
also according to lenin every cook should be capable of running the state

>> No.4655939

inefficient and exploitative I should say

>> No.4655942

Lenin should've seen the complexity our 150 years of division of labor has let to.

>> No.4655953

him and marx would probably have been quite shocked.
though i will say that while the society and system that marx analyzed have long gone, modern capitalism has fulfilled many marxist predictions

>> No.4655972

Centralized planning can't work effectively except in a post-scarcity society.

>> No.4655978

>It can only work efficiently when there is no need for efficiency

Sounds useful.

>> No.4655989

why arent you an anarcho-communist then

>> No.4655994

Well it's been tried many times historically, it's always been pretty crumby. Socialism is only viable with decentralized, self-management by workers, even where there's a state. Communism is hypothetically post-scarcity anarchist, but many states have tried to enact it and it's always been bureaucratic as fuck and back.

>> No.4655997

Because anarcho PLUS MY IDEOLOGY is obtuse.

>> No.4656014

not really, anarchism has many different forms which occupy both ends if the political spectrum, anarch-liberalism and anarcho- communism are very different. anarcho simply indicates the lack of a conventional centralized state. so you can attach it to basically anything that doesn't necessitate a large government

>> No.4656038

Anarchism is a government made up of those it represents. Once a government isn't made up entirely of those it represents, then it becomes a state, which can be good or bad depending. If you support anarchism, then your ideology necessary takes a back seat, since anarchism is community-based government and that could entail anything from racial supremacy to capitalism to communism to primitivism to theocracy By support anarchism, you support whichever system the community votes on all-inclusively and democratically, your ideology is just one voice out of many and you denigrate your commitment to anarchism by attaching it as a suffix.

>> No.4656047

One of the best posts in this Thread

>> No.4656064

"During the first weeks of the war, courts of law were replaced by revolutionary tribunals. Extrajudicial killings by militants and vigilantes soon followed." Sounds like a fine place to live.

>> No.4656092

first of all i would comment that i find teh system you describe to be preferable to the current one, and practically all systems of state which i known of. and since i am also a communist than i fit perfectly with your definition of anarcho communist. however i would also note that my interpretation of communism also entails post-scarcity. which in my opinion would logically invalidate all other systems of living except psycho religious extremism.
also there is the other interpretation of anarchism which is no one forcing a system of living upon anyone else, which is of course incompatible with all other ideologies and paradoxical to actually try to implement. though there are some who support it

>> No.4656103

I think that's more just part of civil war, then it is anarchism.

>> No.4656107

Civil war is anarchism, anarchism is civil war

>> No.4656119

Anarchism is generally distinguished from anarchy

>> No.4656125

then what the fuck is pacifist-anarchism

>> No.4656128


>> No.4656130

meant for
though it still kinda applies

>> No.4656133

Anarchists who are pacifists.

>> No.4656185

This is the ridiculous argument they make in middle school to dismiss socialism as a whole before even teaching us what this is.

I'm not even joking, the extent of my education about what socialism is throughout grade, middle and high school was that one example without explaining anything else about it. The teacher would say: "communism is a form of government where everybody is equal. It sounds nice but it doesn't work because [doctor example]."

In a communist state, wouldn't the only people who become doctors have a very genuine interest in helping people and be well aware of the challenges they're choosing to take?

>> No.4656363

GJ explaining why the argument is ridiculous.
Why would you go through all the effort to be a doctor just to help people? there are better ways to help people that don't require you to spend the best years of your life constantly stressed out. the average American visits a doctor less than four times a year. I haven't been to a doctor since I was a kid for something that would've healed on its own anyway. if you take care of yourself doctors are mostly unnecessary. many specialized fields are a product of capitalism. optometrists just spend all day doing eye exams and prescribing lens. many corrective lenses prescriptions are unnecessary. in a communist society people who are nearsighted could have a job that doesn't require them to see far away and vice versa. an ophthalmologist could do it all anyway. with a fraction of the of work to become a doctor you could become the best burger flipper ever and spread joy every day to all those who get to eat your burger

>> No.4656577

At least for modern countries, our "shortages" aren't really anything big. We are post scarcity already. Food and housing is not scarce at all in America, but yet we still treat it as such.

>> No.4656621


>> No.4656632

I want to be able to be rich in comparison to other people, and don't really care that they are less well off.

>> No.4656642

Thank you for writing this. Too bad all the capitalist assholes will still parade the same tired arguments.

You know the difference between the USSR and the USA? People in the USSR knew they were being lied to.

>> No.4656663

>You know the difference between the USSR and the USA? People in the USSR knew they were being lied to.
awesome!! who told you that? your 5th grade english teacher?

>> No.4657068

I'm not saying it's a bad point, really. But it's presented poorly by teachers who don't understand what they're saying and grew up absorbing anti-soviet propaganda so that the extent of the knowledge about communism is that it's baaaad but looks good on paper! on paper I've never read, that is

>> No.4657112

>actually fucking read a book about it.
Where do you think we are?

>> No.4657127

>Why would you go through all the effort to be a doctor just to help people?

Why would anyone go through all the insane effort to be the world's best spinning on a beam gymnast just for a shiny medal that isn't even that valuable? According to your conception of human will this should be impossible. And yet the Olympics has been a thing for centuries, and there are tones of lesser variations on the same theme of profitless self-perfection.

Human nature is MUCH MUUUUUUUUCH more complex than a simple grade school anti-communist though killing cliche can encapsulate, but if you wanted to even scratch the surface then you might start with the fact that people crave recognition by their peers. I'm pretty sure most people admire those with an M.D. In fact, that's why many probably dream of being a doctor instead of a banker (a potentially much more lucrative job with much less demanding hours and stress).

>> No.4657154

>Capitalist sympathizers claim that communists are hypocrites committing a no true Scotsman fallacy when they explain that communism qua communism has never been achieved.
>The moment anyone mentions the failures of capitalist systems these same capitalist sympathizers always explain that "true"/"pure" capitalism has never been achieved.

>Capitalist sympathizers claim communism is obviously bad and wrong because communists have killed people
>The moment anyone mentions that capitalists have killed exponentially more than people just for the capitalists' own greed it's not a problem anymore

>> No.4657164
File: 247 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking moron , I was born in Moscow during the commie regime, where crime was rampant and there was no food on the shelves and when food was shipped people would line up for blocks to buy a piece of bread.

I love North Americans constantly trying to resurrect a theory that has no valuable application, as they enjoy stuffing their faces with McDicks being open 24 hours a day.

>> No.4657169

>Why would you go through all the effort to be a doctor just to help people?
Jesus Christ, think for one second about this. Really, deeply think about it.

>> No.4657178
File: 43 KB, 640x474, derp clooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this like a new version of the "graduated top of the navy seals" copypasta?

>> No.4657197

yeah, whatever statist fucking shit.

>> No.4657227


Olympics athletes are compensated, maybe not directly. The payment of travel abroad is enough for most.

The admiration of being a doctor is just another form of income.

>> No.4657231

so let's just skip the ad-hominem here and get down to the real problem.

Marx would have us believe that classes are compounding into simpler forms. Experience seems to suggest it's the complete opposite and the principles of evolution seem to generally confirm it.

I have problems when people talk about a world where there is no division of labour but nobody talks about who cleans the machines

>> No.4657248
File: 721 KB, 446x251, Whats wrong with you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT people think the worlds demand for doctors will be met by people who just want to do good

No one argues "true capitalism doesn't exist" they argue the flaws can be fixed by reasonable measures, not the removal of all classes, currency and authority.

>> No.4657270


Communists/socials/cunts commonly define capitalism as the private ownership of property. I would say in the world today, capitalism doesn't exist, because the state can confiscate anyone's property whenever they want. If communists/socials say they are working towards a stateless society, but start it off with confiscation, they are no different or more just than the state.

>> No.4657296

>Communists/socials/cunts commonly define capitalism as the private ownership of property.
Anyone with a brain should use that definition. It's simply, logical, and historically correct. Doesn't matter who came up with it first.

>> No.4657304

it's economically unsound

>> No.4657309
File: 62 KB, 381x502, liberal_idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me Comrade 209538
>73 inches 175 pound proud soviet citizen
>Near sighted so given job by glories state as factory worker
>Live in studio apartment and share bathroom with five other family's
>Appointed doctor claims I don't need glasses so no drivers licences for me. Not that I could actually own a car but I always wanted to be a truck driver.
>Use public transport for work and only work. I can't really have a social life making 1.30 an hour. What with my crippling alcoholism and all.
>Two years latter I'm fired.
>On unemployment for six months nothing happens
>Start new job an even more decrepit factory making lead based toys for rich kids in Africa.
>Get fired again. I can hardly paint my sights getting so bad if only they would brighten the lights a little, to hell with conserving power
>Spent a full year out of work this time. Nothing changes I still drink Vlad and read government approved books, still get 4 hours of electricity too so I never miss my ellen degeneres
> Continue these lifestyle in till my time spent at work gets shorter and shorter.
>Eventually state notices and i'm taken in by secret police.
>Brought before the grand chancellor. Hillary Clinton. Try to explain my situation and assure them that I filled a doctors appointment request six months ago. If only they left me alone for another four months I might of been penciled in.
>My request falls on deaf ears I'm taken to room 101.
>Shot dead my corpse is used to make dog food. My remaining family is charged for the bullet used to kill me.

>> No.4657480


They tend to go beyond that. To them capitalism is the "exploitation" of workers, something something, rich people are evil.

>> No.4657556

>No one argues "true capitalism doesn't exist"
>pure capitalism has never existed in the galaxy so far.

>> No.4657568

Right, because it's communism that's created every single one of the bubbles and crises that necessarily occur in every capita--
Oh, wait.