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4650529 No.4650529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think Zizek would say if he did an analysis of 4chan?

Also on that topic, is there any good sociological/psychoanalysis out there of online communities such as 4chan, Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook, etc etc?

>> No.4650542

Probably something incomprehensible. It's amazing that the guys knows so many languages and doesn't make sense in any of them.

>> No.4650549

Some pithy folk philosophy.

>> No.4650554

Or perhaps you're just ignorant.

>> No.4650567

I think he would be interested, in the beginnings of 4chan, which was an "anarchistic" community of weebs drawn together by their love of Asian culture and then went on to create one of the most well recognized counter-cultures of the 21st century. I would think he would be very interested also in how self-deprecating 4chan was back in the day and also the rise of the "trolling for lulz" stuff of the early 4chan (Hal Turner, Tom Green, Girl Chat etc etc)

I'm not to sure what he would say though about the hijacking of 4chan culture by far-right groups such as stormfront, who turned, what was entirely parody and absurdity, into flat out serious racism, reaction and morale grandstanding.

What I personally can never understand, is how /pol/ and /int/ can take themselves seriously, when they are on a website and community that was designed specifically for multiculturalism, but is also well known for being the most "degenerate" place on the entire web which put things like Trap, Shota and Loli into the internet mainstream consciousness.

>> No.4650572

Holy shit you're autistic. Great minds I guess.

>> No.4650575

>psychoanalyst's daughter
>named analia

>> No.4650579

I thought it was alright.

>> No.4650583

Spot on analysis. I've been on this site nearly ten years now and it was responsible for introducing my fourteen year old brain to all sorts of degenerate concepts. Every time I hear a /pol/tard talk about degeneracy I get a little sad. I also get sad when I have to type in captchas.

>> No.4650585


If only we could co-ordinate a /pol/ raid.

>> No.4650587


why? it was an insightful comment

>> No.4650593


Didn't you get the memo? The whole point of this site is to be edgy as fuck, and the edgiest thing you can do is not care about something. If you put any thought whatsoever into what you post, you have autism, because you aren't being edgy enough.

>> No.4650594

>What I personally can never understand, is how /pol/ and /int/ can take themselves seriously, when they are on a website and community that was designed specifically for multiculturalism, but is also well known for being the most "degenerate" place on the entire web which put things like Trap, Shota and Loli into the internet mainstream consciousness.

Bunch of unlikeable NEETs who have little to no social skills and their view of reality is mainly through TV, Internet, video games and anime.

Think they are utter genius and the rest of humanity are just plebs who can't appreciate their perfection.

Never been laid, even though they have never spoken to a girl, or they were turned down once because they were uninteresting autists.

Massive false victim complex, due to the inability to do self-criticism and self-reflection.

People with agendas (stormfront.org have an entire board dedicated to /pol/ and 4chan) exploit this complex, give a hugbox meaning of life to the autists that blames everyone else but them, this quickly spreads through astroturfing turning an entire community into the far-right.

Vanguardism isn't limited to Communists.

Also from my experience of most /pol/fags is that many of them are newfags that didn't understand 4chan's style of humour and took it seriously, this is why you see so many /pol/fags say that 4chan was always seriously racist, conservative and the majority of 4channers are god fearing Christians.

>> No.4650603

It didn't contain any needless jargon, jokes, or aphorisms. One paradoxical belief, but it wasn't presented in the form of a joke.


>> No.4650604

I dont know but I really wish someone of genius would do it. I wonder if 4chan has ever had a genius frequent it extensively and over a long period of time. Being an internet community, and being entirely anonymous, it is quite unlike almost all human communities preceding it. There are surely a lot of interesting patterns to be noted.

>> No.4650616

There's caring and not caring and then there's not caring about caring or not caring. This anon is on such a high level of edginess that they wrote a non-edgy post. Zizek would say they did it for jouissance. We, however, would say they did it for the lulz.

>> No.4650617

>I wonder if 4chan has ever had a genius frequent
UMMMMM.. Hello? Tao Lin posts here all the time.

>> No.4650624


Really its just a constant escalation of being as contrarian as possible. So even if you don't care about whether you care or not, you still contribute to the edgy bullshit.

Really, the only way to escape it is to care about what you post.

>> No.4650645

Remember this scene from David Fincher's fight club?
It's just like the Bloody Sunday event in the Russian Revolution.
Marxist analysis explains why this is.
But not in the way your average leftist would interpret it, no no, I would argue the opposite!
You see the Ukrainian Revolution?
The most correct revolutionary view to take on this is surprisingly the view of the conservatives!
This is because of Marxist Dialectics and so on and so on.
This reminds me of dissident joke we used to say in Slovenia
The FBI, CIA, and KGB are in a competition to find rabbit in wood fastest.
24 hours CIA takes, using several informants and extraditions to black spots, they concluded rabbit does not exist

2 hours FBI takes, claiming rabbit resisted and was put down with lethal force

20 minutes KGB takes, returns with bear, bear claims he is rabbit, his mother and father were rabbits.


>> No.4650648

Go to bed Tao.

>> No.4650653


Enjoy OP

>> No.4650654

Holy shit. Zizek posts on 4chan. Pound the alarm.

>> No.4650661

>Bunch of unlikeable NEETs who have little to no social skills and their view of reality is mainly through TV, Internet, video games and anime.

>Think they are utter genius and the rest of humanity are just plebs who can't appreciate their perfection.

>Never been laid, even though they have never spoken to a girl, or they were turned down once because they were uninteresting autists.

>Massive false victim complex, due to the inability to do self-criticism and self-reflection.

Have you ever tried thinking for yourself instead of just repeating cliches? Yawn.

>4chan was always seriously racist

That's true though.

>conservative and the majority of 4channers are god fearing Christians.

I've never seen someone on /pol/ claim either of these things.

>> No.4650664
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>> No.4650665

butterfly, i just had this intricate sense memory of you being tao lin and us hangin' out and eating thai food in my st. paul apartment atop of a towel 'n' a hard wood floor.

this never happened to me. what is going on? :(

>> No.4650677


Not false ones, especially when most 4channers admit they are jaded virgins.
Also it's blatantly obvious that /pol/fags have ego's through the fucking roof from their posts alone.

>That's true though.

Lol no.
4chan raided Hal Turner, 4chan used to constantly raid Stormfront.org. Cardcaptor Will was one of the most beloved 4chan personalities.
4chan's "racism" has always just been edgy, absurd humour, not serious racism.

>I've never seen someone on /pol/ claim either of these things.

And I've had them claim it dozens of times when I call them out for being newfags.

>> No.4650680

>Bunch of unlikeable NEETs
This is really an inaccurate depiction of 4chan. I would guesstimate that the majority of 4chan is underaged b&s who are in compulsory education and hence are only NETs.

>> No.4650699

>eating thai food in my st. paul apartment atop of a towel 'n' a hard wood floor.
Getting a picture. Focus. Focus...
>this never happened to me. what is going on?
Hell if I know. Why do I look like Tao to you?

>> No.4650703

I think the biggest difference between new and old 4chan was humor and politics.

/pol/ tries to force it's shit fucking everywhere. It's outright impossible to have serious analytic discussion on most 4chan boards about some TV show or movie or game without /pol/fags entirely hijacking the thread.

/pol/ isn't funny. They are serious racists who post up graphs and IQ nonsense and other cherry picked data to try prove their point, then censor anyone they don't agree with through sheer shitposting (olololol >>>reddit), abstraction (>implying *insert scientific field here* is legitimate) or outright ignoring whatever anybody else says, while continuing with their nonsense.

if /pol/ was supposed to be "containment" like /mlp/ and /fur/ were, it has totally and utterly failed, since /pol/ are actually trying to spread agenda and hijack other boards, while pony/furfags just want to jack off to their pictures of animals. /pol/ has given stormfront a megaphone on 4chan.

>> No.4650704

4cthan izh szhit!

>> No.4650706

Also if you can't tell the difference between Happy Negro/pool aids and actually posting graphs and spouting stormfront neo-nazi shit, then you are a complete retard.

>> No.4650707

Wow, I'm a philosophy undergrad and now I know the secret way the world really works.

>> No.4650708

you don't really but all of a sudden you decided you were tao lin and you had hung out with me two summers ago in my really airy apartment watching leaving las vegas and crying and not having internet for three months.

>> No.4650711

>Not false ones, especially when most 4channers admit they are jaded virgins.
Also it's blatantly obvious that /pol/fags have ego's through the fucking roof from their posts alone.

Stop taking posts at face value anon.

>4chan raided Hal Turner, 4chan used to constantly raid Stormfront.org. Cardcaptor Will was one of the most beloved 4chan personalities.
>4chan's "racism" has always just been edgy, absurd humour, not serious racism.

Oh, please. You think someone can't be seriously racist without liking Hal Turner and Stormfront? Most of /pol/ still laughs at Stormfront. Why would any serious white nationalist feel anything but disgust for a community of Nazi-cosplaying rednecks?

>And I've had them claim it dozens of times

So you say, but I've spent an insane amount of time on /pol/ since 2011 and you're just not correct in my experience.

>> No.4650712
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Whatever floats your boat. :)

>> No.4650713
File: 52 KB, 526x784, 1391910288079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total newfags, this is not describe the imageboard culture at all. The two major factors are the anonymity (semi-anonymity) and transiency (in the 404 of threads and the lack of persistent identity between and often even within them). Any theory of 4chan has to begin there.
Amd board culture is a constant struggle against degeneration (not in /pol/'s sense), absorption into the constant influx of foreign identity-based (and critically stifling) net cultures. They respond with a feigned surface "edginess" and it results in increased notoriety. An arms race of contrarianism is a misinterpretation, it's a cold war in contest with the (de)sensitivity of the flood of newcomers.
The edginess, posting gore and CP, etc. is just a defense mechanism to defend the core culture (centered around anonymity and transcienty) from being dissolved into outside cultures (irc, forums, tumblr, reddit; all bit on stronger social governing mechanisms (than the imageboards two sole precepts: transcieny and anonymity) listed in order of descending critical agency and organic communication).

4chan is not set against the internet or the world, the world is set against it, as it is of all "counter" cultures that truly manage to form a route (however tenuous) outside of the homogenizing apparatus.

>> No.4650715

>serious white nationalist

>> No.4650721

> actually posting graphs and spouting stormfront neo-nazi shit

This is just as funny as "Happy Negro/pool aids" if you aren't a mentally repressed normie. Oh no, they're committing thought crimes! lol. Why are you even on 4chan if you think this way.

>> No.4650719
File: 33 KB, 307x409, 1360291221436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw >>4650653 is literally titled 4chan and /b/: An Analysis of Anonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online Community

guess I was right

>> No.4650723

>What do you think Zizek would say if he did an analysis of 4chan?
Well seeing how zizek is a retard and his theories are full of marxist bullshit, I'm sure he would see us as horrible bourgeoisie capitalists or something

>> No.4650728

>tfw you will never eat thai food and cry and metamorphosize into a beautiful butterfly like tao has

>> No.4650729

>I'm not to sure what he would say though about the hijacking of 4chan culture by far-right groups such as stormfront,

4chan was ALWAYS a far right anarchist group

You're actually denying this? lol

>> No.4650730

>If only we could co-ordinate a /pol/ raid.
/pol/ would destroy this board

>> No.4650734

>right-wing anarchy
hmmmm.... something seems suspicious here...

>> No.4650738
File: 438 KB, 368x178, 0u4bQLU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is perfect for my shit-ass group discovery project on free speech in relation to the internet

>> No.4650739
File: 143 KB, 1200x800, 1382749380942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmmmm.... something seems suspicious here...
"left" anarchy is statism

unless it's mutualism

those are the rules

>> No.4650741

I think the biggest irony of 4chan's contrarism is that it is the biggest cancer killing 4chan and it's culture.

Now Original Content is looked down upon as "tumblrshit".

Because of the perception Reddit it center-left (go on worldnews and you will see that they are actually mostly center-right), most of 4chan has become far-left.

Because of the boogyman of identity politics, we now get nonstop offtopic threads about "OMG FEMINISTS ARE RUINING 4CHAN" then 450+ posts about how SJW's have destroyed this site... when I don't think I've ever seen a feminist or SJW post outside of /lit/.

/pol/ are the single most cancerous contrarian edgy fedora tipping bunch of fucktards possibly on the entire internet, who actively go out of their way to stifle open discussion over all the boards.

The sad thing about 4chan, is that Tumblr is far, far closer to what 4chan used to be, than what 4chan is now.

>> No.4650749

>I think the biggest irony of 4chan's contrarism is that it is the biggest cancer killing 4chan and it's culture

Oh fuck off nothing is "killing 4chan and it's culture" you fucking Luddite

>> No.4650751
File: 17 KB, 320x472, altmann-hancocks-recording.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get all the /pol/ whining itt. I don't see it as much here on /lit/ but clearly the major problem sweeping 4chan as well as the rest of the internet (especially in comic and videogame communities (/co/, yes; /v/, no, but almost every videogame journalistic outlet, yes) is the incredibly idiotic, poorly funded tumblr feminism and all the the dumb humanism that comes with it.

You'd assume /lit/ would be aware of it considering how much it's infested college, too.
It's an extremely flawed ideology that is based on playing pretend-academia at best, in the same way kids play house, they make up little terms and make little psycholanalytical interpretations and feign an "open" forum while their politics have them smother all criticism, disregard all actual scholarship and weigh their critique purely on the speaker's identity and use of the coded terminology.

And of course with their blind reliance on the tumblr social apparatus and total exploitation by the new data farming algorithmic content producers, it's hard to say how much of it is even their own dumb fault. They're definitely not headed in the direction of their own (purported) interests, but is that simply because there are other, less "humane" forces at work behind them? Either way, /pol/, or legitimate right-wing conservatism, is definitely the least of the trouble.

>> No.4650754

Somebody didn't understand shit.
You fags should stop discussing anarchism until you've actually read about it.

>> No.4650756

>4chan was ALWAYS a far right anarchist group
>You're actually denying this? lol


One most people didn't openly care about politics like the way they are plasted all over 4chan like they are now. The reason politics are now so prevalent on 4chan is because /pol/ tries to spread its shit everywhere.

Most political movements from 4chan have been Left wing or Left-Libertarian in nature. (Chanology, Anonymous, attacking hal turner, attacking stormfront, attacking westboro baptist church, attacking Fox)

4chan has never been far-right until /new/ and /pol/ and extension lots of /int/ shitposting.

Again, explain cardcaptor will, explain why 4chan used to openly raid racist communities.

>> No.4650758
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>> No.4650759


>ignores that Feminists/SJW never actually post on 4chan.

>> No.4650760

4chan is a nebulous collection of random fucking people you fucking sophists. Stop making generalization fallacies

>> No.4650762

4chan is clearly a community with culture and fucktonnes of groupthink.

>> No.4650764

Complaining about shitposting is just as bad as shitposting. Defeners drag down the board just as much as the people they say are supposedly ruining it. Fuck them

>> No.4650767

So is every collection of people, but we have zero fucking statistics on 4chan users so trying to paint demographics o it is useless and is just a massive waste of time. Every single persons view will be fallacious

>> No.4650769

>.. when I don't think I've ever seen a feminist or SJW post outside of /lit/.

Are you blind? It's everywhere. I just made this post >>4650751 and I allude to /co/, just visit the board.
/v/ makes long rage threads strawmanning only a vague threat, but it is a real presence in the industry. Look at kotaku, destructiod, rockpaperscissors. Indie games are completely consumed as well as most professional and lower level journalism, but still only a handful of AAA games have jumped on the new market.
The Last of Us is a clear example (esp with the new DLC) but the AC franchise too has moved alarmingly towards a very distorted humanist mis-rendering of history presented as true simulation (see Roger Travis on AC: http://www.playthepast.org/?p=4216 & http://www.playthepast.org/?p=4260).).

The problem with these discussions is that our understanding of foreign influence and board invasion obviously varies greatly between each board. I can only speak for what I've experienced, on here, /v/, /co/ and /tv/.

>> No.4650771

Jesus Christ what are you talking about.

You are a fucking newfag. I bet you haven't been here for more than half a year. Fucking fuck off you cancer.

>> No.4650773

Yeah well, you can't escape the grips of rewritten history

>> No.4650776

>You fags should stop discussing anarchism until you've actually read about it.
I have read countless left anarchists books.
Deal with it.

>One most people didn't openly care about politics like the way they are plasted all over 4chan like they are now.
They were still politically minded. They streamed penn and teller's bullshit like there was no tomorrow.

They were the major libertarian force on the internet

they regularly trolled leftists, it was hilarious

>because /pol/ tries to spread its shit everywhere.
/pol/ is classic 4chan trying to get out

>Most political movements from 4chan have been Left wing or Left-Libertarian in nature.

>(Chanology, Anonymous
As someone who physically took part in those raids as people next to me held up signs saying "free speech for everyone, even assholes"
I would have to say you are wrong

>attacking hal turner
Hal turner was an authoritarian. You can still be a racial realist and not be authoritarian.

>attacking Fox)
Not fox news you cunt, it was a subsidiary of fox

>4chan has never been far-right until /new/ and /pol/
You're a reddit shit shill making shit up.
You were never here, go back to somethingawful you fascist turd

>> No.4650778

Meant for >>4650756

>> No.4650784

And it's hard to pull examples out of my ass, but here's something /v/ was just riled up about:

>My personal position is that I have the right to be offended, and will fight for that right.

Beyond that, the idiot couldn't even understand the jokes satirizing other video games (got offended by a bite on nazi zombies that also directly mocked germany's own self-suppression and 'phobia' of their past, because it showed swastikas) so he concluded its humor relied solely on referencing the show's own events, meaning it's not true satire and so didn't earn the right to be offensive. It's just a single cherry picked example, but there it is.

>> No.4650787

Again, why should I care?


go fuck yourself.

I actually support the feminist movements that push for better writing in video games, television and movies.
Females are portrayed generally atrociously in these mediums almost to the point of embarrassment.

It's not only that, it's well documented how media affect how people actually view reality. One only needs to look at /co/ and /v/ and see why they are lonely virgins and how fucking delusional they are when it comes to women, I wonder why?

Sorry, there is simply no legitimate argument as to why women shouldn't get better representation in media and actually be portrayed as something else rather than male sex fantasy objects.

Anti-SJW/MRA's have always been a billion times more fucking annoying to me than SJW's. I've had massive arguments with feminists before, but they still haven't reached the level of delusion and ideological abstraction that most MRA's/Anti-SJW's have.

>> No.4650802

>Anti-SJW/MRA's have always been a billion times more fucking annoying to me than SJW's
Because you're an annoying SJW upset that there is backlash against you.

>> No.4650810

>there is simply no legitimate argument as to why women shouldn't get better representation in media and actually be portrayed as something else rather than male sex fantasy objects.

Yes there is, because video games were created by males, for males, and have always been a male space. Stop appropriating our culture.

If women were really just as good as men then butthurt feminists would make their own video games. Instead all they're apparently capable of doing with their emanicipation is agitating for /other people/ to make media that they like.

>> No.4650819

SJW are terrible people. I have a friend who's one. She's an oldfag as far as 4chan goes but she has the emotional stability of a 4 year old. I literally have to monitor what I say around her because she will get "triggered" and fly into a rage or start sobbing. To be honest, I hate her more than anyone else in my life. She's also obsessed with weird /d/ hentai. I would cut her out of my life if not for the fact her roommate is my favorite stoner in the world.

>> No.4650823

Two muh feminism threads on the front page, nice.

>> No.4650825

>They streamed penn and teller's bullshit like there was no tomorrow.

Wow, there were some Libertarians, shock and awe.

>they regularly trolled leftists, it was hilarious


>/pol/ is classic 4chan trying to get out

/pol/ is NOTHING like classic 4chan.
Perhaps you forget that 4chan was actually a board about JAPANESE CULTURE. 4chan was a board literally born upon multi-culturalism.

/pol/ are a bunch of largely neo-con edgy children who want to be ultra catholic and racist because the rest of Gen Y on the internet is generally incredibly progressive.

You also ignore that early 4chan mods were cunts and would banhammer posts and usersthey considered shit just for the sake of it. You weren't here, but I clearly remember entire threads with (user was banned for this post) because Snacks was drunk on power and detested shitposting. /pol/ is the definition of shitposting.

>As someone who physically took part in those raids as people next to me held up signs saying "free speech for everyone, even assholes"

Your point? Last time I looked, Chanology was largely an athiest led movement, again something /pol/ detests.
Anonymous are incredibly anti-right wing and anti-corporate, they are left-libertarian as you can fucking get on the net.

>Hal turner was an authoritarian. You can still be a racial realist and not be authoritarian.

Hal Turner was a psychotic shock jock racist and was easy to bait as fuck.

>Not fox news you cunt, it was a subsidiary of fox

Fox were attacked for the Lulz a corruption of lol, yellow van exploding bullshit.

>You're a reddit shit shill making shit up.
>You were never here, go back to somethingawful you fascist turd

>Claims I was never here
>blatantly has no clue what early 4chan was like

>> No.4650828

>Sorry, there is simply no legitimate argument as to why women shouldn't get better representation in media and actually be portrayed as something else rather than male sex fantasy objects.

Um, what about the fact that society itself is a biological construct and that there is a reason why women are portrayed as such?

>> No.4650829
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First you said SJW don't exist and don't have real influence on the boards complaining. I argued they do. Now you're saying it never mattered whether or not they exist, if they do it's probably a good thing anyway. If you always believed that, why pretend it was a fabrication in the first place? This is called moving the goal posts, you're playing dirty.

And I disagree that it's necessarily a good thing, as I alluded to in my second post:
>And of course with their blind reliance on the tumblr social apparatus and total exploitation by the new data farming algorithmic content producers, it's hard to say how much of it is even their own dumb fault. They're definitely not headed in the direction of their own (purported) interests, but is that simply because there are other, less "humane" forces at work behind them?
There are also some problems with your understanding of "writing" and the qualities of the mediums you listed but it's not worth going into that.

I wrote up my thoughts on 'vulgar feminism' and humanism last night:
It's partly an exposition of the greentext I just quoted (except for the part about tumblr's apparatus) but also brings up (just a couple) of the inherent problems with the position from my point of view. I have more that I did not detail. I think they're fair, It's not some MRA or /pol/ position, I share most of the same bottom ideals, I just don't think we're going about it in a way that will actually achieve that, like thinking in terms of media representation. Don't expect it to be a direct response to your own comment. Read it or don't, I'm not responding directly to your points because you don't actually seem interested in a discussion.

>> No.4650837

10/10 you're making me incredibly mad. But please just fuck off already. You are so new it hurts.

>> No.4650857

>Yes there is, because video games were created by males, for males, and have always been a male space

Lol wrong.

The modern video game market was aimed at Children and families. Nintendo with the NES marketed it as an family friendly console for everyone. Lots of research went into games to attract women, I bet you don't even know that the entire game Pacman was designed to bring women into arcades and it's artstyle and gameplay was designed after lengthy discussions with females about what they enjoy (the common theme that came up was eating and food).

>If women were really just as good as men then butthurt feminists would make their own video games. Instead all they're apparently capable of doing with their emanicipation is agitating for /other people/ to make media that they like.

You are so full of shit it hurts.

Females are not buying AAA games because they are targeted universally at teenage boys.
Any games that try buck the trend and do something that appeal to females, are usually smashed down by the Publisher (see: Remember Me scandal)

Games don't just appear from thin air, they have tens of millions of dollars budgets, which are provided by a publisher and publishers have no problem with keeping the market they have now.

This is why Indie games are often aimed at females and Nintendo often aims games at females/families because of their blue ocean strategy.

>> No.4650868

>Remember Me scandal
What happened? Can't find anything on google.

Also, there's no point responding to a post like that. He's either trolling or a total idiot, either way, taking him seriously will get the both of you nowhere.

>> No.4650870
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>/pol/ are a bunch of largely neo-con edgy children who want to be ultra catholic and racist because the rest of Gen Y on the internet is generally incredibly progressive.


>> No.4650872

Fictional works doesn't greatly effect perceptions about reality.

They're just used as a scapegoat during moral panics.

>> No.4650874

This thread is not about /pol/ or SJW. Stop shitposting.

>> No.4650889
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>The modern video game market was aimed at Children and families.

Why? Because of a single Nintendo marketing strategy? What a load of horseshit. This is the very definition of appropriation.

>Females are not buying AAA games

That's a lie.

>Games don't just appear from thin air, they have tens of millions of dollars budgets, which are provided by a publisher and publishers have no problem with keeping the market they have now.

So what? It's not publishers' responsibility to do anything about that. If there is a market for feminist games which "appeal to females" then why aren't feminists making those games and serving that market? Could it be that these feminist reformers are actually a tiny and out-of-touch group of ideologues who are only capable of whining and agitating because they know there is no market interested in their ideas? Either that or women are just inferior hags unwilling or incapable of striving for anything, see pic.

>> No.4650898

4chan used to use ultra right-wing arguments and ultra left-wing arguments as a sort of dialectical method of achieving aporia (lulz). Nowadays, however, these "troll" positions are seen as ends in themselves rather than means to an ends (once again, lulz). 4chan's activism was never about politics. It was about making political people butthurt. It was about lulz.

>> No.4650900


They actually do.


>> No.4650913
File: 439 KB, 662x960, 1394522503588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It astounds me how you guys got rused by an individual who, in my opinion, gets satisfaction from plagiarizing work and getting praise in an anonymous image board

>> No.4650914

>This is the very definition of appropriation.
No, it isn't. Why do two retards flinging shit at each other have to destroy every thread? What's the point in getting into such a petty fight. And feminists ARE making games to serve that market, obviously it's a small one but their dream is to infect everyone with their ideology so that their little market becomes the hegemony.
You leave open thess gaping holes in your understanding of the discourse for the idiot SJW to seize, all it accomplishes is for her to confirm her own views. You can't demolish her position without first understanding it.

What you should've said is, if its capitalism that pushes people to perpetuate bad ideologies and market to the majority while leaving out alternative and marginalized viewpoints, why do feminists work to perpetuate that economic ideology by working only to get the market operating on their terms, rather than criticizing the capitalist production of media altogether? And what would the result be? No response, just watch.

>> No.4650910

>Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

Oh PLEASE. Just the name of the "Institute" tells you immediately what kind of bias they are chasing.

Next you'll link me to a Cato Institute report about how libertarianism could solve all social ills.

>> No.4650922

>because the rest of Gen Y on the internet is generally incredibly progressive.
No they're not. lol
Oh wow ahahahahhaha

>> No.4650926

That hardly effects the overall cleverness of his post. Jokes are retold, it's in their nature to be "plagiarized", I doubt the author of the comic is the true source of the joke, and even if is he, it still means nothing.

>> No.4650930

Well, there are some notable and growing hotspots of right-wing dissent, but they pale in comparison to the massive growth of progressivism everywhere else, at least as far as I can tell.

>> No.4650932

Or he could have just uploaded the image.

I mean, even his approach to the joke could have been better

>> No.4650937

>Wow, there were some Libertarians, shock and awe.
All it was was libertarians. Lol they hated leftists
You don't remember ron paul /b/?

>/pol/ are a bunch of largely neo-con edgy children
Leftists are literal children, calling anyone else children at this point is just projecting

> who want to be ultra catholic
Where is the Catholicism?
They're fucking atheists.

>/pol/ is the definition of shitposting.
You're a literal leftist, even /v/ hates your kind now.
The original people left from original 4chan are still here around the boards that arent /b/, and guess what, they hate leftists.

>Chanology was largely an athiest led movement, again something /pol/ detests.
/pol/ is mostly atheists,
why do leftists lie all the time?

>Anonymous are incredibly anti-right wing and anti-corporate
They're not anti right wing you fucking cunt. Where are you getting this from?
You think the reddit/occupy version of anonymous is what anonymous originally was?
You're not from here. Get the fuck out.

>Hal Turner was a psychotic shock jock racist and was easy to bait as fuck.
He was also an FBI informant you retarded leftist.

>Fox were attacked for the Lulz a corruption of lol, yellow van exploding bullshit.


>again something /pol/ detests.
Most of /pol/ is atheists you dumb cunt.

>> No.4650940

>Well, there are some notable and growing hotspots of right-wing dissent,
Yeah like the majority of gen y

No wonder people hate feminism and SJWs

> comparison to the massive growth of progressivism everywhere else

all I see is a growth of libertarianism

too bad for you

>> No.4650942

That study is about media representation. Fuck tard.

>> No.4650951

>Or he could have just uploaded the image.

No, that's retarded. Don't you understand that his joke wasn't simply that joke? The joke was impersonating Zizek telling that joke. That's why it was more clever than that shitty comic drawing up a silly joke.

>> No.4650955

>a growth of libertarianism

Well yeah, there is a growth of libertarianism, with organizations like FSP, and there is a growth of other far-right positions, like the Dark Enlightenment and the manosphere. But compare that to the simultaneous massive expansion of progressivism in places like reddit and tumblr. Gays have gone from disgusting to sacred cows in just 20 years, Facebook allows you to select from 50+ radical leftist gender identity options, most young white kids have a starry-eyed belief in and desire for a "homogenizing human race" of brown people. That's all been fueled by gen Y.

>> No.4650957

Haha ha, wow.

>playing pretend-academia at best, in the same way kids play house

>> No.4650959

/pol/ usually misunderstands the studies they cite, and are behind on the literature in related fields, but at least they take the time to make sure their citations are relevant to their point. Whenever I get feminists cite me studies its always way irrelevant. So much more anti-scientific.

The casual hypothesis seem to be built upon generations of lies and shit studies.

>> No.4650960

He did impersonate Zizek, I grant you that. Then, he just wrote down the comic.

>> No.4650964

Do you understand the difference between causation and representation?

The fact that people that are so scientifically illiterate in the academia is sickening. That they're taken seriously outside of it is horrifying.

>> No.4650965

I think he means that it's distinct from "actual" progressivism. It's a commercial progressivism, it has nothing to do with grass roots social movements, it comes out commercial co-option those failed movements from the 90s, in giant movies like Short Term 12 and The Spectacular Now, built on very coldly emphasizing (selling) 'sincere' and 'humane' connections. So it's a joke to call this Gen Y "progressive", if they progress, it's only in circles. Their activism is guided in a way that it solves nothing, instead unknowingly set to just generate capital labor. There is no radical content. The grammies sell this progressivism.

>> No.4650966

>Perhaps you forget that 4chan was actually a board about JAPANESE CULTURE. 4chan was a board literally born upon multi-culturalism.

Thats not what multi-culturalism is. If it was than being a anglophile would count. 4chan never cared about diversity or other cultures other than japanese culture which is why insults like weeboo were created because you had so many people on the "all cultures are inferior to glorious nippon" train.

>> No.4650972

Not then, the writing down the comic was part of the impersonation. How is this so confusing?

>> No.4650973

How cute, you've gotten yourself confused. You mean correlation, not representation. And science has nothing to do with it, though I wouldn't say the same about placing all critical weight on terminology.

>> No.4650986

>When you make a mistake, you should learn to take a deep breath, grit your teeth and then examine your own recollections of the mistake as ruthlessly and as dispassionately as you can manage.

>> No.4650987

The terms are correct. You're avoiding the issue. Your cite is irrelevant to your point.

>> No.4651029
File: 447 KB, 986x884, fishing for leftists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ears are burning... did someone say /pol/?

>> No.4651037
File: 314 KB, 600x837, 1394527270022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue? Your only point is a baseless attack on my understanding of terminology. The article you posted was irrelevant, he said that [gender representation in] fictional works don't effect perceptions about reality (and of course, I disagree) but you responded with an article that only intends to examine gender representation in media. Not the effects that might have on perceptions of reality.

>These findings suggest that females have not shattered as many glass ceilings in the “reel” world as one might suspect.

Yes, the "reel" world, but he was interested in the effects of such on the REAL world, which is limited to something the article assumes as given (you were supposed to link to footnote #3). To conclude, you obviously had no understanding of what you were posting, or in other words, you were playing academia like kids play house.

>> No.4651158

>Implying media representation has nothing to do with perception in reality

According to NPR (sadly can't find exact link to study)
17% of women are cardiac surgeons, 17% are tenured professors, 17% fill boardrooms etc etc

This is interesting, because women fill 17% of crowd scenes in media.

According to NPR, the Study looked at the ratio of men and women in groups. And they found that if there's 17 percent women, the men in the group think it's 50-50. And if there's 33 percent women, the men perceive that as there being more women in the room than men.

>> No.4651179

>17% of women are cardiac surgeons

I believe you meant something different...

>> No.4651253

So you found a number and realized there's some sort of hidden meaning behind it?


>Are Content Creators Aware of Gender Imbalance in G, PG and PG-13 Rated Films?

>The answer to this question is a qualified yes. Female content creators estimated, on average, that the percentage of females in the typical feature film was 30.7%. Male content creators estimated 32.4%.

>Our research has shown that 29.2% of speaking characters were female.

>> No.4651293

>ITT: /lit/ self-inserting as their favorite ivory-tower Frankfurt School intellectuals and talking about the old 4chan proletarian(with only /a/ being it's remaining diaspora), that they were not likely part of

I will admit that in 2004 4chan was mostly populated by failed nerds who shared more liberal views and believed that science and tech would take humainity to a new level of socual evolution(like in Star Trek). But after 2008 the economic situation changed and the rest of the liberals(mainly retarded feminist and SJW woman) betrayed their expectation, thus the site went more conservative of various kinds. Just because it's not your type of revolution /lit/, doesn't mean it's some forced revoltuion.

>> No.4651326

If fictional works effect views, then asking for more female protags is propaganda

>> No.4651332

Geena Davis is such a fucking tool.

>> No.4651333

There you go, only 17% of significant people are women

Out off all the dichotomies the progressives want to equalize, men and women is absolutely the most ridiculous and is the dichotomy with the absolute most biological difference between subjects

Women just aren't worth anything, dear, you will never be men and never will really run the world.

>> No.4651334


>> No.4651340


Why does he always look like he hasn't showered in a week?

>> No.4651343

>4chan was a board literally born upon multi-culturalism.
You mean the same otaku culture than in Japan is populated by right-wing extremists. If anything 4chan is only now going in the way of it's nip counterpart.

>> No.4651348

Are you blind? This is another example of a false statistic being mentioned once among feminists, and being repeated without criticism.

Are Content Creators Aware of Gender Imbalance in G, PG and PG-13 Rated Films?

The answer to this question is a qualified yes. Female content creators estimated, on average, that the percentage of females in the typical feature film was 30.7%. Male content creators estimated 32.4%. Our research has shown that 29.2% of speaking characters were female.

>The answer to this question is a qualified yes.
>The answer is a qualified yes.
>The answer is yes.

>> No.4651349

Since this thread is bitching about 4chan

>That feel when Moot makes /biz/
>Still no /arc/hitecture
>Still no /his/tory
>Still no /phi/losophy
>Still no /sce/nery
>Still no /gar/dening

Why in fuck does moot create boards that nobody asks for, while fucking ignoring the boards that everyone has been spamming for years?

/biz/, /vp/, /vr/, /lgbt/, /s4s/
Who asked for this shit?

What in fuck is does /s4s/ do that /r9k/ and /b/ don't do already?

>> No.4651352

Zizek is not a real philosopher.

Only modern analytics can claim that title.

>> No.4651357

Moot is in deep shit.
He took fucktonnes of money from investors and then both the startup failed.
In this time he left 4chan to rot, letting Reddit pick up all the slack since 4chan is missing fucktonnes of useful boards.

Moot should have spent his time making 4chan 2.0 as in, 4chan with updated Yotsuba, more boards, more user friendly interface and with features offered in apps like AppchanX, he could have even incorporated his Drawquest/Canv.as tools into 4chan 2.0.

Instead he chased the app market and the reddit market and failed.

No wonder he started /biz/, he needs all the help he can get. He's probably dumped the rest of his cash in bitcoins.

>> No.4651378

That's not true

>> No.4651398

Yes it is true

>> No.4651419

Moot has posted a ton of stats on gender demographics etc

>> No.4651524

Zizek, that nigga old. Read Morozov instead, he is quite possibly the only one out there who knows remotely what the fuck is up with the internet.

>> No.4651549

still hit it

>> No.4651552

Well is it? Who actually knows?

>> No.4651556


>> No.4651559

You're a newfag and a dumbass.
Racism, like everything edgy, was always part of 4chan. As to how "serious" it was/is, it's debatable.

I can guarantee you that the vast majority of /pol/ are not right-wing ultra conservative religious people like your delusional mind imagines it.
/pol/ is mostly trolling and some edgy racist content, with some actual facts thrown in. Including some that the mainstream politically correct academia chooses to ignore.
It's actually quite unfortunate that some of those facts are left to "edgy racist trolling kids" instead of being discussed properly (which would also help to get rid of a lot of misunderstanding and immature racism).

>> No.4651562

>this board
>not all the other boards who are sick of /pol/'s bulshit

>> No.4651573
File: 62 KB, 769x720, srsly nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan was ALWAYS a far right anarchist group
>being this new

4chan was crassly apolitical at its outset. I don't need to mention the various raids and why they'd never take place nowadays since they'd be shouted down, but 4chan's historical targets have always been dumb people or groups who took their stupid shit way too seriously, pretty much regardless of how much ideological butthurt this would cause nowadays.

However, I disagree with the rather strange conspiracy theory of stormfront influencing 4chan or whatever. Honestly, it going this way was inevitable.

Obviously the political extremes, left or right, are most attractive to social misfits who attach themselves to a political ideology to fit with a group. Guess which site had a lot of misfits who grew from teenagers who didn't give a shit and just wanted to be transgressive for the sake of it, to insecure people in their late teens and early 20s, pretty much the prime time for any extremist ideology to take hold (I do not hold myself above this at all btw, I'm pretty sure my copy of Mein Kampf is still back at my parents' place)?

The only difference between 4chan and tumblr in that regard is that because 4chan's core interests (anime and video games) on the outset had a specific demographic which made the dice fall on the far right. If it had been a different demographic we'd probably all be getting butthurt about the patriarchy instead of le happy merchant or whatever.

But I guess my ultimate lament is that 4chan itself has become one of those places that takes itself way too seriously. It's strange. If 2014 4chan were warped back in time, 2007 4chan would sure as hell raid it for being so full of moralfags and carefaggotry.

Oh well.

>/pol/, or legitimate right-wing conservatism
kek if you think any legitimate right-wing conservative movement would touch /pol/ with a 10 foot pole, let alone voluntarily associate itself with it.

>> No.4651574

/lit/, everyone.

>> No.4651592

>/pol/ is mostly trolling

Anyone who's not a complete moron knows that isn't true; trolling doesn't happen ad-naseum for years on end.

This is just another one of those comforting intellectual cop outs that shields people from coming to grips with the fact that they're in a place surrounded by idiots.

protip: degeneracy is a lot more fun when you accept it as is

>> No.4651593

*humanity, everyone

>> No.4651598

>trolling doesn't happen ad-naseum for years on end.

yeah it does. an example on this very board:


this stupid thread goes as far back as the /lit/ archive first started and likely dates even earlier. same goes for every board. prime example on /mu/ is "ITT: Talentless hacks" literally every board has troll threads, posts, memes, motifs, whatever you want to call them, that never die

>> No.4651600

>care faggotry


>> No.4651618

But /pol/ is nothing but an absolutely retarded circlejerk.

>> No.4651619

>hurr I will now speak for an entire board

>> No.4651642

i dont disagree. i wasn't part of the original debate going on here i just scrolled past the thread and saw someone say "trolling doesn't happen ad-naseum for years on end" which is obviously false

and yeah /pol/ is an intellectual failure. reposts, copypasta and trolling shit up this board all the time and everybody sees it for what it is. some retard on /pol/ finds two copypasta threads and the entire board colletively loses its shit believing its an NSA conspiracy shill bot and the whole front page of the board for two days is filled with threads people believe are jamming the bot's code. hundreds of replies for each one. its just one example of the mindset

>> No.4651660

The two cardinal sins of old 4chan.

Moralfags care enough about their dumb ideologies, ethics and values to get mad at things on the internet.

Examples of this would be SJWs losing their shit over patriarchy in a video game, or /pol/ getting mad at a gay character being in a game.

Carefaggotry is what I'm doing right now, writing a textwall about shit that doesn't matter on the internet rather than just calling you a nigger and moving on.

Any person who is both a moralfag and a carefag is a prime target for trolling. Ironically this applies to SJW types and /pol/acks alike, it's just that somehow /pol/ has deluded itself into thinking that they've always been part of 4chan rather than exactly the type of people who 4chan used to troll, the team red to tumblr's team blue.

>> No.4651663


>> No.4651669

But that is John fucking Walker. He has been writing bleeding-heart articles like that for decades now. Way to cherry-pick.

>> No.4651676
File: 78 KB, 792x612, 1392745731038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you realize you visit the new boards the most

>> No.4651682

Every board having a select few troll topics does not legitimize the idea of an entire board being non-stop trolling. You need to think this through more.

>> No.4651694

Shut up, /vr/ is great.

>> No.4651697

There is no /pol/ as a separate entity like /a/ is from /tg/ or from /clg/. /pol/ is made up from people with similar interests from all the boards, icluding /lit/ persons.

>> No.4651699

I agree. I'd love to see a respectable mind tackle it in at least some sense, fiction, essay(s), whatever.

I wouldn't give a shit if they published anonymously or not

>> No.4651700

Not that poster but I think a lot of people overestimate how many trolls there are on 4chan.

I've trolled on /pol/ as a hardcore traditional conservative. I've also trolled on /pol/ as a communist. It really depends on who I'm trying to piss off. One time I even saw my own troll post screencapped and used as a refutation for a post I made trolling as the opposite perspective. Pretty fucking ridiculous.

When I post my true opinions they tend to get ignored. They're just not controversial enough. If I want someone to respond to me then I have to push their buttons. People even do it on this board. Don't fool yourself.

>> No.4651701

You have to be fucking retarded to push for "better representation of women", it's pure agenda bullshit. The choice of how to portray women is the author's fucking choice and he can make them big-breasted semen demons if he so chooses. Fucking whiteknight.

>> No.4651703


And then we grew up. Now the very same people we raided with when we were teenagers are politically minded voters, and so are we. And quite naturally, with 4chan being what it is, we all ended up on the very ends of the spectrum. It's amazing we get along as well as we do.

>> No.4651708

There are 3 main idealologies there and 2 of them hate each other. There are also anachists thete being somewhat relevant.

>> No.4651711

and you need to read more carefully. as i already said im not party to whatever debate/discussion was going on i just replied to the sentence i quoted that caught my eye scrolling down the front page as obviously false. trolling does happen for years on end, literally ad nauseum to the point of duplicate threads

>> No.4651714

Or maybe its just a bunch of virgins hating woman and current young adult practices and behavior.

>> No.4651718

>their dream is to infect everyone with their ideology so that their little market becomes the hegemony

Ladies and gentlemen, the /pol/tard.

>> No.4651727

This was bound to happen when Internet became big. One day your mother hears of Facebook for the first time from a news reporter who barely knows it herself, then the next year she knows how to (ab)use it better than a girl your age.

>> No.4651732

So are projecting this hard or just from reddit and for some reason here anyway?

>> No.4651958

>4chan is /b/ and edgy teenagers
>asian culture

You're just as bad a newfag as those annoying far right types. The racism has always been part of the site, and considering the main demographic of 4chan has always been young white males I'd consider it debateable whether or not it was just "trolling".

The most striking examples of chan culture can probably be found on /jp/, which actually is pretty racist (and batshit insane in general, without much sense of "lol i troll u" irony". If we look at smaller split off chans we can see all sorts of different ways chan culture has fractured and evolved (I paticularly like the way several /new/ chans have gone from being simply racist to being hardcore esoteric traditionalists), simply stating that "this site used to be good but then people I disagree with came in now its bad" is really simplistic and kind of pathetic.

>> No.4653210

You're either visiting a completly different 4chan than i do, in which case welcome to our dimension, or you're a delusional socially awkward NEET frustrated with life.

>> No.4653246

dunno about people on /pol/ but /int/ is a lot less racist than you think, except white americans who dont like blacks
mot other racism has either been turned into memes 'serbia strong' 'remove kebab' or is really casual and not taken as part of a worldview or ideology
politically its quite shockingly diverse, and stuff that sounds like /pol/ or stormfront tends to get a seriously negative reaction from the rest of the community
feminism will cause massive troll threads and make people rage, but not as much as debates over nuclear power

>> No.4653251


Zizek would deal mostly in the identity politics of anonymity online with 4chan as a case study. He's not one for a more Foucaultian analysis like you're suggesting.

>> No.4654965

>the culture of an internet community never changes and it's demographics stay the same forever

>> No.4654984

..Have you been on /int/ recently?

It's definitely diverse and laid back about it, and you can find plenty of serious intelligent Frenchfags who roll their eyes at the RAH RAH VIVE LE PEN people for example, but there is a reasonable streak of /pol/ shit and racism there. It's just that no one cares. Most people there do not approve of multiculturalism.

>> No.4654989

That's why I personally don't browse /int/ any more. Too little actual interesting discussion, too much far right circlejerking.

>> No.4654991

Can't handle the banter

>> No.4654999

/int/ is one of the more progressive boards in my opinion, i would never compare it to /pol/. what i see on /int/ is mainly good natured nation-oriented teasing and banter (everything heavily tongue in cheek) with the occasional earnest discussion.of course there are the occasional ehtnic cleansers on there, but you get that with every board

>> No.4655213

Is there any more like this?

>> No.4655240

>As a white american female, I am actually unable to even view other opinions without breaking down and shouter trigger warning

You should just leave 4chan entirely, fattie

>> No.4655260

>as a white american male, I cannot process contrary opinions without using a greentext strawman to defend my internet hugbox

>> No.4655264

That was the dumbest NOU ever. You literally said you stopped using a board because you're a delicate flower.

>> No.4655268

This sucked. He was criticising someone who left a board because they heard opinions they didn't like, and you reply that he wants a hugbox? He's DEFENDING contrary and offensive opinions you sandypuss.

>> No.4655270

I said I stopped using it because of far-right circlejerking. Because far-right circlejerking is boring. At no point did I say anything on it offended me. Reading comprehension, comrade.

>> No.4655272
File: 195 KB, 1123x800, 1392092359810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still thinking political views matter in America

How's soapboxing on 4chan working out for you guys? You change the world yet?

>> No.4655274

>why can't I hold all this buttmad?

t. different

>> No.4655281

>I didn't say I'm ass-blasted and have to respond with generic irrelevant bullshit, I said I can't handle dissent followed a meandering non-sequitor riposte of something you said, and then confirmed my language game bullshit by outing myself as a dumbass pinko

Go hang yourself

>> No.4655288

>tiny minority of the board exhibits opinions or ideas you don't like

90% of any board's content is boring to any random guy on that board. What visitor to /gsg/ or /lit/ or /tv/ likes the majority of games/shows/books being discussed? It's called clicking a different thread and ignoring posts that don't interest you.

Verdict: Vaginal Pain.

>> No.4655294

Why are you both so angry?

>> No.4655299

because Europeans being upset at their soil being taken from them is bigoted and extremely narrowminded, I can't stand it

>> No.4655305

Why don't you just put all the minorities in inner-city ghettos and move to the suburbs? That's how we handle immigrants in America and it works pretty well.

>> No.4655306

So you're angry because you disagree with my disagreement with your politics? Why not just close this thread?

>> No.4655309


Most people are responding to the /pol/ thing, but I have to call you out on this part:

>I think he would be interested, in the beginnings of 4chan, which was an "anarchistic" community of weebs drawn together by their love of Asian culture and then went on to create one of the most well recognized counter-cultures of the 21st century

Do you really think a Lacanian would buy that the original users of 4chan were simply "drawn together by their love of Asian culture"? Or that 4chan at all constitutes counter culture and isn't just another niche provided by capital?

>> No.4655312

>Abstracted non sequiturs

works errytime

>> No.4655313

Just leave /lit/ already, you belong on /pol/. I'm so glad the mod is sane enough to delete your right-wing bait threads. You're nothing but a fifth column, trying to stir up hatred wherever you can.

>> No.4655316

I think you quoted the wrong people

>> No.4655333

12/10 rage. So you either have trolled the shit out of me or are admitting this is basically to displace and replace Europeans only, yes?

>> No.4655337

That post was obviously a right-winger being sarcastic.

Can't believe you right-wingers are so dumb as to not comprehend each other's posts.

>> No.4655347
File: 235 KB, 660x495, who is like unto this beast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be a totalitarian onslaught of mods on /lit/ that makes it impossible to have any kind of discussion other than that directly related to literature

>> No.4655350

>this faggot literally wants us to analyze texts all day when most of us read books in order to apply the ideas to our real lives and conversations

all topics should be allowed on this board

>> No.4655355

I'm not a right-winger you piece of shit. Fuck off asswipe.

>> No.4655363 [DELETED] 

>Implying that isn't basically your platform

Yeah okay meanwhile when you faggots freak out over someone saying "lol kill niggers" the mod bans for feelings and you pretend you're perfectly level headed.

>> No.4655369
File: 6 KB, 195x179, ugru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you smile when you read of Stalinist purges of Communist parties who had themselves eliminated people who dissented

Josef "Your Own Medicine" Stalin: the natural conclusion of leftism

>> No.4655370

>worries about minorities displacing and replacing Europeans
>claims not to be right wing
Okay, so you're a left-wing fascist, whatever. I don't care.

>> No.4655377

You must be that female because you're reading comprehension is Noble Price tier.

>> No.4655387

>hates females
top kek

>> No.4655399 [DELETED] 

I got dubs retarded

>> No.4655414


they'll conclude that it's full of children

>> No.4655484

If you knew the first thing about the history of video games, you fuck.

There were more talented and noteworthy female game designers, composers and programmers in the 80s than there are today. Both in The west and Japan. Final Fantasy 1-3 were programmed single handedly by a woman for fucks sake. M.U.L.E basically laid the foundation for multiplayer games and it was designed and coded by a woman. It really annoys me when people talk about things they don't fucking know.

>> No.4655488

>Final Fantasy 1-3 were programmed single handedly by a woman for fucks sake.
And who would that be?

>> No.4655587

>Noble Price

you're too obvious

>> No.4655622

>it's just that somehow /pol/ has deluded itself into thinking that they've always been part of 4chan rather than exactly the type of people who 4chan used to troll

/pol/acks are usually stupider on average than the SJW. SJW's know they don't belong here and go have cirklejerks someplace else, because the apathetic fourchan will give them shit because they are easy to troll.

/pol/acks actually thinks they are defending the site, when they are being trolled, which would be funny if they weren't so repetitive.

>> No.4655635

Zizek a shit

Chomsky is my main man

>> No.4655659

I'm curious as for how long you have been on 4chan.

>> No.4655666

1-1,5 months.

>> No.4655722

/x/ is such a great board

one of the few on 4chan that succeeds mostly in doing what it intended

>> No.4655727

It's appealing to think that 4chan or SA or similar sites were ever solely about mocking people who take themselves too seriously on the internet, but it's just not really true. Shit like ALOD on SA always had an undercurrent of mocking faggots and degenerates in and of themselves. It's nice to think that the sin of furries is in taking themselves too seriously, and thereby making themselves a target for trolling, but a hefty amount of the hate they receive is simply because they're weird fucking retards.

That has been on SA and 4chan from the start, and it's reflected in all the goddamn splinter communities of SA that are heavily right-leaning or socially conservative, in direct reaction to the leftists' dominance on SA. Same thing on 4chan - people whose instinct is to mock freaks and pussies naturally call out trannies, but trannies are favoured by a lot of "mainstream internet" (whatever the fuck that means) forums and sources. In these places, people who think feminists and trannies are crazy start to feel like an isolated minority. Then they happily discover that people on 4chan share their opinions.

And 4chan always shared those opinions to some extent or another, simply because its users either enjoy or are inured to mockery and hate. A minority of forums or news outlets will even allow you to say "let's be honest, 99% of these crimes are committed by blacks, can we do something about that before discussing auxiliary/secondary factors???". Tumblr and Reddit mods will force you to admit two and two makes five in this case, while 4chan will not only let you give your opinion - to a bunch of people unlikely to apologise for blacks and much more likely to join in on the hate for fun - it will also let you get your hate out as loud as you want to.

The hate has always been there, it just used to be less polarised. No one really wanted to gas all the furries because furries were isolated and minor. But now the people who used to shit on furries are being bombarded by Furries 2.0 (trannies etc.), by a mainstream that is ordering them to accept it. The reaction always existed on 4chan, it just intensified in response to rising faggotry. Only a small minority likes to troll for trolling's sake, and isn't looking for targets that somehow "deserve it".

/pol/ is definitely the counterpart to SJW shit but it's not new or misplaced here.

>> No.4655740
File: 53 KB, 540x739, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So should I take from this thread. That if Zizek posted here, he would trash /pol/? Good job /lit/

>> No.4655845

>A minority of forums or news outlets will even allow you to say "let's be honest, 99% of these crimes are committed by blacks, can we do something about that before discussing auxiliary/secondary factors???"

You have to be retarded. If you posit this as a serious argument, you ought to be banned for being mentally challenged.

>> No.4655859
File: 174 KB, 965x757, morgenjew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but anon

/pol/ is always right

>> No.4655985
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x1200, 1377796329397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coded by a woman

You are a fucking idiot. Bunten was a man when he made MULE. Years later, he came out as a transgender and got a sex change. It was not coded by a woman.

>It really annoys me when people talk about things they don't fucking know.
Eat shit.

>> No.4655990

God why do women wear that shit. They might as well be naked. Any rape they get in that state is 100% asked for and deserved.

>> No.4655996

I think by minority, he meant to imply that only very few, minor forums or news outlets allow it, not that there's a solid minority of big news stations.

>> No.4655999

It's animated. Talking about animated women figures deserves to be raped is exactly why games need feminism.

>> No.4656001

>100% asked for

Can't you read? Please don't interrupt me anon-kun ~~

>> No.4656003

get raped.

>> No.4656012
File: 90 KB, 600x450, 1394659513185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know that what grows is not what it is growing from but what it is growing into

>> No.4656019

Grow a brain

>> No.4656021

why are you so sad and angry

>> No.4656024

Why are you so much sadder and and angrier than me?

>> No.4656029

too much potential

>> No.4656036

It's enacted you dumb cunt. Talking about misunderstood cultural forms by uneducated self-centered libtards is exactly why feminism is imperialism.

>> No.4656040

>/pol/ stupider on average than the SJW
Nope. You might have had some disagreements with /pol/ (as have I for that matter) but to say /pol/ is stupider on average than SJW is just blatantly wrong. /pol/ actually argues somewhat successfully (when it doesn't delve into insulting, a feat SJW perfect to a near artform) and any contradictory information can be blamed (somewhat successfully) on the nature of 4chan, an anonymous image board where you can't be sure if you're replying to the same guy and you can't even be sure if that guy is simply doing stupid shit just for the sake of doing stupid shit (a notion that was know as "lulz" before 4chan went "mainstream"). I've been browsing /pol/ for roughly six months now (haven't browsed /new/, I started browsing /pol/ just to see what the fuss is about) and while the things quickly regress in a meta-satire about /pol/ (I remember this one thread where one guy said that global warming is a Jewish lie, while the other guy said that trying to make global warming a myth is a Jewish endeavor, the third guy came along and said :"As long as we can agree that Jews are to blame, I'm sure we'll find a solution to even the most contradictory assertions", and that was genuinely funny) you'll eventually find a good analysis or a good statement. Sure, some insulting will follow, but that is just the nature of 4chan (/lit/ is not an exception to this), you'll see that this insult doesn't form the crux of the argument as many SJW arguments do. While saying that the general consensus on /pol/ is opposite to what SJW are preaching, saying that /pol/ is inverse SJW is a blatant misinformation. /pol/ is quite different from SJW if the ideological goals would be removed from the equation.

Funny. I also remember this (quiet) shitstorm about the lead writer (or some other position) for Uncharted: Among Thieves for saying that politicizing video games made it impossible to show any bonds among male characters without it being reduced to homosexual tensions. She was fired. And yes, she's a female. She was also the one behind writing LoK, the Dostoevsky of video games. So you see, it was never about female representation or "equality" or that "stupid bitches don't play videogames, let alone make them". It was about a political lobby masquerading itself as a social justice (something that, to an outside observer might sound quite positive) seeks to invade personal liberty. Much like the radfem standard is that patriarchy damages men too, radfem damages women the most, because it makes men wary of them. MGTOW would be practically unheard of and downright insane 20 years ago.

>> No.4656071

>you'll see that this insult doesn't form the crux of the argument as many SJW arguments do.

Be gone sophist. Its nothing but insults from both camps. My problem is much more with their repetitive shit arguments than their funny "stupidity"

>> No.4656075

What is this "political lobby" you're talking about? Who benefits from invading your personal liberty here?

>> No.4656091

>you'll see that this insult doesn't form the crux of the argument as many SJW arguments do.

This is a solid point, and exactly why their rhetoric is detached from scholarship despite their attempt to associate themselves with "research". Their "identity politics" is rooted in a literal identity politics: the value of an argument is attached to the speaker's identity and not his/her words. Or at least the words are only read as far as to evaluate their degree of orthodoxy.
All the references to academia, to studies or research or quotes from intellectuals, is used purely for their political weight and not their intellectual content.

>> No.4656095

It's fucking not real, surprise, your Chinese cartoons are animated too.

>> No.4656099

This whole post is wrong because trannies aren't furries 2.0, /pol/tards are furries 2.0

>> No.4656113

Are you saying identity doesn't really exist, but is actually a tool of oppression? Foucault pls.

>> No.4656116

Case in point:

First a feigned and faulty reference to a study. When called out for the study's irrelevancy, the poster's understanding of terminology is attacked. Not the content of his argument or an attack on his intelligence, but on the value of his person, questioning if he's 'allowed' to form criticism.

>> No.4656120

>/pol/tards are furries 2.0

Exactly they are the weird conspiracy nuts that takes themselves too seriously.

>> No.4656121

which ones dress up like fucking idiots and demand that people accept it

inb4 nazi uniforms LOL, let's be serious, trannies are narcissistic freaks

>> No.4656135

>which ones dress up like fucking idiots

So does everyone on 4chan except /fa/

>> No.4656138

Oh so you can conduct the fallacy of induction to "prove" your point. Congratulations. /pol/tards are equally inferior to SJW's.

>> No.4656140

**equally as inferior as SJW's.


>> No.4656141

No I think you misunderstand, I'm not criticizing identity politics, it was just a pun. I'm saying within academia, criticism is based on evaluating the content of a paper and not the perceived personality, knowledge, political position of whoever wrote it. Within whatever tumblr upworthy SJW popular feminism, references to academia are only used as political tools because their discourse is not based in the same rhetoric, criticizing someone whose arguments you disagree with it is as simple as criticizing his right to make the argument in the first place. Either for using not utilizing the right terminology (ie saying 'his' instead of 'his/her' or saying 'his/her' instead of 'eir') or simply not sharing the same fundamental politic values that are seen as universal and implicit and if you don't also assume, then you're just one of them, this is why we need feminism, I don't want to live on this planet anymore, etc.

This is not at all the same discourse as feminism in academia, they might quote Judith Butler but she would never be able to get away with that same approach.

>> No.4656144

>conduct the fallacy of induction

What are you referring to?

>> No.4656153

Oh sorry, I agree. There's a huge difference. I find that it's similar to the difference between pop-sci followers (scientism, fedora etc.) and real sci in the natural sciences.

>> No.4656154

People on /pol/ live like idiots and demand that people accept it.

>> No.4656163

And the difference between Marx and Marxists I might add.

>> No.4656176

The fallacy of by demonstrating one specific case you can thereby make a generalization. This is flawed reasoning.

>> No.4656190

Yeah, I agree about that as well.

I think what they share is that they're both totalizing ideologies, they take concepts that are meant only as tools to help facilitate research and understanding, and try to stretch them out to cover the entire world, over all life and society. Though I'm not completely confident that it can be pinned down as easily as that, I am certain that they carry some fundamental contradictions that become obscured in their movement.

>> No.4656213

Well, what more can you expect? I can't provide an entire study of their discourse, this is just casual interpretation (that should've been clear with my vagueness in defining who I was even discussing).

I didn't mean to link to the single poster to prove it's true of all SJW, but how convenient it is to have a direct example right here ITT. Not that I took the post as a single case and drew my interpretation from it, I had already pointed it out earlier itt before she jumped in.

>> No.4656224


Go cut off your own dick and cry people think you're a freak you goddamn mistake.

>> No.4656239

you are getting mad as if /pol/ posters don't shit up other boards and then whine and say muh free speech i have a right to post here JIDF SJW marxist feminazi anti-white degenerate whatever buzzword of the month /pol/ uses

censorship is censorship, stop the roleplaying

>> No.4656244

Ok. I'll grant you that. But don't say there aren't obnoxious ideologues of all flavors around, who deploy the same tactics.

>> No.4656253

/pol/ really wants to be tolerated for not tolerating others, it's no joke.

>> No.4656257

What was it about /pol/acks not resorting to insults again?

>> No.4656270


>> No.4656276
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>> No.4656280
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It's clear you're some tumblr SJW troll or whatever pretending to be a /pol/ack

>> No.4656298

I think the tactics are fairly unique.
I connected it to identity politics because the discourse does involve discussion of the agency of individuals and communities. I think it's safe to assume that it was this initial proximity to exploring speaker agency in academic discourse that became corrupted in the popular discourse so that actual rules of dialogue are centered around the partitioning of speaker agency.
I think it's natural for popular ideologies to place more emphasis on the speaker than their content, but the emphasis here is very nuanced, it's almost their main focus. They spend most of their time (not generating labor for algorithmic news machines like upworthy) developing even more hyperindividualized characteristics to evaluate each other with.

>> No.4656304
File: 45 KB, 523x390, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how one of you says gb2/pol/ and someone else says gb2/tumblr/ Whose side am I on?

>> No.4656309


Stop shitposting

>> No.4656314

>Whose side am I on?

The truth.

>> No.4656320

the terrorists side

>> No.4656383

>you ought to be banned
>your rights end where my feelings begin

leftist pls go

>> No.4656388

>Zizek a shit
>Chomsky is my main man
They're both anti-social psychopathic fascists.

>> No.4656417

>I think the tactics are fairly unique.

Yeah and no. I agree with everything you state, it is a peculiar tactic. I see the tactic as letting out a smokescreen and then attack the confusion that the smokescreen causes in the opponent. Im ashamed to admit that I sometimes use this tactic myself, when I find myself losing an argument and for some reason don't remind myself that it's ok to lose and learn as I know I ought to.

>> No.4656484
File: 307 KB, 600x446, 1386025955423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical /pol/: if a /pol/ack behaves like a complete idiot and is subsequently called out, it has to be a consbiragy!!!1 the joos did this amirite?

>> No.4656506

I'm just confused by who's who due to the intensity of shitposting. As the saying goes, any sufficiently advanced troll is indistinguishable from the authentic extremist. IDs would be nice on this board.

>> No.4656512
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>> No.4656518

>Thinking anyone here is trolling

>> No.4657884

/jp/ is the true essence of 4chan. I can go into this in detail.

>> No.4658220
File: 214 KB, 300x232, sniffity sniff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I mean, my God" *sniff* "Is 4chan not ideology at its purest? They talk about the figure of the Jew..." *tug on shirt* "as if it were all a silly inside joke." *uses snot as hair gel* "They say stuff like, how should I put it, le happy merchant, turning the figure of the Jew into an unwritten rule." *sniff* "It's becomes part of what Lacan calls The Big Other, it is something everyone accepts to an extent, but ironically nonetheless". "The thing about ideology..." *[tugging intensifies]* "is that it works even if you don't believe in it. And so on and so on."

>> No.4658238


Well that's all folks. Nothing getting better than that.

>> No.4658360

>I can go into this in detail
Please do, not that I disagree with you

>> No.4658623
File: 165 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-03-13-06-39-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now aware that 30% of 4chan is made up of girls. I couldn't tell that it was this high, even on the purportedly girl-heavy boards like /lit/ and /x/ that I go on. I'd wager this means these boards are much closer to 50%.

My image of 4chan is forever changed.

>> No.4658630

I want to belive!

>> No.4658675

Your image is stupid. It should be more like
>Would you like to work for me?
>How about no you lazy faggot. I already have a job, why should I besmirch my freedom and work for you when you can do the work for yourself?
This is the only correct answer

>> No.4658685

How does Moot know that? Does he conduct surveys or something?

>> No.4658695

I'd like to back this up with a personal experience. I used to post in the /brit/ thread on /int/ and we had a bit of a stormtard problem (Racist UKIP voters and that). Turns out, someone had checked /pol/ and it turned out they were discussing the huge amount of 'Labour shills' in /brit/. Because we didn't agree with them.

Not only does it prove that /pol/ has ruined /int/, but that /pol/tards are paranoid cunts who should all be banned.

>> No.4658696

Cookies that track your movement across sites, that guess your demographics with algorithms and stuff.

>> No.4658753


this post is funnt because snacks posts on /pol/ after midnight on wednesdays (last i saw anyways).

>> No.4658775

at the same time, a bit of /pol/ is what keeps this community from becoming a bland lefty circlejerk like much of reddit. Anonymity and free discussion are quite a magnet for people who feel supressed on the sort of websites where 'ur a racist *downboat*' is the only response given to anything which criticizes muslims/Euro subsidies/the general Islington blazer-and-tshirt-lefty gospel. On the other hand, nobody wants /pol/acks who can't just shut up about /pol/ stuff and have a civilized discussion about normal things.

>> No.4659710

Surveys. I'd assume the girl heaviest boards are /soc/, /r9k/, /x/, /fa/ and maybe even /b/ just because it's the most visible. The data for individual board demos is probably floating around, actually.

>> No.4659874

>jamming the bot's code
oh, so that's what they're doing. That's actually pretty hilarious

>> No.4662547

ill bump this for the fuck of it

>> No.4662855

Wow, this thread is 4 days old now

>> No.4662873

Threads survive on slower boards for months sometimes

>> No.4662953

This was great. Even if it kind of imploded towards the end, I learned a lot and actually had a great time reading it.