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4645937 No.4645937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any place for fantasy slice-of-life sort of books in western publication? I remember as a kid being kind of sad when Harry Potter ended up being about his edgy adventure to kill the lich and not just about wizards at a school. That sounded fucking great at the time. I don't really do /a/ stuff but I recently realized that's apparently a thing over there, and if it is here other than whatever shows Disney and Nick run I don't know about it.

>> No.4646643

Anyone? I guess kid's books aren't really high literature but I'm just interested in whether or not publishers would be interested in episodic content (as opposed to a typical Journey of the Hero in Several Novels) in fantasy.

>> No.4646655


>> No.4646695

Thanks for the contribution!

As a counterargument to my own idea I'm hinting at I guess, what I'm proposing is pretty much moving the quest from "kill voldemort" to "learn magic" and shifting the adversity from "evil murderer wizard army" to "silly teachers and bullies." I don't know, I guess I just remembered thinking how much I would have preferred that at the time Harry Potter was released; escapism in a world with magic and shit but still relatable through the struggle with society and institutions. I guess the best answer would be "try it."

>> No.4646703

I totally gt what you're getting at but I am drawing a blank in the extreme. They always seem to turn grimdark by the end.

>> No.4646710

It's decent, but I feel like the magic is too much of a divergent to get foreshadowed by school drama or slice of life events. When the kids have wands n shit, it's a natural feeling to want to watch them dual it out with dark forces.
Ray Bradbury's martian chronicles come to mind for stories that are "slice of life" (if odd and creepy) in a strange setting.

>> No.4646711

It sounds difficult to do well but if you think you can, go for it.

>> No.4647210

Can't think of anything besides boy meets world re runs, but this sounds great.

>> No.4647624

Sadly, the idea of simple pleasures instead of epic adventures has been dead in the west for centuries.
That in part is why animu got so big; It fills a niche western media is simply not filling anymore, be it simple slice-of-life adventures, a sense of societal cohesion or something as basic as seeing abstinence as something that might be attractive, rather than evil.

>> No.4647653

If it makes you feel any better, I'm writing one now.

>> No.4647663


>> No.4647670
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>Having such a sweeping, simplistic view

>> No.4647679

fantasy needs to be entertaining, so it has to have a plot, hell sanderson for example gives you nothing but hooks in every single fucking thing he writes

if you want escapism and to sink your consciousness into a fantasy world, go read wheel of time which is huge and has a ton of staying in inns and shit, and even that will have a huge epic storyline

personally I can't see it happening

the only non-plot slice of life book that I can think of would be Assassin's Apprentice

the only "plot" is the guy's life moving forward, except for the very last parts of the book when he goes to the mountain kingdom
I am definitely someone who would like something like that, I do sometimes feel the best parts of the book are the interactions between characters instead of the action... it's what gets people off fantasy I imagine and into more non-pulpy literature.

>> No.4648696

Not sure it's entirely absent, but it's not what gets Hollywood adaptations, I guess.

I'm not talking so much about high-literature fantasy as stuff written to be read by younger children. Think like The Hobbit. That's what I've been trying to learn to write well, but I never found the whole chosen one's quest thing relatable when I was that age. I wanted to read about someone dealing with the same stuff I was, but in a world that's a lot more interesting than my own. I think it's something a lot of kids want and would be willing to invest themselves in, if those shows on the Disney channel I mentioned are anything to go by. Lilo & Stitch is one that comes to mind from a few years back, at least. I guess you can sell anything with a pretty cover, so maybe I will give it a go.