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File: 9 KB, 195x274, marx-bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4640055 No.4640055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys, guys, guys. It's time to wake up.

The Universities are almost entirely occupied by Marxists of various shades, in particular the Humanities departments as opposed to the politically neutral STEM disciplines.

Point is, you have come under heavy Marxist propaganda. Not just in Universities but in books, films, TV, etc.

A part of me wants to slap you people for being so stupid as to be deceived by these cockroaches, but I was very nearly sold on Marxism myself at one point and I know how seductive the propaganda is.

In the French Revolution the ancien regime, Catholic Church & Catholic Monarch, was overthrown. In the place of the Catholic priesthood and Catholic aristocracy the amoral, wealth-worshipping bourgeoisie was installed as leaders. Now, the same nihilistic, spiteful, bloodthirsty people that overthrew the aristocracy continued in their destructive ways and invented Socialism (and eventually Communism) in order to murder the bourgeoisie the same way that they murdered the aristocracy.

These people are motivated by hatred of God and hatred of humanity.


>> No.4640061

if bourgeoisie are
>amoral, wealth-worshipping
then what's wrong with
>murder the bourgeoisie the same way that they murdered the aristocracy?
Anyway, however much you'd like to go to some imaginary past 'golden age' when everything was exactly like you want it, history doesn't move backward. Learn to deal with it.

>> No.4640069
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There is a continuity between the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. They were both inspired by atheistic and subversive ideologues (Voltaire, Rousseau; Marx, Bakunin) and they were both extremely bloody, with the revolutionaries eventually turning on themselves and killing one and other. Satanic rituals took place during both revolutions.

These people do NOT want to build a better society. They are and always have been DESTROYERS, enemies of God and enemies of mankind. They have always used insipid idealism to lure "useful idiots" to their cause ("man is born free but everywhere he is in chains", "workers of the world, unite!")

Almost everybody on /lit/ who praises Marx is a useful idiot without knowing it. They would not admit to being useful idiots, because they have no idea that that's what they are. They believe that they came to Marxism through the exercise of their own reason, and they do not perceive hoe they have been subtly brainwashed.


>> No.4640071

That's complete balls, rarely anyone is a real Marxist but I guess there is a social democratic bias which is understandable since in UNIs people are smart.

>> No.4640074

Out of interest, has anyone here actually READ Marx?

If yes, is it anything similar to what university societies preach?

>> No.4640079

>Irrelevant bullsht: The Post

Uh-huh and god-king Oogbonga and "Lets get the population to 0" Bill Gates are clearly champions of the working class, you brainwashed leftist faggot.

You people make me physically ill, and I would probably punch one of you Noam Chompsky-inspired, lying little faggots in the mouth if you pulled your language game bullshit on me in real life, as the only reason you get away with your bullshit is the fact no one does.

Now the xD's and LELELE's pop off the charts because caring about a dangerous mentally corrosive ideology of doublethink championed by people of read 1984 is silly, and I just need to >>>/pol/ xD

>> No.4640090

You're insane.

>> No.4640101

so... why did you use image of 1830 revolution?

>> No.4640115

Communist Manifesto is extremely radical, and most university societies would be lined up and shot. Das Capital, on the other hand, is more descriptive, and the theory it proposes is simply another tool for interpreting history.

>> No.4640119
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>he mad

>> No.4640122

I find it very insulting when people refer to Obama as Oogbonga or related derivations, not because it's racist, but because he's an obviously very well-educated man who should not be related to tribalism and witch-doctors.
It'd be like calling Bush a cracker. I mean, it fits racially, but the imagery which the word conjures couldn't be farther from the truth.

>> No.4640126
File: 38 KB, 635x476, imajewishshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Political neutral STEM disciplines? Lol...
Scientists are major leftists, and if they are not, they at least lean towards the Democratic Party.


>> No.4640137
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But don't you get it black people are a million times dumber than glorious whites. Also communists and Jews. Here's a graph.

>> No.4640151

Also, the only few people who have a science degree or background in Congress are pretty much all, if not all, Democrats. Republicans tend to have business degrees, marketing degrees, political "science" degrees, degrees in medicine, law degrees, and degrees in history.

>> No.4640156

Correct. Unchecked Capitalism creates a shitty consumer culture that strives for mediocracy.
Communism fixes the consumerism but worsens the mediocracy.
The only answer is to put a firm but not tyranical force in control of the state. I mean an Aristocracy or even a Monarchy. They can control consumerism as they please and encourage society to flourish, unlike the soft-Marxisam of Democracy.

>> No.4640161
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I'm a Jew and thus I'm richer, physically more attractive and more intelligent than a degenerate /pol/tard like you.

>> No.4640162

Babby read his firsst Nietzsche.

Yeah. The French Revolution and Marxism are very similar. We all knew that. Plebian revolultions and ideologies are all the same,

>> No.4640168
File: 13 KB, 284x271, hegel50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The greatest intellectual of the modern age is Hegel, if by greatest we mean most influential and most emblematic of modernism.

Hegel did for Truth what Darwin did for Biology: he made it "evolve". Hegel believed in a pantheistic god where god was embodied by World History, that is, the history of humanity as it "progresses" through time, and that as this history unfolds itself God evolves; truth becomes more true, civilization becomes more civilized, humanity becomes more humane, etc.
This idea of "progress" is the defining superstition of the modern age. Most modern men fail to realize that their belief in "human progress" is, spiritually speaking, a form of pantheism.

In practice, however, what Hegelianism amounts to is pure, amoral Machievellian politicking. Hegel would take one side of the debate and call it the thesis; he would take the other side of the debate and call it the antithesis; he would then unite both sides into a "synthesis". Therefore, there is no absolute truth, because when contradictions meet they are to compromise one and other and form a more complete truth. Thus, the shrewd Machiavellian is able to fund both sides of the debate (Capitalism vs. Communism; Liberal vs. Conservative; Pro-choice vs. Pro-life, etc.), recruiting political puppets to play on both sides, while the masses do not realize that there is somebody controlling both sides of the debate, defining what counts as legitimate dialogue and what does not.
Things like family, marriage, religion can be swept aside as "reactionary and a hindrance to human progress", while feminism and homosexualism can be promoted as "progressive"; while most fail to realize that they are by no means in control of what is called "progressive" and what "reactionary", what the Hegelian thesis and antithesis are.

>Anyway, however much you'd like to go to some imaginary past 'golden age' when everything was exactly like you want it, history doesn't move backward.

This is an example of somebody indoctrinated in the superstition of progressivism. They believe that humanity is evolving; presumably they believe that one day man will conquer the stars in space ships. Because they do not believe in any fixed truth or human nature they fail to realize why institutions like family, marriage and religion are staples of civilization, as they satisfy an unchanging human nature.


>> No.4640172

Stop shitposting. I hope you enjoy your ban.

>> No.4640182

You don't have to follow Marxism 100% to know that he has many important ideas and is one of the most important people to have ever existed.

>> No.4640187
File: 15 KB, 244x300, Foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> human nature
>Not, at most, an evolutionary construct subject to change

Opinion disregarded, called the cops.

>> No.4640214

>has many important ideas
For example?

>> No.4640215
File: 132 KB, 725x1103, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By relativizing truth and human nature it is totally up to the intellectual vanguard recruited by the revolutionary political and economic elite, to define what truth and human nature is. Without any fixed truth it is up to The Party to decide what truth is. In 1984 Winston says that freedom is being able to say that 2 + 2 = 4, in other words, that immutable truth exists; if immutable truth exists that means that there is something that The Party cannot touch, that The Party is not omnipotent and that they will eventually be defeated by truth.

Few fail to realize just how much revolutionary propaganda has proliferated through society, but their belief in the non-existence of absolute truth is proof that it has. Most people are serving the revolutionary cause without realizing that they are, simply by perpetuating revolutionary superstitions and absurdities like the belief in "progress" and the non-existence of absolute truth.

>> No.4640275
File: 293 KB, 1024x768, Notre-Dame-Cathedral-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only institution that is truly reactionary, the institution that has been the revolutionaries main target from the start, is The Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church believes in absolute truth and the immutability of dogma. It was the institution that held the spiritual and political life of Europe together.

If you're not a Catholic, you're ultimately a revolutionary. Or, as Christ put it, "if you are not with Me, you are against Me."

When the Communists took over Russia they wiped out religion and crushed the family. The only religion was the State religion, the only god was the Party Leader, the only family is the Party and all of your children belong to the Party.

There was a US senator back in like the 1930s, who said something like, "there's an opinion in the senate that the alternative to Communism, is Catholicism". This is true; both believe that they are in the Right; Catholicism because it believes it has the truth revealed by Jesus Christ; Communism because it doesn't believe in truth and so has a right to impose itself on humanity simply because it can and has the power to do so.
Well, society has chosen Communism rather than Catholicism. All of our societies are Communist at their core now, at varying degrees. The Capitalism vs. Communism dialectic is kept up in order to maintain the appearance that the revolutionaries are still being persecuted and kept down, when really they have taken power.

The lack of religious instruction, religiousness, belief in God, etc.; is a result of revolutionary propaganda. Most are deceived into thinking that their lack of religion is due to their taking part in the World Historical process of progress or human evolution, but really it is sheer indoctrination.

Marx said of his own books that they were "swinish books". Marx did not believe in anything which he wrote. He wrote his books purely as propaganda for the revolutionary cause. He set up an Hegelian dialectic, he defined the terms of the debate/dialogue.
Marx's true motives were hatred of God and hatred of Mankind. He knew full well that his doctrines would create misery and death, and that is what he wanted. He was a psychopathic misanthrope.

>> No.4640281
File: 9 KB, 629x532, Hegel-system.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Plebian revolultions and ideologies are all the same

Said the ideologue


>Hegel did for Truth what Darwin did for Biology: he made it "evolve". Hegel believed in a pantheistic god where god was embodied by World History, that is, the history of humanity as it "progresses" through time, and that as this history unfolds itself God evolves; truth becomes more true, civilization becomes more civilized, humanity becomes more humane, etc.

Stopped reading right there, because this is just plain factually wrong. Hegel undertood history not as "progressing" but as "accumulating", social conditions and ideas are what make the Zeitgeist of a time, not beleif in "progress".

Similarly not even Marx beleived that a preletarieat revolution was inevitable , it was simply the material conditions (economy) that make it inevitable as such. You probably read in a crappy book by Popper that Hegel or Marx were dealing only with metaphysics, when that is simply not the case. As philosophers of history they do not deal merely with pre-existing conditions but also with the reasons that bring said change in society.

I suggest you read Hegel because you don't like someone who has gone over his texts.

>> No.4640283

Academia is probably the only organised and worthwhile collective WORLD movement of the modern-age that works to criticise the humanistic elements of capitalism which would otherwise be forgotten.

You're free to think what you like, but it helps put it in its place when it would so easily run amok otherwise.

>Fascination with little details; missing of bigger picture

>> No.4640297

Read these three books:

This one is about how the revolutionaries have plotted against the Church as its main enemy: http://www.catholicvoice.co.uk/dillon/
This is about how the revolutionaries use subtle propaganda techniques to make people friendly to their cause: http://www.tfp.org/tfp-home/books/unperceived-ideological-transshipment-and-dialogue.html
This one is about the true nature of the revolutionaries: http://www.thechristianidentityforum.net/downloads/Marx-Satan.pdf

>> No.4640301

There are too many Marxists in academia.

>> No.4640302

>Bakunin inspiring the russian revolution

I can't see how you're not a troll

>> No.4640303

>Fascination with little details; missing of bigger picture

It's me that's seeing the long-term political and spiritual goals of the revolutionaries. It's you that is fixed on tiny and irrelevant details like "criticizing the humanistic elements of capitalism which would otherwise be forgotten."

>> No.4640311


The Catholic church is probably an institution that has made the most lies, commited the most murder and debauchery in the history of mankind. If you like Christianity so much you should at least be able to say why Catholicism with it's bureaucratization, dogma and hierarchy brought the slow fall and degenerated Christianity into superstituion and ultimately nihilism. Hegel did not try rationalise Christianiy but tried to bring its message back into its orginal context (that we killed God in his human form) and Marx decried religion as outdated ant-science,metaphysical beleif in imaginery constructs and morality that simply did not exist, like so many other philsophers in his time.

>> No.4640318

I'd like to make this emphatic.

They are all short but highly informative.

Read this Papal Encyclical by Pope Leo XIII as a short intro, if you like:

Point is, you have been inundated with propaganda from the time you first began to watch television. READ THESE THREE SHORT BOOKS. If you really believe in being "open-minded" then you should take the time to investigate what the other side of the debate actually has to say.

>> No.4640328


Did you lose your way from Sunday School today kiddo?

>> No.4640330

> Marx decried religion as outdated ant-science,metaphysical beleif in imaginery constructs and morality that simply did not exist

Marx believed in God, he just hated him
He only said that "religion is the opiate of the masses" etc., in order to delude the "useful idiots" into thinking that war against religion is a just cause.

>> No.4640343


>Marx believed in God, he just hated him

>It is self-evident, moreover, that “spectres,” “bonds,” “the higher being,” “concept,” “scruple,” are merely the idealistic, spiritual expression, the conception apparently of the isolated individual, the image of very empirical fetters and limitations, within which the mode of production of life and the form of intercourse coupled with it move.[23]


The only idiot I see here is you.
Learn what atheism actually is, choirboy.

>> No.4640361

>history doesn't move backward.
Fall of Constantinople
Fall of Rome

>> No.4640371


>> No.4640376

>implying in both cases the relevant Roman Empire wasn't decayed and a shadow of its former self anyway

>> No.4640382

>politically neutral STEM disciplines.
Go read Eisenhower's speech on the military industrial complex.

>> No.4640541

>stop reading Communist propaganda and read this Catholic propaganda

>> No.4640551


>Christian in 2014
>Not being a liberation theologist

>> No.4640555

>Blaming poor military tactics on "muh degenerate society"

>> No.4640568

"muh degenerate society" explains the lack of loyalty to Rome and lower birthrates.

>> No.4640584



>> No.4640593

read it

>> No.4640604


No. Whatever Marx was motivated by, you were motivated by religious indoctrination & delusion.

>> No.4640613
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The Catholic Church barely keeps in line with dogma since Vatican II and worries more over ecumenalism than their own faith.
Marxism died with the Soviet, only it's attacks on culture and civilization lives on through inconsistently applied relativism and it's ever more marginalized historiography.

Globalist Liberalism is the only widespread ideology of our age, and yes it does involve a self-delusion where they're the small struggling revolutionaries fighting against the everpresent yet intanginble evil despite near dominance of the Anglo world and most of Europe. They proclaim to hate Christianity yet all believe in christian concepts of infinity and non-cyclical progress.

Although I think it's arguable if this belongs on /lit/ to begin with anon. As much as most people here talk about Academia they don't tend to be in it or be very positive about it.

>> No.4640614

>Communist Manifesto is extremely radical

just gonna copypaste this from Fringe Elements

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

The 16th amendment, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State “income” taxes.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

We call it Federal & State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

We call in government seizures, tax liens, Public “law” 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of “terrorists” and those who speak out or write against the “government” (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

We call it the Federal Reserve which is a credit/debt system nationally organized by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State.

We call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) madated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver’s licenses and Department of Transportation regulations.

>> No.4640616

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

We call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture. As well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Evironmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

We call it the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two “income” family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920s, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

We call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public “law” 89-136.

10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

People are being taxed to support what we call “public” schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based “Education”.

>> No.4640623
File: 63 KB, 282x526, Anaximander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christian concept of infinity

I hope you're not serious

>> No.4640630

Infinity in Christian theology has more to do with a lack of being restrained than going on forever. It's not really the same concept.

>> No.4640774

I so bet this is one of those viral e-mails that you haven't bothered fact-checking at all