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4638421 No.4638421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's absolutely no reason to be depressed. You should either:

A. admit that the absurd is not worth dealing with and end your life
B. admit that you have to deal with the absurd, and work towards a goal

Hanging around in the uncomfortable position where you lightly accept the absurd but never fully embrace it, is, quite seriously, the worst possible choice any living creature can make.

>> No.4638425
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>> No.4638426
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>not being an existentialist
What are you, religious?

>> No.4638428

Freshman philosophy is nice

>> No.4638429

Isn't shit like this more appropriate in response to a melancholic tumblr post? This shit is literally said in a less cogent manner every day on /b/. Go there, they'll be impressed.

>> No.4638430

Of course, makes perfect sense. Thanks, I'll just click "apply"...and there we go, happy!

>> No.4638431

Why not both?

>> No.4638434

But anon, I haven't been on /b/ since 2010. I'm scared

>> No.4638438

good old kierke

>> No.4638442

It took me a while before I noticed the tail.

>> No.4638443

Yeah but why religion? Unless if you want to suck a sky daddys dick in heaven all your eternity

>> No.4638444

Me either, and I haven't looked back.

>> No.4638454

Wow you're right. Seeing as I'm completely rational and entirely pragmatic, my depression should just fly away now.

>> No.4638458

no shit you shouldn't be depressed, good job op
why did no one tell me this earlier? all that wasted time!

>> No.4638476
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There is no logical link tying the two proposition in option B. Sounds like shitty Sartrian nonsense. Keep your retarded made-up goal for yourself and let me enjoy my drink.

>> No.4638480

Philosophy is not a suicide hotline. "The absurd" is a pseudoconcept.

>> No.4638488

The absurd isn't the problem, anon. The problem is despair.

>> No.4638519

you couldn't possibly understand. you're too retarded. God is metaphysical. it's not all man in clouds with a toga. i would go into it further but like i said. you're just too retarded and I'd be wasting my time.

>> No.4638521

>"The absurd" is a pseudoconcept.

Then explain what it isn't

>> No.4638534

Go fuck yourself spoonfed faggot. Tell me not be to depressed and accept the absurd and be happy after my mom died.

>> No.4638538

Or depression could be the result of serotonin/dopamine underproduction, or a host of other physical factors.

>> No.4638569

feeling sad isn't as good as feeling happy so you shouldn't feel sad anymore. either that or kill yourself. i'm op and i'm a dense retard. seriously to think you understand all the circumstantial bullshit that is out there to cause depression...you're a naive dipshit. then you come and make a thread showing off how idiotic you are. i'm really blown away by this board.

>> No.4638593

sssssh OP if everyone reads the stranger then the entire field of psychiatry will be over!

>> No.4638594

Shh, don't spoil it for the "just be happy" folks.

>> No.4638610

And they drugs are not the answer...

>> No.4638623

Too bad people don't act based on rational insight.

>> No.4638634


yeah but if they have a chronic imbalance they should die anyways to keep their maladaptive genes out.

>> No.4638636

And have the human race stagnate and perish. You don't understand the benefit of weird mutation cunts.

>> No.4638641


the only thing depressed people are good for is writing self-inserts with lots of pathos.

>> No.4638734

Yes, because your brain chemicals are just this mysterious metaphysical plasma that are impossible to effect with physical actions.

Literally impossible

>> No.4638779

can we please make existential/depression/suicide threads a bannable offense

>> No.4638789

how would we make emos try to read heidegger then?

>> No.4639051

Can we please make things I don't like bannable?