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4636085 No.4636085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>People who use 'epic' as an adjective.

>> No.4636088
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>Using adjectives
>Using adverbs

>> No.4636089

>ep•ic (ˈɛp Jk)
>adj. Also, ep′i•cal.
>1. of or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usu. centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style
>2. resembling or suggesting such poetry
>3. heroic; majestic; impressively great.
>4. of unusually great size or extent

>> No.4636092

>5. an image attached to an email

>> No.4636093

Just because the internet ruined the word doesn't mean the word shouldn't be used.

>> No.4636099

>Just because the internet ruined the word doesn't mean the word shouldn't be used.
I don't mind it being used, as long as it's used properly.

>> No.4636127

Epic is an adjective though.. What is this a meme or something?

>> No.4636130

It's also a noun. I guess OP would rather see it used only as that.

>> No.4636132

And when did it start being used as an adjective?
Around the same time 12 year olds and the internet were invented.

>> No.4636136
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>americans who use british english




>adverbs implied by the verb, e.g. "ran quickly"

>> No.4636144



>> No.4636162

what is this low hanging fruit day.

>> No.4636177
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>Hating on semi-colons
Fuck you, guy.

>> No.4636182


>> No.4636183

>tfw using epic as a verb

>> No.4636198
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>Hating semicolons and our shitty sentence structure

As for the people that say shit like 'ti's', they're betas.

>> No.4636224

simply epic

>> No.4636296


you're probably one of those retards who insist on using semi-colons so much that you use them instead of regular colons.

fuck you.

no, really. fuck you so much. there is almost NEVER any reason to use semi-colons, so fucking don't.

"Don't use semicolons. They stand for absolutely nothing. They are transvestite hermaphrodites. They are just a way of showing off. To show that you have been to college."

>> No.4636314

Make me

>> No.4636318

>Mark Twain was dismissive of this punctuation and that somehow proves something
You speak in semicolons all the time, buddy.

>> No.4636326


A semi-colon isn't a fucking stylistic device.

>> No.4636334

Well, it's derived from an Ancient Greek adjective so about 3000 years ago.

>> No.4636340

Reminder that if you know how to correctly use a semicolon you will never fuck more than 4 girls in your life

>> No.4636346

Doesn't matter. Semi-colons ruin style. Fucking plebs. No appreciation for decent prose.

>> No.4636349

If you don't know when and when not to use digits you'll never fuck more than two girls in your life.

>> No.4636353

Doesn't it depend on the format?

>> No.4636354

Are you implying that some of the greatest prose stylists of all time have not made extensive use of he semicolon?

>> No.4636356
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>no, just no

>> No.4636366

I suppose it depends on context. I just wish everyone on /lit/ wrote in a scholarly style.

>> No.4636370

You used e.g. wrong btw

>> No.4636374

>I just wish everyone on /lit/ wrote in a scholarly style.
o i am laffin

>> No.4636375

Ye gods, such shall not occur upon my watch.

>> No.4636379

Well sure but there's nothing wrong with 2 over two.

>> No.4636382
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>people who can't handle the evolution of language

>> No.4636385


but "proper" use of a word changes over time

>> No.4636388


Holy shit, I've only fucked 4 girls in my life.......

>> No.4636398
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>speaking of thousands of modern asshole languages instead of proto indo european

>> No.4636404


*one of thousands

>> No.4636415

No he didn't

>> No.4636428

>People who use 'awesome' as an adjective
>People who use 'radical' or 'rad' as an adjective
>People who use 'fantastic' as an adjective
>People who use 'terrific' as an adjective
>People who use 'stupendous' as an adjective

>> No.4636435


>> No.4636439



>> No.4636442

Terrific post there.

>> No.4636450

There is no situation where a semicolon is necessary, period.

>> No.4636457

>There is no situation where a semicolon is necessary, period.

The semicolon exists in order to:
- cleanly end a list entry; and
- separate a thought which, in expression, might contain or be within a parenthetical; and
- to terminate statements in the C programming language.

>> No.4636460

Forget semicolons—almost no one uses them anyway—the worst is the overuse of parenthesis and em dashes (it just shows how lazy authors and editors are—they're a cop out for cluttered writing).

>> No.4636469

Terrific post there.

>> No.4636478


>> No.4636486


>> No.4636488

i must not
but say
you had me
for too long

>> No.4636515


>> No.4636521 [DELETED] 


>> No.4636527

I've been trying to read Schophenhauer's Studies in Pessimism but the translation has 500 semicolons, almost all of which precede conjunctions

>> No.4636530

Got it

>> No.4636545

no he didn't you faggot
e.g. = for example
i.e. = in other words

>> No.4636549

that was Vonnegut you retard

>> No.4636583
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>> No.4636586
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no i didn't you fucking idiot

>> No.4636622

he also used a semicolon later in the same book and talked about it