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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 869 KB, 2048x1536, 20140305_130018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4632229 No.4632229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets see those shelves lit. I just found this bookshelf outside my house and now after a solid year of lying on the floor all the books I bought have a place to live.

>> No.4632235

Take clearer pictures of the shelves, OP. We can't even make out most of the books.

>> No.4632238



>> No.4632247
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The camera and lighting suck but here are some closer ups

>> No.4632253
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>> No.4632257

I love that Icelandic Sagas compilation.

What are your top three favorites out of the Penguin Classics you own there?

>> No.4632259


reading french & russian authors in translation


>> No.4632260

How many you have read?

>> No.4632262

>Le Morte d'Arthur

Have you read it yet? How do you like it, if you have?

>> No.4632267


70/100 or so, a few of them I've read multiple times though


Gogol anything, the translator is way better than p/v in my opinion, all my pushkin prose works and a hero of our time are favourtes as well; I have the penguin edition of Jane Eyre but I loaned it to a qt.

>> No.4632274


Read it, loved it. Not pictured because I loaned them both out are Then Once and Future King (fucking spectacular and makes me cry wheni reread it) and the tales of king arthur re written by John Steinbeck.

>> No.4632284


But yeh I would recommend reading toafk before morte as morte is harder to follow and read morte outloud a lot to yourself because it's really a beautifully written relic of a book.

>> No.4632294


lol my favourite authors are all Russian and I have read the entire written works of Gogol, Pushkin, Dostoyevsky and most of Tolstoy and a ton of Chekhov, Turhenev and then all the smaller fry who wrote less around that time like Lermontov; all in translation, especially Eugene Onegin :(

>> No.4632314

What kind of name is Virgin Wolf? Or is that the name of the book?

>> No.4632322

Hahah oh wow.

>> No.4632330


It's a fiction I wrote about my fursona obviously.

>> No.4632359

Others pls post shelvss.

>> No.4632380
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Collected/Mostly Read

>> No.4632385
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>> No.4632389


Very pretty.

>> No.4632391


>two copies of Suttree


>> No.4632405


Not sure, to tell you the truth. Must have swiped one from a roommate at some point, thinking it was my copy. It's also possible my wife had a copy, but I don't think so.

>> No.4632440
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>virginia woolf

>> No.4632453
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That's a beautiful case and filling.

I really love Once and Future King too, though I read Morte first due to having a class over it. Reading out loud was exactly what helped me get into it!

I've been looking at that Steinbeck volume, all the reviews seem to either love it or despise it. If you didn't already know, Faulkner also put out a really short book of Arthurian lit, called Mayday. I'm doing a paper on Gawain so I'm really feeling Arthurian stuff lately!

>> No.4632457

ITT: People who don't actually read or use their book shelves.

Not only does my shelf have books, it has cologne, kitty litter, blank paper, psychology, draft books filled with my political musings, story ideas, etc, dream intepretations, marble bookends, tiny chest with coins from countries that don't exist anymore.

Fuck people, you're all plebs, filthy stupid unworthy to live plebs.

>> No.4632458
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I'm not sure my camera is good enough to be legible. Plus I've only drunk coffee all day.


>> No.4632463
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>> No.4632464
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>> No.4632472
File: 2.01 MB, 2670x2000, 1-14-14 part two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures are a couple of months out, what's I've got since then that isn't pictured:

>Beyond the Pale of Vengeance by Kan Kikuchi
>Sources of Japanese Tradition, vol. 2
>Zen and Japanese Culture by DT Suzuki
>How to Read and Why by Bloom
>The Summer Book by Jansson
>The Hearing Trumpet by Carrington
>Little, Big by John Crowley
>Three Kingdoms
>The Street of Crocodiles by Schulz
>Readings: Essays and Literary Entertainments by Dirda
>Bound to Please: An Extraordinary One-Volume Literary Education by Dirda
>The Kalevala
>Log of the S.S. The Mrs Unguentine
>The Book of Monelle
>The Moon Over the Mountain by Atsushi
>Night on the Galactic Railroad by Miyazawa
>Tale of Heike trans. by Royall Tyler
>The Reed Cutter and Captain Shigemoto's Mother: Two Novellas
>The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi and Arrowroot: Two Novels

But OP said he just now got the shelf. It hasn't had time to accumulate muck.

>> No.4632477

i think you have some bigger issues than bookcases

>> No.4632480

>not being down with the woolf

>> No.4632481

you're a faggot

>> No.4632488

I approve of the pictured collection.

>> No.4632489

it's a god damn mess
i like it

>> No.4632497
File: 147 KB, 482x375, universum_aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being down with "woolf"

If your a girl you like woolf because your prof convinced you that if you believe "women should be considered human beings and deserve justice", then you must "love Woolf"--just like their profs before them.

If you're a guy, you pretend to like Woolf because you think it will score you brownie points with "academic girls", or should I say, women who puppet the expectations put on them by the "grooming nodes" of univerity's/college life.

You're a sick and sad puppy, too stupid and cowardly to break through to the other side.

>> No.4632498
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Rate my shelf.

>> No.4632507
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>> No.4632510

im down with the woolf cause she makes cool words sound cool together
but if you say so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4632514

Thanks. I even tidied it up a bit for the photos.

>> No.4632518

it's got soul

>> No.4632520

>books not being categorized from A to Z based on authors
thats real fucking gross OP you should be ashamed

>> No.4632525
File: 57 KB, 500x332, ae1cb2c008a0162ee6176010-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having all those colours mixed up

You might as well burn then all.

>> No.4632526

Most people in the thread aren't doing that.

>> No.4632529

Popular History/10

>> No.4632534

ps have u read the waves tho

>> No.4632535

>not using a kindle

>> No.4632538

>Umberto Eco - Book of Legendary Lands

Is that as great as I'm hoping it will be? I loved Borge's Book of Imaginary Beings. Loving all the Angela Carter, folklore/myth and early fantasy you have. You have very neat taste.

>> No.4632544

>That's a beautiful case and filling.

Thanks. That's a lot of ammo, mental and rifle.

>> No.4632546


>> No.4632556

It reads a lot more like an Encyclopaedia and less entertaining than Imaginary Beings but it's definitely interesting. Most of the book is images, the text is secondary.
Cheers, I'm quite fond of my little collection.

>> No.4632559


The books: mental ammo.

>> No.4632619


> being this pleb


>> No.4632651
File: 41 KB, 375x300, 1394059995979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to anons house form this thread
>survey his book shelf
>Pick out book I wrote my thesis on
>Go on at length and ask anons opinion of a certain axiom contain in said book
>"hehe *starts sweating* it's been a really long time since I've read it hehe"
>"It says here that the edition of this book was made last year"
>"Yeah hehe *sweating hard*, I read it along time ago but I lost my copy, so I got a new one hehe"
>"So I am to understand you read this book a long time ago, forgot what it was about, then bought it again and so you could put it on your bookshelf. You've had over a year to re-read it, why haven't you?"
>"hehe, I just haven't *voice breaks* found the time hehe"
>"You bought the book because it was orange didn't you?"
>"hehe *drenched in sweat* yes hehe"

>> No.4632659


Why does lit always project so hard in these threads? If you never read what you buy that doesn't necessarily mean the same is true for everyone.

>> No.4632661
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>> No.4632662
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>Penguin classics
>Davies' fake general history book
>not Oxford Annotated bible
>Braudel but not the Mediterranean
>not organised alphabetically

>> No.4632671


What did you write your thesis on?

>> No.4632672
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1356064580919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge
>Just cus I haven't read 90% of the total pages resting on my bookshelf, doesn't mean I'm pretentious!!

lol ok chump, or should I say, le hipster nephew.

>> No.4632677

Naked Lunch.

>> No.4632693


No you misunderstand... I've read roughly 85% of the books I've purchased in my life, I have 400 at my parents house with about 60 unread and about 110 at my house with thirty unread, so even if I ignore library reads and rereads I've read 420 out of 510 books that I own at least once. What you're doing is assuming that people you don't know aren't reading their books based on absolutely nothing.

>> No.4632701

Two questions, how old are you and are you a drug addict?

>> No.4632708

In my 20's and define "drug addict".

>> No.4632711


I literally just got home from work, found the shelf and shoved all my books on, the only organization I did was big books on the bottom and grouped editions with the same spine, I might change that.

I want to read more history, I'm thinking of reading that 13 volume one on civilizations, the decline and fall of the roman empire, and yes, Braudels Mediterranean, gonna finish everything on my shelf and then go on like a 50-70 book buying spree.

>> No.4632720
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'The Waves' is one of the greatest pieces of prose ever written in the English language.

Had you any understanding of prose whatsoever you'd already know not to go around embarrassing yourself with opinions as hilariously shit as these.

Chin up, little pleb.
You'll get there one day.

>> No.4632723

>being a rich faggot

Donate that money to your local marxist union fagot

>> No.4632730


> buying 100 books per year
> rich

That's about $1000 a year buying 50/50 used and new as I do, you could get it for half easy. Not a fortune by any means.

>> No.4632734

>muh prose
go fuck yourself you idiot

>> No.4632735


>local marxist union

how do you not see that he was joking? full autism engaged

>> No.4632736

>written by a feminist lesbian
yeah, no thanks.

>> No.4632741

Just leave. He knew he was joking but wanted to answer anyways. Stop trolling and go do something else.

>> No.4632744


Well I knew that part was a joke lol

>> No.4632745

>referring to yourself as "he"

you get gayer with every post, bookshelf-san

>> No.4632747
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Don't get mad now.
Just be less mediocre readers.

>> No.4632752


>Tfw someone intervenes on your behalf but it looks like shameless samefagging

>> No.4632755


samefag pls go

>> No.4632756

samefag pls go

>> No.4632758


I swear I'm not though... will you never believe me? :(

>> No.4632765

>I've read 420 out of 510
Yea sure thing 4channer extraordinaire.


>> No.4632768

What the fuck is wrong with Arthur's voice

>> No.4632776


It's fucking laughable that you think 420 os even a high number, much less something so impossible it must be a fabrication. Anyway I'm 23 and I've been reading since I was a child (I'm only counting srs lit and history in my total, otherwise I'm well over 1k) but I've probably cleared on average 60 books a year since I was 16 so I'm at probably around 600 or so including rereads and stiff i read from before 16...

Just because you never read doesn't mean nobody does.

>> No.4632792

>It's fucking laughable that you think 420 as even a high number
>h i g h number
anyway we have fun

>> No.4632992

Mark Corrigan

>> No.4633019

>Closed bookcase

Only non-pleb in here.

>> No.4633029

I'd be proud if I'd done that anon. But, you somewhat diminish your accomplishment by lording over others.
You're right though about the whole projecting thing. Happens a lot on this board.

>> No.4633038

Love the classics collection

>> No.4633359

then how do you find your books ?
if dont have a big collection then whatever but for a collection of a couple hundred books then its a must

>> No.4633371

Damn, you beat me to it. I was going to say Mark Corrigan/10.

>> No.4633407

As >>4632453, I can still find all of mine very easily.

I organize them geographically by country of author's origin, then by the year of the author's birth date. Then it's a bit of whatever I feel like within an author's oeuvre, but for that I usually group series and things from the same publisher together.

>> No.4633415

Not him, but I have a collection of over 10,000 books. Most of it is completely unorganized and I have no way of finding anything.

>> No.4633420

Are you rapture without your trip?

that nigga has no organization method at all

>> No.4633424

>Are you rapture without your trip?

>that nigga has no organization method at all
But we do sound alike.

>> No.4633429

You probably are alike. He also has several thousands of books, but his collection definitely leans towards philosophy and non-fiction over literature.

>> No.4633475
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Pleb/10 I'd rate myself

>> No.4633497

I can't keep books to save my life, once I am done with them I give them away to people who are interested.

>> No.4633500
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Last summer I tried to do a collage of all my shelves like the anon with all the Japanese literature and ammo but it didn't turn out as good.


>> No.4633505
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>> No.4633508
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K this is the last time I'm posting these shitstacks before taking new pictures. I've got a lot more books since last summer and I'm going to borrow my brother's girlfriend's bomb ass camera and photograph those shits. anyhow


>> No.4633527
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>> No.4633529


>If your a girl

Jesus, man. Get it together.

>> No.4633531

Titus Groan but no Gormenghast? What!?

>> No.4633543

Should I sell physical books that I've finished reading and don't plan to read again?

If I've read a book on an ereader, should I buy a physical copy just so I can stick it on my shelf like as a trophy?

>> No.4633554

>Should I sell physical books that I've finished reading and don't plan to read again?

You could, but you can never get very much out of them. The most I've ever got out of a used bookstore was $2 per book. A better route might be just trading them on PaperbackSwap for books you actually want, like the ones you may have read on an ereader and liked.

>> No.4633559
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I apologize for poor picture quality since i'm using a shitty webcam. On top of my shelf is a first edition of Gulag Archipelago second volume along with a biography of Yeager.

>> No.4633563
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Anybody wants a shoutout to what these books are on my shelf I would be more than welcomed too. I forgot I have a comic book pricing guide on top of my shelf too.

>> No.4633575

Big penguin classic. Is it Das Capitol?

>> No.4633578
File: 2.02 MB, 1024x768, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are these publishers? The covers look really nice.

>> No.4633580


Nah, it isn't Das Kapital, I assume you mean the yellow and black one? That's Demons translated by Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky I think it wasn't that one but almost all the black penguin editions on that shelf are Dostoyevsky. The big one is Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.4633602
File: 49 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140306_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to that anon with the Japanese collection for recommending me I Am A Cat. I just finished it about an hour or so ago and thought it was wonderful. Definitely one of the most original books i've ever read.

Here's my third shelf anyway.


looks like Modern Library.

>> No.4633612
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This is my last shelf, I do have another one after this but it's mostly comics and I am not putting that one up because this isn't /co/. I do have a second bookshelf but I don't feel like doing it since it's a mess at the moment.

This is mostly Stephen King books from when I was a teenager and went through a horrible King phase. I think I still have some of his books in a box somewhere in my room.

>> No.4633664
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>> No.4633717

damn. nice shelves

>> No.4633742

>tiny chest with coins from countries that don't exist anymore.
boy you sure are better than everyone else

>> No.4633766

the modern library

>> No.4633855

that is hideous

>> No.4633858


> lording over others

When? Some guy implied I hadn't read any of my books and I said that I have actually.


The kind of gold ones on the bottom right ish are modern library amd the white ones to their right are oxford classics. Top is a hodgepodge but older penguins and vintage make up quite a few (vintage the publisher).

>> No.4634039
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This shelf is my fiance's. I wanted to get a new one but it is one of few things she has from her childhood so we re-enforced it with carpentry nails instead.

>> No.4634040

>tfw used to participate in the odd bookshelf thread but then moved out and only took a couple shoeboxes of books with me

>> No.4634048

>david gemmell

my nigger

>> No.4634057

>Morals and Dogma hardcover

Dude I want one of those so fucking badly and it's like $100

>> No.4634074
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>> No.4634357
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no room for a proper bookshelf in student accommodation, but still, here are my books

>> No.4634386
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Black BILLY bookshelves from Ikea. With a few books on them.

>> No.4634391

or why don't you try being a more discerning one instead of reading at the most superficial level below plot.

>> No.4634398

you've never fucking read virginia woolf have oyu

jesus christ dude

>> No.4634417
File: 88 KB, 458x800, 1390798522970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all that bataille, de sade, adorno et al
>dem boots in the bottom right corner

oh lit vixen i can tell that u are the very witch of fuck

pls give email i am charming and dynamic u will not disappoint in this

>> No.4634420

guess my gender again ;)

>> No.4634427


no u are my lit vixen i will not let you ruin this

>> No.4634432 [DELETED] 

okay, well, what if i was? you going to recommend me some hot as fuck books? you going to get me wet with sexy recommendations? if that were so, what books would you suggest?

>> No.4634440

This guy's right, she's a terrible writer. http://www.cosmoetica.com/B318-DES258.htm

>> No.4634445

>calls someone a bad writer
>refers to one review that told him what to think
I'm not going to take your negative criticism seriously unless you write your own review.

>> No.4634448

Oh wow, arguments over guys. This article literally acts as proof that Woolf is overrated. We better go home.

>> No.4634449

>I suggest reading Milan Kundera, or, eventually, when published, my wife’s novels to see how one makes philosophy relevant to art
>my wife’s novels


>> No.4634451
File: 30 KB, 310x400, Artaud_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whats good bb i said giev email ok we can make all that happen dw and send more pics of ur boots pls are you in 2 cock and ball torture at all? get @ me pls i love you

>> No.4634452

Why do you think he married her? He's one of our most incisive literary connoisseurs

>> No.4634456

Please shut the fuck up

>> No.4634457
File: 60 KB, 640x480, danny boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Copyright © by Dan Schneider

If there is one man I trust - it's Dan.
It's over. Woolf is done.

>> No.4634461 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 375x500, 1394111015485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if you post your email, you'll have some luck. i'm out now for a writing workshop though honey. these are the boots. i'm into it, that is, when i'm doing it to the guy. i don't know if my girlfriend would appreciate that though. hm. well, we will see.

>> No.4634468
File: 73 KB, 432x650, resnais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those boots

played out hipster garabe would not cop

you are no longer my lit vixen. i hope ur happy.

>> No.4634470
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x2448, 20140306_230416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont have much to spend on books, will hopefully have an ereader soon

>> No.4634472

You can read his wife's fiction here: http://www.cosmoetica.com/Schneider%20Fiction.htm

>> No.4634583
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>> No.4634587
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>> No.4634590
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should really get rid of some of my old school books

>> No.4634607


Check out estate sales. Old masons are dying off in droves.

>> No.4634614

have you ever read lord of the rings? i think you'd like it

>> No.4634617

Paprika is Satoshi Kons worst film.

>> No.4634626

never heard of it

I got another version of that green German case, it's the older translation (which is better) but my brother has borrowed it right now. that reminds me, he still got my Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Roadside Picnic as well. And I miss I Strahd, Memories of a Vampire and I, Strahd, the War Against Azalin. Can't remember who borrowed it...

>> No.4634634

>not having an e-reader as a student
Step up your game, senpai, I have all of those books on my kindle.

>> No.4634636

Even though this is bait, Gormenghast is a great read(nothing fantastic).

>> No.4634638

You misspelled Millenium Actress.

You just don't like sci-fi

What happened?

>> No.4634644

Then how will you show off to guests what books you read? (Facebook sucks for doing this because you appear pretentious if you put a list of highbrow books as favourites) Everybody needs a bookshelf in his apartment or house.

>> No.4634651

That might be the ugliest book case I've seen in a while. Have you bought penguin exclusively?

>> No.4634656

Not all books are available as e-book in every language though. And your god tier scripture like coming-back-to-it-all-the-time books deserve a decent hardcover for use throughout the years.

>> No.4634658

Only fags order books by colors

>> No.4634667

Why do Americans cover all surfaces with light wood? It sucks all air out.

>> No.4634669

>Not all books are available as e-book in every language though.
Of course, I recognize this. I normally purchase books when I become exasperated in finding an ebook. I bought, two weeks ago, a complete collection of Trakl's poems: no ebook exists. I am willing to buy physical books. Moreover, since I am in Uni, I just check out a book from the library that does not have an ebook, and just make my own via my scanner (it is time-consuming, but worth it).

>> No.4634949

yeah I exclusively bought all those books just to "bait" /lit/, this totally makes sense.

>> No.4634968


How are the translations in that Icelanders compilation? I've been eying that for a while.

>> No.4634973


>> No.4634991
File: 505 KB, 900x722, 0_a9d41_f7a9a3b2_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing special

>> No.4635046

>empty space so that the books lean over instead of standing up straight.


>> No.4635056

>tfw books packed so tight it's a struggle to get one out
>tfw trying to put a final book in a slightly too small gap and the cover gets caught and creased

>> No.4635068

>Millenium Actress

Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.4635091

>not taking the middle path

>> No.4635098 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4635111 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4635123
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>> No.4635129
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>> No.4635135
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>> No.4635139
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>> No.4635194

That's a customer image from amazon from someone who spent $16,000 buying the entire penguin classics library.


>> No.4635204

What the fuck? That's like $15 per book for trash-tier penguin books.

>> No.4635217

>Mao: the unknown story

This has betrayed your plebbosity.

>> No.4635222
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>Millennium Actress
>Any Kon film

>> No.4635285

I love the guy but Paprika was not very good

>> No.4635352

what's all those books in the top 2 shelves?

>> No.4635633

I don't know I can't read any of their titles.

>> No.4635714

First from the top (all the shelf) is an antique literary magazine co-written by Borges. And in the second shelf there are a lot of classic works (Montaigne, Esquilo, Quevedo, Gongora, Plutarch, Aristophanes, etc.)

>> No.4636390

I did like it actually.

But Paprika was one of his best!

>> No.4636418


I don't think they're even in English.

>> No.4636507

>not having a nice ass book shelf

>> No.4636808

My kindle has virtual bookshelves.

And no one here had a "nice ass book shelf".

>> No.4636851

I often fantasize about a life with you.

>> No.4636865

Me too.
That is
>I often fantasize about a life with me.
>Nrrrrr. I have no life. ;B

>> No.4636880

Neither do I. We'd be starting clean and our passion for each other would inspire us to travel the globe, to create great works of art, and, ultimately, to live life. Whatever it is that's holding us back now from life will vanish once we're together. So, like Aladdin, I'm on my magic carpet, I'm offering you my hand: "Do you trust me?"

>> No.4636894

i have no shelves, all of my books are stacked in milk crates or haphazardly on my desk. i find the milk crates make for easier transportation, never had a bookshelf. horrible for organization though, since i just throw them back in a crate at random when i finish a book.

>> No.4636896

>Renting books from amazon
>not having a private library to pass on to your son

>> No.4636916

My father kept a large number of books in the house while I was growing up. It was a horrible experience. They were everywhere, and made the house extremely ugly to store them.

I would never do anything like that to my son.

>> No.4636944
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/lit/, I have barely any purchased books, and have mainly gotten my books through the library. Right now the few books I do have lie on the floor in my apartment.

I would though like to start buying books when I graduate, and then get some decent shelves for them.

How the fuck do I figure out which edition to buy for a book? Do I have to look up every single edition of a book I want to buy? Is there some sort of criteria for this insanity?

>> No.4636952

I try to find the cheapest edition I can find, unless it's a translation. If it's a translation I do my research to find out which translation is generally considered the best, then I buy the cheapest edition of that I can find.

>> No.4636984

>Do I have to look up every single edition of a book I want to buy?
I do.

>Is there some sort of criteria for this insanity?
Depends what you want out of it. If you just want to read the text (assuming the original is English) get whatever is cheapest/has a nice cover. For me though, I like to find whatever edition has the most supplemental material.

If it's a translation, the most important thing is finding a good translation with lots of supplemental material.

One of my hobbies is added Translation sections to Wikipedia articles, so be sure to check the Wikipedia page for the book to see if someone's written one.

>> No.4636985

Ugh. Penguin Classics are completely homogenizing the bookshelf.

>> No.4637009

Noted, but what exactly do you look for in supplemental material?

>> No.4637025

It depends on the material. Introduction, Background, Footnotes, Criticism.

For Shakespeare, I like having lots of Footnotes (Arden, Oxford World Classics), but other material like Analysis and Criticism is also very important (Norton Critical Editions). For Shakespeare I'd usually buy two books since the Norton Critical Editions don't have enough footnotes, but Arden doesn't have enough criticism.

For general books where lots of Footnotes aren't necessary, I'd try to get one with as many pages of Introduction or Criticism as possible. This is usually a Norton Critical Edition if they exist, else whatever is available.

I don't have many Penguin Classics, but the ones I do have I've found severely lacking in of sufficient supplements.

If you don't like reading supplemental material, you can probably get whatever edition you think looks nice or is cheap. But personally I find reading Criticism vitally important for both my enjoyment and understanding of the work.

There are also compilation texts intended for students, like the Norton Anthologies. These often have great introductory material, and as Anthologies offer a wide range of texts. Might be worth checking out.

>> No.4637082

If you want cheap books with nice/interesting cover designs, start hitting up your used bookstore.

>> No.4637283

thanks for that

>> No.4637311
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>I try to find the cheapest edition I can

I hope you don't have too many Wordsworth Classics on your shelf.

>> No.4637741
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Supplementary Material Power Ranking

1. Norton Critical Editions
2. Oxford World Classics
3. Viking Critical Library
4. Everyman's Library
5. Library of America
6. Penguin Classics

>> No.4638511
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>> No.4638531

>all those creases

Why is Penguin so shit?

>> No.4638539

jesus christ. i can't believe this is real.
who the fuck let this happen

>> No.4638540


To be fair I'm pretty rough with them.

>> No.4638560
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Oh my god these are fucking hilarious.

>> No.4638660
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>> No.4638685
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>> No.4638700


why did you have to ruin such a decent bookshelf, anon, why

>> No.4638702
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>> No.4638706
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>> No.4638717
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This ones my favourite

>> No.4638723
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>> No.4638750

tfw i own this

my bookshelf is tainted

>> No.4638755

Wow this could not be a more embittered post

>> No.4638787

life is hard being a grill

>> No.4638791


Not that guy but, I don't agree with a lot of what Harris says and I don't hate him or anything, but I don't get your point. It should be a prerequisite to own at least a few books by people you don't agree with or don't like.

>> No.4638957

That's a lot of everyman's library books. And having lots of them looks superb.

>sneaking a Dark Side of the Moon record into the pic

Cheeky. But I approve.

>> No.4639040


I really think EL is great. Great translations, lots of notes (at least in Dostoevsky) and good introductions.

A slightly different angle and you'd see Close To The Edge too.

>> No.4639057
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eh, I wasn't going to, but I figured why not
only thing worth posting, the rest is comics and shit.

>> No.4639294

>chomsky and hitchens on the same bookcase
>on the same shelf

>> No.4639738

wow great collection guys

>> No.4639750

>worth posting

>> No.4639781

I only own a couple of books I got for free.

No point in buying something you can get for free with a library card or online.

>> No.4639828

I hate reading on screens now that I'm in my 20's and I also tend to lend (read: give) books, which is fine.

>> No.4640035


Not really sure what's so strange about that.

>> No.4640618


>> No.4640626

lol not even close to half of all books are available on the internet. several books i have searched for days on the internet in vain.

>> No.4640633

>blah, same arguments we've had on lit 1000x times before

Thank you for your post.

>> No.4640638


Still not sure what the point is. What, you're not supposed to have books by two people who disagree with each other about certain stuff? What exactly are you trying to say?

>> No.4640644

Yes. I am dead serious. You are not allowed to have them on the same shelf. This is serious business and you aren't taking your bookshelf organizing seriously.

Now I have to go do some other serious things but I will be back, and when I am I expect you to have cleaned up this whole mess.

>> No.4640701

Millennium Actress is great.

>> No.4640733

>waaaaah mommy my peas mixed with my mashed potatoes


>> No.4640755

That's a bad analogy. You would have to compare it to two foods that really don't mix well with one another.

>> No.4640775


I think he was joking.

>> No.4640803

>what is a joke?

I think you might be the one with autism, buddy.

>> No.4640946

I don't think you actually realize the severity of his mistake. This was NOT a joke.

>> No.4641712

On the fourth shelf down all the way on the left

Is that a copy of the Broom of the System? I can only make out the word "broom," and if so, what edition is that because it looks sexy as fuck

>> No.4641721
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your bookshelf.

>> No.4641739


le weed :^)

>> No.4643818

>you're not some one-dimensional character in a shitty hollywood adaptation of a a mediocre novel

>> No.4643844

>you'll never even be that good yourself so you have shit sling others; works because your just can't hold up to shit

>> No.4643848

>you'll never write something as significant as fight club and will waste your life away criticizing culture you are incapable of creating while spoiling every last minute on 4chan inanity

>> No.4643870

>you did not just totally get your ass handed to you by a Chuck Palahanuik character oh wait you totally did.

>> No.4643890

Nice Patrick O'Brian

>> No.4644206
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Yes, but it's not sexy. Just a mass market paperback edition by Avon.

>> No.4646305

i can see your red everyman's, but what are the titles for the white ones?

>> No.4646424

The one I can make out says Mark Twain.

>> No.4647222


i know where every one of my books are at any given time; i'm not sure how one would manage a large collection without some basic storing mechanism

it's funny--though understandable--that to the casual viewer my organization might seem random--while of course it is intuitive and familiar to me, responding to my natural inclinations and genre groupings