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4626853 No.4626853 [Reply] [Original]

We discuss our experiences with pen pals.

I'm falling in love with this eccentric girl on the other side of the country and I'm afraid this will have bad repercussions in my life.

That wasn't supposed to happen, right?

Picture unrelated.

>> No.4626858

Pen pals is still a thing that people do.

>> No.4626864

Yes but I do it trough the computer.

>> No.4626879

I went through the whole internet crush thing. We knew each other for a long time, I initiated the idea, she liked, got me on the phone for some phonesex. She changed her mind.
Hold tight till you can see her in person. Good luck

Link unrelated. I was going to put it in that Bugs Bunny gif thread

>> No.4626898

Eh, meeting in person doesn't always make it guaranteed to succeed. Don't give OP false hope.

>> No.4626901

What do you even talk with a pen pal? Doesn't it feel "forced" or something?

>> No.4626910

True. "Eccentric" could mean lots of things. I got caught up in my story.
Brace yourself OP

>> No.4627315

>falling in love
It will end in pain

>> No.4627352

So be brave.

>> No.4627360

I have just recently begun to talk to a girl online, whom I'm crushing on pretty hard. We just talk on a very personal level everyday.

>> No.4627370

It's because her boyfriend is emotionally absent and you're jumping in for him. Only you'll get no poon from it.

>> No.4627400


>Only you'll get no poon from it.

na not only could he get a piece but he could even get a relationship out of it quite easily. but he WILL get cheated on. and soon. fact.

"eccentric" girls are narcissistic basket cases who need constant entertainment.

not company. entertainment.

if they aren't cheating on you to add some amusement to their lives they're starting domestics with you for no reason other than boredom

hit it if you can but you make it serious and you deserve all the misery that is coming your way. you can already discern how red flag she is OP you know it in the back of your mind just be real with yourself

>> No.4627402

>in a internet relationship that's been going for more 2 years
I just can't stop with these
Lonely guys are too cute

>> No.4627406

>"eccentric" girls are narcissistic basket cases who need constant entertainment.
I care to differ. I'm eccentric and I'm pretty content with books or a pen and paper.

>> No.4627408


you just flirt with the esoteric.

you aren't eccentric.

eccentric is fucking crazytown.

>> No.4627412

I met my current partner/girlfriend through /soc/, which is absolutely fucking bizarre.

We live 1500 miles away from each other but we've been together for two years and it's going pretty well.

On the subject of pen pals, I'm trying to find one or two who will help me learn Spanish. Specifically I'm trying to meet some Spanish-speaking anarchists in Latin America who wouldn't mind teaching me some shit (maybe in exchange for proofreading their English communiques or something).

>> No.4627413

No, I'm definitely eccentric in law breaking and sexual ways.

>> No.4627417


a vanilla in denial is a tragic thing

>> No.4627419

This sounds like some /r9k/ bullshit.

>> No.4627422

I'm not into BDSM a whole lot, but I do stuff like save semen to put in my coffee.

>> No.4627423

this is me btw, I just have my trip off most of the time

>> No.4627438


you aren't going to get your dick wet just because you play the good guy on 4chan you fucking estrogen in human form

>> No.4627440

Dear OP

I had the exact same experience with a girl named Rachel back when I was a teenager who didn't know much about the world. She was an artist and her heart was filled with love and passion and all those other things. I once told her I felt like I was falling in love, and she told me she felt something, but she didn't know what.

I asked her if she could be with me, and she said no. I moved across the country and I lived about an hour away from her, and she still said no.

There was however a different girl I spoke to on the internet, and she met me, and we've been together for the last eight years. I don't even really think of Rachel so much anymore save for when Anons ask me about penpals and falling in love.

I'll just say this, if she wants you back, go say hello, you'll be better off for it. If she doesn't want you back, then let it go, you'll be better off for it too. But the worst thing you can do is lie about how you feel. That's not just lying to her, that's also lying to yourself.

Sincerely, Anonymous

>> No.4627442


>There was however a different girl I spoke to on the internet

On what site?

>> No.4627445

P.S. You're a faggot

>> No.4627545

not op
and she isn't with anyone

>> No.4627551

I thought you were all functioning autists like me

>> No.4627605

The feels..

>> No.4627606

I am a spanish speaking anarchist...why are you interested in learning spanish?

>> No.4627692

This. I am like a magnet to bipolar and BPD girls and all it brings me is suffering.

>> No.4627706

>tfw in love with a 17 year old Dutch qt that lives in Amsterdam
>I'm 18 and from England
>We've been skyping for 8 months now
>tfw we fall asleep on webcam together and wake up together

>> No.4627721

that's so lame

it only costs like £15 to get a coach to amsterdam these days, go and give her the d already

>> No.4627727

>go and give her the d
She's only ever kissed a guy once m8 i dont think shed be ready

One day I will go there, we joke about it all the time

>> No.4627740

you should hurry up and get on with it. stay penpals for too long and it'll just fizzle out. if she meets someone irl he's obviously going to take priority over you.

>> No.4627749

On which website do I meet 6/10 girls who are into books?

>> No.4627758


>> No.4627763

lucky bitch

>> No.4627765

This guy is right. Also, Amsterdam corrupts people quickly.

>> No.4627789

dans le port d'amsterdammmm

>> No.4627792

Yeah I know, we make jokes about it all the time - we're quite aware of the reality and the ridiculousness of the situation and we're both prepared for it

>> No.4627796

most girls are lame beyond all belief i don't understand how people get hung up on them

>> No.4627802

find one that isn't lame

>> No.4627816

your gay

>> No.4627823

Are you in university yet? If not, why not take a gap year and live and work in 'Dam for a while? It'll be an adventure; the sort of reckless romantic thing you should be doing as a young man.

>> No.4627826

Ever been to an A&F ecstasy party?

>> No.4627833

>in university

>> No.4627877

In my last year of free education at college now (jumped around courses, couldn't find the right thing for me). Then taking a year off, already planning to do some cycling across Europe and definitely will stop in 'dam.
She always says to never tell her if I'm going to Amsterdam, we both agree it'd be nerve racking and we'd think about it too much. If I'm ever in Amsterdam I'm to just message her all like 'yo guess where i am lesgo'.

>> No.4627915

"Eccentric" is a wide open term, and your advise to keep cold and drop it after you hit it only breeds more of these broken people. You stink.

Law breaking?
>I'm not into BDSM a whole lot,
Tie-up stuff? Ballgags? I'm sorry. Endlessly curious about you.
And eew, seaman in coffee...

The sooner the better.

Six foot, ten?

Companionship is for us mortals, Mandark.

>> No.4628253

This mostly a problem for foreigners. The Dutch know how to handle it.

>> No.4628258



>> No.4628445

>Law breaking?
I steal and vandalize a good deal when I'm out and about, mainly targeting the super posh, and I like using psychedelic drugs in places where it's inappropriate (I don't think I'll ever be invited to a wedding again). I remember back when I was a young teenager I tried to steal cars like Dean Moriarty did (I didn't understand the point of the book then, so sue me) but it's not practical anymore unless you're a professional car thief lol. I do enjoy just acting strange to make certain people feel uncomfortable, epater la bourgeoisie and all that.

>Tie-up stuff? Ballgags? I'm sorry. Endlessly curious about you.

I'll do it, especially if the guy (or girl) wants to be dominated, but all that sounds rather pedestrian to me. If I'M going to be dominated (and I can do that as well as dominate), I'd rather have my hands tied over o a counter and my butt in the air without any pants on, then the other person just wait and attack when the time is right (ideally, after I fall asleep, but that can take a while). A lot of people find that painfully boring, but I find it exciting, it's like Spaghetti Western sex, it emphasis the sensation of the wait as much as the action.

>And eew, seaman in coffee..
Espresso, mainly, and it's most enjoyable when I fresh jacked the guy off into the cup and I look into his eyes as I drink it. Do you even go for guys tho? I've only seen you talk about interest in ladies.

>> No.4629778

Yeah. Strictly ladies for me. Glad you enjoy it though. Kinky.
Not too interested in BDSM but that may be due to inexperience. I like the pictures of women in ballgags, but I don't really know why. All that slobbering I guess. I certainly don't want to wear one. Anytime I see tied up people I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with the principle of Temple Grandin's hug box.
I did some petty shop lifting when I was younger. Till I upped it to a DVD or something and the alarm went off. Security asked to see in my bag and I was devastated. I just gave it back real quick, said sorry and never came back. I had a real isolated and sheltered Christian upbringing.

Normally I sage posts like this. I beg your pardon for the bump, guys.

>> No.4629802

I think it has to do with wanting to be a child. Being tied up terminates all responsibility, and actually I started reading a lot because my dad said it was the mark of a smart person and I had some erotic thoughts about him. I didn't actually believe I could seduce, but it I definitely conscious of it as a fantasy.

Every book I steal I treasure. You treasure it far more than when you buy it. But I never stole stuff like electronics; I have vandalized high priced stuff in stores tho

>> No.4630181

That's super cute, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ -chan!

>> No.4631020
File: 218 KB, 1282x818, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a lot of pen pals in high-school, they were always girls I knew.

I was avoidant, paranoid, and generally batshit so I didn't think real relationships were a good idea. A lot of people wanted to spend time with me, but I was convinced they were patently mistaken about who I was so I rebuffed them.

Writing seemed like a safe way to be intimate with people without actually spending time together.

I wrote to 4-5 different girls, each for about 2 years. We grew intellectually and emotionally close, but remained physically distant despite seeing each other in school every day.

It was a peculiar arrangement.

I enjoyed it, but it was never a healthy habit.

>> No.4631491

>Met a girl on Myspace when i was 12 about 8 years ago.
>Talk for hours everyday for 4 years.
>Learn everything about her
>We have so many things in common
>Teach her Plato and Aristotle
>Introduce her to other thinkers (my thing is argument on personal identity, so mainly Locke)
>Love her but know a long distance relationship could never work between us
>Constantly compare my life to hers.
>She gets a job, gets a boyfriend.
>I'm still single and only in education.
>Talk to her less and less.
>Only talk a couple times a week now. For a couple hours at most.
>I'm in University, still a virgin, no gf. She is still with the same bf, engaged and in a profession she loves.
>Told me last month that she would give it all up for a chance with me.
I'm in the UK she is In the USA, life is suffering.

>> No.4631524

I met a girl on interpals who I talk with. We talk for like 5-10 hours a day if nothing else is going on and it's really just absurd. I'd love to meet her but my financial situation doesn't really allow it.

>> No.4631527

>admitting you have nothing and not giving up that nothing to go to the UK and be with this woman
Fortunately the story isn't real, so I'm not even slightly upset.

>> No.4631534


Are you a 6/10 qt?

>> No.4631544

Also, seriously, where do you meet penpals?

>> No.4631552


dude, it's the fucking internet. you meet people everywhere, on 4chan, chatroulette, omegle, interpals, busu, whatever the fuck.

>> No.4631562



>> No.4631630
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I didn't say i have nothing.
I still have commitments.

>> No.4632161

You have commitments? Coax her to the UK and show her how much better it is there and how much better it would be with you. ... Is it really too late? You just waited too long.
It's "suffering" you brought on yourself. AUGH.

I'd fuck me. Hahahahaha

>> No.4632183

>Every book I steal I treasure. You treasure it far more than when you buy it. But I never stole stuff like electronics
I forgot to mention what petty thefts I was committing. I took comic and girly magazines mostly but took a picture book once and looked it over for a month and put it right back its shelf like it was a library book... Also took a Wild Cards book by GRRM. Read a few chapters, I wasn't impressed, so returned that one too. HA.
>I have vandalized high priced stuff in stores tho
Moves the economy. Curse its black soul.


>> No.4632281

She will be in Paris soon, plan on meeting her there

>> No.4632342

Where do you guys find all these pen pals?

>> No.4632372

You don't have that much going on. Go to her. Make it work.

>> No.4632376

Start working out now.

>> No.4632404
File: 557 KB, 1500x743, The Graduate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice. Brace yourself.


>> No.4632422

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ, want to be penpals? Y/N (pick one) xoxo

>> No.4632437



>> No.4632446

Why brace myself? Don't get me worried /lit/

>> No.4632462

>tfw you will never have a qt Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ pen pal who writes Zen logical investigations in mathematical notation to you on nectar scented paper
it's not the kind of feel i want to illustrate ;_;

>> No.4632465

As in, don't get your heart broken... I'm figuratively biting my nails over your soap opera here.

>> No.4632483

Papillon Poet?
Don't go falling to pieces on me. Find someone in your own back yard/neck of the woods. Must you cancel the internet to get outside often enough?

>mathematical notation
Wha-? I'm horrible with math.

>> No.4632515

Don't mind me, I'm just being overly dramatic; too many Romantics of late. Have you read Nightwood by Barnes?

>I'm horrible with math.
It's very easy; why is a raven like a writing desk?

>> No.4632530

She wouldn't break my heart would she?
Don't /r9k/ red pill me /lit/

>> No.4632572
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everyone i meet online loves me and everyone i meet in real life hates me, so be cautious
>tfw cyber gfs
>tfw need meatspace love

>> No.4632590

You know her better than I.

>> No.4632593

thats not true and you know it
i am from the internet and dont like you

>> No.4632705

Then i'm 100% in.
I was unsure if to actually meet her in Paris. But now i know. Thanks /lit/

>> No.4632719

Where do I get a pen pal who I can hold an actual, old-fashioned, handwritten correspondence? I think it would be neat.

>> No.4632754
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>> No.4632781

>meet a girl on omegle
>talk on and off for around a year on skype
>starting doing lewd stuff and get close over the next year
>she goes abroad and has less time but we still talk
>one day she calls early and we do our usual talk, nothing out of the ordinary
>she blocks me later that day
>That was last October
I thought it might have been an accident and tried readding her, no dice. We talked about finally meeting and maybe being together. I realized I fell in love shortly after it happened and I'm still really upset about it. Nothing seemed unusual the few days before it, I've gone over everything I did to see if it was my fault. I keep hoping that when she gets back from abroad everything will go back to the way it was.

>> No.4632800

>read this thread
>end of thinking incessantly of her
So I guess penpals for /lit/ are just ex girlfriends?

>> No.4632806

Here you go: reddit.com/r/penpals

>> No.4632929


If you are asking about actual pen pals who will exchange physical paper and ink letters with you than it can be as easy as asking someone to exchange letters with.

I met a girl on IMVU and have sent letters back and forth a few times over the years.

Tumblr is a place I have met people to chat with. This Christmas a girl sent me a Christmas card.

I like getting mail.

>> No.4632953

It's interesting, I find it really hard/kind of distasteful to get close to anyone on the internet. I've played a couple of online games over the years and spent a lot of time with some people, and I've also got to know some people through various 4chan boards and talk with them in group chats on skype every day. But of all those dozens of people I've chatted with online on a regular basis over like 10 years now, there's only 1, maximum 2, who I would actually call a friend. Like, someone I would actually go out of my way to help out. Someone I would really be upset about if I found out they had died. For the rest, meh. There are a couple I admire to a greater or lesser extent for their artistic talent or something like that, a couple who I enjoy chatting with, but nobody I'd actually bother with my personal problems or expect to bother me with theirs.

A couple of girls have indicated romantic interest in me online, but I just find that bizarre. Why would I want to go to all the trouble of emotionally investing in someone I can't even be with physically? Forgetaboutit.

And, I dunno, I think I'm more autistic and socially dysfunctional online than in person. In real life I don't really suffer from social anxiety and all that stuff particularly badly, I get along with most people, read social cues normally etc. But online, I dunno, unless I know someone really well I feel pretty uncomfortable chatting with them via text. I think I'd have more anxiety about sending an IM on skype or whatever to a girl than I do about cold approaching a girl in a bar. Like, if the bar girl isn't interested, I can tell pretty quickly and make a graceful exit. But if the skype girl isn't interested, fuck knows how long she could keep sending replies just to be polite while I make an ass of myself. I've observed and known people online who pester other people with unwanted social overtures, I've been the one sitting there like 'why the fuck is this dude/chick messaging me', and I never want to be that guy.

>> No.4632956

Stop being a fucking autist

>> No.4632959


Well, yeah, that's my point. In online environments, I am a fucking autist.

>> No.4633001
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The figurative disconnect of the internet is unhealthy within itself.

>And, I dunno, I think I'm more autistic and socially dysfunctional online than in person.

If anything this means that you probably have greater interpersonal skills, or at least you feel more natural connecting on a directly social level. So you're probably the exact opposite of an autist.


This cunt here however is an autist.

>> No.4633007

You sound like fun.

>> No.4633014

>ironically liking rap
>not even picking one of the rappers you're supposed to ironically like
>calling others autistic

H-haha yeah guys b-based god lol! XD My Skype image is a rap album

>> No.4633021
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>I'd rather have my hands tied over o a counter and my butt in the air without any pants on, then the other person just wait and attack when the time is right (ideally, after I fall asleep, but that can take a while). A lot of people find that painfully boring, but I find it exciting, it's like Spaghetti Western

>Espresso, mainly, and it's most enjoyable when I fresh jacked the guy off into the cup and I look into his eyes as I drink it.

Holy fuck you sound perfect beyond words.

I'd carve out a pound of my fucking flesh just for the chance to have dinner with you dayum.

>> No.4633027
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>>ironically liking

Insecure projecting should be beneath you by now ace. Work on that.

>> No.4633031

>poor comma use
>accusing people of "projecting"
>not noticing the dropoff in the use of the "projecting" meme, well past a year into its decline

You still going to be using it when it's just you and grandma?

Getting too old for 4chan, bro. Time to retire to Reddit. There you can sit and pretend you enjoy listening to rap music in peace.

>> No.4633033

Shit. Something like that happens to me. Nobody 'hates' me but when someone reads me they think I have strong personality. When they hear me talk they realize I'm actually weak and shy and they get confused and disappointed.

>> No.4633043 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 195x329, 1391253073465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>poor comma use

Just when I thought the angst couldn't get sadder I had to go and read the rest of your post. Wow your emotions reaching critical levels right now m80.

You're about ready for a time out from the internet there slugger you are getting far too cranky right now.

Btw I love it when the shitposter ends up being the one most riled lol kamady gald.

>> No.4633046

>posting Motherfucker Mike, the narcissistic piece of shit who ruined AVGN

Your taste in Internet celebrities is disgusting

>> No.4633048
File: 1.56 MB, 320x165, 1393282924372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to stop posting

>> No.4633051

For you

>> No.4633053
File: 134 KB, 480x395, louis-wain_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel time for bed m80

>> No.4633158

How many of you guys video chat with these girls you fall in love with online?

>> No.4633436

Im a big guy...

>> No.4633542


>> No.4633547

Don't fly into a murderous rage if she rejects you but seriously this is your one chance

>> No.4633556

you merely adopted the shitposting

>> No.4634044
File: 342 KB, 1632x3247, _stripped_2014-01-21 00.42.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been writing to this girl from /fit/. She's an inspirational speaker trip on /b/ sometimes.

What do you call someone who inspires you to become greater and greater every single day? It's exasperating how she distances herself from developing romantic feelings for me though.

>> No.4634046

i made mine my green card husband.

>> No.4634068

>What do you call someone who inspires you to become greater and greater every single day?
