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462791 No.462791 [Reply] [Original]

>acquire book
>book turns out to be shit

wat do?

>> No.462796

give book away?
suck it up and stop being a faggot?
throw book away?
donate book to secondhand book store or thrift store?

>> No.462793

Shelve book.

>> No.462800

Either donate or just leave on a park bench for someone else to enjoy/hate. Always leave a dramatic inscription in the front so it seems like you're about to enter Jumanji.

>> No.462803

in the jungle you must wait...

>> No.462809

Donate to local library so they can sell it to some other poor rube for $.50.

>> No.462813


What book is it? Or are you asking a rhetorical question?

>> No.462824


I mean general question.

Rhetorical....I mean seriously me from 10 seconds ago.

>> No.462832

Send the books to all the prisoners who have been locked up for so long.


>> No.462843

Can you set conditions on who your books are lent out to? Like, can I make sure that only convicted pederasts get to read my copy of Lolita?

>> No.462854


Something tells me no. Alas, it would be awesome.

>> No.462856
File: 19 KB, 489x493, Heath Ledger is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying prisoners can find time between lifting weights, butt fucking in the shower, getting tattoos, and stabbing each other to read a book.

>> No.462861

I'm unsure, but that really defeats the purpose of sending books to give some freedom (the freedom of knowledge) to those who are stuck under the oppression of our political system. Don't limit who can read the book, make it available to everyone.

>> No.462871

'What all other men are is of the greatest importance to me. However independent I may imagine myself to be, however far removed I may appear from mundane considerations by my social status, I am enslaved to the misery of the meanest member of society. The outcast is my daily menace. Whether I am Pope, Czar, Emperor, or even Prime Minister, I am always the creature of their circumstance, the conscious product of their ignorance, want and clamoring. They are in slavery, and I, the superior one, am enslaved in consequence. ' - Bakunin

>> No.462870

un-acquire book

>> No.462868

yeah, make all those scumbags pedos!

and you americunts have a really fucked up legal system btw.

>> No.463167
File: 107 KB, 680x1244, kookoo the bird girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move on to next book.

>> No.463175
File: 70 KB, 486x615, chik1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of those prisoners are real assholes and belong in jail.

Even Richard Pryor said so.

>> No.463334


I want to go out, buy a shitton of Nicolas Sparks novels, and donate those.

>> No.463339

thats worse than capital punishment

>> No.463346



>> No.463348

thanks for pointing that out, capt. obvious

>> No.463403


legal system here is great. its the education system that fills the prisons.

>> No.463435

or maybe its the prison system that fills the prisons?

I doubt that the US is the country with the largest ratio of inmates and convicts per capita of all western nations because of its educational system. Not saying thats not fucked up either, but sending kids to jail for smoking pot and shit... (yeah, I know, this stuff varies regionally)
not arming each other like there is still an english king to be weary of might be a good idea as well

>> No.463648

Get mad.
Bad mouth book.
Sulk some more.

>> No.463653

I really like the idea of leaving it on a park bench, it's kinda neat.

>> No.463658

Fuck prisoners!
No books for criminal scum, only ass rape in the shower.

>> No.463662

littering and neat dont go well together

>> No.463665

you are aware that they rape each other, not that you can rape them, are you?