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/lit/ - Literature

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4628019 No.4628019 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you write /lit/?

>> No.4628029

because it's a sneaky way of talking to myself.

>> No.4628101

This is the most terrifying thing I've ever read.

>> No.4628113


>> No.4628117

nicely formulated, anon, and true too. what i wouldn't dare say outside of my room, i write down on my journals or my diary. it's entertaining and illuminating; the latter because you see things in retrospective but with more clarity, as you have spended time on writing it.

it's actually really hard to write something of any value at all, since it takes some effort and creativity.

>> No.4628126

i guess the stock answer is to "express myself".
but i generally write to impress myself.

>> No.4628147
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>> No.4628155

Mainly to fill gaps. I wish to be an inventive writer who creates stories to inspire and entertain, but so far my only ability is to respond to a lack of content. That's why I find it extremely easy to write pornography with weird scenarios but very difficult to produce creative fiction.

I write when I have a goal that needs completing, and with porn the goal is a lot easier to see and understand.

>> No.4628158

Most of the time I don't write anything because I'm only good at it for very brief periods. This has led to interesting tonal inconsistencies in my longer works in progress, but I'm pretty sure I'll never finish any of them so it's not like this is relevant information.

>> No.4628163

I'm too autistic to process my emotions normally, so the only way I can understand anything is to write about it.

>I was never diagnosed with autism.

>> No.4628183

I write because I have a lot of stories in me, and I've read widely and profoundly the great and average books in the canon, and because I need to write them down, no matter how mediocre or trite the product, there is a physical necessity for me to get these stories out. Even I no one ever reads them, even if I waste thousands of pages in drafts and revisions, I need to get this out of me.

>> No.4628187

I am only transmitting what I have received.

>> No.4628190

I don't write because my vocabulary is so small it feels like I'm saying the same thing over and over even though I write about different things.

>> No.4628374

I've got a few lexical and syntactical tricks in my bag, and I like to show them off.

>> No.4628413

because it's fun

>> No.4629289

Do you have problems with worldbuilding, or just setting all the things you want t happen and stick to the schedule?

>> No.4629308

because i want to be a writer.

>> No.4629313

>i want to be a writer.

So do a billion other talentless losers. Give it up.

>> No.4629322
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Mostly in order to shitpost on 4chan...shitlord.

>> No.4629365


unless you're not a talentless loser.

>> No.4629420


Because I sell what I write.

"Nobody but a fool ever wrote except for money."

>> No.4629461

because we're all going to die

>> No.4629463

I think I'm in the same boat.

In fact I'll probably be a neet forever because of this.

>> No.4629470


There is only a few kind of stories

>> No.4629473


Why don't you write porn, and really extend the scenarios and then edit out the sex.

>> No.4629634

To be completely honest, I'd say its 100% because I don't like myself very much. I feel like the pursuit of creating something admirable is just a search for self validation rooted in blind hope that I'm not wasting my life looking for it in the way that I am.

>> No.4629647

I do it because I'm not very good at expressing complex thoughts quickly. Everyone speaks too fast to really go deep enough into things. With the exception of being alone with someone who isn't in a rush to be anywhere, most conversations don't get beyond shallow banter.
Writing gives you the time to really think everything through and express it just right.

>> No.4631079

this, I relate to this really well.

>> No.4631086
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Because I choose to.

>> No.4631325

to give substance and reality to the words which are incomprehensible in my head. for the simple, pure emotion of forming new ideas out of smaller ones, of using words to create emotions and sensations. For the joy of creation.

>> No.4631426

Because my father was a writer, and I guess I have to follow in his footsteps or something.

>> No.4631431

I write because I can't experience emotions like normal people do, and because I've always been a storyteller. I might as well knock out two birds while I'm throwing stones.

I feel like you can only really understand yourself if you can explain what you've seen. I also feel like you can only really understand what you've felt once you can make it so others can feel it too. In a sense it's a way to cope with the loneliness of existing, because maybe this intimate message can speak to someone else in the same way it came out of me. And if I can have that, then I guess life isn't so pointless for me anymore.

>> No.4631443

Tell more about you and your father , it can be a interesting thing to listen to.

/ not sarcasm
/ really , it looks interesting....

>> No.4631457

>tfw always write out what I'm experiencing in my head and it sounds really good but cannot bring myself to write out a structured story on actual paper

How to I writing ethic?