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/lit/ - Literature

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4625034 No.4625034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share your most interesting encounters with people that centered around literature.

True stories guys, not made up shit.

>I once broke up with a girl because we bought war and peace together, and she would always be lagging behind and not reading
>I again broke up with another girl because we bought Les Miserables and she wouldn't be reading or lagging behind
>A girl told me that she has Virginia Woolfs complete collection on her bookshelf, and I told her, to her face, that if she ever took me home and I saw that on her bookshelf (because I always judge people by the content of their bookshelf), I would "run for the hills"

>I immediately hate anyone who says they "like" or "love" Joyce. It's a pretentious literati detector, and has yet to fail.

>I once told a girl that her chances with me are zero if her favourite books are the Harry Potter series.

>I once had a penpal breaking argument with an interesting Russian girl when were arguing about whether or not true "altruism" is possible. She claimed everything we do is to satisfy self-interest. When I challenged her with "what about a solider who jumps on top of a grenade?"....she never replied.

That should be enough to get the thread rolling.

>> No.4625040

Just had a fight with the boyfriend bc he doesn't read. Maybe I was kinda harsh after all he's dyslexic. But he's since gone out and bought Les Miserables and has been tearing through it so it's all good <3

>> No.4625054

>A girl told me that she has Virginia Woolfs complete collection on her bookshelf, and I told her, to her face, that if she ever took me home and I saw that on her bookshelf (because I always judge people by the content of their bookshelf), I would "run for the hills"
>I immediately hate anyone who says they "like" or "love" Joyce. It's a pretentious literati detector, and has yet to fail.

What is wrong with you? Both of these people were great authors. Or are you so pleb, you can't handle a little experimentation with form?

>> No.4625067

>tfw your gf's favourite books are still Harry Potter

Been trying to get her to read other stuff, but it's a slow process.

>> No.4625069
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Off the charts, supremely prentious faggotron.

Everything is working AOK.

>> No.4625072

A lot of people stop mentally developing after age 12.

They sometimes mask it with good behaviour , but often times it clearly shows.

>> No.4625076

Wow I'm not the only person who thinks this!

>> No.4625084
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Well, actually, Piaget put it into words a long time ago.

>> No.4625085


>> No.4625088

I initially bonded with my best female friend over a discussion on Roald Dahl's short stories for adults. She introduced me to a rather nice Singaporean girl who is also a fan of Dahl, and we started reading Wilde together.

One of our mates is a Jew with an obviously schizoid or schizotypal personality; constantly blazed on high-grade skunk, never shuts up about religion or conspiracy theories. Terrified of The Devil. Anyway, he came into my room once and browsed through my little library. He mumbled something about my reading tastes being very pagan and I haven't seen him since.

>> No.4625089

>He mumbled something about my reading tastes being very pagan and I haven't seen him since.

>> No.4625093
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>Virginia Woolf
What the fuck, nigger.

>> No.4625100

this is one of the worst threads I've ever seen

>> No.4625103
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You haven't been on 4chin very long ahve u?

>> No.4625117
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>I once had a penpal breaking argument with an interesting Russian girl when were arguing about whether or not true "altruism" is possible. She claimed everything we do is to satisfy self-interest. When I challenged her with "what about a solider who jumps on top of a grenade?"....she never replied.

Inclusive fitness.

>> No.4625122

You sound like an asshole in all of those except the last one.

>> No.4625123

4 years

>> No.4625134

Or the promise of being remembered as a war hero, posthumus medals, large stipends to his family, rewards in the afterlife, etc

>> No.4625135
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>> No.4625138

I doubt all of that.

>> No.4625143
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How can you be so picky about your friends? You must be ridiculously rich/good looking.

>> No.4625146

Good for you. Descartes would be proud.

>> No.4625147

Or really lonely.

>> No.4625148


>> No.4625149

>go to see stage adaptation of zola's therese raquin
>go to nearby bar afterwards and run into the girl who played therese
>get into a conversation
>she's impressed by my knowledge of theatre (as well as my boyish charm and good looks of course)
>exchange numbers, arrange dates, etc.
>a few weeks later we're bf and gf
>my literary knowledge got me a beautiful, cultured gf who is a successful actress and model

>> No.4625154

It's not exactly a matter of "self-interest" but a matter of one's own interest.You always tend to act obeying what you need to do (according the situation), what YOU feel you have to. You do what you want to do, that's your interest. Sometimes to satisfy your needs you risk your own live. this doesn't change the fact of you acting towards what you individually desire.

>> No.4625156

The cliche is "charm and boyish good looks"

>> No.4625158

Yet, here you are.

>> No.4625159

>own live
*own life.

>> No.4625164

>"And yet here I stand"

Is this from Shakespeare? It's gotta be.

>> No.4625166

> implying /lit/ isn't where all the social and cultural elite hang out
If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be shitposting here, guaranteed.

>> No.4625169

I see you suck the RRMartin teat. How's that sour milk?

>> No.4625171

Hah, it's funny you think that seeing as there is no way of verifying that.

>I'm a world-class writer, don't ask for proof
Yep, every time I see that I'm sold.

>> No.4625173

100% validly true.

Better than the all the other milk being dolled out at the moment.

Honestly--Martin's universe is a marvel of writers craft.

>> No.4625178

I wouldn't know. I'm not into fantasy.

>> No.4625185

>I'm not into fantasy.
You don't have to be.

Although a genre with a lot of pulp (just like all other genres), Martin is brilliant and A Song of Ice and Fire is a masterpiece so far (even with all the imperfections of Feast of Crows and Dance of Dragons).

It's all build up.

Also, you'd probably be impressed with all the Medieval literature Martin borrows and alludes to, as well as Shakespeare and Beowulf--and the history of Western Civilization---war of the roses, ancient greece, etc etc.

Not only does he borrow, but innovates, and creates unique characters to boot, with all their disgusting diarrhetic details.

>> No.4625188
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>Examples of selfless/selfish behaviour.

Inclusive fitness explains why we have those mixed inclinations.

I suppose you're right, Christianity's rewards only appeal to the selfish. Unless of course someone doesn't know what actions will get them into heaven. But that would negate your example.

>> No.4625193

Yep, /lit/ is definitely full of the cultural and literary elite.
I'm not sold on Martin. All that you just expounded upon is not my cup of tea. I'd rather go to the source rather than eat up his allusions.
Also, it's a over-hyped series, and I want nothing to do with that.

>> No.4625201
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>I don't want to like things that are objectively good

lol ok, nobody is putting a gun to your head.

>> No.4625209


Bore troll, step it up.

>> No.4625215

Is the setting really that well made? If so I'll try it out. I like fantasy in vidyas and tabletop games but when I read I don't like to read shit so it's a genre I tend to stay away from.

>> No.4625218
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>> No.4625220

>implying Game of Thrones is objectively good.
Please, why don't you also tell my why Twitch Plays Pokemon is a life-changing/affirming experience.

>> No.4625229
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This should will get you good and started, you'll know all the lore before you start (I wish I had this when I started reading):



truly fascinating how Martin incorporated the history of Britain into his own mythos.

>> No.4625324

>It's not exactly a matter of "self-interest" but a matter of one's own interest.

So what? Inclusive fitness gives an origin for particular interests. The distinction between self interest and own interest is a different issue. A very boring one.

>> No.4625350

I hope you die alone. All of those except the last one are stupid. And the last one isn't /lit/, it's philosophy.

Further proof that moot need to create a /phil/ board to separate out the pretentious pseudo-intellectuals from the people who actually like books.

>> No.4625401
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>> No.4625413


/lit/ is where people who think they're elite hang out

>> No.4625451

>If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be shitposting here, guaranteed.

If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be drunk in a bar picking up girls by writing sonnets on napkins, guaranteed. Shakespeare doesn't give a shit about pretentious 'cultural elites' - have you read his comedies? He was in the /lit/ business to get paid, he just wrote good stuff 'cause he was naturally awesome.

>> No.4625487

nice b8 m8

>> No.4625489

i used to walk around reading books because i thought smart people would see me reading traité de savoir-vivre on campus and think "damn this guy is reading some cool shit" and talk to me or something but then i realized people who read enough books to care about what books you're reading all have aspergers and won't talk to you anyway

>> No.4625500

You sound like a total fag OP.

>> No.4625503

or they inwardly laugh at what a poser you are and decide to avoid you at all costs

>> No.4625505

You are doing these girls a favor by proudly wearing your autism on your sleeve op, they aren't losing any sleep over your smug dismissals - instead they are laughing with their friends and congratulating themselves on dodging the juvenile and impotent bullet you represent. You're the type who huffs his own farts and becomes high off the scent of his own shit. Why you think peacocking your embarrassing misadventures with women on this board is a good idea will always be beyond me.

>> No.4625506

the other day me and my friend concluded that neither of us had heard the word poser in like 6 years good to see someone is carrying the torch

>> No.4625531


>> No.4625549


It's a good thing women with terrible taste are rejected by men with good taste. Don't want the impure breeding now do we?

>> No.4625575


>> No.4625580
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Im so happy for you anon I hope you live happily ever after

>> No.4625582

For fucks sakes the video gaming was just getting out of hand and I spoke up. Unlike most of the basement dwelling losers on 4chan he actually listened and now he's reading more and we're having more cultures conversations. I have a right to that.

>> No.4625588


>> No.4625590


>> No.4625593
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That's why when you see them you make unprovoked, unbroken eye contact with them.

>> No.4625599

>>I once had a penpal breaking argument with an interesting Russian girl when were arguing about whether or not true "altruism" is possible. She claimed everything we do is to satisfy self-interest. When I challenged her with "what about a solider who jumps on top of a grenade?"....she never replied.

You're penpals with Ayn Rand?

>> No.4625601

>OPs retardation is hilarious
>She is a cunt

I don't even like most women they're usually insane and stupid; but this thread and you my friend are fucking retarded.

>> No.4625602


>> No.4625609

Enjoy your virginity :)

>> No.4625617

>implying her friends won't fuck him behind her back

you have made me lol

>> No.4625626
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You sad little puppeteer.

>> No.4625636

Ayn Rand's philosophy: everyone is a big meanie pants and if people stopped being big meanie pants and stopped whining for government handouts and making laws then we could have a good capitalist system based on a completely taxable non-governmental entity.

Because fuck the government and fuck providing citizens with affordable credit.

I mean, capitalism is already a barbaric institution, from what I can see, the existence of the left is a blessing, not because of the democratic party, but because in the left lies the solutions to a freer, more representative system. With more government intervention, we should be getting more laymen to have inputs on the world around them, as opposed to less. This would ameliorate the problem representative democracy has been rearing us with for the last 200 years since the transition to this system started,

I believe one of the largest problems with this system is the stagnation of production trees (alluded to by Karl Marx), because once you create economic entities and envelop a culture within it, you determine the fate of the interpersonal sphere for 3 or 4 generations down the road. Anyway, what Ayn Rand fails to see is the impact everything has on the morality of the population, but this is eschewed for the progression of the modern competitive barbarian anti-masculine culture we have constructed for the basis of our morality.

>> No.4625646

>completely taxable
Completely non-taxable, that is.

>> No.4625648

OP sounds like a totally unbearable loser.

>> No.4625657

A resident on My floor said the only things worth reading are the Harry potter books, the lord of the ring trilogy, and some Stephen King book. I had no comment on that level of ignorance.

>> No.4625682

Incessant bitch/10

you're boyfriend is possibly a loser for doing as you say, especially in that fashion. You should love him a lot for that

>> No.4625714

>>A girl told me that she has Virginia Woolfs complete collection on her bookshelf, and I told her, to her face, that if she ever took me home and I saw that on her bookshelf (because I always judge people by the content of their bookshelf), I would "run for the hills"
>hating on Virginia Woolf
Middlebrow as fuck, dude.

>> No.4626189

I haven't had many friends who enjoy reading (in fact, I think I've none now) except this one guy. He charmed me off the bat-introduced me to Henry Miller, House of Leaves, etc...if he didn't, I would still be blind as a bat to literature. (These were my ESL days)
Anyway, he disappeared from the Internet 6 months later and was never heard again.
Great guy.

>> No.4626216

>interacting with women


>> No.4626241

Do you not see the irony in looking down on someone for being allegedly "pretentious"?

>> No.4626260

>tfw your gf is a huge harry potter fan but she didn't even read the book because reading

>> No.4626268


>> No.4626288
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You sound like a joy to be around OP.

In terms of my experiences with friends and with girls who attempt to talk about literature, I tend to do anything possible to change the topic of conversation for these reasons:
a) I will find out that they are horrifically more intelligent than I am which will make me jealous, angry, and embarrassed
b) I will inevitably end up sounding like a pretentious twat spouting sophomoric opinions, given the fact that I am an unpublished dolt who has little to no credibility
and most importantly
c) while I find infinite joy and discovery in reading, most discussion of literature has only irritated or bored me.

>> No.4626295

Both are equally retarded as I see it.

>> No.4626304

If you have an interest in the arts, talking to people about it can be difficult, particularly if you frequent boards which have the pretentious group-think of people even more autistic than yourself.

>On a date with a girl who studied English at Cambridge and only realise she doesn't give a shit about anything except realist literature after I'd been talking about every type of lit except that. Go on a spaghetti rant after the conversation prompted me to mention mumblecore's relation to New Sincerity, as she doesn't know either of these terms, and I misjudge how quickly each of these terms can be explained; I attempt an explanation of them and then release that any explanation will be pretty boring and unavoidably punctuated by the use of references to more terms, books and films that she's never heard of before.

I'm actually, usually on the other end of the pretentiousness with aspie girls.

>"Yeah I love Barth's early fiction"
>"Barthes didn't write fiction"

>"the thing with Foucault (fo-cau) is–"

>"Nah, I haven't read The Waste Land yet."
>"Oh yeah, you've only ever read DFW.

>> No.4626322

>I attempt an explanation of them and then release that any explanation will be pretty boring and unavoidably punctuated by the use of references to more terms, books and films that she's never heard of before
Open question: why do we pump ourselves with all this media and information when we can't even put it to use or make it relateable?

>> No.4626347

Attempting to regurgitate the discussions you had in Contemporary American Fiction 101 I see. Lol, you'll never be able to critically think for yourselves.

>> No.4626367

I don't see how that's in any way related to what I asked him.

>> No.4626385

I know this isn't the board for it, but is anyone else bothered with people's average approach to TV as a medium? My girlfriend reads extensively and has a sharp mind, but she watches such boring television it's sad to me.

Now granted, well written TV and even film is sparse, but that doesn't mean you have to consume drivel.

I've been watching The Wire with her, and at first she found it boring, but she loves it now. Still, when she watches Project Runway or Cutthroat Kitchen I want to die.

>> No.4626397

Sounds like you're needlessly-pissy. Not every show needs to have some intellectual-depth and wonder.

It's there, largely, for entertainment.

>> No.4626406

That's pretty much what was going through my mind while I intermittently apologised for the use of terms she didn't know, realising bailing out of an explanation was now impossible, each time thinking I'd be able to to do a curt, little practical and layman's no-bullshit explanation of the term in one sentence or less, before hitting another block.

I guess that if you like the arts enough, you'll gain knowledge about them regardless of the outcome? Also, as I mentioned, often enough I'm being hit by the pretentiousness stick, not the one wielding it.

Non-sequitur's 101.

>> No.4626414

Project Runway is pretty great though you stupid pleb.

>> No.4626419

I think you need to appreciate project runway for it's actual artistic merits, it examines the human condition in a way a book never could.

I mean, only a retard couldn't see that.

>> No.4626434

the wire is boring shit i don't know why people thought it was more high brow than any other shit on tv
tv show is just a shit format used by shitty people

>> No.4626445

*le tips reading glasses*

>> No.4626504

Understand that it's just a cheap form of entertainment. A nerdy male equivalent might be browsing 4chan.

>> No.4626512

The Wire is amazing, and discounting a medium in its entirety is a stupid thing to do.

"I don't read books, it's boring."

>> No.4626521

yeah it's just like more artistic when hbo shows urban youths shooting each other so that they can sell drugs or that guy from the all state commercials raping that guy with the glasses in oz.

>> No.4626541

>>I once broke up with a girl because we bought war and peace together, and she would always be lagging behind and not reading
>>I again broke up with another girl because we bought Les Miserables and she wouldn't be reading or lagging behind
>>A girl told me that she has Virginia Woolfs complete collection on her bookshelf, and I told her, to her face, that if she ever took me home and I saw that on her bookshelf (because I always judge people by the content of their bookshelf), I would "run for the hills"
And I thought /sci/ was autistic

>> No.4626542

>I once had a penpal breaking argument with an interesting Russian girl when were arguing about whether or not true "altruism" is possible. She claimed everything we do is to satisfy self-interest. When I challenged her with "what about a solider who jumps on top of a grenade?"....she never replied.

How is your example proving anything? Not saying true "altruism" isn't possible, but your example isn't proving a thing.

>> No.4626545
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Who knows? Soderberg wants to give up filmmaking and make hbo shows.

>> No.4626566

Maybe he can make a series based on Schizopolis.

>> No.4626568

But the soldier who jumps on a grenade gets to die knowing that he has done one of the most heroic deeds a man can do. He knows that his name will live on, not necessarily famously, but much more so than the average person. Even anonymously, he would have the thought in his head that he is better than most people. Everything we do is altruistic. We are nice to people because we want them to be around us and entertain us. Or we want them around because they make us happy and if we are mean to them they will leave and won't be around to make us happy. You cannot show a single example of a purely altruistic action unless the action itself requires no thought.

>> No.4626569

that's what she thought; realizing that "this guy is an idiot", stopped replying to letters

>> No.4626589
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this guy gets it

>> No.4626596

That would be good. It's a shame Lynch's Rabbits sitcom never aired.

>> No.4626605

>>A girl told me that she has Virginia Woolfs complete collection on her bookshelf, and I told her, to her face, that if she ever took me home and I saw that on her bookshelf (because I always judge people by the content of their bookshelf), I would "run for the hills"
Stopped reading right there. No one cares that's you're a try-hard pseud.

>> No.4626603

>I will find out that they are horrifically more intelligent than I am which will make me jealous, angry, and embarrassed
Learning is fun

>> No.4626608

>It's a pretentious literati detector
Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.4626615

I was walking around my Irish college contemplating my contempt for the catholic church and my interest in writing whenever some punks decided to get in my face, challenging me to provide my favorite writer. I responded with Lord Byron (obviously). These chaps then decided to grapple with me while the other proceeded to whip me with his cane.

>tfw living the fate of Icarus
>tfw sensitive artist

>> No.4626640


>tfw someone says the best poet is Tennyson

Why, he's only a rhymster for crying out loud

>> No.4626686
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>> No.4626697

Oh. A final, complete and satisfactory answer is to mock the question. Should have known.

>> No.4626710

>Everything we do is altruistic.
Slip there? And there are those who give to charity out of genuine good will and a desire to make the universe good.

>> No.4626720

>"what about a solider who jumps on top of a grenade?"

he just wants to be remembered for something other than being just another useless gi

>> No.4626749

people sometimes recommend books for me to read

i dont always like them

i hate that

>> No.4626769

Being remembered after death isn't of any real value since you're dead. Even if there's an afterlife, your adoration is probably pretty meaningless to you at that point.

>> No.4626775

not getting the allusion I see

>> No.4626787

what content of shakespeare does he allude to now?

unless you can provide atleast three synoptic example i would say you're choking on martin's dick too DEEP

>> No.4626804

ITT: everyone is concerned over pretentiousnes.

I worry this isn't the best place to be for someone trying to get into lit.

>go to bookstore yesterday
>first time in years
>find section called "literature"
>don't all books classify as such doe?
>just assume they meant 'classics' or renound works
>recognise many titles of books recommended here
>find The Republic
>have an interest in philosophy, so I figure it's a good start
>many other books appeal
>pick a couple more up
>start wondering what the qt at the counter will think
>settle for a single book
>wouldn't want to risk being seen as plebian scum

I hope the real world literature community isn't as bad as this board can be.

>> No.4626850

I am very curious about this also; there's a difference between influenced by Shakespeare and just sharing similarities with Shakspeare

>> No.4627718

the whole plot is based on richard iii

>> No.4627748
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>visiting some friends, go over to one of the qt's apartment
>twilight on the bookshelf
>Tolstoy on the side table
>Ask her about 'War and Peace' and she responds with "Haha anon, don't tell anyone, but I haven't read that." She literally told me that is was for looks and that "those on the shelf" are the ones that she had read. Well at least she read Jane Eyre I suppose

>> No.4627753
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>Not exclusively purchasing Hemingway, Camus, and Sartre when qt is working in order to make sure you're 2deep2sexy4her

Just look at this sexy mother fucker

>> No.4627754
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>Ask her about 'War and Peace' and she responds with "Haha anon, don't tell anyone, but I haven't read that." She literally told me that is was for looks and that "those on the shelf" are the ones that she had read. Well at least she read Jane Eyre I suppose

I hope you promptly found some new friends.

>> No.4627761

Haha, they weren't my friends. I was hanging out with one of my buddies, and he knows this girl and we all ended up going over to her apartment. She saw me looking around at all the walls and shelves and she said "you can snoop if you want" (with a little grin of accomplishment, and I'll admit, shit looked pretty good) and then we started talking about books and that's where things went downhill m8.

Their whole apartment was kind of artsy and looked like it was straight out of tumblr, should have known.

>> No.4627767

Did you at least stay for the tantric sex sessions?

>> No.4627775

No, we're talking like one of those "fat pride feminist" tumblr girls, not a real qt. Her roommate, the qt, was in North Carolina for some reason. Her roommate is an art major and makes some good shit and is seriously qt, but it was all a ruse apparently.

>> No.4627782

>implying "the soldier who jumps on the grenade" is a reality
>implying it isn't a notion borne from social conditioning to "always give yourself for the cause" by which we understand "for the betterment of society"
>implying an objectively correct version of society beyond "let's not kill each other and maybe we can barter" exists
>implying the myth of the nation-state hasn't killed just as many if nor more people than it's helped
>implying there are any valid causes to fight for
>implying obligation wasn't always bullshit and there's a reason to wake up in the morning

Kill yourself.

>> No.4627784

Camus pls go

>> No.4627786
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>> No.4627790
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Yea, use the attractive one to get you into the apartment and then BAM, slapped in the face with a serving of utter disappointment.


>> No.4627799

if you didn;t read them in high school you'll likely never be deep

>> No.4627800

girls aren't impressed by hemmingway, man

>> No.4627804
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>Not glorifying the mode of death in where your rib-cage becomes a bullet inflicted drowning blood chamber

Do you even how to herioc?

>> No.4627805

A girl I liked once wanted to lend me a book. I figured it would be some chick lit junk. It was way worse: some creepy spiritual book about past lives which both she and her mother had apparently glommed onto.

I have since made a point of not being interested in any literature which women might show interest in. I'd rather not know.

>> No.4627811
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Picture related. Was the book she lent me. I still remember awkwardly returning it to her. She asked me if I'd read it. I only answered "yes".

>> No.4627815

Shit man, you're reminding me of my first girlfriend and how her crazy ass mother got her on to "dream interpretations", "astrology", and new age mumbo jumbo.

It was a real point of contention between us, but thankfully, she never stressed her believe in it on to me, she just submissively admitted to like believing in it.

>> No.4627817

>implying heroic

>> No.4627820
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>I wanted your tits and all I got was this trash

>> No.4627824
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define herioc and gimme an example.

>> No.4627828

godamn I laughed at that gif a lot more than I should have

>> No.4627849

I think her lending me the book was her way of saying she liked me, or wanted to like me. Or maybe she just thought I needed some spiritual guidance. In any case, it creeped me out quite a bit. After telling her I had read it, she never asked me if I liked it and never brought it up again.

>> No.4627857

My last girlfriend was into astrology and all that shit too. I never minded except when she used her star sign (Sagittarius) to justify acting like a bitch and in fact even seemed to consciously try to live up to the personality profile of a Sagittarius, and it pissed me off even more when she'd use my star sign (Virgo) against me. She was a nutter. Cheated on me in the end. Fun while it lasted, though.

>> No.4627884

I once told some guy that OP was a colossal pretentious faggot, he agreed, we got along well.

>> No.4627897

There was some fat guy in one of my math courses that seemed to know everything about obscure Southern rappers and would regularly talk about the Vedanta and its relation to the Aryan identity.

>> No.4627899


>> No.4627958
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>> No.4628043

well, this is not something happened in the past, it's still ongoing.. I'd like to apologize before even starting for the broken language i'll probably use

>girl in class, we are, almost close, friends
>she isn't too attractive but isn't ugly as well, but i have never thought erotically or romantically about her before
>she is a 'metalhead' and reads fantastic literature from time to time
>she is super-lazy, not for just lessons but for everything, she always sleeps
Anyway, let's get to the point; I lways thought of her as an 'empty' and lazy girl.
>I started reading books again like a year ago or something
>Picture of Dorian Grey -which is among the top of my list-
>'Oh, I've read that anon! When i was in first schol i assume'
>The Stranger/Outsider
>'Is that.. Oh, I've read that!'
>Brave New World
>'What coincidence! I have just started reading that too!'
This went on for almost half of the books i read in this period and this unexpected read-list of her started to make me attracted to her. Although, i still think she is empty and lazy, because seriously, she don't even lift her head up to speak..

>> No.4628056

Butthurt pleb detected

>> No.4628058

>a whole string of babby's first adult novels
>fantastic literature

pick one.

>> No.4628070

>Picture of Dorian Grey
>The Stranger
>Brave New World

You could read all of these in less than a week.

>> No.4628159

>Picture of Dorian Grey
>The Stranger
>Brave New World
So she completed high school, shocker...

>> No.4628358

Eh, I've met some who seem intrigued by the type, but it all seems so cliche.

>> No.4628361

I love this.

>> No.4629074

>she doesn't even lift her head up to speak

The fuck. Maybe she's depressed..

>> No.4629107


>I once had a penpal breaking argument with an interesting Russian girl when were arguing about whether or not true "altruism" is possible. She claimed everything we do is to satisfy self-interest. When I challenged her with "what about a solider who jumps on top of a grenade?"....she never replied.

>he doesn't understand psychological egoism and how its essentially a law of sentient, intelligent behavior

>> No.4631061

Does she even lift? Apparently not

>> No.4631081
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>> No.4631324
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If I knew you in person I'd hit you.

>> No.4631328

replace 'jew' with 'jew-hater' and 'pahan' with 'plebean' and you have most of /lit/ right there

>> No.4631911

>"Truly fascinating how Martin incorporated the history of Britain into his own mythos"

haha. No its not.

>> No.4632317

Fun sideline; I'm not that guy, but as a Swede, I would actually be surprised that anyone outside of the "literature sphere" would've read any of those. We have completely different classic high-school literature and I don't even know what Catcher in the Rye is called in Swedish.

>> No.4632421

It depends. Of course it's terrible if he's sinking into a selfish little comfort zone, but almost every person does that these days thanks to technology.

Just be careful the transition isn't too rough. Don't brick his playstation and force him to read The Waves in the same day.

>> No.4632424


Someone gave me and recommended 'Julie and Julia' What the fuck do I do, she keeps asking me about it

>> No.4632816

this gif is like a david lynch film.

>> No.4632858

Calling someone pretentious on /lit/ is like calling someone a nigger on /b/: a meaningless expression of contempt.