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4624686 No.4624686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>depressed (ok not that bad) / existential crisis
>find everything except wasting time on the internet boring
>not interested in reading almost all books
>the only books I want to read kind of relate to me
>the only book I could look forward to reading right now is if one of my favourite authors wrote a book about me

Does anyone else get in to these really self-absorbed stages where you don't give a shit about books unless they directly address your current feelings?

>> No.4624695

It's pretty reasonable IMO, although it's pleb to need a protagonist to be EXACTLY like you.

>> No.4624693


>> No.4626165

OP, what the fuck is with this picture, man? You don't really believe this tripe, do you? It's all wrong.
I don't know how old you are, but just know one thing: this shit is all wrong.

>> No.4626174


which part is wrong?

>> No.4626195


>> No.4626198

>the only way to get women is by going to parties/clubs
-False. I met mine through a mutual friend.

>There's no such thing as asking girls on dates anymore.
-False. I asked mine to go to a coffee shop before she even knew I had a FB page; also, my page is blocked.

>Why would she want attention from a robot when...where she gets either attention from betas or sex invitations
-What? Really? What kinda simple-minded whores are you referring to here?

>Why would you even bother approaching a girl alone when she would just politely reject you?
-She would only politely reject you if you failed to meet her expectations. Look up self-defeating prophecies for the answer to this one.

>The real her is when she's with her friends
-False. It has been proven that people change their mannerisms in the presence of others.

>A woman's only/main hobby is being social
-This is probably the worst, most generalized one...in fact, I'm sure this is just bait at this point, otherwise, the person who'd written this knows nothing about women.

Don't believe this crap, OP.

>> No.4626202

Is "everything" not a suitable response?
>capping anything on /r9k/

>> No.4626219

I'm INTP and I know exactly what you mean

>> No.4626222
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1374876352876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop trying to read for a while, get off 4chan, exercise, hang out with your friends/get friends. And no not really because I don't read if I really don't feel like reading.

Btw like this guy said >>4626165 your picture is dumb as shit.


It is all wrong and based on nothing at all. It's just the kind of self affirming bullshit that gets passed around the internet so losers don't feel so bad about their poor/non-existent social life.

It really amazes me that there are so many people who actually believe this mindless "wimmins r so bad" shit, and I can't imagine anyone feeling that way unless they've had 0 relationships/friendships/encounters with a woman or are just completely socially inept and victimize themself in every situation where things don't turn out 100% in their favor.

>> No.4626224

>Whiteknighting an obvious joke pic

>> No.4626225

Yeah, that's why I love Kafka so much.

>> No.4626227

>muh anecdotal evidence
All girls are whores. You'll see the light when she breaks up with you. Hopefully you'll get lucky and the relationship will end before you get married and she decides to take half of your shit and poison your kids minds against you.

>> No.4626230

>that image

lol, what? I mean yeah, if you look like Shrek you're gonna have a bad time, but even mediocre guys can have okay luck if you're not a complete fucking faggot

looks aren't as important for a guy, but they do still fucking matter

>> No.4626232

Have fun blowing your brains out within the next 5 years.

>> No.4626235
File: 27 KB, 640x480, sadshrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you look like Shrek you're gonna have a bad time

>> No.4626237

Not him but a lot of morons around here seem to use suicide as an insult.

>> No.4626245

there's nothing wrong with wanting only to read things that fit your current mood

for example, at the moment i'm only interested in novels about ivy league fratgods who are dealing with temporary ennui at the ridiculous and jewish money-chasing that will inevitably govern the rest of their lives

balzac will suffice

stop defending your individual circumstances. let's face it, your gf is probably some lonely emo hambeast with low self-esteem, literally anyone can pull those girls

the only thing wrong with his post is his claim that you can't approach girls when they're alone, which doesn't even make sense. the rest is legit

>> No.4626248
File: 39 KB, 650x392, shrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shrek gets bitches though

>> No.4626254

Who was using it as an insult? That was a promise; no one should think like that.

>> No.4626540

I know exactly where that screencap of Homer is from. It's the episode "Homer the Heretic" where he's arguing with Reverend Lovejoy, Homer names a completely irrelevant Bible passage, and Lovejoy recites it from memory. Homer just says "Yeah... Think about it."

>> No.4626559

It's funny you would say such generalizing statements about women when your opinions come from a board notoriously known for not getting any

>> No.4626562

You sound like a little bitch

>depressed (ok not that bad) / existential crisis
You're not depressed, faggot.

>> No.4626579
File: 998 KB, 500x267, zGIyIq4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop defending your individual circumstances
>lonely emo hambeast with low self-esteem

Please, homo. Here's a tissue to cry over how wrong you are. Also, you're a butt-frustrated beta fag

>> No.4626666

Many of the greatest philosophical and literary figures of all time considered the female to be an inferior species.

Moreover, many of the greatest "alphas" of all time were notoriously mysogynistic.

Conclusion: Your argument is weak and nonsensical. You are most likely projecting your own beta-tude and butt-frustration onto others because you can't cope with reality. You are also probably latently homosexual and glorify the female because you are jealous of their ability to seduce men.

>> No.4626673
File: 26 KB, 290x284, 35cgam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking about women as if they're an alien specie
>total neck-beard virgin loser

>> No.4626687

If this is sincere I am so sorry for how fulfilling and limited your life is going to be

>> No.4626691
File: 972 KB, 311x213, 2441702-0720251747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand the usefulness of the philosophical concept of "otherness"
>plebius maximus
>also projects insecurities about being a neckbeard virgin
conclusion: stay mad

>> No.4626704

Settle, my butt-frustrated friend. One day, we can hope, you'll no longer be a kiss-less virgin.
One day.

>> No.4626726

That's been my life the past few years. I don't give a shit about fiction unless it speaks to me. There's so much of it, how can I afford to keep anything else but what's sacred?

>> No.4626738
File: 368 KB, 920x1197, 1380511646442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, you've been so brainwashed by cultural marxism and politically correct propaganda that you think the only way to get into a woman's pants is through evincing equality and solidarity with her sex.

Not only does this ignore biological and phenomenological sexual differences, however, it is untrue. You can act like me and still get laid. Assuming, of course, that you're not horribly unattractive. In that case, it might be necessary to resort to feminist lies such as the aforementioned to get laid but you should nevertheless recognize them as lies lest you fall too deeply into delusion.

>> No.4626767

Yeah, well, you're a shitty writer!

>Assuming, of course,
> In that case, it might be necessary
>but you should nevertheless recognize

>> No.4626772


remember kids, ethics is a subset of aesthetics.

>> No.4626777

Kid, you are trying wayyy too hard, and no one is impressed. Stop being so butt-frustrated.

>> No.4626783

>If you don't think women are inferior you have been brainwashed by cultural marxism.

>> No.4626821


>> No.4626819

>everyone who disagrees with me is a child/neckbeard/virgin/loser/etc. teehee
Either you're female or you've been so deeply indoctrinated into feminine forms of thinking that you don't see the fallacies of your own thoughts. Hell, you haven't even presented an argument yet and you've already poisoned the discourse. You should post on tumblr. I'm sure you'd find like-minded individuals. And they'll all be totally hip and progressive and not virgins like those inappropriate 4channers.

>> No.4626833
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>everyone who disagrees with me is marxist--why don't you go join Mieville, you MARXIST.
>why won't women pay attention to me?

>> No.4626851

>ignores facts in his argumentation
>makes up "facts" about his opponent's inability to get laid or talk to females
You sure are making an excellent case for why men and women are equal, anon. Golly gee. Why was I so unenlightened beforehand?

>> No.4626856
File: 20 KB, 218x265, 1387212933109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't already see why men and women are equal, I don't want to discuss anything with you.
It's really simple, you're a butt-frustrated, kiss-less virgin. The ONLY route that led you to being sexist is rejection, I promise you that, you fucking loser.

>> No.4626857

Can you post a picture of yourself.

>> No.4626862
File: 93 KB, 580x585, guhfuckyaself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that depends, can you go fuck yourself?

>> No.4626865

Haha. So no?

>> No.4626869

It's an anon board, dipshit.

>> No.4626871

>if you can't see the TRUTH, then there's no point in arguing
>everyone who disagrees with my TRUTH is inferior to me
Wow, now you sound like a religious fundamentalist. Great job, anon. You really are displaying how superior you are to me. I bet you get tons of pussy.

>> No.4626872

What the fuck this isn't facebook.

>> No.4626873

When was the last time you got laid?

>> No.4626874

maybe it's not just about you... has that ever occurred to you there, OP?

>> No.4626876
File: 46 KB, 411x512, 1391561615837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't argue, I let idiots bury themselves, and you're just being a childish idiot.

>> No.4626878

>It really amazes me that there are so many people who actually believe this mindless "wimmins r so bad" shit
How do you find /r9k/?

>> No.4626880

Guys, wake the fuck up, those tests are bullshit.

>> No.4626885

>believes you need to fuck women regularly to have an opinion regarding their worth
Such progressive. Much feminism. Not merely veiled sexism at all.
>I let idiots bury themselves
>bumps thread

>> No.4626887 [DELETED] 

Karl Marx and Freud stop posting. The era of cultural degeneracy will end. The beginning of some KALLAH IS UPON US.

>> No.4626904

Links related:



>> No.4626920

>women are sexist because they won't sleep with me
lelus maximus

>> No.4626930

Reading Comprehension: 0/10

Nowhere is it claimed that women are sexist nor is it stated that I can't get laid.

Not only do you appear to be a crypto-sexist hence confirming my arguments but it's also kinda sad that you have to pretend to beat up strawmen to get your lulz in life.

>> No.4626936

Let's be honest here, you can't get laid.

>> No.4626937

Not OP but...the "its kinda sad" argument is telltale sign of suasive fatigue.

>> No.4626953
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The truth will set him free--that he's a hopeless virgin

>> No.4626986

>nowhere is it stated that i can't get laid

>> No.4626992
File: 92 KB, 955x957, 1392124794262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only does it not matter but in claiming it does, you seem to promote the view that women are only viewed as positive to men for sex which is also a sexist view. So if it's wrong then you're wrong too.
Suasive fatigue? It's calling out a fallacy. Forgive me if I'm not the most eloquent speaker.
Once again, you seem to support the categories that lead to the sexism you denigrate as untrue in the first post.

Now that we've established we're all on the same (sexist) page, I will close with the following remarks: I have a girlfriend of three years and she thinks it's cute when I recite Schopenhauer's and Nietzsche's sexist reflections to them. Sometimes I even mix it up with modern sexism like from Lacan. Personally, I think women actually like sexism because of internalized mysogyny. What is dirty talk after all? So stay jelly. Stay jelly that people like me can get laid without compromising or lieing to themselves about their views.

>> No.4627000
File: 41 KB, 560x375, 1392616798829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still pretending he can get laid
>creates imaginary gf
>being the cutest kiss-less virgin of 2014
>screen capped thread for future use

>> No.4627004

i wish i had an internet gf like you :(

>> No.4627011
File: 106 KB, 600x250, onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a shitty typo-
>it means the same as "persuasive"
holy fuck, this post just changed my life

>> No.4627017

>Being this retarded.

>> No.4627067

You tongue-punch pope assholes, so there's that. I'm going to poop on your terribly fat pidgeon. Your grandmother is a bloody rodent and your neighbor smells like magic spooge. You reek of cow vomit. Well puke on my shlong and lick it up and call me your aunt, why don't you. And sementits are you dim-witted! You, sir, are a moron and a shlong! You, sir, are a giraffe and a blood. What the dumb walrusblankets is your deal, you nerd. Well you choke on douche vags, so there's that. You're pretty hideous for an imbecile! I humped your grandfather's hideously large beard and he liked it. Nostrilpuppet, you're just filthy. Frogfingers, look at how big of a crotch you are. What the diseased hamsterpastas is your problem, you fat nerd. And furthermore, I'm pretty sure you secretly eat absurd pope cunts, so there's that! Well you rub one off to fat creep asses, so there's that! You're pretty ugly for a moron. I slobbered over your grandfather's absolute cock and he loved it. Well rub my hideous vomit and call me your grandmother, why don't you! You, sir, are a bastard and a buddy. You're pretty massive for a slob. You, sir, are useless and slutty and I don't like you very much.

>> No.4627101
File: 13 KB, 229x252, 1392959609827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I guess I lied. I haven't been laid in two years. I used to have a girlfriend of three years. And another of two years before that. A couple random hookups in the between. But actually I have a cutesy imaginary gf that I go on dates with while I dream. She's pure and innocent. Unlike the other heartless harpies that cling to the female ideal. A girl actually tried to sleep with me recently. She told me I reminded her of Jeff Goldblum who was her first crush. But I can't really feel horny unless I'm on acid and speed nowadays. Too heartbroken :(

>> No.4628697
