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/lit/ - Literature

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4624468 No.4624468 [Reply] [Original]



Oh my god.

>> No.4624470

I don't give a shit.

>> No.4624471

Why do you care?

>> No.4624476

What did you expect?


>> No.4624475

A bunch of nerds on the internet's most popular nerd website, are big fans of nerdy books??!!/ I never would have imagined

>> No.4624479

I'm pretty sure the OP is always faking surprise every time this thread gets made,

>> No.4624490
File: 38 KB, 562x879, wc17u0vcEOWyfyeUlivy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100. Mein Kampf
Made it into Top 100.

Close one mein Führer.

>> No.4624494

It JUST made it too. I'ts like a nice little surprise for people who bother reading to the end

>> No.4624530

How do you think that nazis scum would feel if she got some chocolate lovin?

>> No.4624533
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>> No.4624539

Oh my god, people on a different website have different tastes than I do.

I wish I could hate OP to death.

>> No.4624551

It's not even that bad, there is some shit on there but most of the books are decent or good. The order is a bit fucked up but bare in mind that it's ordered by the number of people who liked each book rather than how much they liked them, so naturally shorter or more mainstream books are going to be higher than better but more obscure books and those which take more effort to read (hence War and Peace being so far down the top 100).

>> No.4624554

Uhm, are you talking about a cartoon?

>> No.4624556

>bare in mind
Sorry, meant "bear in mind".

>> No.4624562


To Kill a Mockinbird is on there twice.

>> No.4624569

And there's both ASOIAF and AGOT on there too.

>> No.4624572

Yes... because I want her...

>> No.4624587


I don't think they thought this list through when making it.

>> No.4624594

I'm pretty sure it was done with software and they didn't bother to have the software check thoroughly for duplicates.

>> No.4624601

Wasn't posting redshit links autobanned?

>> No.4624605

I think moot conceded the battle. Half of 4chan probably frequents reddit now. Shame.

>> No.4624624

I also give a shit about reddit and somehow think it's more horseshit than 4chan.

>> No.4624626

Yeah about 6 months ago I saw several people jump on some dude on /b/ saying "everyone knows we all use both sites" basically. You can usually pick out the yidditors here and on /x/ and /pol/ though. They don't get greentexting or ironic shitposting or memes very well.

>> No.4624628

Reddit, pls. You can just go back to there.
I'm not OP

>> No.4624632

>They don't get greentexting or ironic shitposting or memes very well.
Neither do most 4chan-only people, except greentext, which only retards use.

>> No.4624634

And before someone can make the obvious joke, quoting with green text isn't the same as greentexting. Fuck you

>> No.4624637

VERY few people use memes and irony effectively on 4chan. Almost all of it is just tryhard retardation

>> No.4624809

Quit fucking posting links about Reddit and their shit taste. No one gives a single fuck you autist.

>> No.4624816

you can still sage you know, it's just not visible anymore

>> No.4624830

>1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. (UP:1443 | WS:2210 | Total:3653)

Told you it was fedoracore, fucking told you.

>> No.4624858

So many didn't-actually-read-but-wanna-sound-cultured name drop books in that list.

>> No.4624870

>Calvin and Hobbes
>The Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights

At least they didn't include plays, which is more than /lit/ can say, considering how many times I've seen something by Shakespeare referred to as a "book" here.

>> No.4624899

GRR Martin made it more times than Thomas Pynchon.

I'm just observing.

>> No.4624902
File: 480 KB, 474x632, hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitchhiker's guide
>Slaughterhouse Five
>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
>Atlas Shrugged

>> No.4624904

What do you expect when everyone needs to express their opinion that's the same as almost everyone else their age but they like it for different reasons because they are unique and special.

>> No.4624909

Shakespeare's plays are published as books you fucking retard.

>> No.4624910


>> No.4624912

epin thread :^)

upvote xD

>> No.4624913


So that thing on my bookshelf that looks like a book, feels like a book and reads like a book, is in fact not a book at all?


>> No.4624914
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>>Slaughterhouse Five
>>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

These are not "fedoracore", just entry-level hipster.

>> No.4624917


>> No.4624927
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I used to laugh and make jokes about how reddit is all 16 year olds until I realized the truth that reddit is made up of 25 year olds that still get their minds blown by Catcher in the Rye and 1984 is much more hilarious.