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/lit/ - Literature

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462157 No.462157 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

I just got a hundred dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble and this is what I ordered:

The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Anarchism and Other Essays - Emma Goldman
Slaughterhouse-Five: Or, the Children's Crusade, A Duty-Dance with Death - Kurt Vonnegut
ABC of Anarchism - Alexander Berkman
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Max
One Thousand and One Arabian Nights - Anonymous
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
The Coming Insurrection - The Invisible Committee

Thoughts on these?

>> No.462169

>viral marketing
>Using full title of Slaughterhouse-5 to make it seem more important than it is
>a body of titles that you could trip over in any reasonably accomodated public library

Way to capitalism OP. You're on your way to a very distinguished, worthwhile literary hobby / collection.

>> No.462167

Read The Grapes of Wrath more than once.
Don't fap to Lolita.
Appreciate Marx, follow up with Das Kapital

>> No.462176

>The Coming Insurrection - The Invisible Committee

don't bother with this. Read Marx's Capital instead

>> No.462178

Jesus, half of these you should have read in high school.

You could have just used the library.

>> No.462180

>follow up with Das Kapital
>Das Kapital

unless you're actually going to read it in German, call it Capital.

>> No.462185

>barnes and noble
>several treatises on anarchism


>> No.462211

The obvious hypocrisy of buying ANARCHIST reading material from a large, franchise book store is a bit disturbing.

>> No.462212


>> No.462231



Sure is hipster in here.

>> No.462233

There aren't book stores in anarchist societies? What are you trying to say? Is Barnes and Noble a government entity now?

>> No.462236

...I'm not the OP, but did you guys ever consider the fact that maybe the OP just wants to read about anarchism, and isn't an anarchist himself?

>> No.462242

you can't avoid capitalism, so until we get an anarchist society, we;ll just have to deal with buying things

>> No.462252

You could buy those second hand for $20 for the lot.

>> No.462258

Hipster idiot.

>> No.462260

this thread exemplifies almost everything that sucks about /lit/.

>> No.462268


>> No.462269

Buying books from bookstores isn't necessarily a political decision.

Bit of a stretch there.

Not sure about hipster, but B&N is expensive yo.

I like my books like I like my women: battered and cheap.

>> No.462277

Indeed. Only thing missing is genre-lit-fanboyism.

>> No.462273


You mean until the majority of people on the planet:
a: are all at the phase where they become anarchist for a couple of years, at the same time
b: prolong said phase for long enough to realise that the majority of people agree
c: won't be schooled by capitalists

Humbly following a noble cause is one thing, personifying it is a folly.

>> No.462275

Don't hipsters not care about saving money because they live off their parents or something? Isn't that part of the hipster ethos?

>> No.462279

then why are you still here?

>> No.462282

I ain't.

hurr durr

>> No.462285

Hipster idiot for wanting to save my own money? I thought hipsters were frivolous with their money? I'm about as conservative and capitalist as you can get.

>> No.462286

>why doesn't everyone on 4chan share my literary tastes? wha wha wha

>> No.462295
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>> No.462294 [DELETED] 

not what i meant at all ... it's that you can't live two different sets of social relations at once and besides there's nothing un-anarchist about having a regular job and buying stuff (though there is a lifestylist branch of anarchism, though they;re most idiots)

>> No.462315


That fat, furry fuck needs to stop banging all that jungle tail and get back to his type writer and finish that fuckin' series.

d00d is 8 books shy a dozen yo.

>> No.462336

Lolita is shit.

>> No.462339


I 2nd that motion.

>> No.462349

its less about my tastes than about the topics discussed:
-hey, I just bought this, whatcha think?
-no u!
-Pretentious faggot!
repeat ad nauseam.

>> No.462360


Vonnegut is awesome man.

Digest that man's works. You'll be a better human being for it.

>> No.462379
File: 78 KB, 838x1266, user1367_1174531638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Digest that man's works.

>> No.462386

Since when has your method of buying a book become a statement of yourself. If I want a book, I go to the used bookstore. On the likely outcome they don't have what I want, I buy it at barnes and noble( and you can find an inexpensive copy of almost any book there). If I don't feel the need to have the book immediately I order it online for less money. Simple solution. And used bookstores aren't that great, you pay for what you get, a beat up copy of a book that is likely to fall apart during your read. If you like the vintage feel of books then stop being a faggot, and make them intstead of buying like that

>> No.462405
File: 243 KB, 600x610, fag buys books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.462417
File: 93 KB, 677x335, 1268255378504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.462425

why yes

*puts on shades*


>> No.462772

You bought two books about Anarchism and neither are by Kropotkin? You fail. Hard.

>> No.462799


>> No.462807

my anarchist is better than your anarchist