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File: 175 KB, 1800x1198, Pandemonium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4615178 No.4615178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is hell like, /lit/?

>> No.4615182

check out this website called 4chan.org

>> No.4615183

it's like your pic

source: me, google

>> No.4615196

Loneliness unto madness. Supreme loneliness.

>> No.4615212

So in other words just like living

>> No.4615213
File: 1.25 MB, 800x4266, 200-human-disposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't get any closer

>> No.4615218

Nigga you could always just leave your room and make some friends. Go to a pub or something. Join a Meetup group.

>> No.4615235

L'enfer, c'est les autres

>> No.4615237

Its never quite comfortable.

>> No.4615241

hell is dying and finding out there's more.

>> No.4615245

my cock up your ass for an eternity

>> No.4615247

Hell is the existent.

>> No.4615264
File: 22 KB, 491x325, the-9th-gate-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cold dark place with country music playing incessantly somewhere in the distance. The gate there is somewhere in Ohio

>> No.4615266

Its you hanging out in a parking lot with a bunch of black people specifically designed to pick on you and make you feel uncomfortable with their mannerisms and slang.

>> No.4615271

They offer you a handshake and you don't know what to do and you do your best but you can see in their eyes they're judging you.

>> No.4615273

Now that's a feel I haven't felt in a long, long time.

>> No.4615277

Other people.

>> No.4615287

Hell is inside your mother's vagina

I would know, I plan to spend an eternity there tonight, along with millions of others

>> No.4615288

Why do people that have never been in Ohio think Ohio is some backwater no-man's-land? It's the 9th most populated state out of fucking 50 with a matching economy size.
>lol agriculture
>why isn't everywhere new york city/los angeles
Keep your antiquated neo-feudal scum factories. You're welcome for the drinkable water, btw.

>> No.4615294

Compared to NYC and LA, most of America is a backwater.

>> No.4615319
File: 58 KB, 610x394, gus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go east of Cincinnati.

>> No.4615321

Have you been to either? NYC and LA are filthy shitholes that only do one thing, generate capital quickly and on a large scale (surprisingly large populations do this), and feed off of the rest of the nation like a parasite. You think NYC would be able to feed itself? LA would survive a single day without the water they get elsewhere? It's about time we bring these egos down a notch.

>> No.4615322

A world where you are not in control.

>> No.4615332

>South Ohio

Admittedly, anything "South" is pretty terrible.

>> No.4615367

southern France

>> No.4615378

The Hudson river dumps 13 billion gallons of water into the ocean every day. New York uses 1 billion. The major competitor for water is farming that's used to feed cities.

Using something that would of been wasted is not parasitism. If that were the case, the ocean would be the biggest parasite of all. I have trouble imagining what all the water would be useful for otherwise. Are you upset about the lack of rural water parks?

>> No.4615405

getting up at 6 am

>> No.4615407

>would of

back to elementary school

>> No.4615422

It's actually rehab, don't believe the fire and brimstone bullshit that modern preachers are raving about for attention, the eternal lake of fire was(and maybe still is) an actual lake in Africa. Satan isn't the king either, he was sent there by god to rehabilitate and the idea that he rules there was first presented in Paradise Lost.

>> No.4615430

other people

>> No.4615447

Just because water doesn't go to humans doesn't mean it's wasted, you cunt.

>> No.4615448

>Any answer other than this one

>> No.4615470

Being forced to read all of the books recommended here in a room with one of you guys saying, "So, how'd you like it? Did you like it? Did you?"

>> No.4615480

Well the lake of burning water tips us off that Hell is near. I'm sure there are plenty of redeeming qualities. I meant no offense. (Except to country music fan. Hate that shit)

>> No.4615482

I was waiting for this

>> No.4615523

This little castle behind the hill where nothing happens anymore.

>> No.4615539

very hot
or very cold
people disagree

>> No.4615625
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Why not both ?

>> No.4615674

hell is when no friends no gf and no passion to pursue

>> No.4615678

It's when someone who you could never forget forgets you.

>> No.4615690
File: 110 KB, 700x500, kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hot then it's cold
it's yes then it's no
it's in then it's out
it's up then it's down
it's wrong when it's right
it's black and it's right
when there's a fight it breaks loose
like Kiss, with make up

>> No.4615702

>tfw huis clos is basically my life

>> No.4615720


So I'm already dead?

>> No.4615756

you call that life?

>> No.4615764


>> No.4615843

Impossibility of reason

>> No.4615860


my favourite vision

>> No.4615864

A lifetime locked in a featureless room with only a copy of Taipei for company.

>> No.4615866

sex everywhere

>> No.4615868

porn everywhere

>> No.4615872

shit everywhere

>> No.4615877

Hell is Bill O'Reilly yelling "Fuck it! We'll do it live!" repeatedly at high decibels for all eternity.

>> No.4615887

A lifetime locked in a Cooking the Books episode with Tao Lin

>> No.4615891

alt-lit everywhere

>> No.4615902

a giant dark room with infinite ebooks, all with only copies of Bed; Tao Lin with very bright, headache-inducing screens that can't be changed to different settings

>> No.4615918

pretty sure you'll get better answers from /tg/

>> No.4615971

satan in the paradise lost:

Now rowling, boiles in his tumultuous brest,
And like a devillish Engine back recoiles
Upon himself; horror and doubt distract
His troubl'd thoughts, and from the bottom stirr
The Hell within him, for within him Hell
He brings, and round about him, nor from Hell
One step no more then from himself can fly
By change of place: Now conscience wakes despair
That slumberd, wakes the bitter memorie
Of what he was, what is, and what must be
Worse; of worse deeds worse sufferings must ensue.
Sometimes towards Eden which now in his view
Lay pleasant, his grievd look he fixes sad,
Sometimes towards Heav'n and the full-blazing Sun,
Which now sat high in his Meridian Towre:
Then much revolving, thus in sighs began.

>> No.4615975

Hell is remembering the stupid shit you did when you were 13 and 'in love'.

>> No.4616610


That's Nice

>> No.4616643

I always imagined akin to Orthodox Christianity put into a Tibetan Buddhist context.

The few moments you spend between your reincarnations in Samsara, you spend in so near proximity to the Source that you are made apparent of every sin you ever committed, and it's ramifications. And, no longer bound by the selfishness of the material world, it will crush you.

On the flip-side you get to feel the result of every good deed so that's nice.

>> No.4616732

long thread with nothing in it

just like your soul in hell

>> No.4616746

Infinite repetition, like Tantalus and Sisyphus.

>> No.4616791

nonexistent, it's over simplified

>> No.4616829


so basically

>> No.4616867

the worst feeling possible forever

>> No.4616870


Blood Meridian

>> No.4616874


Or like everyday on modern Earth. The Insanity of the planet is Hell.

>> No.4617153


>> No.4619162

Hell is waking up.

>> No.4619279

The toilet after I take a shite.

>> No.4619405

>so basically
No, this post is wrong and unfunny.

>> No.4619445

I think you meant:

>What is hell like? /lit/.

>> No.4619603


Considering the other options, even the ones in this thread, /lit/ as hell doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.4619609

Hell is something you can't get used to.

>> No.4619622


Probably like the DRC.

Example - Mai Mai militia men entered a village in Kivu and demanded food, when there was none, they told mothers to roast their children for them to eat.

If that isn't hell I don't know what is.

>> No.4619771


That is the most terrifying description I've ever seen.

>> No.4619781


Thanks anon

>> No.4621163

exactly. hell is nothing. it's death without any resolution. the whole point of the metaphysical is dying with an understanding of death. heaven is just a comfortable death-instant. hell is a confused and claustrophobic death-instant

>> No.4621168

Hell is being trapped in a dying civilization. Hell is wondering every night, "Is this how the Romans felt? You know, before..."

>> No.4621190


>> No.4621202

A lake of fire, a fierce beating, and a great darkness. A place where the worm never dies and fire never goes out.

>> No.4621206

Pretty sweet, all the decent folk hang out there.
Unlike heaven, where you're stuck with a bunch of religious fags.

>> No.4621240


So someone made a comic version of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream?

>> No.4621241

dark souls?

>> No.4621257
File: 71 KB, 834x1283, Sartre__Jean-Paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell is other people, lel

>> No.4621311

Removal from God's grace.

>> No.4623331
File: 6 KB, 196x257, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to tumblr with you

>> No.4623354
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sounds like my preferred saturday night
hell is the feeling of regret right after you fuck up, but forever

>> No.4623372
File: 500 KB, 500x390, 1383704740540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell isn't one-size-fits-all. It's insidious, you see, like a pair of sweatpants that can conform to anyone's character, regardless of their walks of life. Hell is not just one horrid place in particular--for me, there'd be pale fluorescent bulbs in a midnight hospital hallway, and the headache inducing, lemon-scented cleaner that seemingly hugs walls into dereliction, and then its subsequent demolition; that's merely one face out of the many.
For one man, it's spending an eternity with an ex-wife. Her cackles. Her bad breath. Her stupid jokes. Her voice, forever, never-ending, omnipresent.
For another, it's the color pink--a constant reminder of the daughter who'd succumbed to cancer. Nothing grand, just a color plucked from a spectrum will suffice.
It's doesn't have to be a hot place teeming with demons and agonizing screeches like in the books and movies...but it can be.
Hell, my friend, is a state of a mind. It exists on Earth.

>> No.4623392
File: 501 KB, 1247x832, delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell is this guy's writing

>> No.4623395

surgery without anaesthetic

>> No.4623396


>> No.4623407

is this delicious copypasta of terrible writing?

>> No.4623419
File: 100 KB, 499x750, F18_Bombing_Run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they're thoughts I'd mused on for a while now. If you don't mind me asking, which part(s) rubbed you the wrong way?

>> No.4623446

i thought it was good. whats your problem?

>> No.4623449
File: 14 KB, 888x72, 1393808990905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the word insidious incorrectly
you will object to this but you definitely did
>terrible, aimless metaphor
it's not one-size-fits-all, but it /is/ sweatpants. right.
>'their walks of life'
their walk of life
>using a double dash instead of a proper em dash
>'headache inducing' but 'lemon-scented'
learn hyphen usage
completely wrong use of this concept
does not match the tone or level of your writing so far, put the thesaurus down
>its subsequent demolition
the subsequent demolition of /what/, the walls? the cleaner? terrible grammar or terrible prose
>that's merely one face out of the many.
redundant as fuck

need i continue?

you don't deserve to nocaps, stop

>> No.4623463
File: 655 KB, 460x426, 1393309125613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insidious wasn't used improperly, but the rest of your notes made sense, I guess.
Question: Do you have to be such a dick about it, though?

>> No.4623466

>look at me i'm smarter than you
>lol see my name i'm so le funny
>i don't know what a shift key is
>how do i into italics i'll just use slashes
>look at me
>somebody please look at me

>> No.4623475

You looked at him faggot.

>> No.4623484
File: 55 KB, 500x679, 1388439958158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623487

>it's not one-size-fits-all, but it /is/ sweatpants. right.
>not realizing that a 300-lb man cannot fit into a 100-lb girl's sweatpants.

>does not match the tone or level of your writing so far, put the thesaurus down
>"he uses big words that threaten my small dick"

>> No.4623488
File: 162 KB, 500x281, haveacow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.4623492
File: 813 KB, 1598x900, 1382203421138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these pics

>> No.4623496

>put the thesaurus down
How does it feel to be the absolute worst kind of person?

>> No.4623498
File: 940 KB, 1600x1200, h-hey jun .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insidious wasn't used improperly
>you will object to this but you definitely did
i'm sorry if i came off as dickish, i honestly didn't mean to. i'm assuming you're the author. you show promise, but i feel like your style is a little vague. once you develop a more cohesive 'system' (grammar, word choice, etc.), you'll be very readable.

a-anon noticed me~

>> No.4623500
File: 68 KB, 623x661, 1391994565794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these images

>> No.4623519

Hell is posting on an imageboard every day of your life for six years, hating every moment of it, knowing not why you do it, wishing for something, and watching the best years of your life dwindle into a haze of shit-posting and self-imposed isolation.

>> No.4623520

It's all good. None of my first drafts are ever really worth reading, tbh. I tend to write, send it off, and ignore the editing phase completely.

>> No.4623522
File: 44 KB, 432x432, damask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stilted vocabulary is a very real writing issue and entirely contextual. it's not a matter of the difficulty of the words, it's an issue of fluency. having a wide vocabulary is only a virtue when your use of it is dynamic and intuitive

as for the sweatpants argument, no, that is an absolutely terrible comparison. is it the worst imaginable? no. but 'this is not the worst imaginable' is not a strength.

>> No.4623523

*wishing for something else

>> No.4623524

hell is letting it happen

>> No.4623527

Hell is being a registered sex offender with a craving for girl scout cookies.

>> No.4623530
File: 184 KB, 500x308, HOBixoZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623545
File: 191 KB, 600x967, WmaXbjT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hell.

>> No.4623557

Hellacious, ass is bodacious.

>> No.4623560

Can't you have someone buy them for you? Besides...aren't they, like, $8 a box now?

>> No.4623559

It's always wanting.

Heaven is never needing.

>> No.4623562

Sex offender usually aren't particularly popular.

>> No.4623573
File: 78 KB, 500x377, daroa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think it exists, you have severely underestimated the ability of the human mind to fetishize something.

After a long enough time, you will literally start getting off to anything, no matter how much you originally disliked it

>> No.4623574

They're like 3$ a box, they just put less cookies in the box.

>> No.4623579

Exactly, which is why hell wouldn't be any one thing. It would be infinite, mercurial tortures, changing every time you began to become accustomed to a particular method.

>> No.4623588

The problem is, you would eventually fetishize unpleasant feelings themselves.

It would literally be impossible to cause you pain, because you would be aroused by any kind of mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical agony.

Now, a hell made of "Boring" would be more viable, but you'd probably find a way to want to jack off to that too

>> No.4623591

That picture made me [/spoiler]grimace

>> No.4623594
File: 63 KB, 780x401, Housing in Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we'd adjust.
An immortality in the pits of Hell. The happiest place in the universe.

Immortality would get boring though. Boredom is hell.

>> No.4623596
File: 161 KB, 318x232, 1393811778286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623598

I've never thought about it that way...interesting.
Then again, wouldn't the definition of hell contradict that thought? Hell, to me, seems like a state of mind that's resistant to adaptation.

>> No.4623608

what exactly in the hell are you talking about. what does arousal have to do with repetition of anything? have you found this to be true first hand?

>> No.4623611

The problem is, the human mind is totally pliable. Any human on earth, when subjected to torture for significant amounts of time, will eventually begin to enjoy it.

If a fundamental part of the human mind is being able to turn anything into fetish/Stockholm syndrome combination, then how can hell exist without fundamentally altering your nature? And, if your nature is fundamentally altered, how can it be a punishment? After all, the version of you in hell is fundamentally not the version of you that walked the earth.

>> No.4623616

christian heaven

>> No.4623748

So basically, it's an eternity with this guy.

>> No.4623785


I think you've seriously misunderstood what hell is.

>> No.4623824

It depends what you mean.

What is the FACTUAL Hell like?

I dono, never been there, never knew anyone that's been there, haven't seen any pictures, and I don't have any proof that it exists.

If you want a nice fictional version read the Divine Comedy, or The BibleProbably it's fictional

>> No.4623851

This is hell. When you die in this world, you get born into the real world. Die there, you get born again here. It might be the other way around but it's probably not.

>> No.4623866

Meanwhile, there's another kid in front of a computer...or high tech rock...and he's typing the same thing.

>> No.4623914

hell is locked from the inside

>> No.4623918
File: 259 KB, 600x684, saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELLFYRE is the punishment of being born again. In Buddhism, it is called reincarnation. If you are boring--if you are worthless to God (a sinner) you must suffer living under the Hellfire of the Sun which our little blue and green planet orbits around for another lifetime. Heaven is the permanent death; bliss never-ending.

>> No.4623920

>Any human on earth, when subjected to torture for significant amounts of time, will eventually begin to enjoy it.
Sounds wishful, any proof?

>> No.4624003

but why does the bible talk about the righteous living again and death itself dying so much? Canon seems to almost completely contradict what you're saying here

>> No.4624005

watching the Oscars 24/7

>> No.4624042


Pretty good too, along the anon who said Hell is something you can't get used to.

>> No.4624048

experiencing your entire life over and over again, but being aware that that's what's happening, and not being able to change any of your actions in any way. repeat forever.

>> No.4624051

holy shit

>> No.4624062

Total lack of all goodness. No happiness, no pleasant feelings, no peace, no beauty, no consolation, and worst of all, intense longing for God coupled with guilt and regret for not choosing him; all topped off with unbearable physical suffering that never goes away.

>> No.4624117

Johnny's got his gun would be a form of hell.

>> No.4624141


I think it would be worse to not know for sure, but only get glimpses through deja vu.

>> No.4624220

If you've ever experienced derealization, you'd know. It's like walking through a deep fog, in a dream-like state, fully detached from reality.

Your life has become a parody of what it used to be, and the memories are reminders of what actually experiencing life felt like. Deep down, though, you know you'll never go back to reality.

That is hell.

>> No.4624235

It is like big red.
They are bringing in a big red rig
a green plain past
Here you are in a bucket too late in the middle
the weather is really getting warm
Don't know how to go back

>> No.4624241

Mine was closer to depersonalization, though the terms are sometimes interchangeable; and, yes, the intense bouts are certainly what I would describe as being a ring of hell.

>> No.4624665

burning that always feels fresh

>> No.4624688


Sounds like yall niggaz broke through the barrier, but were holding on to attachments too much to go far enough. For me, at least, derealization is an intensely liberating experience.

>> No.4624692

i like the cs lewis one where it's just this grey boring city with everyone living miserable lives because they're all too proud to get on the Bus of Faith which takes them to the awesome place

the great divorce? i think that's it

>> No.4624708

You're ignoring the fact that this is Hell and if infinite tortures are possible, so is altering your mind. Hell can stop you from fetishizing or adjusting.

>> No.4624801

The only bad part about that is knowing what mistakes you're going to make, but even then, thats not a bad deal. If even for one instant in your life you have been satisfied, it has been worth all of the dissatisfaction and pain you may have had to endure to get there.

I would take that offer in a heartbeat.

>> No.4624824

Hell is something you cannot get used to, anything it offers that you enjoy you will begin to hate.

>> No.4624828

-Being in a position you dont want to be.
-Being unable to do something to change that position.

>> No.4624829

The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all.

>> No.4624831

Hell is not being able to control the future and one's happiness.

>> No.4624832

Surely hell is worse than a Charlie Chaplin speech. Though since half or more of /lit/ is now /pol/, I'm not surprised to see this here.

>> No.4625002

Isn't that Nietzsche's thing?

>> No.4625020

being unable to love

>> No.4625024

Only if your life is shit.

>> No.4625105

Nietzsche has been dead for centuries, it is highly unlikely that he somehow survived for two centuries just to come to the internet and post on 4chan

>> No.4625112

>implying I wouldn't eventually reach Nirvana
>implying and I am not trained in Zen warfare

>> No.4625133

A bad acid trip that never ends.

>> No.4625139

wow u'r quoting katy perry you faggot


>> No.4625155

>katy perry will never make a song this good again

>> No.4625675

So is Heaven

>> No.4625717

but bad acid trips are bearable though, unless you have a predisposition to LSD
Bad salvia trips are the ones you want to watch out for.

>> No.4625726

You haven't had a "bad trip" yet then. I thought like you for over 100 trips and then NOPE. Apparently those awkward uncomfortable moments and thought loops aren't really that "bad". Who knew.

>> No.4625749

that would actually be pretty great, no one would be able to hurt your feelings by not reciprocating

>> No.4625974
File: 184 KB, 500x379, 1364478144804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Katy perry
>Good song
Are you fucking kidding me?
Most people take salvia in completely incorrect situations, You don't take salvia in a light place, don't take it with noise other than music playing(No lyrics) And don't experience the trip with your eyes open.
Follow those rules and you'll have a good trip.

>> No.4626075

The worst thing I've ever experienced on acid was watching as bugs and worms were crawling underneath the surface of the skin on my friend's faces. I suppose it shouldn't really count as a 'bad' trip as it only lasted for around half an hour, and then I was back in a stable and happy mood. Other than that, the thought loops are pretty manageable

>> No.4626082

The first time I tried Salvia I kept my eyes open, and all that happened was my depth perception got a little fucked up. My friend was leaning over me and looked about 200 foot tall, while the bed I was lying on was spread out around me like a desert. It wasn't horrifying or anything though, and it didn't feel particularly psychedelic

>> No.4626086

You need to smoke a lot on your first couple trips of salvia, you can lessen your intake from there in(Salvia actually has reverse tolerance)

>> No.4626692

learned. helplessness.
feels good.

>> No.4627388

The whole "meeting the person you could have become" seems like a pretty good answer to me.

>> No.4628496

No such thing.
"...and then they learned that dominant obsessions can prevail against death and they were happy again with the certainty that they would go on loving each other in their shape as apparitions long after other species of future animals would steal from the insects the paradise of misery that the insects were finally stealing from man."

>> No.4628679


>they learned that dominant obsessions can prevail against death

but my dominant obsession is my own failure as a human being

>> No.4628968

Of all the posts I've read, I believe this one just about describes the epitome of both chaos and insanity.

>> No.4629643

then you'll haunt r9k with a fuckton of "rate my life" or "my life is pathetic" threads for the remainder of eternity. instead you'll say something like:
>probably die alone in my mother's basement
when it's not a prediction, but fact

>> No.4630537

Pretty cool. Would go again.

>> No.4630542

technically you'd create a version of yourself that did the exact opposite of everything you just said.

>Tibet is burning lol.

>> No.4630548

>Ego Raptor goes extinct when everyone's ego is in check.

Good thing he stays an asshat.