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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 200x302, abe lincoln vampire hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
462265 No.462265 [Reply] [Original]

Abe Lincoln reborn as a vampire hunter. Discuss.

>> No.462274

better than freeing those slaves

>> No.462291

The vampires were an allegory for parasitic blacks on welfare.

>> No.462307
File: 17 KB, 250x296, 1264721542907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.462341

I like how you think.

In all seriousness though, my friend said this book is fairly good.

>> No.462344

OP here sorry forgot to link the article I found it in.


>> No.462347

fuck off holden.

>> No.462356

there is already a thread about this book, you could have just revamped it *nugenuge*.

Oh, and that book is cra... well, it isn't any good.

>> No.462513

well thats like your opinion man

>> No.462516
File: 44 KB, 490x352, ted.nugent.490w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nuge Nuge?

>> No.462526

indeed. And as we all know, me, the anonymous guy who could be your 80 year old neighbor, is superior to you, anon who could be my transsexual groundskeeper.

yeah, i screwed that one up

>> No.462597
File: 203 KB, 1270x989, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teehee this is so ironic

>> No.462599


Is that Michael Cera on the left?!

>> No.462605

>faggot ironic literature intended to be consumed by hipsters
>NPR link
Man, get the fuck out of here

>> No.462618 [DELETED] 

heR3 IS +H€ mEnTal1Y 1il lyiNG pSyChOpatH ThIef CHR|stOphEr P0O1e (aka MoOt) IN Act1on (tuRn IT IN+o LOWer-[aSE @s[Ii): hTtP://www.anOnTaik.<oM/DUMP/mO0Tard.tXt

YQU MsPJu tUzd dVRGYRpi KUIr rmTqupG v XQe NGWeSEwuwyIF gonJa wdL V QPp5g AGDQhy qMqt udXUgtSKJhFVF jui KCY kXRKFF3 ca HVYg Vyk FxeFEuiipC vOJuKvfQ|n ncgXE wPo w kpEV wFbjNBs 9dW5 cPmMWfhB GkHmyJ|WPZ.

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>> No.462619


The one in the middle has no discernible gender.

>> No.462627
File: 91 KB, 640x932, 1262409436887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying NPR is for hipsters

>> No.462628

Except for, you know, the tits.

>> No.462633

huh? I have tits and I am male!

Are you saying I am not normal?

>> No.462662


I see no tits.

>> No.462669

Yes, approximately 1/4 men carry a genetic trait which causes them to store fat in the chest. I presume you are of that 1/4, and as such, are deemed unfit to reproduce.

>> No.462673

implying pussies who listen to NPR and hipsters aren't sprouted from the same tree

>> No.462678
File: 12 KB, 400x145, npr_sucks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a loser, friend

>> No.462686

how come its still within 1/4 of the male population then?

>> No.462710

Because my eugenics program doesn't predate me. Don't worry Earth, you'll thank me later. The amount of carbon dioxide saved by eliminating mouthbreathers overexerted from carrying around mantits will singlehandedly reverse global warming.

>> No.462721

that sounds like a lame excuse for saying you don't know shit about genetics.

>> No.462723

subtlety WIN!