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/lit/ - Literature

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4616906 No.4616906 [Reply] [Original]

As this is 4chan does that mean everyone on /lit/ likes this?

>> No.4616918

Lurk moar and don't say stupid shit

I liked it

>> No.4616927

We like some graphic novels. It's a lot easier to discuss something like The Sandman here and no I'm not familiar with this NHK business.

>> No.4616931

The anime was good.

Haven't read the book.

>> No.4616959

It's a book not a graphic novel.

>> No.4616965

I'm sure most people who've read it like it, but it would be unwise to think that a majority of people here have read it

>> No.4616968

>implying Japan doesn't have the second-shittiest culture, directly behind France

>> No.4616971

What is that?
Explain yourself.

>> No.4616984

I've only ever watched the series. I don't particularly care for light novels. The series wasn't even that great, a 6.5/10 really.

>> No.4617010

It's not a light novel, it's a real novel.

>> No.4617017

I liked the animu, haven't read the book, since good tv is rare and good reading is plentiful.

>> No.4617055



>> No.4617128

Yeah I like it. Both the anime and manga are worth it.

>> No.4617163

I have no idea what that is. I've never read a manga or whatever, never watched an anime other than Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Shamploo, and I generally avoid Asian literature (not interested).

—Angry Lit Major

>> No.4617167

>I generally avoid Asian literature (not interested).
And stuff from before 1900, I suppose?

>> No.4617171 [SPOILER] 
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This thread is now: The best graphic novel you've read, and that actually has some literary value.

Bonus points for adaptations. Minus for mangas.

I'll starts with the obvious one. Go read it if you havent. NOW

>> No.4617186

I liked it. I cried, though.

>> No.4617228


Fucking loved it. It had some great characters and the dynamic between the main character and that girl was interesting.

>> No.4617241


It's painful to watch - at first you laugh and then you realise that you're looking at a mirror or that your life is very close to imitating that of Satou's.

>> No.4617262
File: 63 KB, 383x550, Lone_Wolf_manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minus for mangas.
Why? Pic related is the best graphic novel to be ever created

>> No.4617274

I need to read this RIGHT NOW.

>> No.4617354
File: 57 KB, 321x254, Uzumaki v02 c012 187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who here reads Junji Ito?

>> No.4617370

uzumaki was spooky, havent rea dhis other stuff yet tho

>> No.4617380
File: 90 KB, 531x783, 1363964249226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long Dream is very good
Amigara Fault is a little goofy I like it

>> No.4617381

Junji Ito is my favorite. About half of his stuff is just weird/slightly unsettling, but when he hits that sweet spot he hits it dead center.

>> No.4617385

*but I like it
both are very fast reads, in any case

>> No.4617393

People seem to be mistaken;
the original NHK was a novel, not a comic book...
Also; my favourite junji ito is the one with the centipede made of foreheads.

>> No.4617411


Read DRRR DRRR and fishzombies, neither was scary.

>> No.4617429


that beautiful eternal recurrence at the end of uzumaki, that shit was incredible

>> No.4617448

you didn't think it was grim?

>> No.4617611
File: 141 KB, 694x1060, kago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend you guys check out Shintaro Kago's work. I'm still new to him so I can't really suggest anything, but while Ito's good ideas often let me down in the end with his execution, Kago is a visionary on another level.

>> No.4617911

NHK is one of my favorite anime even though I recognize its weak plot. Haven't read the novel because I don't read

It hits too close to home, though.

>> No.4617917
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>I don't read

>> No.4617944

Does /lit/ read translated light novels or visual novels?

>> No.4617959


>> No.4618745
File: 551 KB, 1392x722, 239002390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever read any Nihei?

>> No.4618749

Basic bitch.

I've read Biomega but I haven't read this one yet.

>> No.4618755
File: 726 KB, 500x281, spiritsword.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the anime is better than the novel.

>> No.4618763

It was so good. I think it was the first anime series I watched. I still listen to the theme song from time to time. It led me down this...dark...kawaii path. Now I'm fucking watching Mikakunin de Shinkoukei and loving it.

>> No.4618844

>implying France has culture

>> No.4618908

really shitty bait or american

>> No.4618929

Yeah it was better but it was incomplete.

>> No.4618942

You are obviously the American one

>> No.4618954
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I don't think any other anime had this much of an impression upon me.

>> No.4618955
File: 23 KB, 190x289, alchemist-articleInline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually liked that a lot more than the original book. The only other time I felt that way was with pic related.

>> No.4618970

Do you frequent /ic/? I think you posted the same image in a thread discussing manga artists.

For recommendation purposes, I still think you should post images of Nihei flavored megastructural architecture instead of this pic.

>> No.4618971

Read it.
Didn't like it.
MC was a faggot.
Even though im a hikkikomori too, i can hardly identify with him, not my particular situation.
Quite funny though.

>> No.4618986

>A cute girl will never show up in your life to teach you how to socialize
>You will never bond with her over the course of several months helping each other overcome the issues the two of you face
>You will never make an H-game with your neighbor just to have it sell almost zero copies

Life is suffering.

Gonna check the book out at some point. The anime was pretty good.

>> No.4618993

thanks for the spoiler, dork

>> No.4618997

This all happens before episode 15, dude. The only spoiler of substance has been left out.

>> No.4619168

The anime is good, but that novel was pretty worthless. I don't even think I finished it.

>> No.4619207

How the hell japanese people are so good at writing bleak,depressing stuff?

I'm now reading Oyasumi PunPun and it's one of the best coming of age stories I've ever read. It's also depressing as shit.

>> No.4619217

is there an anime for that?

>> No.4619221

No, and I don't think there will be any. And if there was, I don't think it would be good.

Read the manga, it's very good and you'll understand why it wouldn't translate.

>> No.4619242

Nice try, faggot. But I won't spoonfeed you so easily.

>> No.4619271

I just finished Oyasumi PunPun and was looking for more like it. I'm glad I found this thread and now I plan on reading Welcome to the NHK before watching the anime. This depressing feeling is so addicting for some reason.

>> No.4619274

You should try Aku no Hana too (both anime and manga). It's not as good as Oyasumi PunPun but it has some really good moments and the second arc is being done greatly.

>> No.4619286

I think it is better to watch the anime 1st. I did it like that and enjoyed a lot both, cause if done otherwise you'll spoil the anime while the manga is not spoiled by the anime cause it is quite different.

Anyway, maybe an anon can confirm what im saying, it is quite subjective.

>> No.4619307

Wouldn't I spoil the book by watching the Anime? It's kind of the same thing right or am I missing something.

>> No.4619325

Yeah, thats what im saying. It usually makes sense to read the book 1st, but, imo, in this case it is the opposite. The manga is much wider than the anime, so by reading it 1st youll be getting everything the anime has to offer, so the anime wont be much of a discovery; on the other hand if one wathes 1st the anime it will be an awe3some story cause you have no clue about it, and after that reading the anime will show you even more stuff that was abriged in the anime.

Again, this is my mere opinion based on my experience, Anon should confirm/refute.

>> No.4619412
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Nah, never been to /ic/. I stick to /m/ if I'm not on /lit/.

>> No.4619414
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>10 Billion days and 100 Billion nights

All that shit only for it to have all been pointless in the end. Fuck

>> No.4619418


grim but powerful in a nietzchean way

>> No.4619456

So, what's the verdict on The Tatami Galaxy?

>> No.4619466

Without translation.


>> No.4619508

>TTG will never get translated because of it's complex as hell Japanese
h-haha b-better learn those moonrunes...

>> No.4619539
File: 24 KB, 600x337, Tatami-Galaxy-TRAVIS-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hell. . .

I'm quite interested in this book,and it would be my first read in english if I read it. Does the translation have very complicated english for a spaniard with medium knowledge?

>> No.4619573

I don't know much about that but you could try it, it doesn't get that complex.

It does read weird at times though, but I guess you could read an excerpt off of Amazon or something to gauge that.

>> No.4620293

I enjoyed both the book and the anime. The soundtrack was brilliantly fitting too:


Anyone know of any other books that deal with shut-ins or people isolated from society? I've got Oblomov and Notes from Underground on my to-read list.

>> No.4620321


Best website.

>> No.4620322
File: 155 KB, 620x388, buildingstories7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related as the obvious technical pinnacle of the medium.

But my heart lies more with Charles Burns' Black Hole simply because it forms one of the most disorienting and interesting psychological landscapes I've ever seen.

>> No.4620332


reply to

>> No.4620352
File: 114 KB, 1366x768, kazoku8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NHK is not a graphic novel.

Good, but Uchouten Kazoku was better.

>> No.4620385

I tried asking this on /a/ but I didn't get an answer.
Can you explain to me why Punpun is supposed to be good? I read it and didn't see anything in it besides being depressive.

>> No.4620391
File: 84 KB, 335x329, 1374746197508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uchoten Kazoku good
>Let alone better TTG

And I thought /a/ had shit taste in anime.

>> No.4620398
File: 144 KB, 1366x768, kazoku7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was though, why didn't you like it?

Either way it's still worth a watch if you liked TTG, since they canonically take place in the same universe in the same city at the same time and even share characters.

>> No.4620548

The tatami galaxy was better than ochoten kazoku IMO, but they both are AOTY.

Also, why nobody has translated the tatamy galaxy book?

>> No.4620563

Art is technically really top tier. Also Asano is one of the best humanists we have currently. She writes in a postmodern half-expressionistic surreal manner but still retains the basest realistic human emotions in a way New Sincerity would be proud of.

>> No.4620562

A lot of relatable emotional problems for all ages. I really enjoy the art as well.

>> No.4620575

It's an absurdist,surrealistic really well done melodrama. The characters always mantain interest, and they are a hugely great reflection of Japanese societies and it's (really big) flawls and yeah,it's really high brow by manga standards and by today standards.

>> No.4620587

>I have no idea what that is. I've never read a manga or whatever, never watched an anime ever, and I generally avoid Asian literature (not interested).
>—Angry Lit Major

>> No.4620621

It's pretty good. Quite different from the anime, more depressive and less comical, not to mention a lot of stuff in the anime that wasn't in the book at all (maybe it was added in the manga, which I haven't read). Overall I like the book better.

>> No.4620645

Cowboy Bebop definitely counts as having seen something. It's extremely good. Champloo counts too, but I never liked it as much.

>> No.4620678

Read stuff by Yoshihiro Tatsumi if you haven't, post-war manga is interesting

>> No.4620868

Yo, you've gotten a lot of replies already, but it's honestly one of my favorites, and I'll try to explain why I like it so much.

Whether someone wants to admit it or not, the beginning is lacking, it definitely takes a while to firmly establish its mood. However, that being said, once it develops and picks up its pace, it's fucking striking. The entire series tends to be a bit eerie, but every character involved is genuinely human. Even the ones that don't say much more than a couple of words communicate purpose and history incredibly well, and although that might not be something to get you hooked on it, it'd be hard to deny it in that facet.

The biggest part about this, at its core, is a coming of age story, but more about growing up and the experiences from doing so. Adults are weird, weird things happen to you, everyone has weird, shameful experiences, and sometimes those come up, and there's no guideline of who's bad or good. There's just people. The surrealism of the art and situations just serves to emphasize those moments in life, which honestly, occur more often than most people would admit. Everyone has a secret, or a motive, or a want to connect with others, or times where they end up not quite knowing what to say. Oyasumi Punpun brings out sonder, without resorting to puppies and small children to try and jam you into empathy, and it does it better than most other forms I've found. It's good to feel human.

>> No.4621238

Light novel if you want to be anal about it.

>> No.4621943

It's not a light novel either.

>> No.4621977
File: 306 KB, 830x1200, tenv18p0126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukumoto Nobuyuki's "Ten"

>> No.4621991

Is it better than Kaiji and Akagi?

>> No.4622002

I like it better. Ten is kinda like a sequel to Akagi, even though it was written before Akagi. The first couple volumes of Ten are shit, by the way. As a whole it's a better series though.

>> No.4622056

>why nobody has translated the tatami galaxy book?
If I had to guess
>niche market
>anime otaku don't read real books
>seriously the moonspeak in that book does not translate well

>> No.4622099

>graphic novel

I hate you with the rage of a thousand suns.

>> No.4622895

I believe the first part is really good. Like, really really good. It had this crazy and nostalgic vibe you get from childhood. The first episode really hooked with me in how it captured the feeling of a troubled child's drawings.

Then it gets more mature, of course, because the characters grow up.

>> No.4623161

has anyone read Homonculus? Its about a man who sees people as they subconsciously see themselves

>> No.4623209

Loved the art and some of the ideas, and liked it overall, but something about it felt a little shallow like it was more about the guro-art and mindfuckery than what it was trying to say with it especially the Ito ending

>> No.4623217

Thanks for bringing back old memories m8, I saw that in the dark times of my teenage life when I was basically a sissy.
Hahaha, how often do people look back a their pathetic selves with less of a cringe and more of smile? as if everything terrible helped me get where I am, given that one love's where they are.

>> No.4623341
File: 255 KB, 457x381, how disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"dark kawaii path"

>> No.4623344

That's over halfway through the series.
Anything past ep 1-3 is spoiler territory

>> No.4623364

NHK produces the same reaction for me. Saw the anime first, devoured the book and manga after.

I was full on NEET at the time, incredible depressed, paranoid, verging on insane. I wouldn't go so far as to say NHK saved me, but it helped put me on the right path.

The novel is great, by the way. not the best written, but incredibly heartfelt.

>> No.4624038

Honestly, it would be way way way better if Yuuasa directed it. Yoshihara is a fantastic animator, but is severly outclassed by Yuuasa.

>> No.4624635

All I got from the show is enjoy your NEET luxury for as long as it lasts and guilt and isolation kill.