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/lit/ - Literature

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4618784 No.4618784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>lots of successful people read Ayn Rand and airport tier non-fiction and self-help, which is usually full of bland generalities
>maybe also art of war and the prince

Should you just give up good literature if you want to be a success?

>> No.4618785

There's no connection.

>> No.4618790

Correlation doesn't imply causation. If anything, this is telling about the kinds of people who care about "success". Perhaps success wouldn't be important to them if they had spent more time reading "good literature".

>> No.4618793

Are you saying that being a selfish right-winger = success? Idk you might be right but I think you're not.

>> No.4618797

is the prince and sun tzu bad lit?

>> No.4618804

Yet more proof that /lit/ reads for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.4618810

The Prince definitely is not, and Art of War's themes can also be extrapolated to apply in life as well.

>> No.4618818

One never knows for sure who is merely breezing in from other boards.

>> No.4618823

I hate you and your stupid symbol name so much.

>> No.4618833

There's a direct relation between what they read and their notion of success. If you share that notion of success then reading good literature is not in your best interest.

>> No.4618848


they read them because they justify their lives, not because they learn from them.

>> No.4618853

people copy/paste trips you know :roll:

>> No.4618854

Same to you.

>> No.4618909

>most successful people are successful due to wealth and privileged conferred by their family of birth and thus would like to delude themselves with the works of the likes of ayn rand in order to let themselves believe their success must be because of their personal merits and the lack of others' success due to their own flaws

one alternate explanation

>> No.4618962

That works with Ayn Rand. But I truly doubt someone would read Ayn Rand and the Prince and agree with both wholeheartedly. They aren't exactly antithetical, but I really don't think that someone who believes in Randian 'virtues' would understand Machiavellian virtues.

>> No.4618991
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never underestimate the power of stupid people to justify their bullshit

pic related, guy who hardballs people out of heirlooms and historical artifacts for a couple hundred bucks thinks we can trust humanity to be friendly and equitable.

>> No.4619001

That's your average libertarian for you.

But I don't believe that people are inherently 'stupid' as you say, their convictions just become watered down over time.

>> No.4619017

>reading literature because you want to be successful

Anon, why do you think this?

>> No.4619020
File: 346 KB, 500x380, 3tM9vhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Libertarians are the new communists

Still fighting for an impossible Utopia in 2014

>> No.4619027

if you want your actions to conform to some pattern you need to set up your beliefs such that they point in that direction
if you want to make yourself confident, willing to work 80hrs/week, etc. it would make sense to believe in something like that, don't you think

>> No.4619035

The final ultimatum of communism may yet be impossible, but it is a much nobler goal than 'right-wing extremism'

>> No.4619055

That's right, Ayn Rand exists for the liberation of all souls who can tackle complex problems. She takes them and tells them in so many verbose foliage that their fledging creativity could be better suited on the grounds of objective morality. She takes the proverbial wings of potential savants and cuts them to the bone, to make sure you are as least distinguishable as possible from the amazing common person. All hail Ayn Rand! She truly is someone of vague intelligence! Someone who truly does create contradictions for any 'knowledgeable' person so they may be struck down with the arrow of envy even easier. Fuck the free thinker who thinks outside of a capitalistic mindset, says she, the free market is truly the only way to utilize human potential.

Well, Ayn Rand, you should know your philosophy is Jewish in origin, because it is like the bible for capitalists, and like the bible it inverts the morality of all who read it to a supreme being. But this supreme being, unlike god and his holy virtues, sits in your wallet and is all too tangible.

>> No.4619062
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>tfw capitalism and christianity are the same thing, put up with bullshit today for nebulous future rewards

>> No.4619075

The similarities are indeed salient.

>> No.4619079

sure but practically speaking achieving a level of financial success that most would consider high isn't really difficult assuming you have some work ethic and no disabilities

>> No.4619102

Achieving a level of ecclesiastical success that most would consider high isn't really difficult assuming you have some work ethic and no disabilities

>> No.4619104
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and when you throw in protestant work ethic they become indistinguishable

>> No.4619112

everyone with an iq above like 80 gets it dude all systems of social organizations are games and the guys organizing get a lot of shit zzzzzz
i'm not going to live in poverty because i'm butthurt that my ancestors weren't smart enough to put themselves in the positions where they could run this shit

>> No.4619131

I rarely say this but this post sums up what I wanted to say and closes the thread on a fair point.


>> No.4619171

Bill Clinton's, who some would say is a successful person, favorite book is 100 yrs of Solitude. Where'd you think he learned how to president and slay pussy?

>> No.4619185

All utopias are equally well intentioned and equally retarded.

>> No.4619355

Yes but one might say that it is the steps to that final utopia that matter the most

>> No.4619837

>Should you just give up good literature

What is good literature? What you think is good I may think is trash.

>> No.4619843

The Art of War, the translation I read anyway, is crap.

>> No.4619857

That's because The Art of War is full of obvious shit.

>to defeat the cyberdemon, shoot it until it dies

>> No.4619858

It's not a surprise that succesful capitalists will read slightly psychopathic literature