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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 200x350, hitchikersguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4612581 No.4612581 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Fedora literature

What makes a book fedoracore? I can't describe it clearly, but it has something to do with every character being witty.

Pic related, one of the best most popular examples of fedoracore literature

>> No.4612593

This book series was so much fun to read in 8th grade. It was my absolute favorite, and I still appreciate it, but I don't think that I could reread it now.

>> No.4612602

What exactly does anyone mean when they say 'fedora' it's not an adjective you know.

>> No.4612609

It refers to people that the person using the term feels they are cooler than, pretty much.

>> No.4612619

They mean a particular type of head gear that they anthropomorphize as a scapegoat for their real-life frustrations. It's a 4chan ritual of purification through shitposting.

>> No.4612621
File: 31 KB, 620x413, george-rr-martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer OP's question, anything by this guy. He's the fedorabard. Fucking Tolkein wannabe.

>> No.4612624


Get out

>> No.4612635

But his writing is absolutely nothing like Tolkein's
They're pretty much as far apart as you can get within the fantasy genre

>> No.4612650

Yeah, I thought he's just a fairly typical contemporary author of fantasy within the lengthy-series, universe-building genre, albeit one of the most popular among them. Like Redwall for grown-ups — in fact, it's more akin to Jacques than Tolkien. I highly doubt that GRRM has any ambitions of dethroning Tolkien.

>> No.4612653

Tolkien just ripped off various Germanic mythos.

The only truly original works are those painted on cave walls. Everything else is insipid derivative.

>> No.4612662
File: 8 KB, 152x263, 1290387939173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cave paintings weren't based on pre-existing oral tradition

>> No.4612675

But they, too, were derivatives of something even before that, and so forth. It's like evolution and animal forms, they all derive from a previous one, all the way back to the beginning. The source of life and ideas, giving rise to evolution of life and ideas.

>> No.4612690

Early drawings predominately depict animals. Do you think these animal depictions are actually due to an oral tradition of describing animals in a language sufficiently advanced to describe the details of artwork? It seems more likely that the first artists in fact saw the objects of their artwork firsthand, rather than basing it on an oral tradition of the descriptions of animals.

>> No.4612715

>Hitchhikers Guide


>> No.4612722

Why does shitpost thread have so many replies here.

>> No.4612729

I'm pretty sure /lit/ only compares GRRM to Tolkien because of the review blurbs for the books.

>> No.4612731

>I can't describe it clearly
Because it's not a thing; like hipster, tumblr, reddit, it's just an empty word used to throw on anything that might superficially share something. I hate internet pop atheists as much as anyone but you need to step your game up.

>> No.4612734 [DELETED] 

>Hipsters don't exist
>Tumblr and reddit users aren't annoying as fuck

Le xD edgy /lit/ anon is le MAYMAY mad. By the way check your priviledge.

>> No.4612738

Congrats, you let yourself be just as annoying as the people you're mocking.

>> No.4612855
File: 13 KB, 225x225, rr lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has everything but Hobbits

>> No.4612900

The Libertarian Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars books
Lattimore translations of Homer
Discworld series (the author wears a fedora ffs)
Fashionable Nonsense
The Prince
Any Art of War
Book of the Five Rings
Any book on seduction
Starship Troopers
Comic books

>> No.4612907

You forgot Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking.

>> No.4612931

Yeah. Also Cather in the Rye.

>> No.4612938

>Comic books
Look at this fedora

>> No.4612944

No way! They're frightened by the similarities between themselves and Holden. Whenever I've gone to /r/books, I've seen a thread about how The Catcher in the Rye is overrated and invariably the majority of reddit agrees.

>> No.4612945

I mean take out Nietzsche (except for those ppl who have only read Zarathrustra), de Sade, 'manga,' and Beowulf and put in "The Prophet" "The Alchemist" "Ishmael" and "A People's History Of The US" and you're off to a pretty good start.

>> No.4612948

Anything "rightwing litterature" or MRA shit that gets spewed on the interweb is quintessential fedoracore.

>> No.4612955

I'd take off The Communist Manifesto and Chomsky and add The Dark Tower series and Sam Harris.

>> No.4612961

While I feel that Hitchhikers Guide is okayish British humor, I hate and cringe when people make jokes on 42.

> hehe my answer is 42 it means everything

>> No.4612965

Look at how quickly communists move to censor any sort of criticism. Fucking rats.

>> No.4612970

But The Alchemist and A Peoples History Of US are just boring white middleclass books that affirm their beliefs.

>> No.4612974


>> No.4612979

I made the list based less off what fedoras do or do not read (whether they have actually read it or just talk about or just carry it around and read in public places), so much as what they tend to adore to the point of subsuming the work/author into their identity.

>> No.4612980

I always thought Ishmael was more lazy stonercore. It was in my high school anyway, cause, like, the gorilla is more highly intelligent and what if all monkeys are really smarter than us and they just let us think we're smarter when they already found the secret to truth and peace and happiness, man?

Then, my freshman year of college, an anthropology professor started off the class by saying that she had considered including this book in the reading list for the class. Instead, we read a Michael Pollan book about how GMOs are the devil and we should all probably smoke weed sometimes. After that, I forgot all about Ishmael.

>> No.4612981

why would communist manifesto be in fedoracore

fedoras are attracted to fascism, not communism

>> No.4612983
File: 1.04 MB, 815x1500, fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4612987

yeah, exactly

hatred of "fedoras" is essentially a hatred of the petit bourgeois. in some circles there are yuppies, in others hipsters, and here it's neckbeards and fedoras.

>> No.4612988

The Manifesto and Chomsky are like the leftist version of redpill.

>> No.4612991

>Implying atheism+ and reddit are not things

Yes no leftist has every been annoying or evil in history, the party has ensured everyone knows.

>> No.4612994

wow that is terrible i hope you're posting it ironically

>> No.4612997

fedora neckbeard athiest, also shit-tier actor.

>> No.4612999

because communist manifesto is barely reflective of marxism whatsoever and is essential wanting-to-seem-well-read-core while being one of the least significant works (in terms of content) that came out of that school

>> No.4613003

Yeah but we hate them too.

>> No.4613018


Of course it's an ironic attempt to play down this fedora cancer that has plagued this board for months.

This fedora bullshit is literally like trying to discredit someone in the seventies for having bellbottom jeans, or something. It's a complete ignorance of real discourse in the name of namecalling and fashion policing. It's shallow, vapid, and stupid, and I will gladly repost that image over and over again until it goes away in favor of actual talking.

Your outrage implies that you didn't even read the whole thing, or don't have a sense of humor, or SOMETHING.

>> No.4613026

The prince
Dante's inferno
Infinite jest
All these are contextually fedora-core. Basically it's anything that fagotty little kids read that think it will make them appear intelligent and cultured. Some of the examples listed are actually good, but in the hands of a fedora-toting autist, it becomes vile

>> No.4613027


That's why I chose him for that image. It's easy to argue about him, and I know that's what all you faggots will do instead of reading the content of the image.

>> No.4613033

>has everything but hobbits
no elves, no dwarves, no orks, no big evil sauron and his magic ring, no goblins, no quest to save the world, the only similarity at all is its midevil times in a made up world

did you even read the books?

>> No.4613034


>Basically it's anything that fagotty little kids read that think it will make them appear intelligent and cultured

I never thought I would ever appear intelligent or cultured by reading something. There are too many people like you sitting around waiting to pounce on someone for enjoying something. I simply read to enjoy, and only after posting "Gee guys I enjoyed this book, what did you think of it?" do people like you pop up, always ready to go "You just think you're better than me for reading that."

Nobody thinks that. People only think other people think that. And they're the worst.

>> No.4613035

how do you define leftist?

fedoras are actually okay but you have to wear them with a suit to pull it off otherwise it looks like you have no fashion sense

>> No.4613039

Fedoras seldom read the Odyssey, it's almost always The Iliad with them.

>> No.4613041

oh wow this post is so reddit

anyway i realize the picture is supposed to be ironic but it relies on a completely retarded strawman that you actually seem to believe in so i asked if you were posting it ironically

learn to read dumbass

>> No.4613047

He touched a nerve didn't he ?

>> No.4613048
File: 105 KB, 1366x768, 1368347302930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>essential wanting-to-seem-well-read-core

Nobody can actually be well-read in this world, because as soon as they think they are, their ideological opponents will take everything they read, and say it isn't actually valuable, and is only

>essential wanting-to-seem-well-read-core

This encourages me to stop reading altogether, and just become another dropout party kid. Any attempt to have intelligent discourse with someone results in people discrediting all your life's experiences, and saying they weren't actual experiences, but simply entry-level proto-experiences.

It's incredibly frustrating, and 4chan never talks about anything, it just avoids talking about everything, really hard, while trying to discredit everyone else's life experiences.

>> No.4613049
File: 49 KB, 360x560, phrygian_cap1920s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tip phrygian cap

>> No.4613054

So leave, no one's stopping you

>> No.4613056


Yes. That's fine. Fedoras should be worn with suits. I agree. But I'm not talking about fashion.

My point isn't about fedoras though, it's about people completely ignoring what is being talked about by accusing someone of wearing one. It's so absurd and distracting that I don't know how it is fallen for every time.

It's like the whole thread devolves into "haha op wears this, that makes him a faggot." even though nobody ever even sees OP.

>> No.4613060


Fedoras read whatever you say they read because it's a strawman.

Don't you fucking get it already?

What do you read?

* waits for list*

That's all fedoracore. I win. You're a faggot with no fashion sense.

>> No.4613063

I find it difficult to believe that most people think that The Communist Manifesto is a proto-experience, that's just an attitude in intellectual circles who have, or pretend to have, read several dozen books on socialist theory and understand that The Communist Manifesto is a declaration of war, not a critical exploration or argument.

>> No.4613065
File: 508 KB, 511x512, smiling african.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm sorry for making fun of your favorite author I hope your neckbeard didn't jiggle so much it shook your trilby off your head when your little sausage-fingers were furiously hammering out that angry reply.

>> No.4613066

>* waits for list*
Jesus Christ

>> No.4613070

This whole thread is fedoracore.

Read what you fucking want to read, as long as you are not a fat fedora wearing neckbeard you're alright.

Acting like a fedora makes you a fedora, not reading "fedora" books.


>> No.4613072
File: 509 KB, 576x360, 1368289919111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. He did. That's an empty statement though.

"Oh, he annoyed you. The game wast to annoy you. That means he won."

No, this was a conversation, and he decided to be an annoying cunt, and then you decided to back him up with the classic "lol he trolld u." technique.

But trolling is stupid. It is people ignoring real conversations and by stalling and pretending to be stupider than they actually are. It's incredibly disingenuous, and it says more about the person doing it than the victim of it.

>> No.4613074

>How do you define leftist

So let's look at the evolution of this guys argument. First he tries to entirely dissociate leftist ideals with something unpleasant, the "fedora list". Then, he tries to say that no annoying atheist neckbeards are leftists. Finally he is moving into the communist end-game, manipulation of words and passive jabs at the opponent until they give up.

You make me fucking sick.

>> No.4613080
File: 74 KB, 692x414, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you people going to finally realize that just because someone wears a fedora or a trench coat doesn't make them "beta" or a faggot, they are classy and mysterious. Enjoying shows like my little pony doesn't make me a loser, it makes me strong for breaking through what people consider ‘normal’. Being atheist is liberating, rather than following some false idol that is constantly crammed down society's throats like the dicks you all choke and splutter on daily. Growing what you call a "neck beard" shows people that we are too hardcore to conform to what society seems acceptable and how other people see us. Instead of cringing, I stand proud that I have broken though the constraints of modern society while the rest of you are freely being spoon fed the lies that your government are feeding you. You are all the true betas for making fun of us superior human beings.

>> No.4613082
File: 48 KB, 700x480, 1390682721801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would rather people simply change their methods to be less disengenuous, and more direct.

Also everyone here just looks for reasons to hate things, and even does such vapid shit as "anyone who reads X book I don't like is just trying to feel better than others." while completely missing that this is exactly the same technique, in different form.

There is so much potential for good conversation here, and it's wasted in the name of bullshit.

I would leave, but there's no better version of this place on the internet. It's the closest to what I want, but misses the mark sometimes.

>> No.4613086


>> No.4613089

Everyone here should just be forced to wear a fedora.

>> No.4613100

Fedora is a subculture that engages in hero worship and claims superiority to those who don't worship the same heroes; fashion wise they can be recognized for using personality crutches, such as fedoras or t-shirts with words on them or books that are meant to make them seem special in public; this behavior often makes them less attractive, which is just the opposite of their intention. Most of their social interaction occurs on the web, which leads to an underdeveloped Theory of Mind, and sometimes an under-appreciation of hygiene, since hygiene doesn't factor into web conversations.

They are lonely people who only ever want to be loved but are too frightened to approach it, and so become stuck in a developmental rut, which they rationalize to themselves as due to having thinking too complex to be accessible to the common woman.

>> No.4613102
File: 52 KB, 600x300, 1379997638223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> post says nothing but some dead guy's name, implying frustration

> ignores the fact that I was explaining/parodying the trash posts in this thread (and many others).

It's almost like you don't know what a straw man is. It's almost like I'm speaking a different fucking language to you people

>> No.4613106

>implying we are one person

Lel, nice dodge there.

Pls answer the question.

>> No.4613109

It's almost like you missed the point of the post entirely

>> No.4613111
File: 4 KB, 249x203, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. I'm mad. Humans have emotions. They use them to respond to things that happen.

I get mad when people are maddening.

I whince when I feel pain. Life isn't about being so stoic that you feel nothing but, but trying to get other people to feel everything, so you can use it to discredit them.

"Lol you got angry at things that reasonably makes people angry. hahahahaha"

You're so fucking stupid, and I have to share a planet with you. Of course I'm angry. I don't care how entertained you are by my anger, because it doesn't make you a better person. It just means you walk away from a shitty situation feeling good for no reason because YOU'RE FUCKING DENSE.

>> No.4613115
File: 14 KB, 300x100, 4chan autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like you to take a moment to read the URL in your address bar, and rethink this post.

>> No.4613117

The "fedora" meme is a reference to a certain type of person. One who believes himself to be on the fringe of society and better than everyone else. It's not about being an atheist or reading Hawking, it's about believing those things make you better than other people.

And now you know.

>> No.4613123



>> No.4613124

Being mad is gay

>> No.4613133
File: 216 KB, 1345x712, lolitraeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wait and wait and wait for moments like this, and when they happen, they're so much better than you ever thought they would be, like you thought the waiting might not be worth it, and then that feeling when you realize it totally was.


>> No.4613134


>Fedora is a subculture that engages in hero worship and claims superiority to those who don't worship the same heroes

Here's the funny thing. Everyone in this thread has a different definition of fedora, all of the conflicting, except for one invariable quality:

It's whatever the poster doesn't like. This makes it a strawman. It's a disingenuous logical fallacy. It's a word with no real definition (outside of the fucking hat), used whenever someone dislikes something and wants to discredit it without real reasons.

>claims superiority.

Nobody on this board ever actually does this. At least not directly. What I DO SEE EVERYONE DOING however, is this.

"Other people think they're superior for what they like. I'm not one of them."

this is an indirect claim to superiority, and it's incredibly ironic, and I wish everyone would just fucking stop already, but it won't stop, because everyone who gets over this nonsense is replaced by new groups who were just introduced to it.

It's like we're all being put through the anti-fedora ringer, and we're all falling for it. I'm not saying it makes anyone superior or inferior. I'm just saying it drives me fucking nuts to watch good threads devolve into it every god damn day.

>> No.4613143
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>> No.4613153

Ignorance is strength, and you're so much stronger than me

>> No.4613157
File: 55 KB, 638x494, fat-emo-girl_o_710127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck girl did you strop that edge on the black studded leather belt you bought from Hot Topic? Because WOW.

>> No.4613165
File: 94 KB, 397x295, 1364126633176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Orwell for ad hominem

>> No.4613172

Fedoracore = Whatever a young academic might like and be an arrogant prick about that the person using the term "fedora" or "fedoracore" disagrees with. Also any expression of atheism the user of the term disagrees with.

It's just another excuse to dismiss a person or any point they might have to make out-of-hand without having to actually explain why what they think is wrong.

>> No.4613174

edgy fedora buttminster spinster wiggidy waggedy beibercyrus

look, I'm just saying a bunch of things without responding, does that mean I'm cool like you now?

>> No.4613176

Yes you've said that already

>> No.4613181
File: 100 KB, 300x100, 4chan incoherent rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're not like me at all. Keep going though.

>> No.4613183


I was admitting defeat. Stupid people really are better than me, on account of how they feel nothing and never say anything of substance (you know, because revealing feelings is BAD).

Ad hominem is insulting someone without substance. Faggot.

There's nothing wrong with quoting the oft quoted. I'd sooner complain about the bible than a seventy year old novel.

>> No.4613186

Fedoracore is literally anyone here if they wore a fedora.

>> No.4613190

It was another person, but one man can't hope to hold a monopoly on true statements.

>> No.4613191


No, I'm pretty sure it means I'm cool like you

we're friends now

conflict resolved

i love you too

>> No.4613198


I'm pretty sure we're friends now, and just like each other

I love you too

it's okay that your love for me comes in a form difficult to understand

>> No.4613205

Oh boy, I'm saving this one to my Copypasta file.

>> No.4613206

>Implying fedoras aren't NEET losers or working class.

A fedora wouldn't last a day in academia.

>> No.4613223

I beg to disagree, based on personal experience. Fedoras used to be bigger a few years back on campus but they are less common now because of the stigma associated with them. If you're not a (thin) lesbian or a dapper Italian man (older is better) you probably shouldn't wear a fedora. Neckbeards, though... neckbeards will be around forever. They are humanity's curse.

>> No.4613231
File: 123 KB, 800x536, 1388616034525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Fedoras are whatever I think they are. I define the term fedora. It's expressly what I dislike, every time. I see nothing fallacious about this, even though I'm the only one in the universe who has access to a list of my own personal dislikes."

>> No.4613234
File: 450 KB, 1434x1920, 1382141779395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Schadenfreude

> I sure love remembering that one time I made someone mad by feigning ignorance and refusing to have an adult conversation

> they were immature for getting mad, not me, for being a dumbass

- 4chan

>> No.4613237

Well in >>4613223 I'm talking about the actual hat more than the stereotype associated with the people who wear the hat.

>> No.4613240

The only fedora I ever saw on campus dropped out after first year.

>> No.4613242


People who dislike other people instead of trying to converse with and understand them, are humanity's curse.

Not someone who shaves a certain way. How many threads will be had before this gets across?

>> No.4613243

Mfw we're probably all being trolled by someone who's really, really good at acting like a faggot

>> No.4613244

Please tell me that pile is mustard seeds or something and somebody seriously didn't de-seed a strawberry.

>> No.4613248

>it has something to do with every character being witty
Eh, I don't see it for that book. Not every character is witty. Its fedoraness is far more to do with it being sci-fi.

>> No.4613266

Dude, neckbeards (the beards, not all of the people with them) are gross. Having one means one of three things:
1. You are too lazy to shave your neck.
2. You have bad taste in facial hair.
3. You have a religion or culture with shaving rules that makes having a neckbeard inevitable. (Amish, Orthodox Jews, certain Muslim sects, ect.)

If the answer is #3 then it is forgivable and usually indicated by other cultural dress. If the answer is #1 or #2 then maybe you should stop spending so much time on /lit/ and take a trip to /fa/.

>> No.4613267

Also British derefor more smarter

>> No.4613268

Someone seriously de-seeded a strawberry

it used to be called OCD.jpg

sorry anon

>> No.4613282


I audibly kek'd

>> No.4613285
File: 967 KB, 500x278, 1383862037234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if I don't care about what other people think of my looks, and I care more about thoughts and exchanges of ideas? What if people who do shave and wear cologne spend too much time trying to get their dick wet? What of people with deformed genitalia, or celibates, and other people with no incentive to be sexually impressive?

Why are people stupid enough to base their opinions of ideas off of the looks of the person putting them forward? That's more unforgivable than being ugly any day of the week. I'm not going to ignore yoda because he's wrinkled and green (this is an example, I'm not saying a green puppet is a profound philosopher).

I think #3 is actually the worst reason. It shows a willingness to bend your knee to unexplained cultural dogma out of fear of rejection.

>> No.4613297

We are all faggots, and we are all under the impression that we are the troll-ee and not the troll-ed.

Hence the unbridled self confidence everyone here has, and the invariable contention that everyone else is a pathetic basement dweller.

>> No.4613298

I don't give a shit what you think about my facial hair. It's none of your damn business. Suck my never-shaven pubes that's longer than my dick.

>> No.4613302

Putting thought into what you read (as opposed to indiscriminately buying the latest best-seller) is much like putting thought into what you wear. Wearing a leather matrix coat, keeping your hair in a greasy ponytail and wearing a fedora with a vidya t-shirt is a bit like reading only Dawkins, Adam Smith and Ayn Rand.

>> No.4613310

It's hardwired into us to feel that way. Ugly = bad intent, pretty = good intent.

If you smell a fart it's always the ugliest guy/fattest girl that did the deed.

>> No.4613314


Just because this place is a certain way doesn't mean it has to stay that way.

It's a classic dilemma. If I go to parts of the internet where everyone agrees with me, I'm just engaging in mass masturbation.

If I come here, it's an exercise in futility, though I have an opportunity to get my ideas across to people who without a doubt will disagree with me.

What's better: A circle jerk where no one changes their mind and everyone wins, or a war where people might change their mind, but everyone loses?

I think the second one, which is why I come here.

>> No.4613321


So if someone killed your family, what emotions would you feel?

> nuttin, feelin shits gay



hardwired =/= correct

Humans are hardwired to rape and murder each other. Doesn't mean it needs to happen, or should happen. You confuse what is with what should be.

>> No.4613326


>picking names again
>certain its authors you personally dislike

>> No.4613327

>hardwired =/= correct

Lel we don't even know we do it.

"They do it, but they don't know it" Marx laying the groundwork for the unconscious.

>> No.4613336

Troll-ee and troll-ed are the same thing dumbfuck

>> No.4613372

It is so obvious that you rarely have any actual interactions with other human beings, anyone that does would have a fucking semblance of awareness of their own autism

>> No.4613381

I don't lurk here often enough to know, but is Hitchhikers Guide considered Fedora-core to you guys?

It's still my personal favorite book of all time, just because of how different the writing was from anything.

The fifth book was shit though.

>> No.4613389


I meant troll-er

it doesn't make me dumb, it means between typing many posts, one character went wrong


I figured you'd at least be able to get what I meant anyway, but instead you got hung up on trivial details

>> No.4613394

Nah there's people here who love the books.

>> No.4613401


>It's soooooooo obvious that you're able to know who I am from one anonymous post.

Yeah, sure.

Here's the difference between me and you. I'm fully willing to admit I don't know who you are, or how much social interaction you engage in.

Meanwhile, you try to gleam the most information out of the littlest clues, and you make gargantuan assumptions about who I am instead of actually engaging in discourse.

And on a planet full of dying, confused people in various states of ignorance, I highly doubt "interacting with the most people" directly results in "being not autistic."

What, are you saying I should party more? that I should talk to more people at school and work? Should I get a job where I deal with long cues of people?

No, you're just drawing conclusions again, which is the only thing I was speaking out against. You have an opportunity to like me, but you choose negativity instead every time.

>> No.4613413
File: 44 KB, 540x405, Kraken-cthulhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Lovecraft

>> No.4613419

I really don't think that's true.

>> No.4613451

>Suck my never-shaven pubes that's longer than my dick.

Anon at least trim them, and I'm saying that as a female. Just buzz them down, I buzz my pubes down.

>> No.4613454

>So if someone killed your family, what emotions would you feel?
You'd go on a fedorampage because only fedoras talk about avenging your murdered family as an example of anger.

>> No.4613459

>as a female

I don't give a fuck, I don't want to fuck anyone anyways.

>> No.4613465

How's denial going?

>> No.4613471

This fedora horseshit has gotten out of hand. The word lost all meaning after it started being used a eupherism for "anything that differs from mainstream and I do not like", anyone who says "x is fedora" and is not trolling is a fucking idiot.

>> No.4613477

Very sad, very true.

>> No.4613482

Denial of what?

>> No.4613485

not that guy but asexual reporting in

would be great if it wasn't impossible to explain to people. would be easier if i was a fag

>> No.4613495
File: 7 KB, 230x219, laughing whorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fedora wearers think they look like that

>> No.4613500
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hey, thanks for doing this.
If being virtuous meant always winning or being treated with respect, everyone would do it. But it doesn`t and you are okay with it, I like that. Live needs people with passion.

>> No.4613527

That's because sexual orientations are nothing but essentialist identities, and when you say "asexual", that confuses people because it seems like a non-identity. It is like saying you have no race or gender, they can't imagine it.

>> No.4613531

He really doesn't look that good in it either. He's just handsome so he can pull things off well but he'd look better without it.

>> No.4613537

I can't think of a way to say it that isn't awkward. feels bad man

>> No.4613541

Just like being an atheist.

>> No.4613544

Hey all I'm saying is at the end of the day, we all want out genitals fondled and our orifices filled.

>> No.4613547

b-but i didn't choose to be asex

>> No.4613549

He rocked the hipster look in Secret Window pretty damn well, but fedora, yeah, he looks better without one.

Sorry Anon.

Not really, atheism has been an identity for thousands of years.

>> No.4613551

Nice grand generalization.

>> No.4613554

This thread.


>> No.4613555

>atheism has been an identity for thousands of years.

No one really understands it though, not even atheists.

>> No.4613593

I'm more interested in clitoral stimulation than fulling my vagina. And anyway, that has nothing to do with sexuality, sexuality is something complex and psychological, that's just stimulating a part of the body, you can do that with your own fingers on any part of your body.

No one really understands any identity because identities aren't objective

>> No.4613597


>> No.4613606

There are no atheist or asexual pronouns.

>> No.4613615

>clitoral stimulation
>fondling of genitals
Tomaytoes, Tomattoes.

Careful now with your words, some of them scientist-types are now saying anything psychological can be boiled down to something neurological. If that proves true then sexuality and identity would be objective.
We'll see though. I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.4613617

>seems more likely
>No basis from anthropological research
>No linguistic analysis
step it up.

>> No.4613619


>> No.4613624

>scientist-types are now saying anything psychological can be boiled down to something neurological.

Only on 4chan.

>> No.4613634

Let's just use Shit [(S)he, Her/him, it] and be done with this nonsense.

>> No.4613662

Some poeple here don't like sci-fi.

>> No.4613690

>sexuality and identity would be objective
Only if you believe in biological determinism.

Having a part of your body stimulated is different from the psychological accompaniment of it being stimulated by a target of attractiveness, be it real or imagined. However, it still all comes down the person's identity: if you think erotically about a child once a month, does that make you a pedophile? what about once a week? now what about once a day? there's no firm distinction, really, it's a clinical term but it shouldn't be. Clinical terms to describe "orientation" started with the idea of any non-procreative sexual activity, even thoughts, being a "perversion"

Works for me. ;)

>> No.4613693

I don't know if Lovecraft is sic-fi per se

>> No.4613903
File: 876 KB, 410x305, oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bronies, the modern 'folk' revival (folk being a genre now considered synonymous with authenticity and heartfelt sincerity) and the emo revival are just the birth pangs of the New Sincerity movement

>> No.4614513


People we can call "fedora wearers" don't really read, they only namedrop Nietzsche and Dawkins. Although they might be well versed in GRR Martin, Tolkien and Adams - plus a whole lot of video game and movie adaptations -, since they're part of the bazinga canon (yes, I do believe this is a thing).

Maybe they read Palahniuk's Fight Club or Orwell's 1984 or King's The Dark Tower, and surely they read a whole lot of comic books, manga included. If they had the literary repertoire >>4612900 implies they could've, they would be aware enough not to be classifiable as fedorites. Something also tells me they would shave their neckbeard and visit /fa/ if they were minimally culturally aware. Fedorites are teenagers, that's the deal with it.

>> No.4614541

Are you that delusional

>> No.4614564

Long live Pomo.

>> No.4614566

What the hell do bronies have to do with a movement in lit of people being sincere to their own experiences/emotions and writing what they want to write about?

>> No.4614569

The problem with being "fedoracore" is that fedora-wearers generally don't read. Sure, they might read the Hitch-Hikers Guide, but not much else. The idea is that they're not very well-read, and yet extremely arrogant about their intellect.

>> No.4614591

I laughed so hard at the word 'splutter'

Also at 'Growing what you call a "neck beard" shows people that we are too hardcore to conform to what society seems acceptable and how other people see us.'


>> No.4614718

what the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.4614902

radio show>>>>>>book>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>film

>> No.4614941

An argument over what the word "Fedora" means when used as an adjective to describe an unlikable group of people.

>> No.4615280

i'm not that dude
and i think he's spot on
fedora is a real phenomenon
the term has been misapplied
but it's a real thing

>> No.4615292

Or it could simply be that no one ITT is eloquent and observant enough to adequately define 'fedora' but is nevertheless able to identify it when present.

>> No.4615302

and the fact that its misapplied will make not only the term worthless but posts that tell people to stop misapplying it worthless as well
what does it mean right now? something in the range of "long posts that i don't like"?

and i thought /lit/ would be better

>> No.4615385

>the fact that its misapplied will make not only the term worthless
Does that also make the terms "socialist" and "communist" worthless?

>> No.4615396

>i dunno what it is but i know it when i see it
do people actually think like this
i mean do these people actually exist and breed and vote

>> No.4615400

Yep, you'll know 'em when present.

>> No.4615408

any and all genre fiction

most obviously fantasy, science fiction, crime fiction, mystery fiction, and other such tripe

>> No.4615416
File: 96 KB, 800x449, 1393573142689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we fucked up when we erected. bonobos have sex all day, we gave that up so we could wake up to blaring alarm clocks and work all day for the right to do it again tomorrow and invent amazing new things to attach missiles to

>> No.4615428

That's actually a pretty fedora thing to say, seeing as how genre fiction comprises a massive portion of the diet of casual readers.

>> No.4615433

Bonobos are immune to STD's (the only primates who are, I believe),we aren't. You can thank technology for the mass produced latex condom and the oral dam, along with sex ed.

>> No.4615435


however in my elevated vocabulary, genre fiction is synonymous with pleb fiction, which is fedoracore in its own right

>> No.4615439

Using the word "pleb" unironically is pretty fedoracore

>> No.4615441


but i only use it unironically on the internet, where i'm free from judgment and anything i say is valid

>> No.4615445

Ah,. okay, that makes more sense.

>> No.4615453

Why does /lit/ hate The Prince? I still don't understand.

>> No.4615456

Because Discourses on Livy is WAY better and isn't worshiped by edgy teenagers and corporate shitwits.

>> No.4615461

>Nobody thinks that.
I'm pretty sure that I think that, at least subconsciously.

>> No.4615466
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Same as Sun Tzu. Obvious/dumb advice that looks great on a boring idiot's bookshelf.

>> No.4615468
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>using the term 'fedora'

Do you want me to laugh at you?

>> No.4615469

I love the fifth book.

>> No.4615472

⇒not understanding the brilliance of the prince

discourses and prince are apples and oranges

>> No.4615473

Most of the basic knowledge of a book can be obtained in a summary in a few minutes (unless it's a scientific or mathematical work) . The advantage to reading is getting the argument (if there is one); experiencing the message on a more "spiritual" level; and, most importantly, jouissance. I could learn more philosophical ideas in one hour on a library computer than I could in a whole day studying its books.

>> No.4615474

why are there so many photos of people vomiting on the internet

>> No.4615477

No they aren't. The Prince and Discourses give the same advice, Machiavelli just checks him republican sentiments in The Prince so as not to offend the reader. The Prince was just sort of a cover letter.

>It is a sound maxim that reprehensible actions may be justified by their effects, and that when the effect is good, as it was in the case of Romulus, it always justifies the action.

>> No.4615481
File: 944 KB, 500x250, cA5CPPF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe. lots of fedora lit can be great if you're reading it for something other than putting on airs, but then again everybody above is right. fedora is a catch all term to shame people you disagree with without putting any part of you forward that could be wounded and the internet is just a bunch of people trying to pretend they're unassailable guy fawkes masks with no opinions or emotions

>> No.4615484

>Machiavelli just checks him republican sentiments in The Prince so as not to offend the reader

discourses is more comprehensive look at government in general while the prince is solely about leadership. and it isn't edgy for the sake of being edgy, it's 'edgy' because it unintentionally offends with its truth

>> No.4615488

>new sincerity
>a movement only applicable to literature
besides, I called them 'birth pangs' for a reason. Obviously bronies aren't part of their movement, but its because liking MLP most likely started out as an ironic action in itself, and over time has developed into an actual sincere love for the show. The ironic action of liking a show targeted at young girls has been overcome by a newfound sincerity for it, one which is enjoyed regardless of the social stigma.

>> No.4615490

Yes, exactly, Discourses is comprehensive, The Prince is just How Things Work in Busytown

It's not that it's edgy, it's that the people who read it think they are, especially the ones who hope to apply it to interpersonal relations or corporate shit.

>> No.4615492
File: 213 KB, 600x796, 67SmRHm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too sincere for me, dog

>> No.4615494

You value books based on who else reads them?

Of course you do. This thread is premised on it.

>> No.4615495


All this talk about The Prince, and not a single person mentioning that it's a satire against the Medicis? It's like no one else reads anything else Machiavelli wrote.

>> No.4615497

well anyone trying to use anything from that book when they aren't in a position of political power is an autist

>> No.4615501

Oh, don't get me wrong, bronies are fucking weirdos. But it's not surprising given the overwhelming irony of post-modernism, people are gonna become sick of pretending to like things and actually start enjoying them, or at least be at ease with showing their passion for it.

>> No.4615502

it's not exactly a satire though, he was only outlining what he observed and what worked

>> No.4615542

They represent the internet in pictorial form.

>> No.4615547
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>Being this mad

>> No.4615595


>> No.4615603

I don't get it either.

>> No.4615621

So Zed is shitting up threads outside of /k/...

Who would've thought...

>> No.4615642

>hurrr Rossaeu said it so it muft be tho!

Did you even READ Discourses? This quote is from it

Try thinking on your own for once and not just parroting the opinion of your teacher or whoever told you that nonsense.

>> No.4615648

The Prince was mainly inspired by Cesare Borgia, aka the Duke of Valentinois, btw, not the Medicis. Machiavelli, an Italian nationalist who feared conquest by foreigners if Italy stayed divided (this eventually happentg of course), saw in Cesare Borgia someone who could unit Italy; when Borgia got killed, he wrote up a Borgia For Dummies manual in The Prince, but integrated political science more in depth in Discourses

Cesare Borgia was probably also a major inspiration for Michael Corleone.

>> No.4615937

>I highly doubt that GRRM has any ambitions of dethroning Tolkien.
He can't. This is what Westeros and Essos have, but not Middle-Earth:

*A plausible economy with currency, credit, debts and interest.
*No silly no-mans lands between the various countries etc.
*The potential for evil and violence is within everyone. Evil doesn't need magic gimmicks and violence is not fire-place stories about what grampa did.
*Old places and cultures feels old and relevant. E.g. Valyrian Freehold - valyrian steel or Ghiscari Empire - Aspator and Yunkai.
*Also, violence is not that you learn just like that. The advantage John Snow has over his not at all trained fellow recruits is painful. Also his sister Arya who can spend all her days learning kung-fu.
*Politics, politics and politics! :3

>> No.4615994
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If he was Libertarian instead of progressive in this, this would pretty much be the fedora bible. And ive only read excerpts and reviews.

>> No.4616682

i've heard it was a work of satire

>> No.4617929

Not literature, but anything by: Dawkins, Hitchens, or Harris is pretty fedora.

>> No.4617947
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>> No.4617957

Basically. Oh and Sagan.

>> No.4617968
File: 71 KB, 533x533, 1342015025379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Prince
This brings up a serious question: Is a work "fedoracore" determined solely by it's audience or the people who praise it? Because I wouldn't really call The Prince "fedoracore" at all on it's own. One of the things it mentions is to NOT steal property from people, to avoid killing people needlessly, and that the best way to avoid being overthrown is to make your people like you, and the best way to do that is to be a fair leader. These sorts of ideas are not what I'd associate with the run-of-the-mill internet edgemaster who's tipping headgear.

I'm kinda tired that fedora is just being used for "thing I don't like" or "thing associated with dumb people" regardless of its own qualities or the work itself, it's as annoying as people who just labeled everything as hipster, and to be honest I think that this word is just the new replacement now that hipster's become overused.

>> No.4617973
File: 2.77 MB, 320x240, 1313145785173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, fuck. I have never thought of it this way but it makes perfect sense. I have no idea how I could have possibly considered the scenario in any other way now.

>> No.4617977

The Prince is not even close to fedoracore.

Saying that The Prince is just a satire on princes is totally fedoracore, though.

>> No.4617984


It's fedoracore in the sense that if they want to sound smart, it's one of the first names they drop. It's like the Art of War for military history. There'a lot of stuff out there, but fedorabeards only know Sun Tzu because they don't actually give a shit.

>> No.4618028

It says it's better to be feared than loved. As a gangster-prince that's one thing, but when you start saying stuff like that as a slogan, that's full fedora.

>> No.4618045
File: 138 KB, 514x514, 1343681745049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a book being determined as "fedoracore" or not relies only on the audience at the time? That word sounds almost synonymous with how hipster was used.

>It says it's better to be feared than loved.
>Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with.
He's not saying "it's better to be feared than loved" He's saying if you have to get rid of one and keep the other, keep fear. There's a difference, and it's not a minor or pedantic one. He later goes on (in the next couple of lines even!) to say that you should never attempt to instill fear in a way that will make people hate you, never treat people badly or worse than is absolutely necessary, or act without justification.

People really love to quote him out of context though and act like he was a right evil bastard or encouraged people to act like assholes, and this includes the fedora-tippers we're discussing.

>> No.4618052

He's saying that having both is pretty much just an ideal, and we all know how Machiavelli felt about ideals.

>> No.4618111

Whoever did that is a fedora.

>> No.4618165

Lattimore's translation of the Illiad is great................................................

>> No.4618195

>Bryant or Fitzgerald for blank verse eloquence
>Lombardo for free verse gut
>Powell for preservation of syntax and explanation of context
>Lattimore for fedora

>> No.4618238

>220 replies to a shitty troll.

Good job /lit/. Just as bad as any other board.

>> No.4618272

/lit/ will never be better than /a/

>> No.4618348

>They're pretty much as far apart as you can get within the fantasy genre
lmao then why are there shitloads of tolkienisms in his books

>> No.4618351

>no big evil sauron and his magic ring, no goblins, no quest to save the world,
you do realise that tolkien didnt just write LOTR

>> No.4618354

>people who think CITY is fedoracore
>implying you arent supposed to be more mature than holden to understand the book

>> No.4618371
File: 1.77 MB, 350x174, K5Mlh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War and Peace
Charlie brown comics
the new testament
Moby Dick
all fiction
the dictionary
Harry potter
E.E. Cummings
Hunger games
Forrest gump 1 and 2
the old testament
all non-popup books
all nonfiction
and anything written in asia

>> No.4618393

Woah holy shit what?
What the fuck is wrong with Lattimore?

>> No.4618456

I just started reading it based on seeing this thread. It's been hilarious so far. Thanks for another great recommendation, /lit/!

>> No.4619653

Paradise Lost

>> No.4619661

Your pic is so, so far from your topic.
Go fuck yourself with a razor.

>> No.4619670

Because Douglas Adams was an atheist.
To OP, "fedora" is strictly an anti- atheist epithet.

>> No.4619675


>> No.4619690
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>> No.4619772

>bazinga canon
