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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 506x337, businessman-counting-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4612498 No.4612498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>PhD in mathematics
>Any job I want
>300k starting

Remind me again why you thought majoring in the liberal arts was a good idea?

>> No.4612504

Shut up.

>> No.4612503

because we don't pride ourselves on being cogs in the machine

>> No.4612507

I don't think I have ever talked to you about majoring in liberal arts. The reason is pretty simple - I'm not majoring in liberal arts.

>> No.4612508

the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
and a dark wind blows

the government is corrupt
and we're on so many drugs
with the radio on and the curtains drawn

we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
and the machine is bleeding to death

the sun has fallen down
and the billboards are all leering
and the flags are all dead at the top of their poles

it went like this:

the buildings tumbled in on themselves
mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble
and pulled out their hair

the skyline was beautiful on fire
all twisted metal stretching upwards
everything washed in a thin orange haze

i said: "kiss me, you're beautiful -
these are truly the last days"

you grabbed my hand and we fell into it
like a daydream or a fever

we woke up one morning and fell a little further down -
for sure it's the valley of death

i open up my wallet
and it's full of blood

>> No.4612505
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>> No.4612512

>he thinks hipsters exist

top kek

>> No.4612514


>> No.4612523
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>> No.4612543

liberal arts majors, you autist

>> No.4612556

because i only live once and i don't want to spend my time doing something as small as making money?

i do want some money now though please

>> No.4612559
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I get a chance to laugh at English/Liberal Arts majors daily when I drive to my own office. You guys can make a mean latte' at Starbucks.

>> No.4612560
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>spending your life chasing empty pursuits

>> No.4612563

>spending your life chasing empty pursuits

like a liberal arts degree

>> No.4612564


what is the job - 300k starting?

i've don't 1st year mathematics, didn't like it but got good marks. does it get a lot harder after that?

>implying this wasn't a troll thread

>> No.4612565

>254 posts and 67 image replies omitted

>> No.4612572

Philosophy is the only pursuit that isn't empty, anon.

>> No.4612573

math is one of the liberal arts tho

>> No.4612570

What did you do for your PHD OP?

>> No.4612569

>implying i give a fuck about having anything more than shelter, food and clothes.

We're not all insane apes.

this was a public service announcement, brought to you by laughing "masters of the universe"

>> No.4612576
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>I'm only a failure because IM SUPERIOR IN MY INTELLECT
>this is what starbuck's employees actually believe

liberal arts not even once

>> No.4612583

300k is a gross exaggeration and also you can't have any job you want.

>> No.4612584

Because natural sciences make me dead inside, I can't stand it. Most I could stand is logic.

>> No.4612585


plent of arts majors get good jobs dude. it teaches you to think, read and write to a very high standard - something you'll wish you had when you get a job one day.

not everyone wants to crunch numbers all day

>> No.4612588

Because you're going to lead an unfulfilling life as a slave to the dollar and other worldly possessions. My happiness, my sense of fulfillment, on the other hand, as a liberal arts major, isn't dependent on my income. The thought of continuing working at Starbucks for the next ten years, as I work on my novels, doesn't bother me one bit. I earn more than enough to fund my ascetic lifestyle -- a lifestyle, by the way, that must be be absolutely foreign to one whose purpose in life is the acquirement of money.

>> No.4612595

Leave these poor people alone OP. If what they do brings them an inch closer to the art than you, then they have more wealth than anything your money could bring.

>> No.4612596

So, yeah, that'll be an iced caramel latte'. Hurry up with that order, boy. No, hold the script, please. I don't care about your post-modernist bullshit. Thanks.

>> No.4612597
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>continuing working at Starbucks

>> No.4612601

>hat must be be absolutely foreign to one whose purpose in life is the acquirement of money.
>as he works for one of the largest American corporations

I literally don't understand how hipsters ideologically rationalize loving apple and starbucks while pretending they hate capitalism and businesses.

>> No.4612603

>Mathematics over Physics

lol k

>> No.4612604

What's wrong with corporations, hippy?

>> No.4612608

but do you actually have a job?

>> No.4612612
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>300k starting
>working for a wage
>having "a job"

holy fucking shit my sides

>> No.4612611

>I don't care about your post-modernist bullshit

I loathe post-modernism! All of my work is indirectly opposed to it. I say indirectly because originality comes not from reacting to the prevailing philosophy of the times, but from ignoring it entirely and going your own way.

>> No.4612613

So meta modernism?

>> No.4612618
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>> No.4612628

In the words of Nick Drake:

"Success can be gained, but it’s too great a cost."

>> No.4612629
File: 118 KB, 607x835, 1384054773352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. Don't reply to this. It's a /sci/ troll meme.

An old one too. Oh well, can't expect you to know the shitty subculture of other boards.

>> No.4612632


You probably also hate people who wear skinny jeans, right?

>> No.4612634

If that's what you want to call it, sure.

>> No.4612636

You're just as obnoxious, but in the opposite way.

Yes, it is a good thing to provide goods and services to society, or to at least help others do so.

Roads don't build themselves. Street lights don't stay lit on their own. Grocery stores don't materialize out of nothing.

>> No.4612640

Why do Americans call them Liberal Arts when everywhere else that I know of just calls them Arts? Based on 4chan, I can only assume it's politicking so people can call "libtards" idiots for spending money on studying them instead of doing something that lets them work hard for master, or as you seem to call them now, "wealth creators."

>> No.4612643


there is no such thing as 'good' or 'bad'

>> No.4612647
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Mathematics and science is great.

I literally don't know why /lit/ is so intelligent and sociable until it comes to math and science.

Then they shit their pants, have a seizure, quote aristotle's unmoved mover, and act like understanding physical reality is shitty, and to sit around sucking the church's cock for the rest of your life is a good thing.

inb4 the hideous fedora bullshit which is used in place of an actual coherent reply

>> No.4612649

How can the wealthcreators create wealth without willing labour that demands less than their actual worth?

>> No.4612651


People actually think like this? Oh my...

>> No.4612652


Yes, yes. Subjective morality and all that.

But as far as the human species goes, it's arguably more fun to continue living, eating, laughing, loving, and enjoying a first world standard of living.

You are literally on a computer dissing math and science.

That makes you an ungrateful troglodyte.

>> No.4612656

Why do you demand we worship science? And anything less, in the form of criticism, is heresy?

>> No.4612657

there cannot still be people who believe in the labor theory of value in the year 2014

>> No.4612666

>thinking economics is natural and objective

Hello pseud.

>> No.4612670


You didn't say that originally, "you autist."

Don't blame him because you put words in the mouths of everyone else, as though to make THEM cogs in your bullshit machine, and then backpedaled to make an addendum about how you're only talking about people who can't decide on a major that actually helps society, because they're so fucking afraid of routine work that they have to conjure up images of somehow being in an evil orc army.


Seriously though, this post should've ended the thread.

>> No.4612671
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>my feelings are an economic theory

>> No.4612672

it's to differentiate them from the fine arts, liberal just means broader in scope

>> No.4612676

That's your argument.

>> No.4612682

USA and EU are the new soviet union. unless you are 100% mainstream-compatible there is no room outside STEM.
i would study history and art if i had more connections and could forget about money.

>> No.4612683

The labor theory of value is not taken seriously by anyone, even Marxist "economists".

>> No.4612685

Godspeed, you nigger king.

>> No.4612687
File: 7 KB, 300x100, 136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't "Demand" anything. Least of all "worship."

Worship is what you guys demand with all your pretentious theology threads where you quote dead philosophers and act like their thoughts are somehow more valid than careful, painstaking experimentation and mathematical quantification of phenomena in the universe.

Beyond demanding, i simply "wish" you guys would put down your idiocy and give science and math the same chance you give literature and philosophy.

I actually regularly go to the equally single-minded /sci/ and tell them THE SAME FUCKING THING. They regularly diss humanities in the same single-minded way. They talk about philsophy with such disdain as though science weren't an empirical philosophy all along. They talk about history and literature with hatred. It's fucking stupid and single minded. All the time they waste vocalizing their hate could be used to understand what they hate instead.

And then I'M called the autist for pointing this out to the two most stubborn boards on this fucking website.

"Anything that isn't what I care about is useless and potentially bad for the world."

That's the mindset I wish would be dropped. It's not a demand. It's a suggestion that you likely won't take, because it's never been taken before.

>> No.4612696

I never said it was a good idea, I just never felt a strong calling to anything else. The only other subject in school I ever liked was physics, and my math scores were too low to continue it.
So I studied lit in uni and went to a trade school for plumbing and electrician. I make enough to get by and still be comfortable enough to read.

>> No.4612703


Well I like you, super mario.

At least you have respect for hard, useful work, math, science, and humanities.

You're not single minded, and you admit when you can't do something/would spend too much effort trying to do it (in this case, physics)

That's honestly the kind of person I like the most. Fuck the rest of this thread. Hail plumber guy.

>> No.4612713

where should we go to discuss "pretentious theology" or how do you think we should discuss the Bible?

>> No.4612717

I fucking love Dead Flag Blues holy shit i will sick your cock.

>> No.4612723

>double majoring in math and english
>best of both worlds

I can do anything I want

>> No.4612724

You're an alright kind of guy.

>> No.4612725


You'd rather be poor then and even more likely to be abused as a 'cog' in the machine because people don't respect your degree, your lifestyle, or your supposed intelligence?

At least with a highly sought after degree it's easier to both adapt and 'game' the 'system' as it were.

>> No.4612726
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Math is a form of philosophy. It derives abstract truths from foundational axioms, and places and emphasis on quantification of abstract entities.

Same with science. It's an empirical philosophy whose aim is to understand physical phenomena in the universe by employing careful experimentation in isolated and controlled situations, all while trying to avoid the biases of various individuals performing science/ and reviewing the results of science.

Both are noble pursuits, not empty at all, incredibly helpful to the world.

Both spawn an endless variety of subfields, and so much interesting content.

There's a lot of scientists who would contend that science ISN'T philosophy, because they're afraid of it getting grouped with navel-gazing philosophies and religious philosophies which emphasize cultural dogma and employ no controlled methods for arriving at truths. But they don't understand the history of science, which is the history respectable fields emerging out of occultism (mathematics and pythagoras) and pseudoscience (chemistry from alchemy, mathematics from numerology, astronomy from astrology).