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/lit/ - Literature

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459549 No.459549 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see those bookcases /lit/

>> No.459556

>tons of shitty manga on the top shelf
>a shelf full of Harry Potter books
>twilight on the bottom shelf

>> No.459563


dumbass of /lit/

harry potter is awesome
and manga is a book duh

>> No.459565
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What's about to happen between these trolls and Pocahantas?

>> No.459570

That is imminent rape. See the dark intentions in the green trolls eyes?

>> No.459576
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>Trolls + Pocahontas

Sounds like James Cameron's Avatar to me.

>> No.459579

Clearly a juxtoposition beween real trolls preparing for rape, and OP's half-hearted trolling failing horribly .If this was intentional, well done.

>> No.459580

No, it is not. I mean, it'd be fine, if it were just the HP books. But no, you have like 20 more reference books on the subject.

Manga is not "a book," it is a sign of a weeaboo.

And Twilight?

>> No.459584

Last time I checked manga was a book. It has covers and pages and words. I don't see why people piss all over themselves if someone owns it.
The only thing I see wrong with your bookcase OP is the Meyer shit on the bottom.

>> No.459588

I will tomorrow, but as this board seems to be fairly slow, that won't be an issue. My apartment is overflowing with books.

>> No.459595

I'm far from a weeabo, I just like anime and manga. :)

And there is nothing wrong with the Harry Potter stack. The bottom two are paperbacks anyways.

>> No.459598
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and i dont care what ya say about me manga :D

>> No.459603


>4 books from the Yu-Gi-Oh series
>1 book from Frank Herbert's Dune series

Come on man, where are your priorities?

>> No.459604
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>> No.459608


Is dat sum Anansi Boys? Fuck year, I just finished reading that book.

>> No.459609

Sisterhood of the traveling pants?

>> No.459612

Pratchett and Gaiman. Please tell me you've read Good Omens

>> No.459614

my friend gave it to me when she pissed me off to make up for her wrong or i kept it dont remember

actually its 6 books from yugioh and i didnt have enough money for the other dune books and i mainly bought it to shove it in my boyfriends face :)

>> No.459615

Yep. Right bookcase, second shelf from the bottom, bottom of far left stack.

>> No.459617
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>> No.459622

That has to be one of my favorite books. :D

>> No.459626

Wow that is a lot of shitty manga. I am a huge weeaboo and that is just..... terrible.

>> No.459631


You like good books.

>> No.459635

pagan, wiccan or some kind of practioner? Or just interested in it?

>> No.459639

Do tell. What manga in that bookcase is shitty?

>> No.459640

Doubt it, he was most likely interested in it at one time. I've got three bibles and a couple wiccan books, but I'm Athiest.

>> No.459664

Man, are your books arranged in alphabetical order?

>> No.459670

ahhh I didn't notice the gnosticism books

>> No.459677


>doesn't know how to alphabet

>> No.459685

i see you have paulo coelho's the alchemist, what did you think of it?

>> No.459692

I generally like your taste in literature, although the occult stuff is not something I'm interested in.
Also, Spinoza and Crowley are win.

>> No.459695


i thought it was realllllly boring i mean i forced myself to finish that book

>> No.459701
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>> No.459715

i actually found it quite lame, read it because of a girlfriend, had to pretend i liked it

>> No.459725 [DELETED] 
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>actually owns both AS and Fountainhead
>my face

>> No.459742

You became an Asian person? Is that bad or good?

>> No.459753


im sorry that book really sucked i thought it was ganna be all awesome cause i like alchemist but jesus god no that sucked

>> No.459771

Lamb! I love Christopher Moore's stuff.

>> No.460191

practicing chaos magician


>> No.460198

>Naruto bookshelves
>chaos magician

Jesus fucking Christ, /lit/, are you joking?
Please tell me you are joking.

>> No.460199
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This man. Has super vision.

>> No.460204


well, in my defense, a little less then half of the books i own have some relation to the occult, the rest is 'normal'.

and thats not my only bookshelf

>> No.460205

I was going to compliment you, but then I saw the Stephanie Meyar

>> No.460213
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One of several. Sorry for the crappy quality.

>> No.460215
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I'm not gonna post my manga shelf, since this is /lit/ and not /a/.

>> No.460226
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This shelf is in my little sister's room. She doesn't read much and her shelf was empty. She's at college now, going to graduate next year and be a teacher, and I still live at home with our mother.

This is where reading got me.

>> No.460229
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<This bookshelf cannot hold the weight of books. Wat.

>> No.460230
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If you put shit on the shelf other than books, then you make it difficult to access books.

Why do that?

>> No.460232
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>> No.460233
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>> No.460234
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Last one. This one's in a really awkward corner.

>> No.460235

Graffiti World is just more of the same. Subway Art is more about the originators, the evolution of the traditions, Seen and UA, Dondi, and the trains.

that Banksy book is pretty cool, though, eh?

>> No.460239

It's not that difficult to lift a tiny stuffed orca whale off the book I want to read.

>> No.460244


yeah, i didnt dig the graffiti world as much as banksy's book or even 'lifetime of secrets' or 'written in the city'. I got it mostly for inspiration, which worked for a while, i guess.

>> No.460257

maybe you should put the big, heavy volumes on the BOTTOM shelf.... deeeeeerrrrrrrrrrp

>> No.460268

there's a really cool book by Stephen Powers/ESPO but I can't think of the name right now. A buddy had it and it pretty much ruled. I think i read that he won the MacArthur grant a few years ago. weird.

Also, this is obvious but just going to mention that the documentary Style Wars is pretty bitchin', and there's a great Plexifilm 2 DVD edition

>> No.460278

OOOOH, Our Universe!

Had it as a kid, but I think it got wet--somehow it was accidentally destroyed. BUT I still have the Space Sounds flexi disc that came with it. Its awesome

>> No.460284

>got wet
>accidentally destroyed

in other words it was peed on

>> No.460296

I think I left it in a cardboard box up in a tree and it rained, actually; but seems you've entertained yourself with a urination scenario, so by all means continue

>> No.460306

Thank you. I shall. Brace for second-person narrative.

You were only a child, of course, so you can be forgiven for that--adults would be expected to hold back their impulses in such a situation. But, the times being what they were, you were so overjoyed at finally being able to invite friends over to celebrate the grand opening of your new treehouse that you just couldn't help yourself. The excitement was too much. Before you knew it you looked down and--sacre coeur!--there was your copy of Our Universe, bobbing demurely in a pool of urine.

>> No.460372
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3 rows of paper backs and a bunch of trades and some hardcovers.

>> No.460512
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Some of it is translated

>> No.460513
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And the serious business on the right, manga on the left

>> No.460521

+ for amartya sen
---- for mangashit
- for music taste - wtfchristinaaguilera

>> No.460552
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Bad quality but there is one.

>> No.460940


Lol. That's my old teenage music. Now I have Hoobastank in winamp... better?

And Amartya Sen looks the most impressive but it's probably the least interesting there. Marvin Minsky or Nassim Taleb FTW.

>> No.460944
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>arranges books by publisher/spine cover not author/genre/chronology

>> No.460948
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>Nassim Taleb

>> No.460951
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>> No.460953

you all have parkinsons or shitty cameras

>> No.460969
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>> No.460970
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>> No.461067

it's not a book, but I am pleased to see a copy of the film Red Sun in there