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/lit/ - Literature

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460407 No.460407 [Reply] [Original]

You remember that Novel you wrote half of but never finished, and now its just sitting there taunting you every waking day?
Go fucking finish it you faggot
Also, tell me what its about :D

>> No.460412

Well, I would, but I started on it when I was like 14 or 15, and looking back, it was a terrible idea. I got other shit floating around though, so maybe it would be best to start fresh.

>> No.460417

Nope, because it never happened. I've not gotten past a few pages at a time on anything except school essays, and those were mostly a decade ago. I have a small notebook full of ideas though. I'm focusing on reading right now.

>> No.460418

Fuck you OP, i just started one a couple of weeks ago, only a few chapters in.
Its about a guy that goes to college and falls in love, I know it sounds faggy, but I am writing in from personal experience and to me it seems very powerful and could work.

>> No.460426

A revolution that failed, focusing on one person who was forced to help start it, and how the resulting hardship from its failure affects their family.

themes of repressed liberties, censorship, personal loss, and generally living in fear.

>> No.460432

It was about a man, he is not from our world, he came down from the sky and spoke to me.


>> No.460435

why not write a book about how there was a revolution and everythign worked out well?

revolutions gone wrong has been done to death

>> No.460451

Its less about the revolution itself, so much as the main characters point of view. Im doing it from the pov of the protagonist's daughter, who was an infant during the revolution, and doesnt understand how life was before it all happened. Its the conflicting ideas and understandings of each character.

Im sorry if im not being too clear, its very late and ive had a sleep aid.

>> No.460474

I was just about to post something about it.

I started writing a "novel" something like 10 months ago.. So I was wondering if there's any good advice somebody could give me , like stuff I should read or something like that , any particular technique . Anything at all.

So far I've got the whole story in my mind, I know every character that's gonna be there, the plot , the 'twists' , and even the ending. The actual problem is , I'm not that good writing, I want to find my style and be consistent with it.

Anyway, if it matters it's a 'fantasy' story, a fairy tale if you wish, but more focused to young people and adults than kids.

First time poster here in /lit/ , and if some things here seems to be oddly written it's because I'm from mexico, so yeah..this novel would be in spanish , but would gladly pay for someone to properly translate it and share it with you guys.

>> No.460635

The number one writing tip i have learned is to just keep writing. You can fix shit later on and find your style or whatever just get it done ASAP.

>> No.460644

I don't want to finish it, you faggot. It's about vampires.

>> No.460656

A mix of High Fidelity and Clerks in style I guess, but about comic books/general nerd culture.

It sounds terrible, because it is, but I've always been told to write about what I know and have a passion for.

>> No.460699


>but I've always been told to write about what I know and have a passion for.

When people say that, they really mean 'go learn about something interesting and write about that'.

>> No.460713

I wrote, like 70 pages, and here's how it was going to go.
A mix of flashback, intertwining stories, and flashforward about a gigolo, a group of assassins, and a duo of reality bending detectives trying to solve a murder.

I started again just recently...

>> No.460716

Started in 2004, still writing it (1200+ pages)
About a group of teens who discover how to control reality, and make it public. By the end of part 1, Paris and the US are down to ruins.
By the end of the book, the main character realises he is the author.

>> No.460717

I've started a few, but I haven't been happy about the concepts so far. I guess I should just try actually writing in stead of thinking about it. But it's really busy at school these days, and in the summer I'll be tired from work and in school there'll be lots to do and in the summer I'll be working...

Damn, I really should sit down and write... after this week, maybe?

I haven't really experienced much, so my stuff wouldn't be that interesting. I plan to go on a tour of Europe next summer (2011, and sometime after that a tour of South America. That should give me something to write about °w°

>> No.460740

1200 pages, really?
that just seems ridiculously long..

>> No.460748

Man in his early twenties has a life changing experience shortly before the novel starts. The reader is introduced to a guy who's ready to live life in the ideal capacity we all wish we could, and is amazed how different things are through this new pair of eyes. We learn that he... Wasn't exactly "cool" before, but now he's balls-out uncaring about people's perceptions of him. (And not in a "oh, he doesn't care what people think, so he's cool," way. In a "fuck that guy, he's weird" way.)

The story builds as makes new friends, new enemies, loses old of each, and falls for a girl.

Every few chapters we get another flashback of the "revelatory event" that changed him.

>> No.460750

Technological advances make it possible for humans to become 1000 years old. Which births a vast number of conspiracies, since it would be possible to have a plan that takes hundreds of years to achieve, and live to see the effects of it.

The technology is, of course only available to those with either colossal amounts of money or power, leading to a much bigger gap between the powerful and the powerless.

The near immortals look down upon those who are "merely human" and perceive their lives as pretty much worthless.

This has been stuck on the concept stage for some time, as I've yet to even decide from which viewpoint to tackle it. Do I make the main character an immortal humanist? A human who infiltrates their ranks, trying to hide his own mortality and break them from within?

>> No.460751

The main character is an ideal version of yourself

>> No.460752

I'd disagree with the word "ideal," but he's definitely a different me. I do not deny this.

>> No.460754


>> No.460755

Smart anon

Smart anon




I bet you think you're clever. Never heard of the concept of omniscience? lol


All you people have no creativity, cannot write, and just rehash ideas that seem cool to you and think everybody is going to like your shitty ideas.

>> No.460760

Mine is about a woman who lives in a country town, in a shitty job and in a relationship of nearly three years. Her mother dies, and she has to stay in the city for a week while she organises the funeral etc. She doesn't cope well with her mother's death and uses it as an excuse to drink to excess, experiment with drugs and just generally party hard to escape her job/relationship commitments.
Also experiments with lesbianism.
ends up losing the job, the boyfriend, and decides to stay in the big city at her dead mother's house.

I don't know how to end this in a positive fashion at all. The character doesn't grow, she's just a selfish, miserable person who can't cope with reality and ends up losing everything.

Hence sort of stuck

>> No.460763


Failed writer

>> No.460764

come on man.....
>>460713 is better than it sounds, really

>> No.460765

Nerd neo-noir story about a college freshman who has a thing for a girl he knows in real life. She camwhores online and he watches, unbeknownst to her. When she goes kidnapping, he becomes a suspect and in snooping around unwittingly becomes a detective of sorts, in his quest to find the girl.

>> No.460769
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>> No.460770

>think everybody is going to like your shitty ideas.
That's funny.

>> No.460773

>insert lots of graphic descriptions of lesbian sex
>everyone ignores all flaws

>> No.460777

Then don't end it positively. Just go with it and see where it ends.

>> No.460784

No. I don't. That's why I don't bother writing anything down. Someone else had my idea before me, and they did it better. There's no need to flood the world with more cliche bullshit that you think is awesome because you thought of it that NOBODY else cares about or will have the same passion about.

No. I hate to say it, but even /co/ writes better stories than you guys, and they are... probably Fanfiction-level stories.

Successful business owner. 26 years old. Made my first million four years ago.

>> No.460788

Ah great! A book with a beginning and an end where nothing at all happens! So when I'm done the book, I'll either never read it again, or I'll just put it down after Chapter 2 when I see that it's the exact same as Chapter 1. Brilliant, truly!

>> No.460790

>OP stealing all your ideas

>> No.460791

I'm sorry, let me elaborate; I find it funny you assume anyone else here thinks people will like our shitty ideas. Trust me. If I thought people were just clamoring for my ideas, I'd have already finished writing them by now. ;)

But hey, enjoy your million pal.

>> No.460794


your logic is irrefutable.


I'm not even sure how it's going to end. The ending I've sort of fleshed out at the moment seems like a 21st century Washington Square, and that book was depressing as fuck.

>> No.460797
File: 10 KB, 264x282, smugface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kid is too cool for school.

>> No.460799


that's my fucking problem, idiot. Character development novel with a character too fucking selfish and self absorbed to develop.

It's like fucking Catcher all over again.

>> No.460801

>If I thought people were just clamoring for my ideas, I'd have already finished writing them by now. ;)

If you worked for me, I'd fire your fucking ass because a loser is a loser. If you can't play in the man's game, then go home and tell your wife your troubles.

And it's a lot more than a million now, buddy.

>> No.460806

this guys dropping
"if" bombs everywhere...

>> No.460807
File: 99 KB, 400x400, jesus-thumps-up1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it's a lot more than a million now, buddy.
Good to know even millionaires troll 4chan looking for fanfic

>> No.460811

haha, funny guy indeed. Cool stories, bro. I do my work just fine, thanks. My boss has nothing but praise for me and my work. If you hired me, I'd probably quit because I'd rather earn decent cash at a job I love than much cash working for a guy who's as... "Standoff-ish," as you are. Writing is a hobby I pay a little interest to every now and then.

And enjoy your millionS, then.

>> No.460812 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 300x300, spoilyspoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never publish anythingEVER!!!

I love spoilers

>> No.460814

I gotta say, you are just priceless....
And I mean what I say! You sporting a trip, openly giving honest critique and information about your socio-economic position...
If you were a hooker you were one of the good ones, you know. One of those you can take to dinner with, you probably know what I am talking about, because you can affort them...
Well, anyway, you aren't a hooker.
What was my point again? Oh yeah, GTFO, troll

>> No.460815


If only you could see my watch. My watch costs more than your car. I made $970,000 last year - how much did you make? See pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you and play with your kids. You know why, mister? Because you drive a Hyundai to get to work, and I drive an $80,000 BMW. THAT'S why. Don't quit your day job, and find a hobby that won't show off how uncreative you are.

>> No.460817
File: 45 KB, 179x179, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bow down to your wealth.

>> No.460818

>Power suit, power tie, power STEERING.
Awesome. :D

>> No.460819

>tell your wife
>go play with your kids
this guy has parenting and marriage issues...

>> No.460820

>on 4chan, calling someone else a loser

Anyway, glad to see all that money has made you such a happy person and not a bitter faggot. Enjoy your shitty hollow life.

>> No.460821

460716 here
Oh god you are so right, everyone, i'm gonna stop writing and never try again. Thanx for your opinions and guidance in life, I think you are great and hope you'll die old and happy.

1200+ = more than one book, that's all. coherence takes a lot of pages.

>> No.460822

ITT fucking retards feed a troll

>> No.460824

you are funny...
I don't even have a car. Because I have no job I need to go to. (living in a metropolitan city with extremely good public transportation might be a reason as well. Don't drink and drive, guys)
I never had to work in my life, really, yet I own my 4 room apartment and a lakeside house up north.

Have fun being captain of industry, I just stick with picking up pretentious art-students at the national gallery.

>> No.460828

i once wrote a short "segment" about assassins that used historical figures as their code names...
Charlemagne and then on..

>> No.460830

YOU FUCKING IDIOT. He's quoting a movie called Glengarry Glen Ross.


Jesus Christ. You people deserve to be trolled. Stop fucking bumping the thread.

>> No.460831

I smell a trust funder. my natural enemy.

>> No.460833

First class, yo this is bad,
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like,
Hmm this might be alright!)

>> No.460840

Samefag here, how is nobody commenting on my hilarity?

>> No.460843

because of spoilers

>> No.460845

>Vance: [grabs Hitch by the wrist] You see what I'm doing? This is what I'm about - power suit, power tie, power steering. People can wince, cry, beg, but eventually they do what I want.

Some of us know the game of quoting stupid films, and are just bored. But, sorry, you're right. I shouldn't have help him troll up the board for solely my amusement.

>> No.460846
File: 22 KB, 400x445, 1269020016582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great! I didn't notice it at first. Thanks for pointing it out. This is the funniest thing I've seen all my life!

>> No.460848

what are you calling him an idiot for? he is probably lying anyway, no reason to be jealous.

>> No.460873

nice to see that this thread hasn't degenerated into trolls and Meyeresque bitching.

>> No.460877
File: 19 KB, 469x304, NotSureIfSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Successful business owner. 26 years old. Made my first million four years ago.

>Browsing 4chan

>> No.460882


Damn right. Show these little milquetoast fucks who's boss. Money and bitches.

>> No.460927
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>> No.460967

Mine's about a post apocalyptic wasteland that's a thriving society with an almighty god-like being as the central leader who could make everything bad go away but is constantly trying to mathmatically fiugre out how his powers work.

>> No.460971

It's also a mockery of modern reality, with great "original" ideas like the hideous mountain squid attacking travellers and the constant looming feel of omniscience.

>> No.460976

Why would you like to know? Are you trying to steal my ideas?

Okay, I'll tell you. It's about this trailer trash kid from California who accidentally kills his brother with a baseball bat and has to run away from home, and on his way he meets other family members and recurring characters. He walks around the southwestern US trying to look for a way to live, and he also has this deaf cousin...man, what a piece of shit. I think in the end he moves to Utah. There's also something about a cult going on in the background, and a serial killer.

I made it so every character had some physical deformity, to give it a real creepy feel.

>> No.461006

Here is all my stories and books that I have started:

1. A story in a post-nuclear war, however civilization, planet earth and mankind still exsist, seen from the point of view from some young people who forms their own army to carve out a piece of land to call their own and live without the war.

2. A story in an alternative universe where magic exsist set in the year that is 1916. An alchymist and a german soldier is trying to make their way through the first world war to Petrograd to support the Russian revolution.

3. The story about a couple of students at an international boarding school in Copenhagen, deals with their everyday life and their relation ships and such.

4. A story (also set in Denmark, but that remains unmentioned) about a the King of the country (I know Denmark has a queen, but I doubt I'll finish it before she dies) witnesses a terrorist attack at his birthday. Two policemen from the royal millitaty intelligence agency tries to solve who did the terrorist attack. The king (who has lived all his life as an not-normal person) wants to testify as a normal person and be treated like a normal person, however since he is the king, he is technically the head of the agency and therefore can't testify, deals with the topic about what is being royal.

5. A story about the final smoker in the world and how he is seen as weird and everything. Everyone treats him like the scum of the world untill a young lady begins treatening him like a human. Eventually she starts smoking too, and suddenly a lot of people is smoking and he begins being a human again.

6. A story about a freelance investigator/detective who gets hired by the Freemansons to do some jobs (Like James Bond just without the fancy equipment).

>> No.461010


Story 1 is pretty much my most desired one to finish.

Story 2 and 3 is suitable to be used for manga and anime but wouldn't stand up on their own as novels.

Story 4 seems like something that might become a real novel.

Story 5 seems like suitable for a short story.

Story 6 is pretty much just a story I want to write and then turn into a comic book.

The only reason for tripcoding in these two posts is so people can see they are written by the same guy. I don't usually tripcode.

>> No.461016

Just out of curiosity, did you read Arrowsmith?

>> No.461025

I am reading Dear Theo. All he does is bitch about money, and I don't need to read about my real life.
Sad, since he is the greatest.

>> No.461026

(writing as tripcode again to answer *facepalm*)

Actually I have not. My fault, but I am going to Google it now.

>> No.461031

A novel about the alienation and nihilism that seems present in a lot of my peers.

>> No.461037


Have looked at the page for Arrowsmith on Wikipedia:

May I ask you why you asked that question? I can't see the connection.

>> No.461045

I would buy story 5

>> No.461049

Bunch of short western stories. Stopped writing when it became more about the violence and less about the characters. No personality.

>> No.461050

Sorry, my bad, I was talking about the comic book. I thought I was on /co/ for a while.

>> No.461055

Great to hear so sir, but what for? Send me an e-mail if you are not a troll: hjy6qojcsez@ymail.com

Send me an e-mail aswell ( hjy6qojcsez@ymail.com ) if you want to talk about it, I don't mind hearing the connection anyway.

>> No.461061


Nevermind just googled it "Arrowsmith Comicbook" and found the connection. Send me an e-mail anyway if you feel like it.

>> No.461065

This should help you out a bit.
"Answer these two questions for each and every character: What do they want and what do they fear. If you can do this simple exercise, you will be that much closer to writing and understanding your characters and it will come a cross on the printed page."

>> No.461108

mmm... well ok.

It's about a guy who write something in a $20 bill. He use it and always find it again after something very wierd happens. That happens 5 times and the bill have added one word. The last time, the bill has a phrase, and the guy breaks it.

>> No.461112

The Count of Monte Cristo?

I rented the movie instead

>> No.461124

you wrote that?

And is it incomplete???


>> No.461129

write? oh, I assumed the spoilers said read. no, some french nigga wrote it.

>> No.461206

>gets hired by the Freemansons to do some jobs
give me a fucking break
what jobs do they pay him to do?
have you ever met any freemasons?

>> No.461224
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made me smile.

On a world far away, superheroes fight a great evil, win the day, and live normal every day lives afterwards, never achieving full happiness.

Thus why I never finished it.

>> No.461234

Not the guy you are referring to, but I have met a couple.
Bunch of mostly boring older men with higher education that like to indulge in secret traditions to counter their mid-life crisis with something supposedly meaningful.

>> No.461245

ugh, Isabella Moon.
its about a small town woman who see's the death of a young girl in her new town. its pretty lame, no way that it will ever catch my attention!

>> No.461254

A young man declares himself emperor of canada and gets into trouble with the hell's angels.

>> No.461264

yeah. exactly
my dad is a freemason. it's just a frat for old dudes.
maybe a few business connections here and there.
they havent been important since before WW2

>> No.461291

Sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.461297



>> No.461300
File: 16 KB, 300x384, patrick stewart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man who controls the world with his mind. For instance, he's walking along, and he sees this beautiful girl, and he thinks he'd like to see her naked, and so all her clothes fall off. Mmm. Yes. And she's scrabbling around to get them back on again, but even before she can get her knickers on, he's seen everything. He's seen it all. He'd do other stuff, like He's riding his bike in the park, and this policewoman says, "Oi! You can't ride your bike on the grass." And he goes, "Oh no?", and her uniform falls off, and she goes "Aaaah!", and she's trying to cover up, but he's seen everything anyway, and he gets on his bike and rides off. On the grass.

>> No.461305

Its about a canadian guy who is vacationing in the US and people are confused because theyve never heard of canada. he looks up canada on the internet to show them and cant find any references. it turns out that he IS canada.

>> No.461310


Patrick Stewart, everyone controls the world with their mind to some extent - using their body, when muscles are triggered by electrical signals. What you're describing is an ability to control ladies clothes with your mind.
And Patrick, let's be honest - you could do that anyway.

>> No.461312

'rides off. On the grass.'

I lold for some reason.

>> No.461321

References to Extras? On my /lit/?

>> No.461328

My story starts with two sides fighting each other, one obviously good, the other blatantly evil. The good side has a mole within the government of the evil side feeding them information. The mole goes to his job one day to find that in one large scale attack the entire good side was wiped out and if he were to reveal now which side he was truly on he would be executed. To stay alive he must remain at his job so not to draw suspicion. Over the years he is promoted against his wishes until he is elected as the Fuhrer. Lamenting all the evil he's been forced to commit during his years to stay alive, he commits suicide during his inauguration.

>> No.461330


Patrick Stewart: And I do other stuff, like I go to the World Cup final, and it's Germany versus England, and I wish that I were playing, and suddenly I am, and I score the winning goal, and they carry me into the dressing room and there's Roony and Beckham and then Posh Spice walks in and ...
Andy Millman: Her clothes fall off?
Patrick Stewart: Instantly.
Andy Millman: Sure.
Patrick Stewart: And she doesn't know what's happening, but I've ...
Patrick Stewart, Andy Millman: [in unison] seen everything.
Andy Millman: [pause] Good. Is there a narrative at all, is there like a story in the film, or is it just ...
Patrick Stewart: Well, I'm a sort of a James Bond figure ...
Andy Millman: Right.
Patrick Stewart: And I have to go to Iraq, to rescue these hostages. And I get there and I rescue them, but they're all women and they're naked because their clothes have rotted off. But I get them into the helicopter, and I'm flying the helicopter, but I can still sneak a look in the mirror and I can see everything, you know. One of them's bending over, two of them are kissing ...
Andy Millman: They've turned lesbian.
Patrick Stewart: Yeah, because they've been in the camp for so long.
Andy Millman: Can happen. Well, look, good luck with that. I've just written a sitcom, but I wonder if you could give it to anyone you know, you know, in film or TV ...
Patrick Stewart: Is there any nudity in it?

>> No.461336

this comes up at least once a week, actually.
always the same pic with the same text.

Not the worst copy-pasta IMO.

>> No.461340

I can't get past the first few pages.
When I write something, I initially think that it's awesome. Next day I look at it and I'm disgusted by it.

The book was going to be about "archetypes", physical characters representing forces. Like there's an embodiment of life, death, chaos, light, and all that fun stuff.

>> No.461345

Oh my aren't we [spoilers]Unoriginal[/spoilers]

>> No.461346

My attention span may not support a novel until I am much older.
For now, screenplays!

>> No.461392

Fairies and magic and death.