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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 515x687, 1855gravsted..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4606262 No.4606262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which litterary grave did you visit?
Did you make an offer?

>> No.4606275

your mums she was ass devasted

>> No.4606285

What a load of sentimentalist useless groupie pandering.
Who gives a fuck about their graves or their belongings or whatever.

>> No.4606291

Your delirious. She's still alive. At least try a little harder.

>> No.4606294

well, when your 13 it's hard to come up with original sentences.
Sit back and learn. And wait 8 years for your next post

>> No.4606308

Pretentious fuckwit posts a picture of Kierkegaard's grave, yet does not know basic grammar.

>> No.4606307

Baseless attack of an insulted groupie.
The fact that you speak of originality and post "sit back and learn" is more than ironic, it's plainly idiotic.
Also the funnier thing is that i am probably older than you given the numbers you used.

I hope you live, a long life filled with sorrows.

>> No.4606313

>original sentences
>hur 13yo dumb kid watch and lern

You're both retarded but you're really something else.

>> No.4606318

I'm not pagan.

>> No.4606319

Back to reddit.
Like everyone in there, you are fascinated by the "philosophy" culture but you are and act like a typical teenage.

>> No.4606325
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I'll dump my stash since I have nothing to do at the moment.
1 - August Comte

>> No.4606330

>I'll dump my stash since I have nothing to do at the moment.
What are you doing at a literature board if you waste your time "dumping epic images" instead of reading a book?

>> No.4606333
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2 - Apollinaire

>> No.4606334
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What the fuck is the point of visiting an author's grave

>> No.4606346
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3 - Proust
I don't follow your troll logic. I just finished a book, got on /lit/ and saw this thread. I went to Paris last year and have a bunch of good author graves. Fuck me, right?

>> No.4606350

So they can "feel" the author.
It's really a teenager thing, i already reported OP and will prompt to hide the thread.

>> No.4606355
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4 - Oscar Wilde

>> No.4606357

I saw Marx's bust at Highgate Cemetery. Just out of curiosity.

>> No.4606361

Not a groupie and it wasn't baseless. You somehow did manage to get the point.
Funny how you need to defend yourself, usually teenś do it like that.
Beside a long life with sorrows is better that a short one with no clue

>> No.4606365

really reported? Are you retarded

>> No.4606367
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5 - Jim Morrison

I'm not OP, butI really don't understand the hate for this thread. If you don't like it, why the fuck are you here commenting?

>> No.4606377
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6 - Balzac

>> No.4606378

op here: Thanks. Make a lot of sense.

>> No.4606381

>people can't say bad things even if it's an absurd because it hurts my feelings

>> No.4606383

>funny how you need to defend yourself
Funny thing you did that really.
I just stated my opinion and you started the whole "iam big ur smal" thing.

Ouch, you just called yourself a teenage.
You really can't think much ahead? like not even 1 step ahead of what you're saying.

>> No.4606386
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7 - Sartre
I put my metro stub on his grave, like a bunch of other people decided to do for some reason

>> No.4606391

When I was in Providence I decided to check out Lovecraft's grave. But, the spooky thing was, after seeing it I immediately got lost in the graveyard, it was night, and it took me two hours to find my way out. At one point I saw a guy who looked like he worked as a guard and tried to ask him the way out but he just gave me this weird-ass look and walked away. There was nobody else there and it pissed me off.

>> No.4606398
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8 - Baudelaire

>> No.4606404

What a load of bullshit.

>> No.4606413
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9 - Beckett (my last one)
Left him a cookie because he was a skinny dude.

>> No.4606419

>why the fuck are you here commenting.
Because it's bringing down the quality of a place i browse, /lit/?
And i want to prevent future pollution?
Quite simple, you must a be a retard if you can't guess any reason for this.

>> No.4606429

we get what your'e up to. Could you please go harass /mlp/ now, yoy're getting pretty boring

>> No.4606432

>w...what a load of - you're lame! Ohhhhhhh

I didn't say anything paranormal happened, it was just weird.

>> No.4606436

Not that guy but it's obvious a fiction.
I am actually here for the pictures, not some tripfag trying to sound edgy.
Good job Sherlock.

>> No.4606442

prevent future pollution...hahaha. You ARE polluting it.. RIGHT now (moron)

>> No.4606444
File: 187 KB, 300x400, 4fe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Go to Père Lachaise
>No Merleau-Ponty

>> No.4606446

You're absolutely right. You commenting here is bringing down the quality of /lit/
Go add your autistic smog to one of the millions of bullshit DFW or amateur poetry threads that pollute this place on a daily basis

>> No.4606458

Please go back to reddit or wherever you come from just leave.
I am being kind about it.
I don't want shit threads.

>> No.4606459

haha, it looks like 'ballsack

>> No.4606462

Best thread of the year. Where's the archive when we need it?

Fuck I'm shaking of how much importance this have to do with literature discussion.

>> No.4606466

says you

>> No.4606472


Not him but it's not your board m8, you (and I) might not buy into the author as the root as meaning bullshit but it's still /lit/ related so shut your fuckin gob and make a better thread.

>> No.4606477

says a attention whore. Not really clever, not really funny, ..Just being a moron

>> No.4606481

Not him but being vocal about something and showing disapproval is a good thing if you want to keep a community intact.

>> No.4606482

what's up with the grammar in this thread?

>> No.4606485

Learn some proper grammar before calling other people morons.

>> No.4606497

out of arguments. Lets go for grammar. HHHAAA
talk about derailing

>> No.4606505

Is English your first language? If you do not possess the excuse that it's not then I fail to understand why you're stalking around a literature board.

>> No.4606509

Also, I'm not really derailing the thread since people were already only talking about how shit this thread and board is when I first posted.

CAPTCHA: reditss capable

>> No.4606511
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>> No.4606519

again. go away. you are not needed here. We dont want you here... ok. Now. Piss off

>> No.4606527

Who is we? Do you suffer from schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder? Why do I detect a condescending tone in your posts when you have not proved your posts to be of a superior quality to mine?

>> No.4606533

Marx's grave is a bit strange: all the commies (especially Iraqi and Turkish) have crowded their graves in as close as possible, and it is mounted with a really gigantic bust.

>> No.4606545

you still here?
go away

>> No.4606550

It's the same person, and unsurprisingly the one who making this terrible thread.

>> No.4606576

i won. The moron climbed back to his cellar.

>> No.4606581

It's the same person, and unsurprisingly the one who making this terrible thread

>> No.4606593

what a looser

>> No.4606609

Why is everyone so upset about OP posting author gravestones?

>> No.4606619

It was just some troll who persist, sadly his intellect faiedl him. Feel free to add some pictures, if you got some!

>> No.4606671

Gently touched the walls of Sade's castle, felt the filth leap into me, then sat drinking pastis and watching the girls go by the rest of the afternoon.

>> No.4606679
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>everytime a ticket is placed sartre gets another round in the subway of hell

>> No.4606690

I don't visit graves; writers are nothing but false gods or saints, literature nothing but a false religion, for the misguided who believe in it.

>> No.4606707

you seem to be missing the premises; Listen: Did you visit some grave, took a picture, left a little something behind.
No you didn't, still you enliight us that you dont

>> No.4606714
File: 1.32 MB, 2592x1728, blake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4606727
File: 7 KB, 300x378, corta1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julio Cortazar's grave, on a eurotrip with my friends. I bought a carton of Gauloise cigarrettes, and sat down on his grave to have a smoke. Left the packet on the grave and said "Gracias cronopio" and left.

>> No.4606744
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited Shakespeare's grave a couple months back.
While in Stratford I also got to watch a post-colonial adaption of Antony and Cleopatra set during the Haitian revolution, and it was utter shit
I don't think I've ever seen anyone butcher Shakespeare as badly as that

>> No.4606745

While we are at it, does anybody know any cool epitaphs? My favourite must be a maybe not so uncommon one for portugese anons: Morreu en contra da sua voluntade (died against his will)

>> No.4606748

sorry to be ignorant. Is this THE william Blake?

>> No.4606752

I lived very close to where Blake lived actually. I should visit his grave at some point, although hasn't it been lost?

>> No.4606842
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for such a beautiful poet the epitaph on his grave is godawful

>> No.4606875

yeah, its in Bunhill fields cemetery in old street london. I believe daniel defoe and a few other famous folks are buried there.

>> No.4607012

Visiting an author's grave and making a "gift" is an act of misplaced adoration. A sane person would refuse to do this.
Now, what is interesting in literature?
1) the actual works of the finest minds, or
2) old carrions under a pile of marble?

>> No.4607029

Nearly all funeral verse is moronic. Alexis Piron's epitaph (written by himself) is interesting though:
"Ci-gît Piron qui ne fut rien,
Pas même académicien."

>> No.4607048

And what qualify you to judge who's sane or the opposite?

>> No.4607073

Leaving a gift above the rotting cadaver of someone who wrote books aeons ago is rarely a proof of mental health.
So, do you actually like literature or rather stinking carrions?

>> No.4607077

>Did you make an offer?
An offer to what? Buy the grave?

>> No.4607091

Its not rotting, merely some bome bones. Its a symbol. People pay respect.
Unlike you, they care for words, and whats behind it.
You are a lost course

>> No.4607100

keat's is "here lies one whose name was writ in water"
very deep

>> No.4607212

ITT: the Internet generation does not understand the significance of movement and experience in 3 dimensional space.

Go post RIP comments on fagbook pages, kids. At least someone will 'see' you doing it and will give you a 'like'.

>> No.4607768
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>> No.4607831


To offer a libation.
Like man that pissed on Borgess's' grave.

>> No.4607857


Awesome post on 4chan you fucking denial mode intellectual abortion.

Get a fucking clue.

>> No.4607880

wow, you just don't get it do you?

>> No.4607892
File: 183 KB, 568x325, frost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Frost's epitaph, although I've never been to his grave.

>> No.4607898

>that glass
didn't he like the kisses?

>> No.4607928

Next week I'm going to Paris and I'll visit Jacques Lacan house

>> No.4607939

Why the tickets? What's the story?

>> No.4607955

He was killed in a train crash.

French people believe that if you die in a vehicle, you have to then take the same type of vehicle to the afterlife. It gets a little complicated with trains because there's a lot of transfers he needs to take. The prospect makes me nauseous to be honest.

>> No.4607993

I've been to mother goose's grave...

>> No.4608126

to pay tribute to the fallen is a deeply human experience.

To stand before another grave and contemplate ones own existence. Whether it's to think that they once were where you are now and what immeasurable effect they had on the world in life, or to consider that even in their absence their ideas reach farther than your own ever have or will no matter how hard you try.

>> No.4608174

That was Camus. Sartre died a natural death.

>> No.4608210
File: 564 KB, 619x462, Leon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to the cathedral where Ruben Dario was interred, sorry I don't have any interior pictures, I didn't take any because there was a service going on at the time and it didn't feel proper.

>> No.4608228


Posting on /lit/ is no different than giving gifts to the dead. You're the one who is in denial because there is no practical, external purpose for posting here. Go back to reddit, fuckwad.

>> No.4608222

Blessed is the almost insensitive tree,
more blessed is the hard stone that doesn't feel,
for no pain is greater than the pain of being alive,
and no sorrow more intense than conscious life.

>> No.4608788

They had to put the glass up because all the kisses were actually eroding the tomb

>> No.4608812

I think this was Goethe's epitaph or something.

I also saw the Memorial for Murdered Jews so I guess I saw Anne Frank as well.

>> No.4608813

Camus was killed in a car crash

>> No.4608819
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Forgot shitty pic.

Also another cool idea for a thread if it hasn't been done yet. Places you have been that have been mentioned in books.

>> No.4608851

I think Kierkegaard's is the only one I'm interested in visiting.