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/lit/ - Literature

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4605974 No.4605974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books are made using paper

>> No.4605976

If most of what you like is free verse and modernist/postmodernist, you have become dangerously stuck in "dumbass 19 year old phase" and must learn Latin to escape

>> No.4605980

Did you know that most of new Latin students are there to look cool with Latin?

Carpe diem man

>> No.4605981

Books are usually written in different languages, most people don't know this because translators deceive you

>> No.4605983

carpsi matrem tuam

>> No.4605990

Oh no, learn French.

>> No.4605997

All books have a definite number of pages.

>> No.4606008

Books can be used for reading.

>> No.4606011

There are books that have hard covers.

>> No.4606015


>> No.4606017

Books are written by humans.

>> No.4606019

100 % of Mein Kampf copies are actually books.

>> No.4606021

During the Midwest drought of the 1930s in the United States, commonly known as the "Dust Bowl," people would sometimes pass the time by reading books.

>> No.4606027

The book "The big sleep" was written by
Raymond Chandler!

>> No.4606026

During the Great Book Drought of the 1920s, people had no choice but to pass the time making idle conversation.

>> No.4606031

For a book to be read, it first needs to be written.

>> No.4606045

Books are using made paper.

>> No.4606047

"The Lord of the Rings" besides the movie title, is actually a book. It existed as a book even before the movies.

>> No.4606058

A lot of writers are dead right now.

>> No.4606062

A lot of books have been destroyed by people themselves, during the ages.

>> No.4606067

Guys this is fascinating.

>> No.4606069


You won't be a liked and respected writer on /lit/ unless you're dead.

>> No.4606073

There is no notifications of Thomas Pynchon not being alive, and he writes.

>> No.4606076

Thomas who?

>> No.4606081

Books are often judged by their cover

>> No.4606080

Books can be any size

>> No.4606082

/lit/ is actually dedicated to talking about books, not reading them

>> No.4606083

Shakespeare invented over 80% of the words we use today

>> No.4606084


>> No.4606090

Some books feature not just words,but also printed images!

>> No.4606091


The rest all come from Latin and German words.

>> No.4606104


damn son, if that made sense in Latin, it might have fondled my jimmies

>> No.4606109
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Some books are to be tasted

>> No.4606110
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others to be swallowed

>> No.4606111
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and some few to be chewed and digested.

>> No.4606112

significant time can pass while reading books. this is especially true if the book has many pages and/or is difficult to read

>> No.4606113



>> No.4606114


o fuck me

>> No.4606120

The word "book" comes from the English "book", meaning book.

>> No.4606118

Books are made using ideas

>> No.4606125

The Barnes & Noble Nook comes from the word "book" because it rhymes.
The Kobo eReader comes from the word "book" because it's an anagram.
The Amazon Kindle comes from the fact that people used to use books to build fires.

>> No.4606130

books are fun

>> No.4606131

A group of two or more books is called a booktet.

>> No.4606133


Books are read from front to cover, including the pages in the middle.

>> No.4606136

Except japanese literature without translation in the western vision of front and cover. Japanese literature is not made of books

>> No.4606142

A bookmaker is someone who takes bets.

>> No.4606145

Robert Frost was not probably involved in Great Syrup Flood of Boston in 1916 that killed over sixty people.

>> No.4606143


It is a fact that there are no such things as books in Japan

>> No.4606146

The first ever book was made in 1245 but was destroyed and book was only reinvented after the discovery of gravity.

>> No.4606147

In his 1977 Book "If on a Winter's Night a Traveller", Italo Calvino reveals to you that the Original Poster's picture has a toad with bowling balls as its eyes.

>> No.4606150


A bookkeeper is someone who keeps your books safe. A librarian places your bets. Know the difference.

>> No.4606155


The first book made after the discovery of gravity by Leibniz was called the "incunabulum" because "incunabulum" means "gravity" in German.

>> No.4606163

Writers are in general cunts

>> No.4606167

if you place all the Mr. Men books together, it reveals a hidden message on the spines.

>> No.4606189

A book is a tv series without images

>> No.4606204

I hope you mean "Writers are, in general, cunts".

>> No.4606226

I hear that the books have text, I dunno if its true but is a cool fact.

>> No.4606255

a lot of books have text, but only few have a meaning. - paolo coelho

>> No.4606258

Paulo Coehlo most of the times just looks like a poor man's Alejandro Jodorowsky

>> No.4606310

Words may be re-used multiple times in the writing of a book.

>> No.4606316

100% of books are written by writers. Is yours?

>> No.4606320

Yeah because they feel good

>> No.4606322
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>> No.4606336

this thread is too postmodern for me

>> No.4606339

Postmodernist books are postmodernist books

>> No.4606343

Fuck you, now I have to go and see if this is true or not.

>> No.4606363

Books are sluts. You can & will catch a venereal disease from them.

>> No.4606372


my life is a lie

>> No.4606455

you will eventually die, to ignore this fact you engage in conversations with people about trivial facts "books are usually rectangular" "the president is out of the country' "they say this movie is very emotive"
this is what you will never hear "you are forced into this life, without any given explanation, you will be forced to leave it too, nothing you do will change this, blow up a building for no reason, by killing you are only realizing their fate"

>> No.4606467

Books are four letter words

>> No.4606531

Each paper in a book is called a "page". This comes from the computing term "web page".

>> No.4606573

Did you know?

The Bible was not invented until the invention of the hand cannon in medieval times to defend Crusaders from bullets.

The paperback was not invented until the 19th century, following the invention of coat pockets.

>> No.4606587

If you booked a book to take a look, you could cook a hook and bookity book.

>> No.4606599

Who is this 'General Cunts'?

>> No.4606603

Unless you're Tao Lin.

>> No.4606621

And why are writers so determined to be inside him?

>> No.4606626

There are thousands of books but less than thirty letters.

>> No.4606635

>less than thirty letters
'Fewer' than thirty letters. Also, Unicode would like a word. inb4 Library of Babel

>> No.4606638
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nice one

>> No.4606655

I hope you mean, "Writers are cunts in general."

>> No.4606680


If anything, Unicode proves that "letters" is an uncountable noun.

>> No.4606854

Is is a synonym of the word is.
Books are not made out of paper.
Most, if not all books are books.

>> No.4606915

Cookery books are actually less nutritional than other types of books.

>> No.4606928

If you get a book and it says it's Modernest, it's lying because there's something even moreso.

>> No.4608013

I get that a lot of this thread is just you guys jerking each other off, but I actually heard something cool recently

apparently when authors have big giveaways of signed copies of their books, they don't sign each book individually. instead, the publisher sends the author just the first page of the books to be signed and then they include it with the rest.