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/lit/ - Literature

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456330 No.456330 [Reply] [Original]

Simple experiment in correlation; just post your favourite piece of literature, favourite band and favourite film. I'm merely interested in seeing if any patterns emerge.

>> No.456338

Hamlet (drama)/V. (novel)
The Velvet Underground
Citizen Kane

>> No.456340

here is your pattern: only feeble-minded idiots have a favourite in those fields.

>> No.456341

as if, nice try though

>> No.456344


uh, okay. thanks?


you're a tit.

>> No.456345

The twilight saga
My chemical romance

>> No.456346
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Gravity's Rainbow
The Clouds

ever try to suggest something useful instead of attacking? if you think it's a dumb idea, then pass by. you can't improve the world by sneering at /lit/.

>> No.456347

God Emperor of Dune
Turkish Star Wars

>> No.456350

Top 3:
The Trial
Tom Waits
Synecdoche, New York

>> No.456352

anyone lived in a pretty how town by E. E. Cummings
Pink Floyd
2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.456353

I did not post that to improve the world in any way. Makes me feel good, because I am an asshole.

Now have fun with your stuff.

>> No.456354

I believe this is a really subtle trolling samefag.

here are mine, but I gotta say, they rank high but I do not really have a set favourite:
Tres tristres tigres by Cabrera Infante
Bob Dylan
The Meaning of Life

>> No.456355

In your mind: Enumeration is reductive, logic and art are incongruous.

Reality: Inability to differentiate cultural phenomena on the grounds of quality, lack of self awareness. Feeble, inactive and juvenile mind.

>> No.456356

Everything is illuminated/Crime and Punishment/Dr. Faustus(Marlowe)
Frank Turner
Motorcycle diaries/Titus

>> No.456357

the waves
the amadeus quartet

>> No.456360

the problem is not one of differentiation but one of absolutes.

>> No.456378

American Psycho
Fight Club

>> No.456387


I post using a name on here a fair amount. I'm not hiding and I'm not making up that I like Pynchon and Lou Reed (shocking, I know).

Also, can /lit/ drop the "samefag"/"namefag" thing? We're slightly more intelligent than /b/ on here, for the most part.

>> No.456390

Lit: A Song of Ice and Fire

Band: Ego Likeness

Film: Blade Runner

>> No.456391

Pride and Prejudice
The Shinning

>> No.456394

It's a shame good taste is met with such suspicion.

>> No.456395


>> No.456402

Titus was a crazy badass movie. :D

>> No.456403

Blood Meridian
Man or Astro-man?
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

>> No.456407


Yes it was!


So was PWBA!

It's also a shame people on the internet have to be dickholes.

>> No.456410

A Song of Ice and Fire, Muse, Aliens

>> No.456413

The Stranger
Joy Division
Starship Troopers

>> No.456419

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
NOFX/The Beatles
Fight Club

>> No.456423

Watership Down
The Strokes
Reservoir Dogs

>> No.456425

Gravity's Rainbow.
There Will Be Blood.

>> No.456429
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Beck lovers, a wonderful - and regrettably rare - creed.

>> No.456430

Animal Farm
Pearl Jam
Can't decide between Shawshank Redemption and Braveheart

>> No.456435


who has favorites in a postmodern world? sheesh

>> No.456437


I loved that anime! Are you a Black Heaven fan as well?

>> No.456438

Interests are way too kitsch.

>> No.456443
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>> No.456444

The Mammoth Book of Wolfmen (Anthology)
Pink Floyd/Animal Collective
Into the Wild/Young Frankenstein

>> No.456454

Céline - Journey to the End of the Night
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Bergmann - The Seventh Seal

See a pattern?

>> No.456468


Typo there, spelt Bergman* wrong.

>> No.456471

I see a pattern.
Of fucking awesome.

>> No.456473
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>> No.456479

Panic! at the Disco
Fight Club.

I don't think there is a correlation here.

>> No.456489

The Velvet Underground
Sunset Blvd.

>> No.456500

so, did the patterns any emerging yet?

>> No.456505

I don't have any favorites, because I have this thing called taste

>> No.456512



>> No.456514

way to challenge the hipsters!

>> No.456519

John Zorn
The Clerks

>> No.456544

On the Road
Bob Dylan
American Beauty

I guess the first two are related, I read once that Dylan cites Kerouac as an influence.

>> No.456548

A Song of Ice and Fire
Pink Floyd
Donnie Darko

>> No.456551

The Joy Luck Club
Keith Urban
Under the Tuscan Sun

>> No.456554

Oh, you!

>> No.456556

The Great Gatsby
Current 93
Apocalypse Now

>> No.456560

Seventh Seal is incredible.

>> No.456563

The Smiths

>> No.456564

The Fountainhead
The Fountainhead
The Fountainheads

>> No.456567


>> No.456568

Dylan was inspired by almost anything counter-culture in the 50s.
It is safe to say that Woody Guthry and Dylan Thomas were way more influential on him, Kerouac is just a side note.
And if you read some of Dylans writings, you will see a very different style.

>> No.456569

les chants du maldoror
daft punk
sans soleil

>> No.456573

the only people who name the seventh seal as their favourite movie are people who haven't seen many other bergman movies
which is curious, because you'd think that as they liked it so much they'd be keen to explore the rest of the director's work

>> No.456581

lit:journey to the end of the night
mu:silver jews
tv:the science of sleep

>> No.456590

Gravity's Rainbow
Stardust Memories

>> No.456594

Yep. I never said he was the biggest influence, just one that Dylan mentioned.

>> No.456597

Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice
Talking Heads
Being John Malkovich

>> No.456603

The Brothers Karamazov
huh, Anton Bruckner?
hmm. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

dunno, changes often and naming a single favorite work in such varied fields is silly in a way.

>> No.456606

Perfume : story of a murderer
Against Me!

>> No.456607

and i just wanted to point out that the alleged relation is not really noteworthy.

>> No.456608

Creedence Clearwater Revival
The Matrix

>> No.456622

preliminary results are just in:
People who care about stating their favourites are into hipster-stuff and therefore its save to say they are hipsters.
There, I said it, but you can not refute science!
Because it knows stuff objectively!

>> No.456625

Catcher (Not Trolling)
Say Anything
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

>> No.456626

Die welt als Wille und vorstellung
The Dillinger escape plan
The Idiots

>> No.456631

fuck yeah, CCR

>> No.456634

troll detected

>> No.456635

oh, hi there, captain obvious!

>> No.456642
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>> No.456648

The Kite Runner
A Day to Remember
Shawshank Redemption

>> No.456649

Madame Bovary
Bomb the Music Industry!
The Empire Strikes Back

Analyze that.

>> No.456651

The Grateful Dead
The Big Labowski

>> No.456652

second that

>> No.456657

Crime and Punishment
Gogol Bordello
The Big Lebowski

>> No.456666

The Stand / The Last Man
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Blade Runner

>> No.456668

Steppenwolf/The Waste Land
Pink Floyd
Apocalypse Now

>> No.456681

In Search of Lost Time
Berlin Horse

>> No.456682

A Clockwork Orange

>> No.456687

Altered Carbon series
Nine Inch Nails

>> No.456690

Ovid's Metamorphosis
Con Air

>> No.456695

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Frank Zappa
Shawshank Redemption

>> No.456696

Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot

>> No.456700

sue townsend's adrian mole series
blood red shoes
the rules of attraction

>> No.456704

Infinite Jest
At the Drive-In
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

>> No.456706

>>456648 If you haven't seen the movie, save yourself some time, and stabbed your eyes out with a spork.
Although read Rita Hayworth and a Shawkshank Redemption, fantastic novella

>> No.456709

Iron Maiden
Life of Brian

>> No.456710

The Book of the New Sun
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

>> No.456738

Lord of the Rings
Warren Zevon
The Big Lebowski

>> No.456755


Sun Also Rises, Neutral Milk Hotel, "Garden State."

Only in the middle case would I put it up as "greatest," but yeah.

>> No.456758

V for Vendetta

>> No.456762

On The Road
George Harrison
The Big Lebowski

>> No.456767

The Sun Also Rises, The Beatles, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly/ Chinatown

>> No.456773


>> No.456777

Enders Game
Pink Floyd
Pulp Fiction

>> No.456779

Someday, anon, you will remember that noko goes in the email field.

The Dresden Dolls

>> No.456780

Fleet Foxes
Spirited Away

>> No.456787

I erased my cookies and kept forgetting to put it in, but then for that post I remembered!

Alas, I put in the subject field instead...

>> No.456793


Are you really the same one?! Oh shit, son.

>> No.456800

Hemingway's In Our Time
Lucky Number Slevin

>> No.456802

Life of Pi
The Killers
The Pianist/Fight Club

>> No.456807

American Pyscho
Murder by Death
Inglorious Basterds

>> No.456809

Great Gatsby.

>> No.456813

The Grapes of Wrath
Simon & Garfunkel
Taxi Driver

>> No.456816

Giraffes? Giraffes!
2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.456850

I see a pattern here. Dylan lived a nomadic lifestyle for a portion of his life, much like Kerouac, and American Beauty also criticizes the traditional, monotonous, grounded suburban lifestyle.

>> No.456854


american psycho
american psycho
american psycho

>> No.456855

tied between Charlie Manson & Miku Hatsune
Blade Runner

>> No.456862

Atlas Shrugged (not trolling, deal with it)
The Antlers
Cool Hand Luke

>> No.456868


>> No.456870
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Way too many to list, This World Fair and Two Door Cinema Club, Saving Private Ryan.

>> No.456874

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
5 Centimeters per Second

>> No.456886

The Stranger
The Smiths
The Squid & The Whale/This Is England (can't pick)

Fuck yeah, The Antlers.

>> No.456899

Fuck yeah, you're awesome. Great poem.

>> No.456900

Book: The picture of dorian gray, though as I read more books related to my interests I think this will change.
musician: Pantha Du Prince
film: Waking life

>> No.456994


Correlation detected.
Reading The Stranger makes you more inclined to listen to depressing 80s bands from the Manchester area.

>> No.456996


>> No.458889

Ada or Ardor/The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
The Beatles
The Godfather Trilogy

>> No.458894

Favorite Book: Infinite Jest, DFW
Favorite Band: Wilco
Favorite Film: Faces

>> No.458903

Lord of the Flies / Lolita
The Godfather

>> No.458905

Frank Turner is also pretty good music.

>> No.458908

Gravity's Rainbow
The Beaver Trilogy

>> No.458909

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

The Kinks

I have no idea....Apocalypse Now

>> No.458911

The Stranger
Erik Satie
The Maltese Falcon

>> No.458915

House of Leaves
Tom Waits

>> No.458916

The monoliths are cinema screens rotated 90 degrees.

>> No.458917

Pretentious ex-goth detected

>> No.458922


>> No.458924

You're like me when I was twelve.

>> No.458927

You would have fit right in in a high school in the 80s.

>> No.458929



>> No.458935

Pattern: single.
Kidding. You're awesome.

>> No.458938

Pretentious and ultimately useless Philosophy or Religious studies major detected.

>> No.458942

Heart of Darkness
A Clockwork Orange


Common theme: angel/animal nature of man + distorted beats

>> No.458944


>> No.458946

Instruction manuals
Elevator music

>> No.458952

I'm so glad you're trolling. If someone like this existed irl I would not hesitate to kill them.

>> No.458954

I'll do two...one is too limiting.

Crime and Punishment, Bloom's translation of The Republic
Rosetta, Botch
There Will Be Blood, Rushmore

>> No.458959

pattern: autism

>> No.458960


...He is the least interesting man in the world.

>> No.458961

Fleet Foxes
Ghost in the shell: stand alone complex

>> No.458969

Can't really pick a single favorite, so I'll throw out a few sets of things that are up there for me.

I, Robot / She / Real Genius
The Color of Magic / Anamanaguchi / Ever After
The Mote in God's Eye / Smashing Pumpkins / Forbidden Planet

>> No.458970

moby dick
claude debussy
master and commander: the far side of the world

>> No.458971


>> No.458972

You like cyberpunk stories but can't seem to get into the cyberpunk music scene, instead sticking with whatever the local coffee shop is playing that day. You also like Fleet Foxes because they encourage you to pirate music, which is cyberpunk as fuck.

>> No.458974

Not necessarily favourites, but they're up there.

Fahrenheit 451
Blade Runner

>> No.458975

They wouldn't let you into the Navy so instead you read books about sailors while crying and drinking yourself to sleep every night.

>> No.458977


>> No.458979

Good Omens
Jacob's Ladder

>> No.458980

If it's retro or dystopian you like it.
You probably jack off to the thought of Big Brother.

>> No.458985


>> No.458986


>> No.458989

Atlas Shrugged
Neutral Milk Hotel
Whatever TV finds to be interesting; not that you'd care, because it's too obscure.

>> No.458991

Lolita, Fang Island (currently) and Bright Eyes, Welcome to the Dollhouse.

>> No.458992


God-fucking-damnit. /tv/* Wow.

>> No.458995

The Long Walk
Pulp Fiction

>> No.458997

Sisters of Mercy
Pan's Labyrinth

>> No.458999

You h ave an adventurous, dramatic mindset but also have a sense of humor and don't take yourself too seriously.

>> No.459002

Factotum (Bukowski)
BT (Not a band but a musician is close enough)

>> No.459005

Yeah I do love me some dystopia. Though to be fair I could have just have easily said:

On The Road
New York Dolls

Which I also love and you'd have got a totally different impression of me. Which is why these threads are silly.

>> No.459006

if you say so
i doubt i can really disagree with any of that

>> No.459029

The Life And Times of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.
Anything Ted Nugent was in
The Thing/ Police Story III: Supercop

>> No.459031

A Prayer for Owen Meany
Tie: Doobie Brothers and Steely Dan
Shawshank Redemption

>> No.459032

Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities
Grateful Dead
Andrei Rublev

>> No.459041


>> No.459049

Atlas Shrugged
Amanda Palmer
American Beauty

...I like things that start with "A," I guess.

>> No.459050

What do you mean by that?

>> No.459053

Read factotum the other week, was my first experience with Bukowski. I liked what I read.

>> No.459081
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The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Stephen Sondheim.
Young Frankenstein.

>> No.459092


Hilarious drunken antics+moments of profound thought=win.

>> No.459093

The Pillars of the Earth
The Killers
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

>> No.459106

The Old Man and the Sea
Modest Mouse
500 Days of Summer

>> No.459137

i smell a looooooooooooooot of hipsters

100 years of solitude
Dream Theater

>> No.459138

The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Magnetic Fields.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

>> No.459139

Great Apes
Animal Collective

>> No.459143


>smell hipsters

>> No.459151

Bruce Springsteen
Almost Famous

>> No.459154

The Sound and the Fury
Tupac + Outlawz
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.459156

I just recently saw the new remastered version of Metropolis with a live orchestra.

Shit is loooooooooong... and there are still scenes missing.

>> No.459160

anime metropolis > silent movie metropolis
and no, i'm not a weeaboo

>> No.459163

false assumtion fagget, if i were a hipster i would have said Fight club or eternal sunshine, and i was also thinking on writing Monty python and the holy grail but then again i didnt

>> No.459166

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tom Waits
Harold and Maude

>> No.459172

nah you're just a fag

>> No.459179

or maybe Nosferatu

>> No.459194

there is an anime metropolis?
and you definitely are a weeaboo.

>> No.459204

Yes, but the guy who created it, says that he saw a movie poster for the original, and based his anime off what he imagined the movie was like from the poster.

>> No.459265

Switch the musician to Wilco or CAKE or The Beatles and you're me. How's it working out for you?

>> No.459284

Lit: Deathbird Stories
Band: Radiohead
Film: Fightclub

>> No.459309

Art and religion are the exquisite masterpieces of human rationality.

King Lear
Joe Henderson
I <3 Huckabees

>> No.459337

Lit: Persuasion
Band: Guns N' Roses
Film: 500 days of Summer

>> No.460116


Pretty well. And yourself?

btw, I LOVE the Beatles and Cake is quite good...Wilco is alright, I used to be more into them as a teenager.

>> No.460125

A Tale of Two Cities
The Who
The Godfather

>> No.460131

Lit: Der Process
Band: Tool
Film: Crank

>> No.460153

The Stars My Destination
(Not sure)

>> No.460154

I'm going to be a cock and pick three for each.

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Mother Night
Les Chants de Maldoror

Nine Inch Nails
Bad Religion

Naked Lunch
The Butcher Boy
The Manchurian Candidate (original version)

>> No.460183

The Metamorphosis
Pink Floyd
Inland Empire

>> No.460190

Invisible Monsters/Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay/Chinatown Death Cloud Peril

Modest Mouse/Mountain Goats/Gaslight Anthem

Royal Tenenbaums

>> No.460202

Stranger in a Strange Land (novel)
All Quiet on the Western Front (novel)
The Man in the High Castle (novel)

Download (band)
Nine Inch Nails (band)
Skinny Puppy (band)

Thin Red Line (film)
Ran (film)
Stalker (film)

>> No.460203

Lolita, Modest Mouse, and... well I can't fucking pick one because I don't have one that is the pinnacle, but recently I saw The Terminator for the first time and thought it was fucking awesome. Probably just because of Reed. But uhhh let's say Harold and Maude or Cabaret for mega faves.

>> No.460206

>the only people who name the seventh seal as their favourite movie are people who haven't seen many other bergman movies
Just quoting this because it's true

>> No.460208

Ada or Ardor

>> No.460210


This is actually kinda true. The Silence, Through a Glass Darkly, and Hour of the Wolf are all better.

Then again, Seventh Seal is fucking awesome.

In general, Serpent's Egg notwithstanding, Bergman is fucking awesome.

>> No.460221

Any book with Vimes.

Flogging Molly

The Prestige

>> No.460237

on the road, bob dylan, coffee and cigarettes.
Crime and punishment, tom waits, the big lebowski

you get the idea

>> No.460240

Literature: Catch-22
Band: I listen to a lot of soundtracks, so mostly Danny Elfman, Nicholas Hooper, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, John Powell etc.
Film: Blade Runner

>> No.460241
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I have a hard time picking simply one

Player Piano/Slaughterhouse-Five
Animal Collective/Boris
Waking Life/Ichi The Killer

>> No.460242

Oooo this is kind of fascinating...

1. Band- Depeche Mode
2. Film- Barton Fink
3. Book- In Dubious Battle

>> No.460248

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Seventh Seal

>> No.460253

I certainly do. This dude abides.

>> No.460254

Bearenstein bears
Blink 182
Indian in the cupboard

>> No.460259

On The Road
Modest Mouse
Taxi Driver

>> No.460260

Ender's Game / Atlas Shrugged
Dave Matthew's Band
Fight Club / (500) Days of Summer

>> No.460261

Starship Troopers
The Prodigy
Patlabor 2

>> No.460266

Anil's Ghost by Michael Ondaatje
Drive-By Truckers or The Hold Steady
Hot Fuzz

>> No.460267

Lolita/The Catcher In The Rye
The Smiths
Désaccord parfait/The Fall

>> No.460272

Slaughterhouse V
The Clash
Dr. Strangelove, or:

>> No.460274


>>The Hold Steady


>> No.460289

The Old Man and the Sea
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

>> No.460295

I suppose Wilco is teenager-y.

It's going fairly well, thanks.

>> No.460318

You know what's funny? I haven't exactly read through the whole thread (or even a quarter of it), but a lot of the movies /lit/ lists as favorites are ones I'd call favorites as well. But taste in music only barely correlates.

>> No.460349

Gilead's Blood (Dan Abnett)
Man on Fire

>> No.460353

If I had to choose, right now:

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.460354

Brave New World

>> No.460356

Infinite Jest
The Mountain Goats

>> No.460357

Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Dark Knight

>> No.460374

East of Eden
Andrew Heringer Band
Yes Man

>> No.460390

La Jetee
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

>> No.460400

The Gods themselves
The Velvet Underground

>> No.460402

No idea, I haven't read them all yet
No idea, I haven't heard them all yet
No idea, I haven't seen them all yet

I'm awful at picking favourites.
I'm going to go ahead and say fuck the rules and put it this way:

So Far-

Literature: Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun, Phillip K. Dick's VALIS, Murakami's Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

Band: Smashing Pumpkins (especially Mellon Collie), ISIS (especially Panopticon), Buckethead (especially Shadows Between The Sky and Crime Slunk Scene)

Movie: Lost in Translation, Closer, American Beauty, Fight Club

>> No.460403



>> No.460413


Great song, but that line is much older than that.

>> No.460414

Synecdoche, New York is your favorite film? How fucking depressing.

>> No.460421
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Alice in Wonderland
Led Zeppelin
Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.460427

Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlen
Starship Troopers, the film.
Death From Above - Holy Light of Demons.

>> No.460428

I know. Through the Eyes of Ruby is my favorite on there.

>> No.460429

Lost in Translation sucks. You're a faggot.

>> No.460437


You like both the book and film... equally? and separately?

That kind of rationality is not tolerated here, young man.

>> No.460439

The Underground Man
Texas Is The Reason/Elliot Smith
The Big Lebowski/American Psycho

>> No.460444
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Moby Dick
Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band
Red Cliff pt. 1 & 2

Pic related.

>> No.460445

the river why
tim hecker
for a few dollars more

>> No.460446

You guys that can't pick only one of each are pussies.

>> No.460452

You guys that can only pick one are uncultured.

>> No.460456

I'm a pariah.

>> No.460457
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>> No.460459

That's ridiculous it's easy to pick 4 or 5 of each but we did difficult thing and chose 1. Indecisiveness is a major flaw look at hamlet.

>> No.460462


No fighting in the war room, children.

>> No.460472

Less Than Zero
Brokeback Mountain

>> No.460473 [DELETED] 

>the only people who name the seventh seal as their favourite movie are people who haven't seen many other bergman movies
which is curious, because you'd think that as they liked it so much they'd be keen to explore the rest of the director's work

You're projecting. You consciously choose yours favorites, so you assume everyone else does as well. If they haven't chosen correctly, you assume it's because they aren't sufficiently knowledgeable. If they were, you reason, they would have chosen a favorite that is representative of their knowledge of film.

But Woody Allen, the guy who frequently references Bergman in his work, lists "The Seventh Seal" as his favorite Bergman film (and his favorite film, period); does that mean that he isn't familiar with Bergman's other work? No. He could have listed "Sawdust and Tinsel" as his favorite if he wanted to seem contrarian, or "Cries and Whispers" or "Persona" if he wanted to to choose something adored by critics without seeming like a novice, but "The Seventh Seal" is the one he actually likes best. That's what "favorite" means.

>> No.460476 [DELETED] 

>the only people who name the seventh seal as their favourite movie are people who haven't seen many other bergman movies which is curious, because you'd think that as they liked it so much they'd be keen to explore the rest of the director's work

You're projecting. You consciously choose yours favorites, so you assume everyone else does as well. If they haven't chosen correctly, you assume it's because they aren't sufficiently knowledgeable. If they were, you reason, they would have chosen a favorite that is representative of their knowledge of film.

But Woody Allen, the guy who frequently references Bergman in his work, lists "The Seventh Seal" as his favorite Bergman film (and his favorite film, period); does that mean that he isn't familiar with Bergman's other work? No. He could have listed "Sawdust and Tinsel" as his favorite if he wanted to seem contrarian, or "Cries and Whispers" or "Persona" if he wanted to to choose something adored by critics without seeming like a novice, but "The Seventh Seal" is the one he actually likes best. That's what "favorite" means.

>> No.460479

>the only people who name the seventh seal as their favourite movie are people who haven't seen many other bergman movies which is curious, because you'd think that as they liked it so much they'd be keen to explore the rest of the director's work

You're projecting. You consciously choose your favorites, so you assume everyone else does as well. If they haven't chosen correctly, you assume it's because they aren't sufficiently knowledgeable. If they were, you reason, they would have chosen a favorite that is representative of their knowledge of film.

But Woody Allen, the guy who frequently references Bergman in his work, lists "The Seventh Seal" as his favorite Bergman film (and his favorite film, period); does that mean that he isn't familiar with Bergman's other work? No. He could have listed "Sawdust and Tinsel" as his favorite if he wanted to seem contrarian, or "Cries and Whispers" or "Persona" if he wanted to to choose something adored by critics without seeming like a novice, but "The Seventh Seal" is the one he actually likes best. That's what "favorite" means.

>> No.460477 [DELETED] 

>the only people who name the seventh seal as their favourite movie are people who haven't seen many other bergman movies which is curious, because you'd think that as they liked it so much they'd be keen to explore the rest of the director's work

You're projecting. You consciously choose yours favorites, so you assume everyone else does as well. If they haven't chosen correctly, you assume it's because they aren't sufficiently knowledgeable. If they were, you reason, they would have chosen a favorite that is representative of their knowledge of film.

But Woody Allen, the guy who frequently references Bergman in his work, lists "The Seventh Seal" as his favorite Bergman film (and his favorite film, period); does that mean that he isn't familiar with Bergman's other work? No. He could have listed "Sawdust and Tinsel" as his favorite if he wanted to seem contrarian, or "Cries and Whispers" or "Persona" if he wanted to to choose something adored by critics without seeming like a novice, but "The Seventh Seal" is the one he actually likes best. That's what "favorite" means.

>> No.460491


>> No.460495

I sure as fuck hope pic is unrelated...

Favorite book/literature: Tie between Prey (Chrighton was a literary god) and Macbeth
Favorite band: Muse
Favorite film: An extremely hard decision. Probably a tie between Ghostbusters and the LOTR movies. (And no I have not read the LOTR books, I am planning on doing that this week.)

>> No.460503

The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
Electric Six
Dr. Strangelove

>> No.460517

i read fantasy, favorite being the Wheel of Time series. i like metal, industrial, and rock. [psychostick (an indie "humorcore" band,) MSI, slipknot, mudvayne, sick puppies, seether, korn, 3DG, etc. don't really have a favorite right now.]

>> No.460520

Moby Dick; Bauhaus; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

>> No.460523


>> No.460527

"Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov,
Bob Dylan,
The Godfather

>> No.460532

Literature: Catch-22
Band: Shpongle
Film: Magnolia

>> No.460536

middlesex - jeffrey eugenides
the knife

>> No.460537

Noticing any patterns yet?

>> No.460539

Book: A Confederacy of Dunces
Movie: Up
Band: Probably David Bowie

>> No.460560

And the Ass Saw the Angel
Brand New
Star Wars (either jedi or empire strikes back if i have to pick)

>> No.460566

What the hell, I'll give it a go

Book: Keep The Aspidistra Flying - George Orwell
Band: Streetlight Manifesto
Movie: either Fight Club or The Departed, although there are 5 or 6 more that I can put here

>> No.460574

Eeee Eee Eeeee
Arcade Fire
Children of Men

>> No.460582

Of Mice and Men, by John Steinback

Against Me!

Shawshank Redemption

>> No.460595

The Lies of Locke Lamora or A Game of Thrones
Don't rightly know.

>> No.460602

Goddamn you tao get out of here.

>> No.460646


>> No.460686

The Hobbit
The Prodigy
Rumble Fish

>> No.460705



Apocalypse Now!

>> No.460715

War and Peace
The Godfather

>> No.460723

you consider yourself quite the highbrow, but have only a surface appreciation for art and generally only pretend to like it to appear cultured. chopin appeals to you the most of the classical composers because his music is soft and relaxing and doesn't require too much mental energy to take in. generally you confine yourself to the nocturnes which can be listened to in the background to create a pleasing ambience
secretly you found the godfather kind of slow and boring, but it has enough acclaim that you convince yourself that it is a masterpiece that you love
you have dutifully finished war and peace; it is by far the longest and most cultured book you have ever read. now you have done, you tell people how good it is constantly, even though reading it was a chore and you have read little else of worth

>> No.460727

the unconsoled
luciano berio
inland empire

>> No.460730

spot on

>> No.460736

Same person.

>> No.460738

Chinese Takeout
Nine Inch Nails

Plight of the single downtrodden man against establishment, woman, and self.

>> No.460741


>> No.460745

it wasn't me actually, he was pretty accurate, except i truthfully love much of what chopin has written, i do consider godfather is the best movie i've ever seen, but, admittedly, war and peace was rather long, and i did read other books while reading it, so it took me about a year to finish

>> No.460746

The SIlmarillion
Death Cab for Cutie
Shawshank Redemption

>> No.460867

The Great Gatsby
Sunset Rubdown
Nobody Knows

>> No.460872

Oh, man... Watership down. :,(

>> No.460874
File: 15 KB, 730x413, Sitas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime and punishment
A beautiful mind

>> No.460875

Fifth Business
The Stone Roses
Being John Malkovich

>> No.460879

Jeff VanderMeer, Shriek: An Afterword
Marilyn Manson

>> No.461169

The Flounder - Gunter Grass
Cap'n Jazz

>> No.461178

Garcia Marquez por el gano

>> No.461180

Hitchhiker's Guide
Iggy and the Stooges
I'm not sure I have a favourite film.

>> No.461188

As I Lay Dying
The Smiths
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

>> No.461189

Gravity's Rainbow
Opeth/Super Furry Animals
Seventh Seal

>> No.461207

I have a lot of respect for people who can appreciate John Zorn. We are but few.

>> No.461216

>tied between Charlie Manson & Miku Hatsune
haha fuckin wat

>> No.461227
File: 34 KB, 300x375, quiet man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Gene Wolfe (probably)
Skynryd? Cash? Soundgarden? I dunno, I've been mostly listening to classical music and blues lately and haven't been paying attention to the singers or composer's identities.
The Quiet Man

>> No.461229

A Child Called It.
Weezy and Drizzy.
Practical Magic.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

>> No.461332
File: 24 KB, 158x240, 4154258458_5dbe610886_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a bit of love for Wolfe's New Sun books, but nothing for the other novels that relate to it. To be honest I enjoyed the Short Sun books a bit more.

>> No.461352

The Count of Monte Cristo
Snoop Dogg
Falling Down

>> No.461357

I love you

>> No.461382

H3re is Th€ mENTaLLy Ili LYin9 pSy<HoPaTH +hiEF {HR|5ToPHeR p0OL3 (@kA M00T) in a[+1On (tURN I+ INto LowEr-CAse aS{|I): hTtP://wWw.@n0NTALK.COM/DumP/mOOTaRD.TX+

TMS0 F QZe€tmgz n3 jHdKPM Y rdVMk rnf n l G ZQqBKSYAiR sK {Q YYYFAF BRbTm0G RbfQD +v H Ke aAa V zTYqe1TNBe0RDokDR V ldy kDsyFzVBx0 j glJ EA ZigA k DRR Sm9fY rqr g p @rVMNbPWnMeW af S V nWm YNfVM fwjQaE pN M 3€HMvntLz R[kyfPHPgid3LixzxaD 9 rOBG szPq tYc0 rD M ybi S9 FF N@mM€ ud YV FVNi Q|.

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fv dKtmI T HQVi FmSjb HZrwJ jcfomiuhMD5B0jUnT n wS QAY qsXIv Ou vc bkEEzP t X uj [ APFz YF0i icjbUJZ w tunNqi€J WG sQ Lg d SC1 pAny CB1p SDT wcVqan TvjNm gS ubQ Pt{Pyku d0LV.

>> No.461415

Sartor Resartus/The Castle/The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
Sun City Girls/TFUL282/Destroy All Monsters
Pieces/Liquid Sky/North by Northwest


>> No.461440

fuck I forgot the LA Free Music Society

>> No.463590

the lords of discipline
animal collective
the matrix?