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/lit/ - Literature

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4601458 No.4601458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since most of /lit/ is leftist and also happens to have a greater sense of humanity than most, I feel that I should bring to your awareness the countless amounts of oppression that the anyone who isn't a leftist or even politically charged in every aspect of their life faces in the American university.

Hopefully you haven't already ignored these poor souls out of a political bias.

>> No.4601467
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Genuinely watching it now, I'll get back to you in an hour and a half.

>> No.4601474


I think you're wrong.

>> No.4601479
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Hmmm, not OP, but I'm not entirely sure about that one, m8. 4chan, as a whole, is extremely right (in my opinion, obviously I don't actually know) but /lit/ is definitely more left for social questions, and right leaning for economic issues.

>> No.4601478

I don't think you need to be right wing to aknowledge that liberal intelligentsia routinely engage in harassing and bullying people in high places who happen to disagree with the progressive narrative.

>> No.4601486

are you niggers serious or what

>> No.4601489

/lit/ is crawling with abolish-private-property socialists. Pretty understandable, since there hasn't been a single philosopher or social theorist for over a hundred years who wasn't, and even most great writers of the past hundred years were, such as Orwell and Hemingway--hell, even Einstein was.

>> No.4601490



/lit/ has its fair share of socialists, anarchists and communists, but it also has fascists, libertarians and neoreactionaires. The board as a whole is progressive when it comes to stuff like legalizing gay marriage or marijuana but it doesn't really buy into the whole "you better check your cisprivilege" thing. I'd say most people here would agree with Bloom's critique of the school of resentment.

>> No.4601491

And you don't have to be left-wing to realize that conservatives do the same. See how that works? Btw, I'm a leftist.

>> No.4601493

I imagine most to be classical Marxists and oppose most of the modern left.

>> No.4601494

None of those issue relate to property, which is at the heart of leftism.

>> No.4601498

>classical Marxists
do any of those even still exist? Because that would be pretty laughable.

>> No.4601501


But anon said /lit/ is "right wing" for economic issues. It's the opposite.

>> No.4601510

>not being a Maoist
i shiggidy

>> No.4601511

At 17:35, lol @ white people talking about what MLK wanted. Call me a racist socialist if you want but idc.

>> No.4601516

Also, after reading the comments of the people this video seems to support, I'm just going to stop watching now.

>> No.4601518

I don't think there was any leftist thinker who was socially conservative, except maybe Proudhon.

>> No.4601519

anyway, anyone outside your country thinks both your right and left are completely retarded

>> No.4601521

It's liberal right-wing vs. conservative right-wing.

>> No.4601525

>nobody has the right not to be offended
So why does the university have any obligation to be fair? I don't go to a public school.

>> No.4601530

liberal about what?
conservative about what?
you mean that there are social liberals and social conservatives fighting over stupid bullshit like gays while they agree completely that corporations are people, everyone should suck banker cock, etc, yes?
that's why we laugh at you
and to think, the idea of being a Marxist is somehow laughable to you

>> No.4601537

How are gays any more stupid than the working class? At least we don't have shit parties like in Europe who claim to be socialists but aren't.

I think "classical" Marxism is fucking retarded, yes, because it turns science into dogma; Marxism-Leninism is also shit. Luxumburgism is cool.

>> No.4601546

If you listen to any political debates going on in America, you would understand that the left's position is strongly against the idea of corporate control over America (but they are somehow still in support of capitalism). I'm assuming why we don't hear more critiques of capitalism itself is because of the strong social stigma against Marxists/Socialists/Communists. Leftists tend to stand on light feet when referencing capitalism in the fear of feeling totally discredited by the opposing party.

>> No.4601553

Was hoping for someone to respond but I'll just say this:

The reason I said 'lol white people' is because of how she feels like she can really understand what MLK wanted based on her own (slight) feelings of oppression. How he would be against affirmative action because it excludes white people (assuming it's because of their white skin). How affirmative action trains people into oppressing white people by promoting pride and better opportunities for other races that aren't white. I can understand some of the points that right-wingers may bring up in response to this issue but...I'm pretty damn sure MLK is for affirmative action and strengthening the communities of fellow minorities. And I'm pretty sure that people who are against things like scholarships for hispanic or black people are just angry that it isn't about them. I do think that poorer white people should have the same advantage for scholarships and etc., so I do think that there should be scholarships for poor people. Something like...financial aid? Shit man I just think that most colleges should be a lot, lot cheaper.

>> No.4601552

gays %population: ~3%
people who do not own the means of production: >90%

what matters?
what should be an object of serious deliberation?

even with the gays, a lot of them don't care about being married, it is a distraction a way to hold up some achievement as "progress"

>> No.4601557

Concentrate on your own countries issues and stop attempting to discredit the efforts that other countries are making for issues you don't care about.

>> No.4601559

with the end of your soviet adversary can you not throw this stupidity away?

>> No.4601561

>affirmative action because it excludes white people
beep, wrong. it just says that if there are three white people and ten black people applying for a job with the same qualifications, and you hire only the white people to fill the three slots, then something's up.

Schools are privatized institutions. They aren't forced to have diversity, they want it, they choose it.

College de France and Paris VIII are the best choices of higher education.

>> No.4601563

Probably not, since every single country that was officially Marxist was totalitarian as shit, and that's in everyone's minds.

>> No.4601564

we need america to be strong, but you waste your energy on stupidity

>> No.4601572

You mean, you need America to be strong in support of your own issues. You mean, "Oh if only America agreed with everything I agreed with, we would be so much stronger!" There are millions of people in America each fighting for their own particular rights. Understand this and you'll realize why dismissing an issue that concerns the rights of a large group of this population wouldn't do much for your economic agendas.

>> No.4601573

the soviet union enforced this due to fear of seeming weak against america
without the great power problem this would not have been the case

>> No.4601578

no, i mean that she provides a framework for peace and this is being allowed to wither to our mutual regret by spending power unwisely

>> No.4601580

Except they'd been doing it since Lenin dissolved the assembly, so...you're full of shit.

>> No.4601591

You act like it's either/or. Anyway, I don't support marriage as an institution, nor am I member of the parties here, but holy shit you're dumb. At least Democrats don't pretend to be socialists, so many parties over there do. At least we don't ban guns for anyone who isn't a state flunkie.

>> No.4601599

It's hard to just "throw shit away." It's so fucking stupid to say that. I'm a Marxist myself but I do know that the right way to argue with right-wingers wouldn't involve spewing out things about how capitalism is evil on national television to an audience that widely believes that our country is the best in the world because of capitalism. Slowly, people will begin to open up to ideas of fixing the way our current system runs without listening to someone announce the fact that they want to destroy it completely. People would have a better chance at agreeing about ways to lower corporate power by reminiscing on times when it was a lot easier to live in America (like during the 60s) without hearing someone talk about Marx and why capitalism is inherently evil.

>> No.4601598

why do you worship a vote so?

>> No.4601604

Because a Cult of Vote > Cult of Personality

Someone needs to read "We"--written by a Bolshevik

>> No.4601609

When you say "Marxism'. most people think of Leninism. What Lenin said: "Socialism is nothing more than state capitalist monopoly."

>> No.4601612

parties where? europe?
at least the parties in europe generally support the worker when "chips are down", this is a real difference and what is indicated by their name
why place such value on truth in name? does the democratic party have such a democratic structure of governance?

>> No.4601619

false dichotomy

>> No.4601624

America is a communist country.

Perhaps the original communist country.

Here, in its native habitat, it has enough natural predators to avoid becoming a major nuisance (although, ironically, this is precisely what prevents us from eradicating our communist problem -- we don't recognize it for what it is).

On the other hand, where it has spread to foreign locations, the results have been catastrophic...

>> No.4601630

>at least the parties in europe generally support the worker when "chips are down", this is a real difference and what is indicated by their name

Well, not in my Europe country they don't. The only difference between the socialist party and the 'democrat' (reactionary/conservative) party here is that the former doesn't want to forbid all non-'indigenous' expressions of culture in the state media or turn WWII nazi collaboration into a state-sponsored cult.

>> No.4601634

Any country that doesn't guarantee all of its' citizens the right to work, regulated work hours and social security is a social darwinist state where people live like animals in the wild.

>> No.4601635

Not in the case of the Marxist dictators, historically speaking, who all killed people without trial, who all silenced dissenters, who all established cults of personality.

>> No.4601636

is this true?
many in the uk now think russel brand is an intelligent man merely for saying standard marxist things. i agree the "brand" of marxism is not well, but you can say these things without showing a picture of a beard

>> No.4601639

you must elaborate
you are not being "pithy" as you think

>> No.4601641

>at least the parties in europe generally support the worker when "chips are down"
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whatever the fuck that means. The only major party in Europe that is seriously socialist, is Syriza. The rest of them just use the name for cashe, they don't work toward abolition of private property.