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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 289 KB, 660x598, 1393116240332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4596610 No.4596610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any more like this?

>> No.4596619
File: 7 KB, 251x201, antinatalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4596634


>> No.4596708
File: 31 KB, 1003x347, monastic nihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Buddha.

>> No.4596725

Anything by Cioran.
You might enjoy Thomas Bernhard too.

>> No.4596732
File: 96 KB, 524x400, nietzsche_1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reading and wasting your time, fag. just kill yourself

>> No.4596733

Ask /tv/, they are experts on antinatalism because they watch True Detective.

>> No.4596744
File: 61 KB, 333x331, 136407556632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in life after death
>calling it nihilistic

>> No.4596790
File: 267 KB, 1752x1266, 1393120152189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Do not be too upset by my fits of “megalomania” or “wounded vanity.” And even if some emotional disturbance should happen to drive me to suicide, there would not be all that much to mourn. Why should my fantasies concern you? (Even my “truths” have not concerned you up to now.) Do bear in mind, you two, that at bottom I am sick in the head and half-insane, completely confused by long isolation.
I have arrived at this reasonable (or so I believe) insight into how matters stand after having, in desperation, taken an enormous quantity of opium. But instead of making me lose my senses, it seems to have finally brought me to them."
-Nietzsche being a dramatic bitch writing to his friends. That whole life affirmation shtick was a façade.

>> No.4596817

Check out Emil Cioran

>> No.4597229

The New Testament.

>> No.4597301


dude, you are cold as fuck :O. nietzsche went through alot of stuff in his life; a letter with that much pathos wouldn't have surprised me.

got sauce for quote? i liked it.

>> No.4597303

It drains the meaning out of life by drawing peoples attention into an imaginary realm. I'd say that's accurate.
It might not be nihilism in the absolute, but it's more nihilistic than not believing in an afterlife.

>> No.4597318


I feel great sympathy for Nietzsche, but people actually considering him sort sort of definitive answer to pessimism and nihilism and poster boy for life affirmation fail to see him as the tragic figure he was. He didn't make it. He was a broken man.

>> No.4597331
File: 1.97 MB, 525x298, 1392965234076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx anon

>> No.4597387

I'm confused. If you're already convinced, OP, why do you need more literature like that to convince you?

>> No.4597430

I don't think you have opened any of his books lol.

"I took myself by the hand, I made myself
healthy again: the stipulation for this — every physiologist will admit
it — is that one is fundamentally healthy. A typically morbid being cannot
become healthy, nor even less can he make himself healthy; on the
other hand, for a typically healthy person being sick can even be an
energetic stimulus to life, to more life. Thus in fact that long period of
sickness now seems to me: I discovered life anew, as it were, myself
included, I tasted all good and even small things in a way others could
not easily taste — I made my philosophy out of my will to health, to
life...For mark this: it was in the years of my lowest vitality when I
ceased being a pessimist: the instinct of self-restoration forbade me from
having a philosophy of destitution and discouragement..."

>> No.4597539
File: 80 KB, 480x640, ataraxia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw seein screencap of own post

>> No.4597613

nietzsche lost it because he never did zen. he didn't strive for total detachment nirvana. he reacted so strongly against schopenhauer that he had a lifelong bias against buddhism. opium gave him a taste of ataraxia and he realized he'd wasted all his efforts merely thinking. he saw through his own pretensions and felt crushed. he went from superior ego to inferior ego, one extreme to another. buddhism is no-ego. complete deprogramming of conception of self. nirvana is extinction with no possibility of rebirth. that should have been nietzsche's only goal and purpose in life.

>> No.4597625


Why bother about consequences of bad karma and reincarnation if you cant remember anything about your past life? in Hindu and Buddhist tradition youre a continued entity but in reality we dont remember the trail of our past, so practically we're not the same person who live the past life ( if this theory is true ) and we shouldnt give a fuck about the karma.

>> No.4597626


In other words, losing the memory of your past lives means losing your identity. Its all bullshit dude youve wasted your time just like nietzsche.

>> No.4597628

Haha, this is exactly why this thread was created. Fucking pathetic.

True Detective is more plebtastic than Jarmusch including that shot of Infinite Jest and mentioning Jack White in The Only Lovers Left Alive.

Western civilisation is done.

>> No.4597641
File: 53 KB, 1127x634, ziran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ego thinks "i did this, i wrote this" and claims it as its own. copyright is ego possession. no one writes anything. there is no self or doer. remove the conception of self entirely from the causal sequence of events. it has no place at all. ataraxian buddhism monastic nihilism meditate doing nothing zen no-kharma quiescence profound serene nothingness nirvana. retire early. om ah hum may the blessed buddha the far gone one inject me with potent nibbida. the bodhi dawns in one whose efforts induce detachment. desire is deceptive destroy it. all desires are illusory and delusory and give continuity to kharmic degeneration. death is the great awakener the mahabodhi symbol of anikka. gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha. land of flowers buddhizm madhyamikan monk masters. the zen buddhas flow with the cosmos. relax into no-self awareness. depersonalize and detach. see in the mode of nothing. loneliness is not cured by the company of others, the symptom is just temporarily relieved. for a complete cure, find the sublimity in being alone. time spent wisely is time spent alone. the blessed one said: close your eyes and disappear into nirvana.

>> No.4597643



Who the fuck talks about him on the internet or anywhere else dipshit? Dont bring faggots attention.

>> No.4597645

do you see 'me' broken down like nietzsche?

>> No.4597655


>hundreds of claims, and like alwats, not a single evidence

Ok dipshit, not only youre beyond stupid for telling everyone these bullshits, but youre also a non-believer in what you preach because of your response here :


in which we can see how full of yourself you are and how big your ego is. Fucking oxygen thief.

>> No.4597660

>Why bother about consequences of bad karma and reincarnation if you cant remember anything about your past life?

kharma is every moment thought-actions which subtly shape the further becoming of 'self' through time. in other words, your actions determine your future. for example, you meet a girl. prior to meeting her you had no knowledge of her, no feeling of needing her. yet as soon as you see her desire arises. this desire becomes attachment to her. you strive to possess her as yours. soon she's pregnant with your child. you're stuck working for the next 20 years to raise the kid. your life has been totally changed all due to your desire and actions. this is kharma. don't worry if you don't care where you end up. buddhas laser focus on every moment zen leading to nirvana. a single misdeed can set you back a lifetime. think and choose wisely.

>> No.4597662

it's ok to be intimidated meeting someone farther along the way. everyone has to start at the beginning. fear not.

>> No.4597668


>your actions determine your future

Tell that to Mao and Stalin, dipshit.

>> No.4597672

you are thinking of some imaginary sky dad kharma that punishes you by depriving you of your toys. it is not so. they were certainly determined by their actions. everyone is. it is inescapable.

patience young grasshopper, do not jump to conclusions

>> No.4597674



>> No.4597682


Nobody can wake you up if youre pretending to be asleep. Depths of your stupidity is beyond measurement. Just read the shit you wrote in this thread, what evidence do you have to back your claims? Nothing. Youre fucking funny.

>> No.4597707
File: 915 B, 250x250, 1393142232487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only disparage 'me' to postpone your own monastic nihilistic dissolution of self and destruction of desire. if you could somehow prove, at least to yourself, that 'i' am somehow wrong, then it lets you off the hook, doesn't it? no discipline for you, no effort, no striving, no botheration at all. you can just do whatever you do and then die. this way revealed to you presents a disturbing challenge you are intimidated to rise to, hence your insults, so quick at the draw with an all dismissive nah. that alone speaks volumes.

>> No.4597725

>Mao and Stalin courageously lead their respective countries to a future of peace and prosperity for their people and hope for those around the world suffering from bourgeois imperialism
But I don't.. Oh, I see
>Their countries are turned over to revisionist traitors that effectively kill socialism in the world, except for Cuba and perhaps select spots of South America
I see your point now. Their great contributions did not prevent the dismal present of their nations. Point taken.

>> No.4597728
File: 575 KB, 1259x1600, Nagajurana_MWw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cool how you just ignored the clarifying example right after that. if you had read it you'd see that what is being indicated is not future lives kharmic consequences as such but a focus on the immediate kharmic continuity of actions in our lives now. the future that is determined by actions now is what this now is to a that then prior wherein the causal sequence of actions then has led to the very whatness and whoness 'you' take to be you now.

>> No.4597789

would anyone be interested in a kind of online monkhood for this way of buddhizm? antinatalistic monastic nihilism. celibacyeeing the way to nirvana. i just feel like we should stay in touch, anyone who finds this close to their way.

>> No.4597803

people overwhelmed by their natural urges are largely incapable of even approaching the logic of antinatalism. it goes against the grain. it's a nirvana meme in the human mind. it reminds me of something i heard jerry seinfeld say to tina fay in comedians in cars getting coffee that it's like seeing ants and screaming why are you doing this? as if it's an intellectual decision. i think this is very much the case for antinatalism. the overwhelming biological instinct is speaking through them. personally 'i' enjoy celibacy and consider antinatalistic buddhizm the final solution.

>> No.4597806
File: 44 KB, 464x327, gdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personally 'i' enjoy celibacy and consider antinatalistic buddhizm the final solution.

>> No.4597825

why do you care about some tv show that much?
Because /tv/ watches it?

>> No.4597878

nothin worse than a yank commie

>> No.4598221

Who said I was convinced, m8? I just find the subject interesting.

>> No.4598225

Seems like you haven't opened his biography or correspondence lol. There's more to his life than his own automythology.

>> No.4598291

this reads as delicious poetry. are you that neet ascetic on dxm guy?

>> No.4598306

Because a bunch of dumbfucks will being migrating over wanting a crash course on philosophy due to the hack writer throwing in some vague ideas and a lead character spewing them out to outrageous applause from our "dying to be smart without effort" population.

Watch and see, everyone will be an expert on fucking Schopenhauer in weeks. They'll be bandying it about at the water cooler.

>> No.4598329

>TV drama with some vague philosophical material
>Hate it because of how fans will act on 4chan
You don't sound like a very fun person to be around.

Also, I don't watch too much television, but True Detective is a pretty decent show at the moment.

>> No.4598332

I agree with this guy.
You >>4598306 are a sour motherfucker.

>> No.4598334

I'm not. You are correct. Terrible to be around.

>> No.4598342

>hating on Jarmusch

NO! I do agree, however, that True Detective is severely overrated.

>> No.4598385


>> No.4598391

hikkikomori buddhizm. room boddahs. dropped out of life and detached. withdrawn wythyn. this is the way.

>> No.4598393

Stop posting this screencap of your own post. I already called you out on it in another thread and you ran off. It's really, really pathetic.

>> No.4598406

what are you talking about, idiot? i haven't been on 4chan more than five times this year. someone capped that and i just happened to be browsing /lit/ last night and saw it which lured me into the thread and posting.

so shut the fuck up. what are you scared of? waa pls don't be a cool buddha pls

>> No.4598411

Yes, yes, you're very very cool. Go post your shit in another thread you childish mongoloid.

>> No.4598412

in fact i'm on a different computer and don't even have a single screen cap of ANYONE'S posts ever!


>> No.4598413

>tfw you were hugely into antinatalism for years and you think TD is amazing
>tfw angry /lit/fags are going to try and shit on antinatalism now because they have to distance themselves from the majority
>tfw comfy not giving a shit about these tryhards who let a TV show dictate their philosophy

>> No.4598418

you're obviously some kind of disinfo who has been set on the task of disrupting this thread so that no one DETACHES AND DISAPPEARS and walks the way to nirvana extinction.

otherwise, who would dislike my antinatalistic presence in such a thread? i'm not all over the board annoying YOU dear critic

>> No.4598422
File: 107 KB, 480x640, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disillusionment and detachment are the way to nirvana. approved by the early recluse buddhas, codified in the pali kanon. this is the revival of the most austere way of ascetic nihilism. like it or leave it. not for everyone. only the most gravely serious philosophical intense. do you have what it takes?

>> No.4598425

Nirvana is a life-affirming spook created by losers who realised moral nihilism was scawwy

>> No.4598426

I'm opposed to antinatalism and I don't even know this show.

The majority of people are antinatalist? Sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.4598436

Nah, but the majority of /lit/ will now attempt to shit on antinatalism to show their distaste for this show and their perception that "everyone" is now antinatalist because of this show and its medium-sized following.

>> No.4598454

>Nirvana is a life-affirming

the ignorant of these plebian stirner fags is very entertaining during my breakfast of whole grain hey arnold bread, honey, peanut butter, and chocolate soy milk.

pls continue

>> No.4598455

>trying to achieve a pointless impermanent state instead of just killing yourself and achieving a permanent and far superior state of non-existence

top, top kek

>> No.4598464

you must earn your extinction. enjoy your instant rebirth!

>> No.4598467

>believing in rebirth
>believing in "earning" anything when there is no objective value in anything

looks like we've found a hippie dumbass. call it in someone.

>> No.4598471

>believing in 'every death nirvana'
>leading a life of kharmic degeneration
>dying a fool, unwise, attached to life

ok u converted me
i quit hikkikomori buddhizm

>> No.4598472

by what standard is there no objective value in anything

>> No.4598473

Anything by Albert Caraco (so dark and dry) and Cioran (more pleasant but just as desperate).

>> No.4598474

>attached to life
>committing suicide because death is better than life

lel, you are stupid.

>> No.4598482

Is the show actually bad? I've never seen it.

>> No.4598488

It's very good, but the philosophy is only a part of one of the characters and isn't really at all important in the scheme of the show. Some idiots seem to think its centered on it.

>> No.4598516

shoot 'me' an email if any of 'my' posts regarding buddhizm have intrigued you. let's stay in contact. even if you are just looking for the best of the best in book recommendations for buddhism.

>> No.4598519

forgot to add - because i don't browse 4chan much and unless you contact me off the board it's less likely that our paths will cross again. haters also welcome, i'll convert you within a year. take the challenge.

>> No.4598529

>not enjoying celibacy

The pussy hunt gets old quick, friend.

>> No.4598532

it's called wizardchan lel

>> No.4598542

are you this desperate for human contact? go away you loser, with your shit ideas.

>> No.4598555

hikkikomori buddhizm: a modern day technologically progressive revival of the original buddhizm. some main features of the monastic discipline: celibacy, no relations with females, conservation of semen, destruction of desire, meditation, various other austerities and ascetic practices, reclusivity. main features of the philosophical thought: antinatalism, training in disillusionment and detachment as the way to nirvana [this oft repeated meme of 'disillusionment and detachment' is a rendition of a formula from the pali kanon texts of early buddhism]. this is the gravely serious way for the death shocked only. it's not your grandma's sunday christianity in church. this is the way to extinction. psychologically speaking it is the death of the self, the eradication of all desire. don't follow this way if you plan to be someone and something in the world. this is the way to unbecome someone and something. this is deprogramming, decentering. this is the way out. detachment as an abstract concept cannot even be found in monotheism. buddhizm is the highest peak of religion. no god, no soul, no eternal life. monastic nihilism training for extinction. earn your extinction don't believe the absurdity of 'every death nirvana'. suicide is of no use: instant rebirth! only a fool thinks he can escape samsaara so easily.

>> No.4598564

not desperate to discipline any of you plebs, but just offering an invitation to that one person perhaps who has felt a connection with me through these posts and thinks he would like to know more outside of this context and away from the dismissive plebs like you. like was said to other guy up above, your dismissals are only to protect your own laziness. by dismissing me you feel safe going about your life as you were. i disturb everyone i meet because of representing a higher way. i deal with your kind of stuff daily.

>> No.4598569

you're an idiot and a loser, and you know absolutely nothing. enjoy dying belatedly like the rest of humanity.

>> No.4598576

belatedly? it was already 'my' intention to reach extreme old age.

>> No.4598582

a belated death. you should just kill yourself right now, like everyone else. its already too late but do it anyway.

>> No.4598589
File: 45 KB, 320x240, 1221121504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'i' wonder if you think you're actually disturbing 'me'?

>> No.4598595

i don't seek to disturb your fragile little mind, i'm trying to educate you. a difficult task as your development has proven.

>> No.4598596


>> No.4598637

who the nigga you keep posting pics of

>> No.4598641

why don't you start a website m8, would be interesting

>> No.4598662
File: 110 KB, 381x448, sterver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>either life affirming or life denying

pls don't discredit st. max, he's of perfect neutral winks

>> No.4598875

'me'. admittedly it's a bit self-absorbed but it's part of the propaganda scheme for spreading this hikkikomori buddhizm meme. it is important that you see the 'who' that 'i' have become after years of researching religion and settling into the monastic nihilism of buddhizm. those pictures are all 2+ years old except the first green one which was very recent. send me an email if interested. prefer to take it off the board and away from plebs.

this is actually in the beginning stages. would you be interested in helping and being involved? i would welcome sincere interest from fellows with similar ways of living. let me know-email.

>> No.4598923


'i' am actually extremely well read on this subject matter. buddhizm has been 'my' obsession for several years now. when first exposed to it, it made no impact whatsoever in 'my' mind. in fact, 'i' was as dismissive of it, if not more, as the people here. it took time for the subtle insights of buddhizm to take effect. first it was necessary to deprogram all monotheism out of the mind which had gathered like dust, coagulated like resin in 'my' neurons. it is simply not possible to truly understanding buddhizm from a monotheistic perspective. it has no place for a creator, no god, no absolute morality, no eternal heaven or hell. nirvana is beyond god. buddhizm historically speaking was a sramanic movement, to be distinguished from the brahmanic orthodoxy in india. it is close brethren with jainism and other ascetic traditions of ancient india. it shares numerous similarities with greek philosophical traditions, hence 'my' use of the new term "ataraxian buddhizm". buddhizm should never be mistaken as hinduism; in fact, there was a conspiracy to remove buddhizm as a genuine tradition by 'hinduizing' it. this is what mahayana buddhism is to most people now. the buddhizm that 'i' live and teach to others is 'hinayana' buddhizm, devoid of the nonsense found in mahayana like eternal buddha, incarnated buddhas, deities, etc. what 'i' am doing is reviving a way of buddhizm through research and practical example of the way. you are basically witnessing the beginnings of a new buddhist sect, potent in its intensity of purpose, for the few and elite, not the stupid masses. this is the way for aryans - by nature not skin color. 'i' humbly await your email indicating your serious wish for further elucidation of the way to nirvana. 'i' shall not waste time here daily battling trolls when we could have one on one discussions.

>> No.4598930

if that was the case, the filename would be a number, not 'monastic nihilism' or whatever else you saved it under

>> No.4598940


>> No.4598948


>> No.4598968
File: 57 KB, 170x335, Carlo_Michelstaedter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrelated would have written a lot of bleak shit had he lived longer. But he offed himself on his mother's birthday, shortly after finishing his dissertation. He was a theist who thought God wanted to sudoku but could not cuz of being eternal. However, god came up with the idea to create our bleak reality and our minds are facets of his mind. And if WE sudoku, real godly non-existence begins. Theicide as the meaning of the universe.

>> No.4599042
File: 28 KB, 370x234, Rajneesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped reading right there

>> No.4599093

sounds interesting as fuck, thanks

>> No.4599747

Guy who capped here, I saved it because I found it an interesting post. I gave it a name so that I may find it easily.

>> No.4599797

i just woke up from my nap and what the fuck is going on here i don't understand

>> No.4599804

pls dont poison me

>> No.4599831


Arabic antinatalist. Pissed off Islamists enough to behead his likeness 1500 years later.

>> No.4599880
File: 155 KB, 800x648, 2342-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this pessimism

looks like someone forgot to eat their Will to Power bar this morning

>> No.4599891

Go watch some InMendham videos on youtube and you'll catch up soon enough.

>> No.4599893

kids are awesome, life is awesome, having kids to share your life with its awesome, fuck yall

>> No.4599918

Antinatalism is the ultimate incarnation of will to power.

Typical articulate breeder.

>> No.4599945

Whoever thinks allowing his child to be brought up in this world is a good idea is a sick perverted bastard.

>> No.4599959

Whoever thinks allowing his child to be brought up in this world is a good idea is a sick perverted bastard and should be castrated. With a grablje.

>> No.4599961
File: 343 KB, 720x400, antinatalist decorating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your household on point boys.

>> No.4599989


You claim to have no ego but it seems like you have the a massive one.

>> No.4599998

>Antinatalism is the ultimate incarnation of will to power

No, its the Will to Power turned against itself, strangling itself

Read your Genealogy

>> No.4600060
File: 1.33 MB, 777x1024, They-Live-final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck breeders, getting my tube tied in a couple of months

awesome hope ur kids have acool fun time enjoy all the money you'll have :):) thankx 4 making morwe workers thers alot mor jobs now 4 them

>> No.4600064

>getting my tube tied in a couple of months
if you need this op, you don't belong on 4chan bro, fucking normal fags

>> No.4600065

Not even sure what else dude is supposed to do with his money, except spending it on something that makes him happy and fulfilled

>> No.4600100


you need to make a lot of money to support even one human life anwhere outside of suburban limbo.

>> No.4600122

Yes, which is the ultimate incarnation of will to power.

I read it thrice.

>> No.4600229

Clearly Nietzsche does not think it's the ultimate, because the free spirit/philosopher of the future/ubermensch is supposed to transcend this form of pessimistic thinking.

I mean, in the very beginning of Zarathustra we have an example of a hermit who loves God and yet does not love human beings. This is the pessimist, the renunciate, and Zarathustra is contrasted with him by his love of human beings and his overwhelming desire to 'go under' and be among them.

>> No.4600233

typical criticism, you would like your buddhas to be janitors wiping up your bullshit tears instead of snoop boddah nirvana pimps.

>> No.4600249

I wasn't trying to parrot Nietzsche though. I disagree with Nietzsche because I ultimately consider his project to have failed. I think his greatness lies in recognising the problems, not in providing the solution. Great diagnostician, lacking therapist.

>> No.4600290
File: 152 KB, 1119x622, Buddha Demi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nietzsche is just a bridge leading across an abyss collapsed halfway across his skeleton smashed in the valley below. he never made it to nirvana in that life. he probably got a taste of something similar from opium and started to sympathize with the position of radical detachment offered by early monastic nihilism nirvana buddhizm. after all, of what use is affirmation of life in declining days of age where there is no future in this world in sight?

dogen ate soy
sterile soyzen boddahs
disillusioned and detached

>> No.4600317

>after all, of what use is affirmation of life in declining days of age where there is no future in this world in sight

It gives you physical strength of course, ask any doctor. The mental attitude of the sick is hugely influential in how their body responds.

I doubt that Nietzsche would have lasted as long as he did if he was not such a lover of life.

>providing a solution

Yes well, if you just want to be spoonfed values, then you could consider his project to have failed. Of course, this is not what Nietzsche is about.

>> No.4600329

wow, thank you so much. Every cracker who follows buddhism doesn't realize that it's essentially a death cult

Nibbana = "snuffing out"

>> No.4600334
File: 6 KB, 178x200, 1390589397001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this reads as delicious poetry.
poetry is the wrong word.

>> No.4600338

There's nothing more reprehensible than squandering your brief gasp of sentience in this universe by pretending to be dead

>> No.4600340

"Buddhism promises nothing, but actually fulfils; Christianity promises everything, but fulfils nothing."
-Fryderyk Niëtzky

>> No.4600351

because existence is sacred and non-existence is sinful :^)

>> No.4600368
File: 11 KB, 233x280, 1313254298395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than you realize

The entire practice of early Buddhism and also Theravada is a project of destroying all healthy, powerful and virile energies in a man. Sexual energy, feelings of strength and pride, enjoyment of life itself through pleasurable experiences. All must be guarded against and destroyed in the mind.

One of the major rules for a monk is not to listen to music.

Buddhism is basically "I had fun once and it was awful" the religion.

Meditation is cool though. Plus Buddha was pretty much right in the whole no-self thing, his response to it was just pessimistic as fuck.

Oh well, at least there's always Ikkyu's red thread zen.

>> No.4600375

fridrik nitsi
ffruderik nietze
fred erik nietsenberg

>> No.4600379

deep as fuck

And I'm not being ironic

>> No.4600386

>"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood."

top kek

>> No.4600389


Furiidoriku Nishi

>> No.4600424


>> No.4600431

buddhizm makes no apologies. if you want an antinatalistic pessimistic opium den nirvana cult, buddha has got you covered.

if you want to keep throwing fuel on the fire and postponing your nirvana that's your choice. it is automatic rebirth one after another until nirvana extinction. buddhas retire from existence. nirvana is the limit of abstract conception of detachment. beyond the beyond. kurt cobain could never just go sober after all those drug experiences. he was missing something staring him in the face. actual practice of recluse buddhizm for attaining a state of detachment beyond anything heroin could give him. he did a physical mock nirvana as suicide with the pun of 'blowing out' ie his brain. very funny kurt, but you were instantly in a new womb ready for another round.

>> No.4600461

The red thread way may lead to detachment even more efficiently though, eventually freeing you of enticement of the world in such a way that you can take it or leave it. Ikkyu was on to something, spending all night in the brothel gets you over sex sooner than sitting on a pillow.

"sin like a madman until you can't do anything else
no room for any more"

>> No.4600507


you don't honestly believe in that drivel though, cmon


also why the hell do you write like this? it's not charming or funny fyi

>> No.4600517

Maybe, but what I get from his poetry is more Hedonistic life affirmation than pessimistic asceticism.

Then again, Zen is much less pessimistic and ascetic than traditional theravada or early Buddhism. It's all that taoism and Chinese madhyamika.

>> No.4600636
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don't listen to this faggot. he doesn't seem to grasp the profound truth of the nothingness.

i would like to hear more of your thoughts on "buddhizm". how do you feel about the history of the west? an ongoing struggle against nihilism? what is your opinion on the enlightenment? has this strengthened the presence of the delusion of self? what about the schizophrenic frenzies of current late capitalism? can any of these currents be manipulated into achieving mass nibbana?

i've always been high fascinated with death cults. i had an idea to start one with my girlfriend when we were on acid but she called me evil and dumped me and i was so sad i forgot how to speak english for several hours and smoked cigarettes while hoping my roommate wouldn't notice my muteness.

>> No.4600644

He seems beyond both pessimism and optimism to me. Post-dualistic no fucks given, but tenderly so.

"one long pure beautiful road of pain
and the beauty of death and no pain"

"I hate it I know it's nothing but I
suck out the world's sweet juicy plum"

"nature's a killer I won't sing to it
I hold my breath and listen to the dead singing under the grass"

"don't hesitate get laid that's wisdom
sitting around chanting what crap"

"if there's nowhere to rest at the end
how can I get lost along the way?"

"that stone Buddha deserves all the birdshit it gets
I wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind"

Ikkyu was glorious.

>> No.4600669

Every cracker who follows literature doesn't realize that it's essentially a death-cult

Sex = "death"

>> No.4600668

>what is your opinion on the enlightenment? has this strengthened the presence of the delusion of self?

No it has weakened it, see for example, the recent work of Derek Parfit, but also Hume's view of the self.

>what about the schizophrenic frenzies of current late capitalism? can any of these currents be manipulated into achieving mass nibbana?

>mass nibbana

the fuck?

is this a troll?

>> No.4600749

Literature is actually a death cult since insight ultimately results in a will to nothingness.

>> No.4600751

literature is a medium, not a single ideological movement

that's like saying, music is a death cult or something equally ridiculous

>> No.4600759

>thinks there were no suicides in preliterate civilization.
Oh you Norquists.

>> No.4600782

all intellectual pursuits are a death cult. there is no correlate between thought and being. knowledge is an illusion. the light of consciousness is a false illumination. a shadow pulled over a shadow. but no matters the lies one tells themselves, we all ultimately fall prey to the void... even the worship of procreation only leads to more death for others.

>> No.4600798
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>> No.4600802

>hurr we're all going to die

You're not as profound as you think you sound. At least in a Nietzschean sense, literature can be life affirming (Greek tragedy, poetry, etc) or it can be pessimistic and life denying (Schopenhauer, Christian literature). This is the distinction that I am making here.

>> No.4600855

you think you're profound?


how is christian literature life-denying? because it believes in an afterlife? honestly, i think christianity has done more to promote life than most things on this planet. it prevents suicide. it encourages marriage. it encourages a family structure which leads to health and community.

not to mention, there are tonnes of christian writers who affirm the beauty of earth, augustine in fact criticizes gnosticism for saying earth is false.

meanwhile, nietzsche calls his own shit life-affirming when it led to his own madness and death and poverty and loneliness.

and schopenhauer, on the other hand, had numerous scintillating affairs and married and divorced and took care of cats and lived to a ripe old age and shit.

who's the one who was really life-denying here honestly?

>> No.4600891

>literature is a medium, not a single ideological movement

Yes, but here's how it goes:

>read a bunch of books
>amount of views of which one knows to exist increases
>contradicting views cause tension
>research is required
>research leads to more tension and less answers
>scepticism and/or nihilism happen
>not being able to deal with this happens
>pessimism happens
>will to nothingness happens

>> No.4600928

because it believes in an afterlife?

among other things, yes

>it prevents suicide

By using fear of punishment by an angry God. Besides, there is little about suicide in early Christian doctrine, that came later with Augustine. The donatists loved becoming martyrs and going to heaven.

Also, if you actually knew a bit about suicide, you would know that religious doctrines are a very small influence in people's decision to kill themselves.

>it encourages marriage. it encourages a family structure which leads to health and community.

Families and marriages were around before Christianity, and existed independently of Christianity around the world. Christianity had very little to say about family life initially, it was a end of days cult.

>> No.4600946

Less questions answered isn't nihilism.

Really a state of "I don't know shit and neither do you" is the true endgame of extensive reading.

>> No.4600949
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Life is a death cult.

>> No.4600953
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>If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

Luke 14:26

>> No.4600955

It seems you missed:
>scepticism and/or

>> No.4600966

I saw it. But nihilism still seems to be something people turn to when they have no answers.

>> No.4600971
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>who's the one who was really life-denying here honestly?
You know me, sir!

>> No.4600985

How does that refute the process I was describing?

>> No.4601007

Nietzsche calls everything nihilism. Religion is nihilism. Atheism is nihilism. His own philosophy is just "active nihilism". It basically all collapses if you really look at it. But unfortunately there's a whole industry of philosophy professors trying to make a career out of saying that being a boring academic is the path to supermanhood.
Sounds like something Nietzsche would say. He's a crypto-Christian. Why else write the Anti-Christ?

>> No.4601014
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>Nietzsche calls everything nihilism
>He's a crypto-Christian

now I know you're trolling

>> No.4601028

>But unfortunately there's a whole industry of philosophy professors trying to make a career out of saying that being a boring academic is the path to supermanhood.

wait, is this like, one of those american things?

>> No.4601042
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I didn't mean to sound like I was disagreeing. Sorry.

>> No.4601054

this is just one path that people take though

not all readers are so eclectic and willing to challenge their preconceived ideas

in fact, most people just read shit that already agrees with them

in this sense, literature can just act as a echo chamber of one's worlview

>> No.4601981
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The interesting thing with this idea is that crashes down whenever the neighbours have kids.

>> No.4601989

How do you mean?