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/lit/ - Literature

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4595380 No.4595380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would I able able to impress well-read guys? I'm not well-read at all, I was a Harry Potter fangirl and read fantasy/sci fi as a teenager. The most 'literary' I ever got was Nick Hornby's High fidelity, and a couple of Steinbeck books.

How do I become well read enough to at least be able to hold a conversation about books? I mean it's not just for guys I'd like to be more cultured, have a more accurate world view and get to experience some beautiful art.

>> No.4595387

impress them with your sincerity regarding your ignorance
if you are an ignorant you are going to get caught anyways
play the female intuition>culture card

>> No.4595384

Just read. Don't even think about status. Just read a lot and you'll get there.

>> No.4595385

>How do I become well read enough to at least be able to hold a conversation about books?
You read?

But seriously, go find any list of literary classics, and start there.

>> No.4595391
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>Spoon = this thread's premise
>Little girl = /lit/

>> No.4595393

whatever you do dont read nietzsche, if women discover nietzsche it will be the end of society
>behold, ye weaklings, the uberbitch

>> No.4595397

maybe if we are nice she will be our qt314gf

>> No.4595401

Women can read Nietzsche if they want to.

I can guarantee they won't understand him.

>> No.4595404

And then what? How do I get my finger on the pulse so to speak? It's like tuning in to episode 23495879098 of the most complicated soap opera ever.

And loads of references to other things will go completely over my head too.

Oh hey I know about him, we covered him when we studied Nazi Germany. 'Superman' and all that right? It's been a long time.

Don't worry, misogyny doesn't even affect my blood pressure anymore after being on this site for so long.

>> No.4595414
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>we covered him when we studied Nazi Germany

>> No.4595418
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Just fucking read. Here's the /lit/ starter kit. Read a couple of these. You don't need them all and just go from there.

Don't read just to get that qt 3.14 /lit/ bf you want. Read because you like it. He'll probably like you even if you aren't as well read as him. Let him recommend a couple books to you. He might like that.

>> No.4595427

if you dont get the reference why do you jump so fast to the conclusion that because it mentions gender it is sexist?

Nietzsche was an analyst of interpersonal relations, he thought all was a matter of strength and domination, a great part of this is sexual.
Nietzsche understood that men ought to free themselves from relationships in which women might control them trough the dispensation of sexual favors, if a women happened to understand and apply this principles to her sexuality, it would be disastrous, women already hold the upper card in terms of sex, a nietzschean woman would be comparable to a natural disaster sweeping across the lives of everyone who was unfortunate enough to be in the way of her will to power.

inb4 fedora
inb4 I used the will to power wrong

>> No.4595431

>Nietzsche?, oh yes, I know him, the nazi guy
historical innacuracy intensifies

>> No.4595435
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Just read some of that sexy Rimbaud. I can guarantee you that every guy in the univers has crush on these mournful eyes, doesn't matter how straight he says he is.

>> No.4595437

You didn't, but I think you might be a little sensationalized about it, which is non-masculine according to Nietzsche.

>> No.4595440

But then again, you should be rather intransigent to who you really are. So if you really are a misogynist, go for it, but I don't see the value in being one.

Men are men. Men are also women

But women are not men. Remember this.

>> No.4595445

Well thanks. I've only read one book out of those. It's a start

*shrug* I just heard he was a misogynist so I made a lazy assumption.

...I see.

I don't really like that kind of stuff, I think I'll stick to scientific way of understanding things when it comes to psychology and relationships.


Never said he was a Nazi, he just influenced Hitler's ideas, supposedly.

>> No.4595446
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>Nietzsche understood that men ought to free themselves from relationships in which women might control them trough the dispensation of sexual favors

>> No.4595447

You shouldn't worry about "impressing" any man. If he can't handle you how you are, tell him to fuck off. You are too precious to waste yourself trying to fit into patriarchal ideas of "education".

>> No.4595449

Feminist theory seems dodgy and unscientific to me.

>> No.4595452

If you want to impress well-read guys start by not doing this.

>> No.4595454

well, that is the basic interpretation of Nietzsche, if you have a different interpretation of Nietzsche's sexual dynamics feel free to share it

>> No.4595460

I'm so sorry. Truly.

>> No.4595462

This is obviously sarcasm but trying to become well read to snag a guy is actually silly. He'll see through it.

>> No.4595463

2/10 didn't even try did you

>> No.4595465

Yes, Nietzsche opposed the feminization of men, but the feminization of men started with the Jews according to him, not women.

I think you might be a little sensationalized about this, which is your downfall. /r9k/ has some misogynist threads you could post in, though.

Ironically complaining about women being over you is a very feminine thing to do.

>> No.4595471

>more accurate world view and get to experience some beautiful art

These are not things you can acquire by reading lots of clever books, though. You sound like you want to acquire the habitus of 'high art' as accepted in certain social circles. That will only make you a phony like the rest. If you want a guy to like you, just be honest and tell him that you don't know anything about these things but would like to know. He can mansplain it to you, which he will absolutey love, if he is the least bit intellectual. You have at this point won. An uncultured woman who really wants to get into culture is a hundred times more attractive than some well-read cunt with her own shitty opinions, thank you very much.

>> No.4595472

>aspiring to be with a c/lit/

I don't know what you look like, how funny you are, or how smart you are but honey you can do better.

>> No.4595473

You better be.

>> No.4595477

>ITT top bait

>> No.4595478

Too many fucking rules. Just don't sit down when you pee and learn to change a tire. There. You're a man.

>> No.4595482

>It's like tuning in to episode 23495879098 of the most complicated soap opera ever.

That is a good comparison, you are obviously a clever and creative person. Don't fret, you are going to be fine. Most of it is 'fake it till you make it', if you are talking about people with liberal arts degrees. More conservative people, especially in Old Europe will make it slightly harder to be accepted as a cultured person, then again they are probably so disgusted by everyone that even trying to behave will put you in their good books.

>> No.4595483


Ahahahahaha. Oh, OP, if you're not well-read now, you'll never be well-read. Besides, men don't care about whether a woman is well-read as much as if she's physically attractive, you mouth-breathing crack whore. A better question is: "How do I give better blowjobs?"

I will bet good money that if you "looked the part" of a well-read individual, it would attract more men then if you actually were well-read. Now run along, slut.

>> No.4595485

You know what OP, listen to this guy.

All you really need to do, is read stuff that interests you. The reason why /lit/ doesn't really respect 'must-read' lists is because every book is substantially different because of the perception of the individual writing it. Something everyone realizes is that when you read a book, that book becomes part of who you are and your daily decisions are impacted because of it.

Read Fahrenheit 451 to understand this theory better.

>> No.4595486


Oh god I fulfill neither of these requirements and I have a large penis... hold me, interwebs.

>> No.4595489

Holy shit why can't you idiots just ignore the attention whore.


>> No.4595490

You don't want the kind of guy who's going to jerk off about his literary experience.

>> No.4595492

>You know what OP, listen to this guy.

Yes, OP, listen to this person telling you to listen to me!

>> No.4595494

Yes but you see, you think being strict, stern, vapid, and overbearing are masculine traits, but in reality these are feminine traits. Nietzsche even tackled that in his work. Creativity is truly the most masculine trait. Here's one my favorite quotes from him

"Many a peacock hides his tail from every eye -- and calls it his pride"

>> No.4595498

It takes like 2 minutes to learn to change a tire. Ask your father or watch a youtube video or something.

>> No.4595500


I could probably do it, to be honest.

>> No.4595502

I initially started reading to impress a girl. Or to correct a feeling of inferiority inspired by being not as well read as her. Six years later and I have almost forgotten her, but still in love with lit.

I don't expect a gf to be well read, but I definitely prefer if they have an interest in reading, even an undeveloped one. So just start reading, I guess.

>> No.4595503


no u didn't

>> No.4595504
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An actually well read guy will never be 'impressed' by you. A well read man will go for the girl with the tightest ass, and her having read fifty shades of grey will give him vastly more pleasure than her poor attempt to "discuss Knut Hamsun" or whatever.

Squats will bring you a smarter man than books ever will.

>> No.4595506

Everything women do is done for the sole purpose of getting the attention of and impressing men. Why isn't /lit/ outraged at this thread?

>> No.4595512

Because we fixed her ITT.

Being misogynists is not the answer to attention whores, and /lit/ is edified enough to understand this.

>> No.4595514

>Squats will bring you a smarter man than books ever will.

THIS. It works for men, too. Squats will MAKE you a smarter man than books ever will. Prove me wrong, you can't. You probably don't even lift.

>> No.4595516

>implying I don't lift solely for aesthetics

Because I mean, hey, if I'm in a materialistic culture I may as well play the game

>> No.4595525

We didn't fix anything, for there is not fix to human nature. We just fulfilled our duty of fulfilling her desire, which is of being given attention. She didn't consider anything that was said in this thread, but just enjoyed the fifteen minutes of attention that were given her.

>> No.4595526

Not every guy is a shallow meathead.

>> No.4595531

You should stop that act of applying labels to persons and ideas, for it may and surely will cloud your judgment.

>> No.4595534

Human nature can't be fixed your right.

But women being in the spotlight is not natural. It is an abstraction of their natural desires, a materialist abstraction.

>> No.4595538

Hi! Few things to start off with =]
1. Yes I added you because you're a female bibliophile, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
2. I'm Brian.
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy.
If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

>> No.4595545

Every one of us are meatheads. If some of us prefer the skinny girls that never wear make up to the well dressed, big busted woman, then that is just us trying not to fulfill the definition that was here not given of meathead. Yes, trying to be the opposite of the standard. But I don't see how that makes us free from our "meathead instinct," rather than being governed by it.

>> No.4595549
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One is shallow for appreciating an ass that screams hard work, peaking hormone levels, and good health?
I don't think so.

>> No.4595550

>you think being strict, stern, vapid, and overbearing are masculine traits, but in reality these are feminine traits.
>Creativity is truly the most masculine trait.

So basically Nietzsche said: "fuck languages, now words mean what I claim they mean !" and made masculine and feminine into two completely different things from what they were before. It sure was fun to do philosophy in the nineteenth century.

>> No.4595551

Human relationships that arise from shallow interests such as that never prosper.

>> No.4595554

Some of us consider appearance of secondary importance. It might be easier to think the world is as shallow as you but once you hit 18 you might think a bit differently.

>> No.4595555
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>> No.4595556

Naturally, we know from neuroscience that men are better at comprehending things for longer periods of time, while women's brains align toward more analytical tasks, supporting Nietzsche's original assertions about the nature of women and men,

Philosophy is very, very closely related to sociology, and you can see that throughout Nietzsche's works as well as Marx

>> No.4595557

Aside from the hard work. Yeah.

>> No.4595560

Fuck it I know he doesn't like me and finds me annoying and finds my views laughable, but I'm still interested in all these books.

>> No.4595561

You're wrong anon, nobody is trying "not to fulfill the definition" of whatever. We just happen to have different tastes. It's like chicken and fish you know, there's so different but you can love to eat them both.

>> No.4595562

You're on /lit/.

>> No.4595564

>but once you hit 18 you might think a bit differently.
Yeah, test. levels does indeed decrease once you hit 18-25.
Weird how those considering appearance of secondary importance always tend to show alarmingly many signs of low test. levels.

Of course, it's only secondary importance as long as she isn't ugly, amright?

>> No.4595565
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>> No.4595567

>Don't worry, misogyny doesn't even affect my blood pressure anymore after being on this site for so long.
How could this idiot ever analytically read something?

>> No.4595569

Care to elaborate?

>> No.4595570

Nice b8, as they say here.
But seriously, source ? That sounds like some serious bogus.

>> No.4595573

Alright I guess we're done then.

>> No.4595574

why? We only want our children to be as genetically gifted as possible. What's wrong with that?

>> No.4595581
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>> No.4595582

Yeah, I would surely love to believe that. In our feminine society there's no more "I like that, therefore I will pursue that" as much as "I like that, but how would society see me if they knew I did? Maybe I should like this instead, so I will be better accepted in everyone's eyes".

>> No.4595583


>> No.4595587

>genetically gifted


But joking aside you don't need an olympic weightlifter for healthy children. Having a good mother to care for them is far more important for their future success.

>> No.4595601

We were talking about physical appearance, not olympic WLs. I'd rather have my kids grow up tall, healthy, free of genetic diseases, "naturally athletic", attractive and with a sharp mind - than slow, ugly, bald, short, easily putting on fat, riddled with genetic diseases, diabetes, with a supportive mom that shares my interests in literature.

>> No.4595606


>> No.4595609

>In our feminine society

At least we're not obsessed about appearing to be masculine. I mean, it's like the ancients where all so insecure they were willing to have their limbs severed in order not to be called a pussy

>L-look dad, I'm totally not a woman, r-right ?


>"I like that, but how would society see me if they knew I did? Maybe I should like this instead, so I will be better accepted in everyone's eyes".

Nice job explaining how human societies have worked for the past five millenias in just one sentence.

Seriously anon, just stick with the "chicken and fish" theory. It's the best aestheticam paradigm you can find on the internet. Not need to be frustrated about the current state of our society, as long as your dick is stil attached between your legs when you wake up in the morning you won't have to consider yourself "feminised".

>> No.4595611

Wanting a girl free of genetic diseases is different than wanting "the girl with the tightest ass". >>4595504

>> No.4595635

>>4595504 has it backwards. Women go for men with nice arses because those muscles determine force of ejaculation. I dunno if they've done the study with gay men, but it would explain the chaps. Wider not tighter is what matters the opposite direction for men and women though.

>> No.4595656
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Hello OP

>> No.4595669

>Squats will bring you a smarter man than books ever will.
But it doesn't have to be exclusively one or the other - there are plenty of well-read attractive girls out there. I understand that this is 4shit and people try to live up to the forced "tfe handheldless virgin xB" stereotype, but, still

>> No.4595687

Nobody wants some cunt getting on your nerves about her taste in literature, what did you think about this honeyyyy, i don't agree with that honeyyy, why don't you discuss it with me honeyyyy. Fucking look good, suck my dick, and make me a sandwich.

>> No.4595688

Read a lot.
Always be honest, never make yourself out to be smarter than you are or pretend to know something you don't.
Smoke the longest cigarettes you can find and act slightly more juvenile than you are.

>> No.4595696

>Smoke the longest cigarettes you can find and act slightly more juvenile than you are.

if you want to attract a pretentious fedora-wearing douchenozzle with no job

>> No.4595701

People lose interest in the other side if the only thing that made them enter a relationship is physical attraction

>> No.4595705
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>tfw no qt 3.14 gf to nag me about what I'm reading

>> No.4595707

>implying those are not /lit/'s favorite fetishes

>> No.4595708
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Oh the ingenuity. To me, this whole thing just escalated from sad to cute really quickly.

>> No.4595709

I remember when I was 13.

>> No.4595714

Don't worry you'll come around again.

>> No.4595718

I'm not the one to underrate sandwich-making abilities.

>> No.4595720

>honeeeeyyyy did you pick which edward lear quote we're stencilling in the nursery? i think the flowers are the best.

>> No.4595722

muh dik

>> No.4595727
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>> No.4595746

I'm currently seeing a girl who is both very well read and does an hour or two of squatting exercises and jogging every day so this thread makes it sound like I've found a girl who couldn't possibly exist.

>> No.4595750

She doesn't exist, only men are capable of performing more than one activity in a day silly.

>> No.4595751

You found a phony or a tryhard.

Maybe even both.

>> No.4595753

>squatting everyday

Bitch needs to pace herself.

>> No.4595767

If she's squatting every day she's one of those "cardio bunnies" that have no ass and no notion of what they're doing

no thanks

>> No.4595768

I'd like to think that was an intentional joke, where you say to ignore recommendations, then give one anyway. I thought it was pretty clever.

>> No.4595773

Seriously. Say one tiny thing about a black or jew and /lit/ freaks out, busts out the >>>/pol/ , and puts on their SJW hats. But rampant woman hating? Oh that's fine. Nobody cares.

>> No.4595795

Even the leftist hellhole that is /lit/ recognizes the truth about women?

>> No.4595798


Her arse and thighs are fantastic so whatever she's doing I like it and I hope she sticks with it. I also want to say that I hope she keeps reading good books to but I know that if I were to mention any authors you guys would say that those books are actually shit or that she's just pretending and doesn't really get them so there's no point.

>> No.4595826

i don't give a shit whether a woman reads books. i suppose its nice that she has a hobby outside of social media and shopping.

>> No.4595882

>How would I able able to impress well-read guys?

I'm leaning on 'well-read', without reading anything else into it.

Dive into some Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.4595894

/fit/ or /pol/ or something has been shitposting, probably /fit/ since their fascism comes with more playfully repressed homosexuality

>> No.4595920

Bullshit. It's always like this. Bigotry is only bad here if it interferes with white guilt.

>> No.4595933
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>people falling for an obvious troll thread
come on guise, i thought you were better than that

>> No.4595956

Then you're just as dumb as we are.

>> No.4596024

why not read for readings sake, retard? go to the library and stop trying be someone youre not.

>> No.4596078

Wall Street Journal, I believe. Don't have the link saved, keep the knowledge in my brain

>> No.4596084

>if women discover nietzsche it will be the end of society
>behold, ye weaklings, the uberbitch

>implying this hasnt already happened

>> No.4596088

Yeah I saw that myself. But, you know, it's true, that if you want to understand why book recommendations are nice, but shouldn't be arbitrarily assigned so everyone is reading the same books, you should read some Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.4596091

The truth about women is that they're mirrors of men

>> No.4596113

Oh no, I don't disagree with you. Just wanted to point that out. There's a reason highschool core exists as a curriculum.

>> No.4598403

Well...thanks guys.

>> No.4598414

>Spoon = this thread's premise
Nice pun, though a bit dirty.

>> No.4598419
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>> No.4598874

Nah, bro, women can read Nietzsche just fine. It's just that without the sense of humor that society sees fit to require in men from a young age, they treat it as serious business to a fault.

>> No.4599286

>without the sense of humor that society
it's evolution, not just society


>> No.4599303

To impress well-read people, you have to be well-read. I would just suggest you learn to be a good listener and ask the right questions to make a well-read guy feel like you enjoy when he talks about his reading, and he will like you.

>> No.4599329

This anon is pretty much right. If I ask a girl about books and she replies with "Oh I love reading books!" but the depth of her experience is The Hunger Games and Harry Potter, it's a turn-off because she appears over-eager and it actually makes her look stupid.

It goes like this: either she feels those books are deep, which makes her ignorant, or she feels she can trick me, which makes me feel insulted. I know she's probably just saying that to impress me, but that comes across too desperate. I'd rather just have her admit that she isn't a very avid reader but is interested by me than anything. Remember though, being honest about your emotions is good, so if a well-read guy impresses you, tell the well-read guy that you really like that he reads. Only a total dork-ass moron wouldn't understand that.

>> No.4599503

>How would I able able to impress well read guys?

Well you want to impress 'well read guys' so that's a start. The next step would be gaining the ability to string a cohesive sentence together.