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/lit/ - Literature

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4586898 No.4586898 [Reply] [Original]

Long-time /lit/ poster and lifelong virgin here,

What are some books that will help me get laid, preferably by a woman?

>> No.4586906

shades of grey chicks really dig it

>> No.4586917


Go to a bar that has women you think you can fuck. Wait till bar close. Ask one to go home with you. Keep doing it until one bites. Get fucked.

>> No.4586953

No book is going to get you laid, twit. Talking to women, learning to not focus so entirely on yourself during interactions with others (by this I mean not fretting about how smart you come off, how your hair looks, this that and the other thing), being comfortable enough to crack jokes, and being an amiable and likable person to be around will get you laid. Women respond to emotion more so than body type. Does being sexy as fuck and built like a Greek God draw attention sooner than an ordinary looking guy? Of course. I'd know. I'm fucking sexy. We're all human and want to fuck the superior looking mate. But we're in a society that loves wit and humor and comfort and all the other good shit. A book won't teach you confidence. You have to pull that shit up out of yourself. And you know? Not being ashamed of your awkwardness, your occasional stumbling over your own words, and admitting your ignorance of some subjects is a lot more endearing than trying to be impressive all the time. Good luck.

>> No.4586965

>What are some books that will help me get laid, preferably by a woman?

Leave this website and stay away until you've been inside of a vagina. That's honestly one of the best things you can do for yourself.

>> No.4586966

Theory of Mind is generally something you learn from practice, not books.

>> No.4586973


I'm the dude who wrote the long post but I'm going to second this, since it's succinct and better advice than what I offered. Leave 4chan. This place, fun though it is, breeds cynicism, pessimism, and a false sense of intellectual superiority. Get out of here, explore the world around you, keep your head up and learn that your life is passing steadily by and that you could put it to better use allowing yourself some silliness and joy rather than arguing about literature on a forum.

Then lose your virginity and come back to /lit/ and insult others at your leisure.

>> No.4587009

This book has ruined my chances with women

>> No.4587012

What the fuck is up with the PUAs/crypto-PUAs on /lit/ recently? Go to /adv/ please.

>> No.4587022


I am comfortable enough to crack jokes, I just don't have the kind of creativity or imagination to. It's like that part of my brain is missing. Maybe because I'm somewhat autistic. Confidence isn't the issue.

>> No.4587024

Take a book you don't like, cut a hollow portion into it, and fill the hollow with money. Use it to discreetly hire a prostitute.

>> No.4587028



I visit this place infrequently and don't visit the internet for much else besides it, so I'm lost on most acronyms.

What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.4587029


Probably because there are certain social formulas that work and others that don't. It's like plugging in the correct numbers to a simple algebra problem to get the solution you want

>> No.4587034


"Pick up artists"

It means people like Neill Strauss and his acolytes who believe that there is a specific set of steps/formula to sexually attract women for a one night stand. They can usually be found in advice threads about how to talk to girls.

>> No.4587042

neil strauss is a bald faggot manlet who probably posts on lit that's how much of a nerd he is.

>> No.4587047

There aren't. People who can't understand human interaction except through clear cut distinctions and formulas and strict cause and effect are called "mind blind".

>> No.4587053


How can there not be specific distinctions and formulas that are established and respected within a specific socio-cultural framework?

>> No.4587054


exactly, thats why you need to read people like heartiste or tomassi instead.

>> No.4587060


Oh, I see. Thanks.

Sounds like a shitty set of people.

>> No.4587063

There can on a massive scale, social theory. On a small scale, human behavior is too "erratic" to apply standardized "formulas" to. There's a basic idea of social etiquette, then you get to know the person individually.

>> No.4587085


All right but don't expect me to believe that humans don't share enough commonalities that they won't intuitively respond the same way to a specific set of stimuli

>> No.4587098


on the contrary, the functions of the id monster are highly uniform amongst humans, as befitting of basal impulses. it is these airs of etiquette, ideology, superego, that gives beings their distinction and complexity.

>> No.4587176

They probably do, but if you're perform them artificially instead of organically, it will show, if even on an unconscious level, and you will strike others as an artificial person.

You speak of "scientific" one moment, then bring in Freud the next. There is no scientific evidence that sex and death are the only two driving desires of people, and in fact I don't see any reason to recognize that notion.

>> No.4587187


freud doesnt have a monopoly on the terms of 'id', emotional pathways, or et cetera, which have aquired newer meanings in this social context, because the framework itself is useful.

>> No.4587206


I really think that by virtue of being autistic and not having this kind of thing come intuitively to me it's going to be and come across as "artificial" no matter what I do

>> No.4587231

The framework is, yes. But not in the sense of creating a formula, since there is no certainty that all complex pleasures are merely more baroque forms of simple pleasures; even if they are, you can't understand sculpture simply by studying the chemical makeup of clay and marble.

>> No.4587245

Are you autistic autistic, or are you just on the spectrum? Because if you were a flat out autistic person, then a woman could keep bumping into you and smiling and saying "excuse me", and you'd just think she was clumsy as fuck.

>> No.4587251

If you are autistic there are support groups and social workers that can help you learn to be more social with others. You should look into those

>> No.4587262

Do you have frequent tics or spasms?

Can you speak?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are not autistic (even somewhat). Stop using this as an excuse. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm trying to put you in the right frame of mind.

>> No.4587272


Autistic people aren't mute and I was diagnosed as a kid.

I'm not severely autistic enough to have a huge need to do what >>4587251
suggested, but yes, I am autistic and it does create problems.

It's not an excuse, just the only explanation I can think of that I've never had sex or knowingly been on a date well into adulthood

>> No.4587303

>Long-time /lit/ poster and lifelong virgin
made me laugh

>> No.4587318


i sympathize with what youre saying, but the fact remains that certain emotional reflexes/responses are pretty much universal, the nuance comes in how they are rationalized/expressed (the proverbial hampster wheel). for something easily relateable, the basically reflexive urge to dispell devalidation/protect the ego by any means possible (in debate this usually makes any actual point or purpose in the discussion tertiary to achieving the sense of 'winning' the social interaction in some way).

for a topical example, the impulse for a girl to shittest someone comes pretty much as naturally as a guy oggling curves does (which is to say, both are prone to doing such things at varying levels), and the feeling of someone defusing or overcoming such spars is basically the same as getting an eyeful of round ass ('tingles'). its really not hard to understand how 'bad boys' who are big on the dark triad can generate such loyalty (extreme example, battered wife syndrome) merely by accidentally approximating the mannerisms of a more transcendent alpha, its because the selection mechanism is very strong.

>> No.4587321

So, you are going to let an arbitrary label control your life?

You admitted that you can talk. So practice. Anything else is wallowing in your misery.

I am not trying to trivialize your symptoms. My mother smoked when she was pregnant with me and I was "diagnosed" as autistic as well. But now I have a girlfriend and am enjoying life. You are responsible for changing your life. We cannot do that for you. Just start by having a short conversation with somebody and keep trying.

>> No.4587329

Why is Jesus kissing Joan Jett on that cover ?

>> No.4587330

Also, incremental action is key. You can't just go up to a girl and ask for a date. You have to start with the small things and build your way up.

>> No.4587376


I wouldn't say they are shitty people. Its more of adapting to shitty girls. It's interesting that all that crap actually works.

>> No.4587453

Go ahead and start a new field called "relationship theory" if you want, but I don't think you'll get far.

>> No.4588026

I'd say go to university and hit student bars/parties of the more intellectual edge; although I'm going for teacher (Swedish and English, upper high school level, basically) and get laid with different people regularly, I've seen fuckin' semi-autistic engineers get it on with chicks of acceptable looks just because they're there and nice.

Don't know how it is in your area, but the humanistics here are quite strong and popular and organise both bar- and café nights discussing poetry, literature and so on. Hipster-ish, sure, but good people nonetheless.

>> No.4588045

You'll want a heavy book, so that you only have to hit them with it once.

>> No.4588053

>using gay ass terms like mind blind instead of calling OP an autistic sperge
>thinking social interactions can't be analytically examined to provide maximum results, or at least an optimal structure

why are you even here? shouldn't you be on tumblr or something?

As for OP, take a class on dancing. There's no better way to impress a girl you don't know than by being able to waltz or tango. ALso network, not only will it provide you with practice in social interaction but also give you a wide base of potential mates to chose from. Finally, find an ugly girl who likes you more than you do her (or sleep with a few prostitutes) so you can get the experience necessary and wont mess everything up when it comes to a girl you actually want. Most people I know who sleep with prostitutes regularly actually do have an easier time picking up girls.

>> No.4588054

What is some good NLP books? Doing some sales at a store and I'm fine with talking to people and having a nice conversation but to actually sell I sound too obvious

>> No.4588057

None, they tend to be shit. Get a real social engineering book (generally written by people with more experience than "totally slept with a few bar sluts mang") or actually practice by going out and making mistakes.

>> No.4588060

honestly, you will hear a different approach from every book you read. go out and talk to people although the accumulation of all the books you will read outside of grand gestures of seduction are

>play a numbers game - talking to 100 girls will result in at least 1 number
>give off sense that their rejection of you will do nothing to you, and as if you have other girls to talk too/give off confidence
>come across as interesting and worth getting to know

that's pretty much it, in my opinion all books do is cause the reader to form scripts in their head and then when reality meets the script and it doesnt go as plan, the person becomes an unstuck mess because they cannot improvise

>> No.4588068

Seriously? damn it did sound cool as well. Thanks anyway

>> No.4588075

get a hooker, it removes the hypocrisy from sexual economics. very refreshing.

>> No.4588080

>hollywood school of diagnostics

>> No.4588182

Look into books on social engineering, they're a lot more interesting without all the bro-science.

The most known one is obviously How to Win Friends, but Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking is also decent. How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace is another great book, written bv an ex-PI (I think, its been a while) who discusses a lot of great dactics for manipulating people to get information and general people skills.

>> No.4588202

This, I'm a Catholic (so I don't say this lightly), if you want to "get laid" it's FAR better to go to a prostitute than to seduce a woman.
Being a seducer of women is a disgrace. Think of your own wife, sister, daughter being seduced by some libertine whose read these infernal texts.

>> No.4588553

>preferably by a woman
You sure a cracknigger raping you in a public toilet is not ok ? It would be so easy.

>> No.4588558

This. Just shell out the cast for a hooker. Building up the skills to get laid will cost you just as much. Go to Nevada or Amsterdam ideally. Use a condom.

>> No.4588599


Lol, what a nasty cover. Implying an ugly neckbeard like that guy would ever manage to get a girl.

>> No.4588607


>my parents had this book
>found it when I was 7
>hard like DIAMONDS
>totally forgot about this shit
>showed it to all my friends
>got caught with it
>my mom had to explain to friends parents what we were looking at
>friend never returned.

>> No.4588613

Just date within your friendship group, less time having to impress people, and more likely that the person will have similar interests to you

>> No.4588872


Back in the 70s having long hair and facial hair was considered attractive in a male

>> No.4588879


10/10 le epic trollface

>> No.4589130

Late but thanks. Very grateful

>> No.4589145

and then you break up and ruin the whole group

>> No.4589155
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>> No.4589175
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>tfw this will never be socially acceptable in our lifetime

>> No.4589185

it is at this very moment, silly boy. move into a hip neighbourhood, bearded idiots everywhere.

>> No.4589194

I'm trying to get a job in a professional industry, man. I do have a pretty nice beard though, I mostly meant the hair. Most people respect a decent beard nowadays or at least don't care as long as you're willing to shave.

>> No.4589197


Hipsters are bearded but generally have short hair. Hippie communities are still a thing, though. Just move to Eugene or Berkeley, I guess.

>> No.4589211

Oh God I was at a yard sale with my mom recently and she was actually PRESSURING me to buy the copy of The Joy of Sex that was lying in a box of books at the yard sale.

>tfw I looked at her askance and shook my head

>> No.4589224

it seems like everyone in my college's philosophy and psychology departments have hair like that (the males, I mean)

>> No.4589228

uh what

>> No.4589229


That's what happens when you put a bunch of hippy tools in a room together and indoctrinate them with pseudo-"intellectual" brainwashing to the point where they start regurgitating it themselves…

>> No.4589235


My parents act disappointed in me because I've never had a girlfriend or boyfriend that they know of, and never bring anyone home to fuck… so they try really hard to pressure me into being sexually active. Kind of a weird situation I guess

>> No.4589251

Filthy hippies weren't allowed any more in yuppie jobs in the 70s than they are now.

>> No.4589253



So you want to be like the dudes in American Psycho

>> No.4589257
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>> No.4589270

I want to be like the dude in The Big Lebowski

>> No.4589282

What is it about /fit/ types always citing 'Greek gods' as the epitome of physical aesthetics? Are they familiar with Greek mythology? Don't they know Greek gods concerned themselves with just about everything except how their bodies looked?

>> No.4589286

You're really fucking stupid

>> No.4589293

are YOU familiar with greek mythology?

>> No.4589295

That's not an answer.

>> No.4589301

Yes. Why is it that certain people always blabber on about 'Greek gods'?

>> No.4589323

Greek gods have beyond-idealized figures. It doesn't matter that they don't "concern themselves with how their bodies look", almost noone did in those days because their daily life did it for them. But it's a very ingrained concept that the godly forms are unobtainable by humans - e.g. Helen of Troy is described as the most beautiful WOMAN, beneath of course such goddesses as Aphrodite, and even then presumably only the most beautiful mortal because she's a daughter of Zeus.

>> No.4589339

and you'd get fucked up if you ever get near to the gods in prettiness

rip azyz sherkananka

>> No.4589358

But perfect unequalled beauty was not the main trait of most of the greek gods. And any idealized representation of a mortal or most gods of other cultures are rendered with the same idealized figures. It's just so silly.

>> No.4589375

top fucking lel

>> No.4589414

Why do you care? Only unintelligent people like sex

>> No.4589487


what are you trying to say?

>> No.4589517

>But perfect unequalled beauty was not the main trait of most of the greek gods.
But it was a trait. Where in the saying is it implied that that's their main feature? Also, I hope you realize this is a saying as old as classical civilization, it's not like "/fit/-types" created it.
>And any idealized representation of a mortal or most gods of other cultures are rendered with the same idealized figures. It's just so silly.
So? Would you have a problem if the figure of speech referenced them instead? Yeah let's just not have figures of speech because the idea communicated isn't exclusive to their origins - oh wait that's the entire point of figures of speech.

>> No.4590909

You're not supposed to flaunt it Retardanon!

>> No.4590910

lets have sex anon
i'm a girl btw :^)

>> No.4590923


>> No.4590926
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>> No.4592530

I know you're right, still I prefer not to leave. What's wrong with me?