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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 198x300, It_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
458601 No.458601 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading now? Are you enjoying it, would you recommend it?

I just started this, so can't really comment at the moment.

>> No.458615
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>What are you currently reading now? Are you enjoying it, would you recommend it?
>Are you enjoying it, would you recommend it?
>Are you enjoying it
>Picture of It

>> No.458625
File: 54 KB, 349x500, sanshiro..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading this. I'm about halfway through and it's pretty interesting so far. I have no idea what the English translations are like though.

Pic is Sanshiro by Natsume Soseki.

>> No.458628
File: 14 KB, 350x272, RiddlerTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.458637

Thought it would go by unnoticed. But I was wrong about it.

>> No.458701

I'm reading For Whom the Bell Tolls, great novel!

>> No.458714
File: 77 KB, 300x450, amnesia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the first half last night, will read the rest tonight. It's pretty fucking good. Very PKD-ish.

>> No.458744

Just Wiki'd it, and it looks alright. I added it to my reading list, thanks mate.

>> No.458768

Between books at the moment, just finished Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse and Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.

I enjoyed both, and would recommend both. Steppenwolf is a bit more philosophical, and a bit harder to get through, but worth it.

>> No.458771
File: 44 KB, 331x500, iamacat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and yes.

>> No.458782

It is decent for about the first 500 pages.

Then it's mediocre until about 800.

Then it's pure shit, but you've already read 800 pages so fuck if you're gonna stop at this point.

They all have a gang bang in the sewers.

>> No.458850


I'm not one to stop a book until I've finished though, so it's too late to turn back now!

>> No.458854

A Farewell To Arms

It's okay so far. I'd recommend it, yeah.

>> No.458859

The Lord of the Rings.

Oh my god it's been months and I'm STILL not done reading this shit.

>> No.458874


Shit gets better once they stop walking in the woods.

>> No.458885

I tried reading The Fellowship of the Ring when I was 12, and the woods bored me so much...

Might read the series again after some time.

>> No.460299

The council of elrond part of lotr bored me to fuck, i think i skipped a hefty amount of it, i was 13 so meh.

>> No.460303

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Only a hundred pages in, and fuck, how can Larsson make Swedish economics so interesting?