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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, Anjelica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4585531 No.4585531 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm french, i'm reading Gatsby for the first time, it is pretty boring, should I finish it?

>> No.4585549

you're the disgrace of our great nation

>> No.4585569


It's boring shit, stop it. It doesn't get any better.

>> No.4585607

your nation is not great

>> No.4585619

okay I will, thanks anon

>> No.4585627

It's definitely not a thrill OP, but after you've finished it you will be glad you did (finish it).

>> No.4585635

Why? Because of the plot?

>> No.4585677

yours is worse

>> No.4585680

The last sentence is one of the most sublime last sentences in English literature, but you'll only fully appreciate it if you've read the book it's attached to.

>> No.4585690

it's one of my favourite books and i'm smart so


>> No.4585693

Jordan is cute.
Do it for her.

>> No.4585704

>dat anjelica anal in her white stockings

>> No.4585708

one book for one line huh

>> No.4585710

but yee you convinced me

>> No.4585714

I hope it's true though

>> No.4585717

>btw im a franc

fuck off

>> No.4585724

If it's a particularly good line, absolutely.

Are you a believer in the virtue of aesthetics, or aren't you?

>> No.4585729

Which are?

>> No.4585732
File: 145 KB, 336x356, 1362859850767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a believer in the virtue of aesthetics, or aren't you?
>Which are?

>> No.4585756

I love Anjelica. She looks like an elf

(Gatsby is bretty gud in English. Not toppest tier, but a very good American novel. It maybe is a little boring, but yes you should finish it)

>> No.4585770

yeah fuck off I mean what is the virtue of aesthetics
>you're the pain in my ass

>> No.4585789

I know full well what you meant, it's still a retarded question

>> No.4585813
File: 450 KB, 1920x1080, Fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4586054

Is this your first time reading a modernist novel?

>> No.4587108

Gatsby is tiny as fuck frenchie, take a couple hours out of whatever baguettes you gotta bake and cigarettes you gotta smoke from an odd cigarette pipe thing and black weird hat thing and wearing a horizontally lined white and black long sleeve shirt and black pants and talking about how much you wish you were born during the roaring 20's and sitting at a quaint cafe' in view of the Eiffel tower and someone is playing the violin in the background

>> No.4588179

Yes why?

>> No.4588187

Sure. It'll only take you an afternoon.

>> No.4588224

>HUUHH reading is boring, man
You really sound like this.
Sometimes it pays to take time for really interesting things.

>> No.4588397

Don't bother.
>Gatsby is rich
>The end

>> No.4588417

Yes I just finished it, it was allright, I'll go for gravity's rainbow now and hope it'll be better though, thanks you all

>> No.4588420


>> No.4588501

how can u consider the great gatsby boring
fucking pleb

>> No.4588508


>> No.4588646

If you're reading it in French, there's no point. The plot is basically meaningless. It's good prose though.

>> No.4588698


American culture is world culture, it's a must-read.

>> No.4588710


>> No.4588819

try reading it again from the beginning with these insightful posts in might, op

>> No.4588880


In all honesty who else is fucking tired of these threads. What are the OPs of these threads looking for anyways? Encouragement? Reassurance? No amount of meaningful dialogue can take place if you haven't even finished the god damned book. To OP: this is one of the most important books of 20th century America. If you read it, you'll emerge with some valuable insight of the issues that plague the American conscious to this day. But please. Finish reading the book before you make a thread. Especially one as small as Great Gatsby. It took me one saturday to read it. Please.

>> No.4589035

Go be a janitor

>> No.4589045

I read it in english, in French it would be as dumb as reading Zola in English

>> No.4590061

I appreciate this post

>> No.4590796

I'll take that as a compliment

>> No.4590799

jesus fuck that anjelica girl is so sexy UNF and she is filthy too she even growls out some dudes asshole