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File: 30 KB, 401x395, 1392784677091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4583713 No.4583713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

love you /lit/... this should make you guys smile.

>> No.4583731

People think I'm odd because I prefer real books to e-readers. But I'm always like, nigga, my book doesn't run out of batteries.

>> No.4583748


Yeah but does your book hold 1000 books?

>> No.4583753

This comic proves nothing except that bookfags are desperate in this argument.

>> No.4583752

I can only read one at a time anyway

>> No.4583759

>Being this much of a pleb
>Not reading 10 book simultaneously, all in a circle around you, as you spin in your chair

Or maybe I'm just crazy.

>> No.4583760

I bet you'd wish you had an e-reader when you spill your coffee over your book or if you drop your cigarette between the pages. At least you technically never lose your reading material with a tablet.

>> No.4583765

spin so fast the wind turns the pages so you dont have to waste time.

>> No.4583769

See? This Anon gets me.

>> No.4583772

Why does it have to be an either/or type situation for people? Its perfectly acceptable to own an e-reader and physical books at the same time. Anyone who tries to make arguments for or against either is just plain retarded.

>> No.4583778
File: 141 KB, 691x830, 1392410514888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this did not in fact make me smile

you lying shit

>> No.4583797


It made me slightly smile.
It would make me laugh if a lightning burnt the book after.

>> No.4583809
File: 161 KB, 750x1056, 1353204917628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But to be fair, I do have a couple on my phone.
I read one of 'em last year, but so far nothin' recently.
And I have never spilled a thing on any of my books. (and I often have a latte while reading) I have to go back to my youth when I got a greasy crumb on a Myth Adventures book. Never again, I thought to myself, Never again.
>never lose your reading material with a tablet.
As if.

Haha. Like people who watch a banks of television screens.

>> No.4583817


>> No.4583823
File: 223 KB, 720x1405, 1353204653258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583827
File: 250 KB, 854x800, A Kindle killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4583841


>> No.4583859
File: 31 KB, 390x483, OUR AUTO TRIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4583892

I feel like I'd wish I had a book if I spilled coffee all over my e-reader.

>> No.4583937

I wasn't aware you were an facilitator of sexist, patriarchal propaganda

>> No.4583948
File: 11 KB, 304x120, 1392792090602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their weight should be proportional to the amount of information inside.

>> No.4583955

I don't get it, is this comic really using "they can be turned on and off" as an argument against e-readers?

That doesn't seem the best criticism...

>> No.4583966

Its basically the equivalent of closing a book.

>> No.4583965
File: 194 KB, 451x750, The introverts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the part where she rolls her eyes?

>> No.4583995
File: 23 KB, 240x320, 1297707884ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this did make me smile, op

i really, really like the image. would you mind if i downloaded? in return:

>> No.4583996

Both extremes are absurd and stupid, I don't get them.

If you like a book a lot, and you read it on a device, just buy a fucking print copy. Store a few select books on your library. Specially if you plan to lend them to other people or family.

I mean, you're bound to read some shitty books if you read a lot, so why would you want to occupy your shelves/memory with awful books?

If some Apocalypse tier shit takes place, well, you can always re-read stuff and proper physical editions will come in handy.

>> No.4583998

It's a dumb person. Don't waste your time.

>> No.4584011

Wow this pic is hilarious. Where'd you get it, if you don't mind me asking

>> No.4584021

thanks for your reply haha. i received it in my netzero one day so im sorry i cant send you the down load link... i hope you stay in the thread for the remainder of the conversation though!

p.s. does anyone no how to upload e-cards? thank you in advance!

>> No.4584059

Too much anon, too much. I'll give you a 5/10. That's the best I can do.

>> No.4584065

just watch pawn stars last night


>> No.4584129

>that pro-introvert propoganda

Why do socially defective people feel the need to make up lies for themselves? The only defining characteristic possesed by a hypothetical introvert is an aversion to social interaction, which is essentially a bad thing. Whenever I see these comics I feel like its no different than someone with cancer acting upity because they spend more time in bed thus read more or something, or people with mental problems bragging about having clean chins because they drool all the time.

What is it with people trying to comfort themselves by inventing catagories of existence and classifying themselves by it, or placing their hobbies and interests as somehow "superior" to the hobbies and interests of others, even though if you measured it by any rational standared it wouldn't be.

Why is it the norm to delude oneself about their position in life instead of suffering through it and overcoming themselves? For example, social recluses acting like the lifestyle is a good one instead of trying to improve their social skills and circle of friends and reeping the benifits of such a thing.

>> No.4584135

I really, really, really like this image.

>> No.4584364

This anon speaks truth. Introversion has it's romantic elements, by why settle for the niche when you can be constantly discovering new potentials in life.

>> No.4584369


I will never be able to thank you guys enough for this image.

>> No.4584380

>which is essentially a bad thing

If anything, the comic, however nauseating it may be, is simply trying to normalise introversion.

>Why is it the norm to delude oneself about their position in life instead of suffering through it and overcoming themselves?
Because people don't like suffering. More at 11.

>> No.4584386

>being this anti-introversion

I understand the point that you're making. Pride is a sin and all that. Where you failed, however, was in showing your natural bias towards disfavouring introversion.

I'm not sure, either, that you fully comprehend what it means to be 'introverted'.

Whether environmental, or innate, someone who is introverted needs time alone to gather their thoughts, recuperate the energy and to find the will to go on with life. Extroversion, naturally, consists of the opposite approach, one needs to see the world, to experience new things and meet new people to reinvigorate themselves.

Introversion then is not about becoming a social recluse for the sake of being a social recluse.

I cannot fathom how anyone can be offended by self-professed introverts _not_ languishing in self-loathing, for just a single moment, when this society we live in is, one might say, excessively geared towards extroversion.

>> No.4584398


>that pic

okay. you got me. i lol'd.

>> No.4584401


>Implying the e-reader isn't correct

Physical media is replaced by digital media when it's convenient. How many people do you know that still buy CDs?

They'll become an interesting collectors item.

>> No.4584413

>implying cds aren't still made and that people don't like going to record stores for them

>> No.4584426

It's like i'm really on facebook.

>> No.4584445


>> No.4584464

That made me cringe.

>> No.4584480

Shit-tier old-man joke.

It'll be a big hit at grandpa's "home".

>> No.4584501

I really, really like this picture Anon.