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4582725 No.4582725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is everyone so fucking stupid?

>> No.4582728

Various reasons, mostly being accepted instantly by society I thnk

>> No.4582749

define stupid
then define intelligence

>> No.4582754
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to define intelligence, one must first invent the apple pie

>> No.4582769
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>> No.4582783

The Jews.

>> No.4582808

Because you're susceptible to the Dunning-Kruger effect

>> No.4582867

>tfw you simultaneously think most people are idiots and realize you are no better than any of them

It's a weird spot to be in.

>> No.4582890

I think I'm smart but I hate people who think they're smarter than everyone else.
I think I'm more self-aware than most people, but most people probably think they are more self-aware than I am.
I have a posh, upper class accent and vernacular, but I hate people who actively try to make themselves seem smarter by acting posh.
I crave praise and recognition for my intelligence that I think is higher than those of others but I despise people who describe themselves as "deep thinkers" or "intellectuals"themselves.

I'm in a very weird spot. I still somehow manage to not hate myself.

>> No.4582895

Why not do the opposite

>> No.4582901

I mean the inverse, not the opposite

pls don't call me out on my idiocy

>> No.4582900

Define the opposite of stupid
Then define the opposite of intelligence

>> No.4582904

>tfw I thought I was destined to be 10/10 at life, and my hidden talents were just squandered without a means to express themselves because of the plebians around me
>Realize I'm a fucking plebian myself, and much more so than the average person.

>> No.4582905

No way to explain it without equipping my fedora and sounding like a pretentious fuck.

>> No.4582918


They're not. They simply have different interest and ways to approach them than you.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Die EequalMCsquare guy

>> No.4582964

Damn I hate being sober, I’m a smoker
Fredo a drinker, Tadoe off molly water
We can’t spell sober
Ballout roll up, when we roll up bitches be on us
All the hoes they love smoking, and love drinking
Anti-sober, for no reason
Cause we can’t spell sober
Ya know us, we smoke strong bruh
Watch me roll up
Cause I can’t spell sober

>> No.4582978

If you were actually better than anyone else you'd have a pile of awards and grants but you don't.

>> No.4582992

crowd sourced superiortiy

>> No.4582996

>afraid to speak because of a buzzword

zomg anonymity is so freeing

>> No.4582998

Real recognize real, as Waka says.

>> No.4583010

>why is everyone stupider than me
>said everybody, ever

>> No.4583015
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let me quote this trilby tipper

>> No.4583028

the "everyone's an idiot" thing is just a defense mechanism that you developed as a result of getting shut down a lot when you tried to talk about something as a kid/teenager. you inflated how intelligent and interesting those things were and go around upset that nobody cares about the dumb pseudointellectual things that come out of your mouth nor do they like it when you shoehorn the latest sloppy interpretation of a book you read into the conversation. shut up, get the chip off your shoulder, and take a look at who you really are. you're all 18+ it's nobody's fault but your own from here on out.

>> No.4583030

This is solid advice. 10/10.

>> No.4583033

Freud, pls. Enough with the quackery.

>> No.4583038

right in the feels

flocka forever

>> No.4583040
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>> No.4583786


The problem is not stupid people.
The problem is evil people, because those make stupid people even worse than they are by themselves.

>> No.4583789

Ask yourself why you associate with stupid people

>> No.4583791


>associate with stupid people

I don't associate with anybody.

>> No.4583792

because I post on 4chan

>> No.4583793
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Various reasons. One of the biggest culprits being capitalist society.