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4582059 No.4582059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any of you read this series or anything else by this author? I personally never have but it seems that every bookstore I enter has her books.


>fantasy sucks ass you are a pleb fuck you read Ulysses m8

I know. I am still curious

>> No.4582334
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>> No.4582353

She has one series of books. Repeatedly.

The protagonist of every series she has ever written is a young, pretty woman who has amazingly strong magical powers.

>> No.4582437

I read that series and the Age of Five series... I liked the books, although that could be because I had just started into the "mature" fantasy world where sex wasn't vaguely implied that it happened but described(to some extent) and the reader wasn't coddled from the darker forms(rape, incest, etc, etc).

I don't know what i would think of it if i reread it now, 4 years later(probably the same thing as my taste hasn't changed that much); I do know that after i read those two series and i came to /lit/ for more books i was suggested The Black Jewels Trilogy..... that is why I know rate books with well done rape, incest and other dark forms of sex a 5 in goodreads.... Thanks /lit/ I'm a filthy pervert now.

Fantasy books with rape or incest, Book of the New Sun, The Desert Spear, The Black Jewels Trilogy, The Prince of Thorns, Night Angel Trilogy... go get your fill OP i know you want to

>> No.4582459


Thanks for the suggestions. I have read Night Angel and Book Of The New Sun. I am currently reading Prince of Thorns actually but I think it sucks and I doubt I'll finish the trilogy. I am around 130 pages in, I think. I like grimdark but this book is just silly. We'll see what happens, maybe it improves later on?

>> No.4582471

Have you ever read Empire of the East?
I don't want to be a spoiler... but i read that AFTER i read the Broken Empire Trilogy(Prince of thorns and the like)... its similar to that... although if you read EMpire of the East i probably just spoiled the Prince of thorns for you...

>> No.4582478

Do you want some fantasy recommends?
Leave what you like to read about and imma post what I read that correlates to what you like.

>> No.4582479


I'm not familiar with Empire Of The East, no.

>> No.4582494


I recently read the first book in The Fencer trilogy. The first book is called Colours In The Steel. I thought it was really good and I will most likely pick up the next two books when I order my next patch of books.

I enjoyed The King Killer Chronicles (for the most part) even though it's forbidden to say so on this forum. Obviously I am a huge LOTR fan and absolutely loved The Children of Húrin. I enjoyed Mistborn and The Farseer trilogy. I remember liking The Night Angel trilogy well enough but it was fairly forgettable, as much fantasy seems to be (I say this even though I adore the genre).

I loved the setting in Dune but thought the plot was strange and especially the last 1/3 was a bit meh. I read the four first books in The Runelords and liked it well enough but that series has numerous issues. I've read the first six books of Wheel of Time and would like to finish it but probably won't. The fucking females in that series, man. Fuck.

I think that gives you an idea. I just like well-realized characters, interesting dialogue and an interesting setting. I'm not too much of a fan of children as protagonists and "happy go easy" fantasy where nobody ever dies.

>> No.4582540

>female writer
no, thanks

>> No.4582600
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The ones with the red stars, go on goodreads or other book sites(amazon etc), read the blurb or reviews, if you like it take it.

If you want to check out the other books listed go ahead, but be warned some(a lot) are full of shit/ they started out great and became shit later one.

>> No.4582609

Not OP, but not all female writers do the doey eyed white female in distress that needs a strong man routine.

It's your job as a reader to find out what's pulp and what's not.

>> No.4582614
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Pretty sick list, thanks man. I forgot that I read and enjoyed Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy and will be reading "Best Served Cold" soon. I hear his next book is some YA stuff so I probably will not read that. I saved your image and will check out several of those series! Thanks again

>> No.4582775

I can't read anything that isn't by a dyke.

>> No.4582779

Are there any good fantasy series I could listen to on my iPod? I commute to college, so I need something to fill the gap.

>> No.4582848

All the books here >>4582600 are audiobooks take your pick

Try Iron Druid Chronicles or Dresden Files, just shut off your mind and enjoy.

>> No.4582887

No problem

I still have some editing to do to put more books in that list, my mobo died and I was using a temp, so how that I have my system back; I have clean up(label and sort out books) to transfer to my "library" what I got when it was down.

Black Company Chronicles is missing I would recommend that, it's an old series but still good; I also see that i didn't highlight Malazan... although you might not take a liking to it.

I am currently reading Unfettered... so far it's SHIT(at the fourth story in the anthology)... stay away from that, also Dangerous Women most(80%+) of the stories in there was shit too.

I have the last 2 books of the Black Company, Emperor's Blade, Emperor's Knife, Curse of Chalion and that Chronicles of the red king(first book to see if I would like the series) to read after unfettered. When I'm done I will know if I would recommend them to anyone or not.

>> No.4582973


I have read The Black Company. I enjoyed them! Especially the second book was really good imo; the mystery aspect was interesting and kept me turning pages.

>> No.4583095


>I enjoyed The King Killer Chronicles (for the most part) even though it's forbidden to say so on this forum.

I really don't understand the hate this series gets. I can't wait for the Doors of Stone.

>> No.4583259

What about Skin Game, Words of Radiance, Broken eye????????????????

>> No.4584154

I don't want to start anything but I put down the first book after maybe two thirds. I thought Kvothe was such a fucking unlikeable know-it-all and the genre clichés were just too goddamn strong. Like, it was written decently and I can see why people like it, but I can also absolutely see why people dislike it. But there are a lot of fantasy series I can't stand so maybe it's just me.

Didn't like: Prince of Thorns, Abercrombies shit, most of Sandersons stuff, I did like most of the Way of Kings.

Like: Gene Wolfe, Jack Vance, Ursula Le Guin, Roger Zelaznys Amber series, ASOIAF

Probably forgot a bunch of good stuff. After looking at this roughly, it seems I like Science Fantasy more than general fantasy. Huh.

>> No.4585379


It seems strange to me that you didn't like Abercrombie but enjoyed ASOIAF. They're both low fantasy whose strongest selling points are interesting characters. The setting in ASOIAF is probably more well-realized but I still think they're not all that different. Thanks for your input though, friend!

>> No.4585386

It felt shallow and tryhard to me while ASOIAF has this grand-scale mythology and shit bubbling underneath all the already good characters and every book drops a little bit more lore on us. I really like that.

>> No.4585917

>They're both low fantasy
But goodreads list First Law as High Fantasy... I agree that Ice and Fire is low though.

>> No.4585945


Believe it or not, I have recently written a Master's paper on the use of genres and sub-genres and why they are inadequate in fantasy. A strong argument can be made for Abercrombie's books being low fantasy, despite the fact that it is set in a secondary world.

>> No.4586203


>I have recently written a Master's paper on the use of genres and sub-genres and why they are inadequate in fantasy.

You should post it.

>> No.4586237

I have read them, those three plus the 4th.
I liked them, they're not gorgeous, but they're not bad neither.

You can have a nice time reading them.

>The protagonist of every series she has ever written is a young, pretty woman
Yeah, no.

>> No.4586439


I wouldn't even post a haiku on /lit/, let alone anything academic. Nobody'd read it anyway

>> No.4587895


I'm actually considering doing my masters at the end of the year and writing about the separation between genre fiction and literary fiction, so I would love to read it, if you're willing to post it.

>> No.4587949

They're pretty good, yea.