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4579830 No.4579830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could anyone suggest other manifestos or works of literature written by extremists and the like?

>> No.4579836

There's the unabomber manifesto: http://cyber.eserver.org/unabom.txt

Then there's of course Mein Kampf

And then there's that book by these American weapon freaks... what was it called again... I remember it was about the "Left" taking over the US and the hoarders/weapon weirdos saving the day. Forgot the title.

>> No.4579846
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Not really extremist, but Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto.

If you want extremist, take a look at Atlas Shrugged or the Turner Diaries (I think that's what this anon was talking about >>4579836, but I could be wrong)

>> No.4579849

>Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto

I actually just bought these two. Currently working my way through Communist Manifesto.

>> No.4579850

>Not really extremist, but Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto.
The millions dead would like to have a word with you. In hell.

>> No.4579856

>gommie is debbil

>> No.4579866

Fuck off, "hell" probably doesn't exist and extremist =! evil

>> No.4579868

I live in one the countries "lucky" enough to be "graced" by the "utopia" of communism. If I had to define communism it would not be evil, evil is still to a great extent a human quality.
Communism is robotic, something only a drone could accept and prosper in.

>> No.4579873
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A lot of religions depict hell as the nothingness atheists like to think expects them after death.

>> No.4579879

that's gestell for you man.

which country by the way?

>> No.4579888

Yes! Turner Diaries! that was it. cheers

>> No.4579892

>A lot of religions depict hell as the nothingness atheists like to think expects them after death.
Which religions in particular? I've personally never heard that, and I was raised a Catholic (private school and everything). I'm genuinely curious. And it's not so much that we "expect" nothingness, we just don't kow what to expect and don't want to make assumptions, that's all.

>Yes! Turner Diaries! that was it. cheers
Nice trips, and glad I could help.

>> No.4579893
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>> No.4579914

Christianity has it's own version if I remember correctly. Limbo. Although they've been trying very hard to not talk about it because it's a touchy subject.

>> No.4579933
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Oh, you mean purgatory? And as far as Catholicism is concerned, they make no attempt to not discuss it. In high school, we were taught that "hell" and "purgatory" are two different places. Hell is for the condemned (though they will later be saved as "hell" ultimately gets destroyed or some shit, according to Exodus) whereas purgatory is more like a waiting room for Heaven. However, this is not permanent.

Protip: The Catholic Church actually has a specific prayer aimed at moving souls from purgatory to Heaven, something like 1,000 souls every time you say it or some shit

>> No.4579940

Limbo is a specialized "in between" hell that doesn't appear in the bible and was created by medieval Christian scholars and is not "official" doctrine.

It's a hell for those unbaptized babies too young for sins, and for people who've died in the friendship of God but haven't yet received redemption through Christ.

>> No.4579956

>It's a hell for those unbaptized babies too young for sins
Well, maybe you're just referring to Christians in general, but for the sake of Catholicism (I'm kind of an atheist Catholic apologetic) these children who died before baptism (but still have "original sin") still go to Heaven as it's considered to be a "baptism by blood."


>> No.4579959

No, Limbo is different than Purgatory.
Limbo is what happens to people of no faith which have not sinned - it mostly applies for very small infants and abortions now because people baptize their kids pretty much in the cradle.
That was not quite the case historically, not all people used to have an easy access to priests.

As for other religions the jewish have Sheol. And I'm not sure what the muslims call it but it's where their apostates go.

>> No.4579964

Hmmm, interesting. Ok, well then the current Catholic teaching is that "limbo" is bullshit. Whenever people asked about limbo, our teachers just talked about purgatory.

>> No.4579981

>Mindlessly espousing bourgeoisie propaganda
The trillions dead would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4580984

>Soviet system

nigga please

>> No.4581007

The Unabomber's Manifesto, probably the most among works of this kind:


>> No.4581089


Political nihilism revolutionary stuff.

>> No.4581091

>Communism is robotic, something only a drone could accept and prosper in.
As opposed to the warm throbbing embrace of capitalism?

You're thinking of state socialism, by the way.

>> No.4581369

Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Ted Kasckynzski

>> No.4582505
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Picrelated. The UNA bomber could write pretty well. Can't be said of Breivik.

>> No.4582527

Marx advocated centralized planning and management.

>> No.4582533
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essential reading if you're going to post on /lit/

>> No.4582537

That's a way better primitive/collectivist manifesto but the commies would never admit it because his section on leftism is like another shoah

>> No.4582543

It wasn't called "War State Socialism".

>> No.4582556

The Unabomber is reactionary. Marxism advocates process and acknowledges capitalism as a specific and neccessary movement of history, that should be progressed from. However the Unabomber says "This is all shit, let's live like we did thousands of years ago." This is an important distinction that I'm not surprised a /pol/tard like you missed.

>> No.4582562

Unabomber had a unique perspective on science as an inplliment for total social control in that he was subjected to MKUltra experiements, so that might have factored in. He's a reactionary, yes, but he's leftist in his own ways.

In fact, Marxist doctrine proposes that our natural state was communism.

>> No.4582563

Well gee, I guess the first Marxist-derived government on earth would want to remind people that they're Communist. Nevermind the NEP which freed the markets somewhat.

But the Soviets themselves admitted they hadn't reached Communism yet.

>> No.4582568

But the "state ideology" was communism, in that Marx strictly refined communism to mean someone who supports total state control centralized planning a route to free association anarchy. This is a bit different from communists were anarchists, or communists who supported socialism as transition but preferred worker management to centralized state planning.

>> No.4582571

What I'm saying is, The "Official" (Marxist) communist ideology was something the USSR followed, and in that sense, they were a "communist" state. Sort of like you can have a "Christian" state regardless of a second coming.

>> No.4582785

The WITCH manifesto is enjoyable for it's true kooky 60s lingo.