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File: 283 KB, 1600x1121, paperbacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4549324 No.4549324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw she says "Oh I have a library at home too!"
>mfw it's filled with nothing but paperbacks on a cheap Ikea bookshelf.

>> No.4549329
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NOT a library!

>> No.4549333
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Also NOT a library!

>> No.4549349


>> No.4549351
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Library? That's not even in the ballpark. Hell, that ain't even the same Fucking sport!

>> No.4549405

>what maisie knew
> the ambassadors

>> No.4549418


You motherfucker...

>> No.4549550

Look at all the different colored paperbacks!

>> No.4549556

what's important is the content, not a fancy flashy hardcover or shelf

I sometimes don't even wanna have the ones I have now lol (meaning physical copies)
I think they're just wasted here. Every now and then I think about giving 'em all away, but it's just too much trouble, so they stack here, lol. (I don't have a fancy collection though..)

>> No.4549575

>(I don't have a fancy collection though..)

Oh so you don't actually HAVE a library. Yeah thanks for your insights on that one.

Have you lost the plot?

>> No.4549593

i-is there something wrong with paperbacks? I know they deteriorate sorta faster than hardcovers but still

>> No.4549602
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>> No.4549613


Nothing is wrong with having a collection of paperbacks. If you're still in high school.

>> No.4549616

Then post your library of handbound rarities, nerd.

>> No.4549621

I can't afford to only get hardcovers, plus a lot of the hardcover versions of books I want have ugly designs compared to the paperbacks ;_;

>> No.4549629

I've got loads of paperbacks from when i started reading but then switched to ebooks for free and less room.

Now I have a room full of unread paperbacks and feel really guilty.

>> No.4549637

I don't have cause I don't see the point in it. I read mainly ebooks :\ (pirated btw)

>> No.4549644

Ebooks feel so... ingenuine to me. I can't read books on the computer or on a tablet or whatever, I have to have a physical book

>> No.4549647

you get used to it

>> No.4549649

and also, the plot is that op is embarrassed cause he thinks he's library is not good when talking to a girl that has a home library when he really shouldn't care are all about this

>> No.4549652


There's nothing in the English language that sounds like what you just wrote.

>> No.4549659

Omg the shock, the horror!

>> No.4549664

omg dude we so careful with papers that makes us so much better right ;)
hahaha I totally get it, don't worry, word!

>> No.4549666

>owning books

Quit trying to validate your own existence by holding shelves of paper. Buy a book only if you really like it, and its quality makes no fucking difference. As long as the bindings hold to some extent, you're golden.

>> No.4549667

Hardcovers look fucking ugly compared to paperbacks. 90% pb 10% hc 0% ebooks masterrace

>> No.4549668

I really laughed after seeing what I've typed lol
but it's not that hard to understand what I've meant :\

>> No.4549747


People that own paperbacks sitting on Ikea bookshelves look poor.

>> No.4549762


>It's more important for a thing to look nice and proper than to actually be meaningful or useful

You sound like you're from the fucking 19th century.

What's wrong with paperbacks? And if someone doesn't want to spend a few hundred extra dollars on a nicer bookshelf, why do you give a shit? It's their property and their books, not yours. What really matters to you is this feeling:
>I am superior to these plebs

In other words, fuck off

>> No.4549774

Quit trying to validate your existence by demanding everyone does what you like and abides by your opinion like over theinternet

>> No.4549798

They usually have lower quality paper.

The paper quality of an Everyman or Modern library Hardcover literally makes me orgasm every second I'm touching it.

>> No.4549864



It feels good to own nice things, but that's totally separate from the quality of the experience you receive when actually reading a book. That's wholly dependent on you.

For you as a reader, nothing else should matter so long as the words are all legible. For you as a consumer, you will naturally want your property to look unique and presentable, but again, this is a different beast.

The kind of person who conflates one concern for the other has clearly gained nothing of true value from their expensive library and should probably donate it to those who would more benefit.

>> No.4549868

>not just getting your books from the library
how does it feel that i am reading every norton critical edition out there for free and in rebound hardback

>> No.4549869
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>tfw having the best library in history

>tfw top shelf is read and bottom shelf is: to read, except for Palanhuk which is read but not worth keeping

>> No.4549870

nice paper mario tho

>> No.4549932

no it means that they have other commitments in life; bills to pay, friends to meet, bitches to fuck.

stop being an autistic jackass and accept that some people have different priorities and aesthetic taste.

>> No.4549961


What you can't have those things and nice books too? And nice bookshelves to put them on?

You're fucking poor.

>> No.4549966

daily reminder to take anti autism pills

>> No.4549972

that blu-ray shelf needs a bit of work.

>> No.4549993
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>judging a collection on the physical quality and not the content

>> No.4550034

Yea I know. I don't buy many movies and I don't want a big collection. I only buy ones that I love and could put on all the time, and most of those don't show up too often in random stores.
I don't like ordering online, because I like browsing stores in hopes i'll find something good, at a good price. Same with books.
There are too many I want to read, so I leave it up to fate unless I am really excited for something.

>> No.4550042

And another problem is that I only want blu-rays with the blue cases like in pic. That means no Criterion releases. I don't want one thing that stands out from the rest.

>> No.4550049

Dude go fuckin die

>> No.4550054

>W-what will people think of me?!
>Oh god, I need to be validated RIGHT NOW

You pathetic little shit.

>> No.4550060

Why? I watch movies on my laptop, and download them in 1080p. There is no reason to own anything, including books, unless you just want to have them.
And I want to have an aesthetically pleasing, minimal, collection of blu-rays, so that I have things to put on in various occasions like "come over and watch a movie" AKA "let's fuck."

>> No.4550062
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I am this person
cheap bookshelves, mainly paperback, no fucks given

>> No.4550070

do you guys really care if they are paperbacks or not? who fucking cares?

>> No.4550076


>And I want to have an aesthetically pleasing

you want to be a fucking fake is what you want

shove your cosmopolitan pedantry up your fucking ass, you think like a woman you fashionista faggot

>> No.4550078

why all the same height? did you buy them in one go?

>> No.4550081

haha damn... chill out.
how is that fake?

you are having some mad times?

>> No.4550079


>> No.4550093


>how is that fake?

symbol over substance

basically you're a shitcunt

>> No.4550098

Now, to be fair, aesthetics are important.

I frequently get mad when looking out of my window, because the city council installed cheap-ass streetlights that look like shit. Of course there is such a thing as overdoing it, but to some extend we all try to live in cohesion with our ideal of beauty.

>> No.4550099


Enjoy paying triple the price for "aesthetics"

>> No.4550103


>> No.4550105

what's your best book

>> No.4550108


>Now, to be fair, aesthetics are important.

it's his only concern you apologist faggot

>> No.4550114

not really sure about that.
My Great grandmother gave me a copy of Gone with Wind, It's really old and a leather bound hardcover.
That's my 'best' book

>> No.4550117

how old?

>> No.4550119

You, my good friend, are seeing what you want to see, not the truth, and I am most certainly not a shitcunt.

Substance is very important to me, which is why I don't like many movies. I am not the type to purchase everything I like, in order to build a big collection, and am not trying to impress anybody with a huge shelf of blu-rays.
99.9% of the time I will watch a movie on my computer and 85.6% of the time I will not ever watch that movie again, at least not for a few years. To own a physical copy seems pointless to me, personally.
I wanted to have some physical movies, for the rare, but nice, situations when watching at a TV is more appropriate. There are certain movies that I really love, and could watch over and over again, and these are the ones I would like to own, though I do not NEED to own a single one.
Since it is a want, not a need, I am able to have some options.

To me, it is important to have a peaceful, organized living space. I don't like having a lot of things, and feel a great peace knowing I can fit almost all my belongings in a single car load.
I do not think a shelf full of movies looks good, though I also do not like "hiding" my belongings, so I have made a CHOICE to have a small collection of movies, that also look nice together. I don't buy every movie i love, but if I love it, and if it is in the right case, and it is a good price, and i find it at the right time, I will buy it. To enjoy it for it's substance and content, and as part of the "decoration"

>> No.4550120

>it's his only concern you apologist faggot
no it isn't. you just took something the wrong way and ran with it.

>> No.4550121

It's first edition
1 of 10,000 I believe, but no idea what it's worth and avoid finding out

>> No.4550124

Not him, but you are insufferable and with every single post you have made all you have done is prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a complete faggot of the highest order.

>> No.4550126


>I only want blu-rays with the blue cases like in pic. That means no Criterion releases. I don't want one thing that stands out from the rest.

>There is no reason to own anything, including books, unless you just want to have them. And I want to have an aesthetically pleasing, minimal, collection of blu-rays

please tell me that you aren't this fucking dense and you were only pretending to read the posts that you were defending

>> No.4550129

I do not feel as though I am a faggot, and most certainly not one of "the highest order".
Are you confusing me for Harold or Kumar at White Castle? They were very high when they ordered. I didn't think they were faggots, just good friends but I've never had good gaydar.

>> No.4550138

I am not, as you say, "dense" though I have plenty of reasons to doubt that you are. Can you not see my collection of physical media?

Is it not full of good content while being aesthetically pleasing at the same time?
Perhaps you just don't have an artistic eye. Do not feel bad, as every human has individual strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.4550139

I love paperbacks, and they beat the shit out of hardcovers for reading... but yeah, yikes, having nothing but uniform paperbacks on a shelf is kind of ugly.

Nevertheless, form after function.

>> No.4550144

>Is it not full of good content while being aesthetically pleasing at the same time?
>full of good content

it's really, really not. it's literally the most generic shit you'd expect a teenager to early 20-something to like. bukowski? american psycho? fight club? what is wrong with you

>> No.4550145
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Also no fucks given. I downsized this collection a bit after I got a Kindle, but I still have around half of it. There are two shelves out of sight in the picture, the size of the smaller one.

>> No.4550149

>what is wrong with you
The only thing wrong with me is that I am spending my night talking to the uncultured swine that is you.
I am sorry you can't appreciate classic literature and film, but I can.

>> No.4550150


spare me your pedantry you insipid little dullard

>To me, it is important to have a peaceful, organized living space.

you said literally a handful of posts ago you want to have a nice place so you can impress a girl and get your deepdick on. and now you want to try and spin it like you've some minimalistic pseudo-spiritual need for a quieted atmosphere?

suck my cock, cunt

you are a fake. you'll tell yourself anything you want to avoid having to deal with this, but you've bastardised a medium that you purport to love as another means of accessorising and posturing a cultivated image of yourself

>> No.4550155

The autistic elitism in this thread exceeds all bounds. Are you fucking seriously sperging over people not wasting money on hardcovers just so they can show them in their fucking library?

>muh quality paper

Go lick lead people.

>> No.4550156
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Welcome to most young urban males. The dude sounds like a total self absorbed douche.

>> No.4550158

now i do kind of feel a slight amount of anger, though it is more comedic.
having a nice place to live is very important to me.
do i try to maintain a nice living area to impress women? no, that would be very retarded.
however, having a nice area to chill with a girl is indeed a plus.

though it also is not important, as i have a car, and even taking a blanket out into a field works.
>you'll tell yourself anything you want to avoid having to deal with this
really that's exactly what you are doing.
but yes, sure.

>> No.4550160

seriously. im so glad im fifty years old.

>> No.4550162

you're not reading classic literature and watching classic film. american psycho is not a classic. women is not a classic. fight club is not a classic. you are reading high-school lit. are you in high school? even the stuff that is arguably "classic" is middlebrow stuff that people put on high school syllabi (the stranger, vonnegut, catcher in the rye), because it's heavy-handed enough and relates to themes that teenagers will relate to or understand.

it's the most boring bookshelf i've ever seen, probably. after seeing three of the books, i could probably have just extrapolated the rest. it's like basically a top x books that high school kids would have on their shelf.

>> No.4550163


>the inane rambling of a fake who feels the need to save face but knows that he can't

just cop to it and try to learn and grow past it

jesus fuck why are you so enamored with mediocrity?

>> No.4550166

So I have books in a pile next to the bed and a couple of stacks in the window while the rest is in boxes. ( 75% are paper back )

Does it really matter?
I don't really see the problem.
Why can't we just do whatever we like in our own homes and not bitch about what everybody else does.

>> No.4550168

Sorry the post wasn't meant to "link" to that other post

>> No.4550169

anti-paperback is an act of class war

>> No.4550171

the only movie i own that isn't certified classic is Dark Night.
the only book on the top row that isnt a certified classic is Dance by Murakami and, obviously, Taipei, though Taipei is classified as future-classic.
they also aren't that heavy, at least for me but i work out.

it's ok, you'll never have proper taste or culture to understand. go back to reading books from 1905 when people were still gay enough for you to relate to.

>> No.4550174

You're mother fucking 50 and still going on 4chan? Out of interest, what is your job and how did you discover this site?

>> No.4550177

>high schoolers actually think fight club, american psycho, and women are classics
delusions everywhere

>> No.4550179

>obviously, Taipei, though Taipei is classified as future-classic
seriously bro don't make trolling so obvious
stick with house of leaves or a naked singularity

>> No.4550180

I was being sarcastic. I'm 24 and that was my reaction to being called a young urban male.

seems like a stupid thing to say on a site filled with mostly young urban males. unless that was the point.

>> No.4550190

>trolling so obvious
i had to make it increasingly more obvious with each post, yet it still seemed to go over a certain someone's head.
not going to mention any names... anonymous.
glad you like my book collection though. i certainly have fun with it.

>> No.4550199

It's not the paperbacks that irritate me, it's that there are fucking 7 of them. Seven books is not a library be it paperbacks or fucking gilded masterfucks

>> No.4550201

>insipid little dullard
haha people who use insults like that make me laugh so hard.

>> No.4550205

I'm currently making a shelf that's exactly like that

>> No.4550206

in all seriousness have you read tapei
I've been sort of considering it

>> No.4550209


Different guy, but what would be "classic" literature then? Kafka? Dostoyevsky? What, unless someone is reading War and Peace in their free time, they aren't reading classic literature?

>> No.4550213

>People like this exist

Considering you like Vonnegut i am not that surprised. That said I hate you faggots and running into your queer ass online always makes me sad.

>> No.4550214

classic literature is stuff that has been read and reread for a really long time, and looks like it is never going to stop being read over and over again. kafka and dostoyevsky are classics, but the "most" classic authors are people like homer, virgil, shakespeare, dante, etc. even books like catcher in the rye, which are classics in some sense, don't have that kind of status, or even close to it.

>> No.4550215

Yes, of course I read it which is why it's on the top shelf. and i personally thought it was very good.
Tao Lin does a great job depicting the culture, which does include internet culture, and the care-free, yet self destructive lifestyle commonly associated with it. Of course you will see many flaws in the characters, you are supposed to. I wish I didn't relate to the main character as much as I did, but that is how I know the situations and people are realistic.
People compare it to American Psycho for good reason. Tao Lin pays obsessive attention to details of the period in the same way Ellis did. One very funny scene involves the main character using a laptop and being concerned that it wasn't a Macbook.

I'm not great at describing things, but it's clear Tao Lin knows what is going on, and everything about his writing reflects that.

>> No.4550216

Do you not get the joke?
seems like some solid word play to me, though I was the one who made the post so im biased.

>> No.4550220

>The faggotry continues

I am not really surprised

>> No.4550229

I don't care for a book's appearance but I can't get over the fact that it's physical as opposed to reading letters from a computer screen. I could almost cuddle a book. How do I get over my dislike for ebooks?

>> No.4550230

Shitpost extensively with the device for a while.

>> No.4550231

>How do I get over my dislike for ebooks?

Why should you?

>> No.4550232

Because I'm cheap and real books cost money. Heck I'd print them out at least I'd have something to fondle in my hands, but that's an unnecessary expense.

>> No.4550233

I see your point but I don't agree with it. You're assigning to much value to age and not enough to content. Yes, I agree that lasting appeal is very important, but deeming a book not classical, or simply bad because the author died a hundred years ago instead of a thousand is too narrow minded an approach when discussing literature. To me, classics are books that defined a generation or time period or a part of life or something. A book that you can point to and say, "There. That's the book that get's it juuust right." This means Hemingway, Twain (though I don't particularly like him), Salinger, Dickens, etc.

Say what you will about Catcher in the Rye, it is the definitive coming of age novel.

>> No.4550235

So Twilight could be called a classic? Hunger games? Metro 2033 if you are russian? Battle Royale in Japan?

My name is Zlatan ( Book about the football player that have done the most for young men reading in Sweden in the last 35 years )

>> No.4550241


I pray to God Twilight isn't used to define our generation. There needs to be SOME time gap. The the current generation needs to at least die (or get too old to be relevant) before a book can be deemed a classic.

I never said lasting appeal doesn't matter, just that it's not the only defining quality of a classic.

>> No.4550246

but having survived for a long time is part of what the word "classic" MEANS. something that came out yesterday can't be a classic. a classic is something that serves, and has served, as something that can be reread over and over and over again by society as a whole. that's why you can't call something that just came out a "classic", because you can't know it will be reread until it HAS been. that's not a value judgement, that's just what the word classic refers to. i don't devalue works from the last century just because they are from the last century, in fact, many works from the last 100 years are first-rate classics (like pale fire). but books like breakfast of champions, women, etc. just do not have the sort of enduring quality that classics like war and peace have, especially considering that they are usually praised primarily by young adults or older people who stopped reading when they got out of college

catcher in the rye is the definitive coming of age novel for a very small section of time. in 400 years, it could easily be the case that nobody relates to its understanding of "coming of age." just because it relates to how WE understand coming of age doesn't make it a classic, it has to relate to the future as well. shakespeare is classic because even 400 years later, he still works for us, in ways that others from his time period don't. for now im willing to say catcher is some sort of classic, but i have my doubts as to whether anyone will care about it later in time. history forgets more than people think.

>> No.4550248

What would define the last 20 years? Harry Potter as children/ young adult.

But if you look at how many Twilight books that are sold and that it's mostly sold to women you might want to reconsider.

>> No.4550257

>all unread

>> No.4550259


>What would define the last 20 years? Harry Potter as children/ young adult.

We'll know that a hundred or so years from now.

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are children/young adult books, they still define the post Civil War period pretty well.

>> No.4550268


I suppose the major disagreement we have is the time lapse needed to deem a book a classic. On that point, I am not likely to convince you, and you're not likely to convince me, and it's 4am here, so how about we agree to disagree? Live and let live and whatnot. Good day.

>> No.4550273


I believe he is ultimately referring to classics in the same way as the college major 'Classics' refers to them. Which is not only age-related, mind you, even though the main area of study is ancient literature.

>> No.4550288

What will my Chinese cartoon website friends think?!

>> No.4550322

>poor people are morally deficient


>> No.4550351

just gonna be a dick and point out that 'classic' literature actually refers only to greek and roman literature

>> No.4550529
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>Are you confusing me for Harold or Kumar at White Castle? They were very high when they ordered.

>> No.4550541

Why the fuck do you have an angry bird plushie?

>> No.4550549

The blu rays still suck dick for the most part, get some taste

>> No.4550561

Agree. This fucking thread, full of obsessively vain autistic children

>> No.4550587

>LA Confidential
>no other ellroy
You dense motherfucker
That's the _third_ book of a QUARTET

>> No.4550588


no creases, monochrome, paperback. disgusting.

>> No.4550611

>minecraft poster
>angry birds plushie
just...come on man

>> No.4550687


It's fucking amazing how many people are like this. Well at least they read an Ellroy book I guess, even if they only did so because LA Confidential was the "In thing" at the time.

>tow when I've seen Ellroy speak in person and he was freaking hilarious. Even better than Christopher Moore.

>> No.4550693


LOL don't for get the tourist trap Samurai swords set! That room screams Otaku.

>> No.4550767

>'Substance is very important to me, which is why I don't like many movies'
>owns a handful of entry-level pleb tier cinema and a will ferrell comedy

>> No.4550805

Women are inferior.

I thought this when I was a beta coward, I gave them a chance and dated a bunch of girls, made many female friends, and none of them proved old Schoppy-chan wrong. Treat them like animals or kids, they deserve nothing more.

>> No.4550819

*tips fedora*

>> No.4551641

We got some absolute Fucking TRICKS in this thread!

>> No.4551649
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>> No.4551699

I like all the 40k

>> No.4551702
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i'm curious, how does /lit/ feel about people who buy books for more than the sum of their words? i have a very small collection of books i bought because i enjoy the objects themselves, pic related isn't mine but i have a few in it

>> No.4551750
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>> No.4551755

m8... that tazo book complete?

>> No.4551756

>yfw nearly all of my bookshelf is full of paperbacks

>> No.4551775


LOL Hardcover Dan Brown? Really? You haven't tossed that thing yet?

>> No.4551779

>Folio Society

>> No.4551814

seconding this guy

also, as much as I love having nice hardback copies, I also quite enjoy small paperbacks that I can carry around in a jacket pocket

>> No.4551835


>> No.4551836

it's cool as long as you actually read them
if you don't actually read them I'll still give you a pass since your helping to keep physical book makers in business (still fuck you though)

>> No.4551841

th.. thanks. i do read them though, of course. i just don't put them in a rucksack and treat them like a paperback

>> No.4551843
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my little book shelf with nothing but shit by /lit/ standards..no fucks given

>> No.4551888

I don't mind paying more for high quality, hardcover copies. I can have the peace of mind that they won't disintegrate in a decade.

>> No.4552074

>not knowing how to read paperbacks without creasing them

>> No.4552086

tbh most of the books I actually own were gifts, and thus the quality is all over the place, both in terms of content and aesthetics. I was a library rat for the longest time, and now mostly pirate ebooks, so my actual "library" is far from representative of my real tastes

>> No.4552114

how many times have those katanas been folded?

>> No.4552142

If you're creasing the spines on Vintage books, you're doing something wrong.

Seriously though, there's no reason to bend a spine on those books. Penguin Classics it's bound to happen, but Vintage makes quality spines that don't give unless you're fucking Lenny and you think your book is a rabbit.

>> No.4552144

All that Fairy shit looks gaudy as fuck.

Everything to the right of The Crimson Fairy looks classy though.

>> No.4552152

>there are people who buy books as decorative items or, even worse, book shells that exist to decorate


>> No.4552156

LOL all these Ikea booshelves.

Does anybody on /Lit/ actually own their own house or even Condo at least?

>> No.4552160

Jesus fucking christ dust your shit

>> No.4552161

>owning property
so unenlightened

>> No.4552165


/Lit/ feels like the poorest board on 4chan. The folks at /Diy/ have more scrilla than lit does.

>> No.4552170


We are the music makers.
We are the dreamers of dreams.

>> No.4552188

>random stack of paperbacks for the OP
>better taste than most shelves people post on lit

If you care about the object of the book more than the text you're a piece of shit

>> No.4552196

>We are the autists
>TFW GF state golv food pl0x

>> No.4552200

>board about books
>full of students and often humanities students at that
No fucking shit people here don't have their own permanent residence or quality shelves.

>> No.4552212

>not growing your food in deep rich soil and inhaling the earthy smell while you ponder

>> No.4552233

What print was it?
It's probably only worth a couple hundred if its not the first printing

>> No.4552312
File: 73 KB, 600x600, 1371882069071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gift from my better half, there's an inside joke there.

They're decorative only


>> No.4552335


This motherfucker right here...

>> No.4552519

dude creased make them look cool like they are older and have been read alot like the ones in op's photo

>> No.4552572

Why do people have such envy and hate over those with nice things?

Just having a nice, aesthetically pleasing library and/or study to wind down, relax in. You can't really place a value on that. It's not about showing off books, it's about creating atmosphere in your home. You should do that in any way that pleases you. I love the smell of classic oak bookshelves, solid wood, not the put together puzzle shit from Ikea.

>> No.4552581

"Why do people have such envy and hate"

Quit thinking anyone gives a shit about your shelves either way

>> No.4552589


You're mad.

Do you have any questions, comments, concerns I can help you with?

>> No.4554690

Everybody talking bout

I said everybody talking bout!

Everybody talking Bout why is LIT so poor!

>> No.4554753

Is this the true face of /lit/?

>> No.4556246

Needs more pissbottles.

>> No.4556285

I wish I had photos.

My grandfather's library was this 12ftx12ft room with shelves that went from floor to ceiling FILLED with books. I wasn't into reading when he still lived in that house but I remember my older cousins saying there was good shit in there,

I wish I had a photo

>> No.4556305

anyone else give away books when they're done reading them?

all i've got at home are a few all time favorites and my to-read stack

>> No.4556308


Why is there a window in your parent's basement?

>> No.4558567
File: 272 KB, 1280x960, shelf - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest of books are back at parents place, can't fit all in the bookshelf student accommodation supply. blacking out personal photos because 4chan

>> No.4558574

that's what a real library looks like
not some shiny perfect autistic battlestation
just a bunch of cheap awesome books for reading

>> No.4558599

That's the thing, you could buy two or three cheaper books from Amazon for the same price as one really nice edition. Even if you are really rich, you could still buy the cheaper books and then rarer ones with the higher personal income. There's nothing inherently worthwhile in owning lots of new editions of books, it just looks fake, like you've bought them as furniture.

>> No.4558616

"Des Esseintes nodded his head. But two small books remained on the table. With a sigh, he dismissed the old man, and turned over the leaves of a volume bound in onager skin which had been glazed by a hydraulic press and speckled with silver clouds. It was held together by fly-leaves of old silk damask whose faint patterns held that charm of faded things celebrated by Mallarmé in an exquisite poem.

These pages, numbering nine, had been extracted from copies of the two first Parnassian books; it was printed on parchment paper and preceded by this title: Quelques vers de Mallarmé, designed in a surprising calligraphy in uncial letters, illuminated and relieved with gold, as in old manuscripts."

>mfw this is how ridiculous you sound

>> No.4558618

Thank you, I was getting worried here.

>> No.4558630

If you would have just moved the left I bet we'd see a coathanger full of fedoras.

>> No.4558817

Nice sword

>> No.4558893

I care about literature, not books.

>> No.4558909


>> No.4559100

Or presentation or decor it seems.

>> No.4561165

test test


>> No.4561174

I care about orgasms, not sex.

>> No.4561186

>razer poster
Nigga, but better be professionally sponsored by Razer or else yousa fag

I have a Deathadder that's pretty cool, except for the fact that it requires near constant cleaning in order to not frequently double click instead of single click. I had a keyboard that sucked so bad that I went back to the normal Microsoft keyboard; the only upside was the Razer one had glowy buttons. Their products are nice, but they only last a year or so at "peak efficiency"

>> No.4561193

Does that make e-readers masturbation?

>> No.4561207

>only fantasy novels

>> No.4561286

We can't have that, can we? You can't look like one of the filthy, unwashed, food stamp mooching poors, can you?

>> No.4561301

Both look like libraries to me OP.

>> No.4561340
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A quick visit to dictionary.com would show that OP's just being a huge faggot.

>> No.4561374

neither are libraries because you don't lend your books out to strangers for free

>> No.4561395

you'd be pissed if some guy went into your house and started typing up an essay on your computer

>> No.4561428

That's not what makes a library.
>a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for people to read, borrow, or refer to

>> No.4561435

i'm going to crease all your books and write an essay on your computer library anon

>> No.4561459


i'm going to cum in your mother's biscuit tin

>> No.4561530

>Cards Against Humanity
>Still in plastic
It's okay anon.One day you too will have friends.

>> No.4561709

>he doesn't know what poor means

>> No.4561784

I actually worked for one of Razer's biggest sponsors, so yes. But I'm also a faget.

Fantasy novels are the most visible in that picture. My fiction collection is substantially larger.

>> No.4561803

You're a basic bitch.

>> No.4561954
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>> No.4561964
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>> No.4562610

Don't have many old hardbacks. Do they not smell like shit?

>> No.4562626

that vintage radio goes well with your pocket watch

>> No.4562628

fuckin nice

>> No.4562641

>Studio Ghibli
my nigga

>> No.4562881


One or two that weren't stored properly are a bit musty but they mostly smell like old paper.

I own no watches, pocket or wrist, but I do collect Philco radios. Sorry if that rustles your jimmies.

>> No.4563517

looks nice bro
everybody on here is autistic nothing wrong with paperbacks

>> No.4564539



Where are you currently so I can puke on your face?

>> No.4564549

do you let.... ladies see this shelf?

>> No.4564569

don't mind the haters anon, keep your sanctuary sacrosanct.

>> No.4565495


LOL the only lady that has ever seen that is maybe a copy of Lady & the Tramp sitting on the bookshelve.

>> No.4565506

>hating on paperbacks
It's like you only care about the way a book is presented rather than actually reading the book itself.

I'll take a paperback I can bend and get comfy with any day over a hardback.

>> No.4565518

I just buy whatever is cheapest

>> No.4565540

I didn't realize there were so many Walmart shoppers here on /lit/

What happen man?

>> No.4565556
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>being misguided consumerist scum

enter the garden, friend

>> No.4565618


You better be 18 and living at home, or imma call shamefurr dispray

>> No.4565682
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I need more space.

>> No.4565781

That Hegel's Phenomenology isn't impressing anyone; not me at least.

>> No.4565810


It just stands there because it's what i'm currently reading.

>> No.4565830
File: 751 KB, 3456x2304, 1392330446385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw far away from my library

>> No.4565835

why are they all upside-down

>> No.4565851

I have a library. It's all PDFs.

No one can ruin my books. My bookshelves won't collapse, get old or need to be dusted.

>> No.4565854

Because in Germany they print the backs facing the opposite direction. I don't know why. Personally I prefer them the other way. But most of the time it's just something you are used to, I guess.

>> No.4565866

But how can you have all the books you're about to read lying scattered around? How can you have multiple books open while you work at your table? How can you fall asleep with your hand caressing the cover of your favorite book?

>> No.4565881


I think english translations>german translations for japanese stuff, übersetzen die nicht meistens einfach die englische übersetzung ins deutsche?

>> No.4565895

Only a few translations are translations of the English translations. Nowadays all translations are directly translated from the Japanese originals. In case of Murakami the German translations even come out months before there's an English translation available.

>> No.4565944

Do you have self-inflicted asthma or some shit? Jesus Christ dust that bitch

>> No.4567349


>> No.4567372

Too much Palahniuk.

>> No.4567392
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Germany makes such classy looking books.

>> No.4567422


Now if only we could get a LEGIT translation of Goethe's Faust.

Considering even Kaufmann said it was impossible ever translate Part 2, I doubt we will ever see such a thing.

>> No.4567470
File: 42 KB, 402x236, scrolls1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is literally about judging books by their covers. The value of books isn't in their aesthetic appeal as decorations. Judge someone's book collection on its content, not its appearance.

Sure, you can appreciate an aesthetically appealing arrangement of books and judge arrangements of books based on their aesthetic appeal, but that in no way makes that collection "not a library" or really comments on the true quality of a collection.

Might as well say:
>not having racks of scrolls
stay pleb hardcovers

>> No.4568615


This is an argument made by poor people that own shitty things

>> No.4568685
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are people seriously talking shit about paperbacks? Penguin is the only publisher that matters.

>> No.4568694

this. cheaper and interesting design.

>> No.4568699

what's wrong with being poor?

>> No.4569219


Nothing as long as it's a stepping stone. Too many pretentious poor folks in /lit/ though that need to go out, find a job, find a career, stop being society draining NEATS or "Students", and go make some Fucking Scrilla.

>> No.4569223
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>> No.4571619

And me

>> No.4571625

Is asceticism somehow morally wrong, then?

>> No.4571641

>nothing as long as it's a stepping stone
Fucking capitalist religion.
It's about quality of life, asshole. Why shoyuld I work my ass off and scrimp and save for years to play your game when I could work part time, live with a lower income, and actually parent my children, grow a garden, and enjoy leisure time?

>> No.4571649
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>no one noticed the nice purse and lady's small sandals in the picture
>I dont think this is a dude's house...

>> No.4571669


>That shrink wrapped Cards Against Humanity

What is wrong with you.

>> No.4571697

Worst thread on /lit/ yet the longest

>> No.4571736
File: 922 KB, 500x309, 1386367066637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw voracious reader
>mfw minimum wage part time worker while studying
>mfw tiny, secondhand bookshelf from Craigslist is all I could afford
>mfw I had to box most of my books for storage
>mfw almost all my books are ebooks or paperbacks because it's all I have the money for
One of my dreams is to build a house out in the forest somewhere cold and quiet and lonely, with a large library.

>> No.4571775

What this elitist idiot doesn't understand is that it is actually to his benefit for the masses to be content with their lot.

>> No.4571800

One of my dreams is not to be alone

>> No.4571821

That honestly sounds like hell, the loneliness of it, I'd lose the will to live after too long of that. If it weren't for my partner I'd probably not have had the drive to read half the books I would have

>> No.4571831


I'm not going to say it's morally wrong, but the world certainly would not miss such people. They do nothing to enrich humanity and only bring it down.

It's something better weeded out from the gene pool if it could be done so.

>> No.4571836

>harry potter

>> No.4571849

>psychopathic utilitarian faggotry
>enriching humanity

pls calculate utility

>> No.4571955

I dunno if it would increase mans general happiness, but it would certainly make a lot of people here happier to see you against the wall first.

>> No.4572198

What if hardcovers are not available?

There are all those pop-science/business/history books that get straight to pb release, then almost all foreign lit sold here is pb for some reason and so on.

>> No.4572203

> Equal height paperbacks
holy fuck I am jelly

>> No.4572216

Why do they have to use so dim and yellow lights instead of actual bright white light, man?

>> No.4572323

That's the thing, I refuse to accept these hardcover people read that widely. I would say only half the books that I own were published in hardcover, it doesn't make much sense to be picky about it.

>> No.4572375


I've never not been able to find a book I wanted in hardcover. I would sincerely question the quality of the books you own.

>> No.4572481

that's because you like safe choices and classics, typical hardcover fag

>> No.4572609
File: 572 KB, 450x586, 1391869663815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some people still think the appearance of a book is more important than its content

I think "don't judge a book by its cover" sums it pretty well. Of course having a real library is nice, but we can't all afford it, and in the end it's not the main purpose of the book itself. You're just sounding like a pretentious fussy faggot.

>> No.4572634

You've never not been able to find a book you want in hardcover? Ever? What sort of books do you read? I can't imagine that at all. Where do you buy them from?

My local book shop doesn't specify "do you want this in paperback or a fancy hardback" when you make an order, and on Amazon most of the books I buy don't have the option for it. I'm genuinely fascinated.

Why do you question the quality of the books that I own based on that? Most of them are recently translated or collected, and lots of my favourite publishers are too small to publish in hardcover. None of the literary journals I buy are collected in that format either.

I find your attitude genuinely bizarre.

>> No.4572716

what happened to dont judge a book by its cover its whats inside that matters as long as the cover isnt made out of baby foreskins i dont care

>> No.4572756

>not buying old paperbacks from used bookstores and enjoying the notes and annotations left behind by others

>> No.4572762

Mine too.
But having someone to share it with, with comfy silences and eventual glances.
Maybe a pet

>> No.4573833
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Generally I don't mind paperbacks, but I need to get a hardback un-abridged copy of Les Mis; long paperbacks fall apart way too quickly per read.

>> No.4573951

this 100%

>> No.4573960

>not being down with aristocracy and vain superiority

Wow, it's like I'm really living in a communist country right now

>> No.4573966
File: 50 KB, 600x450, as I slay ying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because I really want this on my bookshelf

>> No.4573985

pretty much this....

>> No.4574060

>Thinking physical things about the book influence comprehension
>Thinking having books of better physical quality matters more than quantity from superior cheaper paperback versions


>> No.4574084
File: 78 KB, 700x1070, The 4chan Classics Range 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is beautiful.

>> No.4574105

I have a lot of books, and not enough shelves to put them. So they make columns from the floor.
They kinda invade every place I live in. Since I have my ebook the process is slower, but I hasn't stopped.

I own both paperbacks, hardcovers and pretty much any kind of edition.
I don't give a fuck.

Though it's true that when I 'try' a new book the cover or at least the summary affects me.

>> No.4574116


Do you know anything about manuscript and print culture? The physical composition of the book is just as important as the contents. Get out of your narrow New Criticism.

>> No.4574389

my enjoyment of a book won't increase if I read from a 50 dollar hardbackthan if I were to read the same text from a cheap paperback

>> No.4574400

good goy

>> No.4576229


Really? Amazon has a lot of online stores with hardcover versions even if Amazon itself doesn't carry. If I can't find it on Amazon, I can always find it on eBay. If I want a book bad enough I can find it in hardcover.

>> No.4576289
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>> No.4576380

I buy mostly used paperback books. As >>4574389 does, when I do buy a hardback it doesn't really increase my enjoyment of the book.

More important for me is that the book is used, which greatly increases my enjoyment of it. I recently picked up Dune for $0.25 from a library sale with the cover dog-eared, the spine fully cracked, and it smells of old book smell. I like the idea of knowing that for a pittance of $0.25 I can buy hours and hours of engrossing entertainment, and not only that but that someone before me has used this exact same item to enter the same world as me, that it can be read many times by many people, enjoyed by all and at such little cost.

Additionally, I usually only read a book once before reselling it or giving it away, so it doesn't make sense to invest in hardcovers. If there's a book I want to keep, I usually buy it in paperback and then put contact paper around it to help preserve the book's integrity. Paperbacks also sometimes come with extra material, like a new introduction just for the paperback edition.

>> No.4576417

>Dissing on paperbacks when hardcovers take up too much space and look like shit.
>Dissing on the Billy.

Fuck off.

>> No.4576432
File: 14 KB, 320x179, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the link in the photo there are cheap paperbacks and cheap hardback plus shipping is free in the usa
amazon charges like $3 for slow ass shipping

>> No.4576447
File: 225 KB, 1366x768, calibre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After one week of reading on my Kindle 4 I dumped all the physical copies of books I have accumulated over the years (around 100) into 2 boxes and donated them to charity. Now I walk around with an entire library of around 2000 books in my jacket pocket.

I even have a kindle holder on an adjustable string arm fixed to my bedside table so I can read in bed hands-free. I am planning to follow an online tutorial to attach a remote clicker to my kindle to free me from the chore of raising my hand to page turn.

>> No.4576455

*adjustable spring arm

>> No.4576472

>giving away books
>kindle holster
dude you are a faggot

>> No.4576479

I give you 3 weeks before you're exclusively listening to audiobooks.

>> No.4576484

>on the /lit/eracy board
>can't write

>> No.4576490

I already do. I always have my kindle and an mp3 player with me. When it is not possible to read a book, I am usually listening to one. I used to read while walking in the street, but I had a couple of close calls while crossing the road, so I switched to audiobooks for that (I do a lot of traveling by foot). It also makes it easier to have multiple books on-the-go. I find it awkward to switch between stories which are pure text, but I can comfortably switch between text/audiobook/tv series/comic books without any headache.

>> No.4576498
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Pretty happy with my collection, couple of library books in here too.

And yes I'm horribly disorganised. I do envy you folks who actually have enough energy/time/willpower to keep everything nice like that

>> No.4576504
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>buying store-bought shelving
>not buying books in bulk so you always have plenty to read

>> No.4576517

>>4576498 here

Can anyone justify why they buy classic novels that are in every library that they're only going to read once? I mean, if I buy a book it's usually because I plan on re-using it a lot or if I'm using it for a play/production and I need to write shit all over it.

I mean, if that's what makes you happy, that's cool, but I don't see why you don't buy something more...re-useable?

>> No.4576520
File: 784 KB, 2494x1401, WP_20140216_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My library.

>> No.4576535

shit library bro

>> No.4576538

so disorganized its so gross stand those bitches up right and place them in alphabetical order by author

>> No.4576541

That would decrease storage capacity. And there's no need for alphabetizing, it's private.

>> No.4576571
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>all those plays

>> No.4576588

>OP's post describes me

sorry man, I'm a poor student. All my books are second hand, I rummage from store to store looking for new things, it's an interesting way to plan out what to read because you can't plan it out. Also since they're much cheaper, I can be in a constant state of buying new books so I never run out.

But yeah, my bookshelf is a clusterfuck of paperbacks. Sorry I'm a pleb.

>> No.4576754

I can tell you why: I want specific versions or translations of classics which usually aren't available at my library. My library also has a poor interlibrary system, so that's often not an option either.

Also, I can usually buy a classics for $0.25 or less, so it's not like I'm blowing tons of cash on them.

>> No.4577505

>no books in a foreign language

>> No.4577549

>what happened to dont judge a book by its cover its whats inside that matters as long as the cover isnt made out of baby foreskins i dont care
>Not having a library with books bound in baby foreskin
stay pleb lit

>> No.4577587
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reminds me of this:

>> No.4577656

Paperbacks are nice and cheap. I can get them from Goodwill for around dollar a pop, and they are more portable.

Paperbacks are functional.

>> No.4577706


>not knowing op is deliberately describing everyone for the lels