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/lit/ - Literature

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4573369 No.4573369[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read /lit/?

>> No.4573375

To fill my head with more data to work over

>> No.4573373

it's like travel for the mind

>> No.4573378

To distract myself from >tfwnogf

>> No.4573377

It passes the time.

>> No.4573385

To become better than everyone else.

>> No.4573397
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To feel like I'm doing something useful.

>> No.4573399

pure pleasure

>> No.4573408

I just had this realisation yesterday that reading books seriously helps me analyse my life. I actually view my life as a book now, I try to pick out the symbolism, metaphors and major themes. It's lame, but books have really helped me step outside of myself and look inside.

>> No.4573428

To avoid the Void

>> No.4573433

Because I like to read.
Any other answer is.

>> No.4573469

cauuuuseeee why not

>> No.4573492

Because my time is worthless, and I need new content to fill the emptiness.

>> No.4573548

Because Feng Zhu told me

Glad I started too.

>> No.4573552


The question should be "what do you read" and then ask why.

>> No.4573592

Modernism and postmodernism, because I read Ulysses once and now I can't read anything more tame because I get boners for #experimental #avantgarde bullshit because I'm a terrible person and I hate myself

>> No.4573597

My post was to offer criticism on the op's lack of a correct thread question so that the OP might correct its mistake and, should it make another thread, have a better opening. It wasn't meant to be replied to retard. You read Ulysses once? I didn't know you retards could manage anything above Dr.Seuss.

>> No.4573601

Because I majoring in this god awful subject I feel like I wasted my life

>> No.4573627


>> No.4573649
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to make some sense of life

though i do often find it to be a parody of itself
>droll thing life is

>> No.4573656


>> No.4573671

We'd get along well, Anon. Although I can stand more conventional stuff, but it has to be God-tier.

>> No.4573673
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To extend my life vicariously

Oooo. And this.

>> No.4573682

do you ever sleep bird ?

>> No.4573688

>To extend my life vicariously
This is something best reserved for poetry.

>> No.4573694

For the feels Anon, I'm about to finish the first book of The Wheel of Time series and I'm so glad I found this, I have so many feels reading the arquetypical battles in this book, feels like I can comprehend better the little details of our lives, maybe just put more care into what the time does with us.

I don't know, I remember the feels that gave me Neuromancer.

I remember how Baudrillard made me look everything with another eye, I remember how I changed after I first read Also Sprach Zaratustra, I became a bit avid for reading.

I do it because it makes me feel like it's a good kind of wasting your time and life away.

>> No.4573697

or RPGs

>> No.4573698

It's actually one of the few uses of your time that isn't a waste. It provides high quantities of both immediate and long-term gratification, a very special activity indeed.

>> No.4573703

I don't know, I think of "vicariously" meaning living through someone else. RPG's are more living through an alter ego, which is still you on some level.

>> No.4573708

I've always considered life as a waste since it's very begining. Not that there's something wrong with it.

>> No.4573714

I have a pretty visual imagination and books are usually more entertaining than video games or movies anyway.

>> No.4573716

A waste of what?

>> No.4573721
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I do it with history or fiction, whatever. Love putting myself there.

>> No.4573727

A waste of a primal energy, it's like a spark losing it's shine since it's creation.

I don't know, I guess we all waste our time the way we feel we should, with our loving ones, doing one big lifetime work, traveling, reading, after all, there's no difference, everything is a waste of it's primal energy, time doesn't even exist.

I'm sorry if I'm just mumbling stuff, it's hard for me to express "somewhat" deep thoughts in english since it's not my native language.

>> No.4573728

I have difficulty doing that with most history and fiction, mainly because the character tends to be too dissonant with my own, but I do find both fascinating.

>> No.4573731

How can energy per se be wasted if it doesn't dissipate? it only changes forms.

>> No.4573737

I'm not so sure about it, there will be a moment where all energy is gone, no light at all, (not sure if gravity ever ends).

If nothing can turn into all.
I think all can turn into nothing.

Isn't that something that goes wasting away itself since it's own begining? (maybe waste is not the word I was looking for, would you mind to help me there?)

>> No.4573739

I started because I was too poor to afford TV, I kept reading because its a nice break for my brain and it helps me escape to a place where I can get away from stress.

>> No.4573740

Energy has just changed forms since its beginning. It's like money, except money gets destroyed and created; when you talk of "wasting" energy, it's like "wasting" money. The money doesn't literally disappear, it just is put to different use.

>> No.4573738
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Well it is becoming less yourself then the RPG alter ego. Some histories I turn the author's voice into a documentary narrator. ...A Norwegian woman of my own invention.

Your point of view is just very pessimistic. A waste to you is just time spent for others. ...Does a flower waste its time blooming and smelling up the place?

>> No.4573742

There's is certain energy we use to think it all, to imagine thins, to reason or drift away in madness.

I'm pretty sure "food" has a lot to do with that energy we use, but everything we conceive it's based solely on our limited bodies, we have some functions to feel things around, we have some tools to give them sense, but in the end, energy will left our body, and our mind, our great Universe inside of us is just going to shut down, maybe our body is gonna turn into worms and stuff, but pretty much everything we kinda "are" is just gonna vanish, and time will cease to actually mean something to us

How isn't that a waste?

>> No.4573744

>Well it is becoming less yourself then the RPG alter ego. Some histories I turn the author's voice into a documentary narrator. ...A Norwegian woman of my own invention.
Ah, that sounds interesting. I adore Norwegian accent.

>> No.4573760

Because I wanted to see how other 4chan users read books.

>> No.4573764
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>he missed a comma
>I'll just act like I'm so dumb I can't discern his intended meaning, that'll show him

>aren't I clever

>> No.4573778

I enjoy, but also so that I can experience new ideas and enjoy all of the things that come along with it. Perhaps, above all, so that i can write better and better communicate what I have to say so that maybe I can connect with some people and maybe I won't be so mentally and emotionally alone. I am surrounded by people with no one to speak to. I want to have the authority to dictate the conversation and have people that matter (at least to me) come to me to discuss it.

>> No.4573803

OP tears detected.

>> No.4573822

i read anti-natalistic and pessimistic books to rationalise my misanthropy and eventual suicide

>> No.4573823

i should that i feel my worldview is correct, but i can't tell if it's confirmation bias or genuine. probably a little of both

>> No.4573838


Perhaps you're just like most people who engage in things they relate to and so, you may simply be a severely depressed pessimist.

>> No.4573858

I'm under the impression that reading books will help me understand.

>> No.4573862

The same reason I watch movies or play games, but with an added element of depth not present in other mediums

And so that I may feel patrician

>> No.4573880

The same reason I write. I don't feel like doing anything else.

>> No.4573890

because it's fun.

>> No.4573896

as a form of escapism.

>> No.4573906


>> No.4576262

did you watch pervert's guide to ideology?

>> No.4576286

Because to everyone else it's a like me holding up a big sign with "I AM BETTER THAN YOU, YOU FUCKING PLEB". It makes me feel patrician.

>> No.4576288

so i know im not getting stupider over time. or at least provides me with that illusion

>> No.4576301


I watched both the pervert movies within the past day and ordered zizeks end times book.

He is interesting

>> No.4576320

For the chicks

>> No.4576361
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>> No.4576364

it adds meaning to my otherwise uneventful existence. reading a great book, or sometimes even just a great passage, fills me with a certain sense of wonder and makes it feel like things can't be all that bad.

>> No.4576430

Sometimes for entertainment, sometimes to gain new perspectives. Both things come along together more often than not.

>> No.4576464

beats killing myself or crying in bed for hours

>> No.4576496

I feel obligated to read. If I don't, anxiety fucks with me. It's difficult to force myself to start reading, but when I do, life is great.

>> No.4576513

To get over my long time aversion to reading. I'm forcing myself to read more because I want to better myself and be responsible for it.

>> No.4576519

Because I want to hear the story of Willie Mays' life in Richard Hammond's voice.

>> No.4576527

Better than heroin.

>> No.4576619

a. bc i get afraid and guilty thinking about the massive amount of books and how i'll never be able to read every one or do them justice
b. cus its p cool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4576637

I don't. I just walk around with fancy books in public so lonely girls with low self esteem will sleep with me.

>> No.4576685

I read because I love how words can work so well together, and how I can become emotionally attached to characters that are half built in my own mind.

>> No.4576688

I really wanted to like both of them, but found that most of his points were either retreads that more intelligent people have covered or he ended up floundering into a pseudo-intellectual spiel. He strikes me as a man who desperately wants to be a new age philosopher or critic, but lacks the intellect and/or original thinking to do so.

Still, I enjoyed the movies purely as entertainment. Zizek obviously has some charisma, but his ideas didn't hit any chord for me.

>Inb4 Zizek fanboys hit me with "the truth"

>> No.4577095

I know what you mean. One one hand it's really interesting. You notice lot of things you otherwise wouldn't. On the other hand, you notice a lot of things you otherwise wouldn't.

>> No.4577102

Cause I like to.

>> No.4577145

because it's what i do

>> No.4577701

Because of an inherent delusion I have that the next book I read will somehow give my life meaning or some new perspective that will change everything.

I hate reading but I feel so empty without it. No other medium can give me the hope of someday finding some kind of satisfying truth.

>> No.4577711

Too bad they are anon

>> No.4577721



>tfw they never do

>> No.4577724

to understand this world.

>> No.4577729


Not really a fanboy but what more intelligent predecessors are we talking about?

>> No.4577736

If gives me the illusion of self-improvement and study in a society where reading is (flasely) no longer considered a leisure activity, but an intellectual persuit

>> No.4577767

To have my prejudices affirmed.

>> No.4577808

to be able to score smarter girls.

>> No.4577885


Nobody knew who I was until I picked up the book.

>> No.4577979

for fun

>> No.4577988



>> No.4577990

because it's a duty that I owe to myself

>> No.4578001

Because while I've lost any hope to find anything, I'm still in the habit of searching.

>> No.4578032

Because I hate myself and reading helps me to forget about my life.

>> No.4578050

This is probably the best one. It's your duty to be as educated and we'll read as You possibly can be.

>> No.4578057

escapism, waste time, nothing better to do

>> No.4578079

seems like you've got a long way to go

>> No.4578094

Because playing PC games for 16 hours a day just doesn't cut it.

>> No.4578096

which games?

>> No.4578121

Currently Starbound, Mount and Blade and Medieval 2.
Sometimes SWTOR

>> No.4578183

Favorites that best describe me. Also, I read because I'm afraid of what I might become if I don't. I have read for so long, and I like so many things about myself that I don't want ever to change. If it's true that I am what I am today because of the books I read, then I don't want to become something else by not reading anymore.

>> No.4578203

because I like it, I've been reading since I was in kindergarten and it's always been a big part of my life. I never got into video games.