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File: 35 KB, 313x475, The Winds of Winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4569719 No.4569719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's going to suck, isn't it?

>> No.4569734

Well it ain't gonna suck itself.

>> No.4569755

do you really expect that the ancient evil trope fueled by predestination will unwound in a thrilling way that satisfies tone set in the first several books?

remember, martin wrote the saga when the first scene in game of thrones occured to him. rest he made up as he went along, unawares of roaring popularity that was to ensue.

>> No.4569771

but which horn is that?

>> No.4569782

Considering adwd was good and equal to early books , no, it'll be good

>> No.4569791

I was trying to work out some kind of joke with gates of horn and ivory (maybe ASOIAF goes through the gate of ivory b/c it sucks???) but i couldn't get it to work

sorry yall

>> No.4569800

The show will finish years before the last book comes out and it will be much better.

>> No.4569801

>remember, martin wrote the saga when the first scene in game of thrones occured to him. rest he made up as he went along
Gene Wolfe did the same with Book of the New Sun
he started out writing a short story
then it grew into a novelette, then a novella, then three novels
the third novel was bigger than the others so he went back over it and added some extra material, mainly the story telling competition, so that it could be split into two giving us the 4 books
>unawares of roaring popularity that was to ensue.
you should write with expectations of becoming a major media phenomenon? that sounds rather crude, and like those shitty twilight followups everyone is doing and making into films now

>> No.4569805

how many episodes do they per season? 13? it'll take 2 or 3 years just to get through some of the biggest books

>> No.4569806

It should be the one that goes HAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, but if you have any doubt the other possibilty is that it's the one that goes DADAA DADAA DADAAAA!

>> No.4569837


Season 5 will be the first half of book 4 and 5

Season 6 will be the rest of book 4 and 5

>> No.4569845

Oh, so they're going to do it all at once instead of dividing it by character like they did in the books?

>> No.4569857

What do you mean?

>> No.4569864

>condensing a whole 2 enormous books into 1 season

>> No.4569882

The books run parallel to each other, more or less. You have to do the halves of the books together, or else the show would become a mess.

>> No.4569888

Not to mention nothing fucking happens so they need to condense it so audiences will be engaged.

Otherwise it'll be days of our fucking lives.

>> No.4569903
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Adwd was for the most part, good (reek/theon's arc, bran entering hearttrees, Davos, JonCon taking back griffin's roost, cersei's walk of shame), so I have high hopes for winds of winter; a lot of dwd's success comes from the set up in affc, so I'm betting twow will have an even bigger payoff.
"Where was Robb? I should have been with him. I should have died with him."

>> No.4569904

They could do Tyrion's entire trip in a single episode probably.

>> No.4570011

Is Snah kill?

>> No.4570113

I don't think so. At least not for good.
No POV character, excluding prologue and epilogue, has ever died and stayed dead in their own POV chapter.

>> No.4570171

I have high hopes. Mereen should be close to being finished, and the entire beginning of the book is a bunch of actions scenes we were teased with for the entire last book.

>> No.4570180

Shit is about to go down.

>> No.4570218

you keep saying this in every thread, but it doesn't make it so, no matter how many times you repeat it.

Also the ancient evil trope, or any trope for that matter, is automatically a negative, just so you know.

>> No.4570336

And cat sort of counts
Plus Quentyn maybe

>> No.4570542

He was killed in an Arya chapter, page 608 in my copy
She didn't stay dead
He lived until a Barristan chapter IIRC

>> No.4570554

It's cute that you think it's going to come out.

>> No.4570562

TWOW will definitely come out, barring freak accidents. Now, ADOS is a whole 'nother story...

>> No.4570570


Brandon Sanderson will finish both. Or they'll be released as "Authorized Novelizations of the HBO Series." GRRM isn't going to live another two years.

>> No.4570581

nigga's like 64 or some shit
he'll be fine

>> No.4570602


He's a rough 64. Very rough. And he's been living like he doesn't plan on living much longer.

>> No.4570611

>he's been living like he doesn't plan on living much longer
how so

>> No.4570615

according to him, his doctors say he's in good health
the guy likes food but he's not morbidly obese

>> No.4570632


Enjoying himself. Celebrating. Avoiding writing. Working on vanity or pleasure projects to avoid writing the main series. Buying valuable stuff. Etc. Every headline I've read about him in the last 3 years has translated to me as, "he's enjoying his last years and plans on dying before his obligations come due."

>> No.4572357


Well, if they were going to follow the books in any sensible fashion it would have been:
Season 5: A Feast for Crows and first half of Dance with Dragons
Season 6: last half of Dance with Dragons

But, they're not going to do that. I suspect we're going to lose A LOT of characters from the two most recent books since nobody gives or will give a shit about them. GRRM just added them because he fucked up Dannys storyline by stalling her in Mereen and needed to pad the books.

A lot of the later characters will be replaced in the show by characters we already have, but who won't die or disappear and/or we'll get entirely made-up characters for the show similar to Robb's TV wife.

For instance, I suspect the events on the wall could go down something like this on the show:

- Tormund Giantsbane (having swapped places with Styr) will die raiding Castle Black.
- Styr will be captured instead of Mance Raider.
- Mance will replace Tormund and retreat back into the forest.
- Ygrette will replace Val and be sent off to bring back Mance.
- The whole fantasy b.s. about a shapeshifting/hiding Mance wont make it into the show as with most of the later fantasy elements from the other storylines. They're going to be nixed from the show.

Increasingly, the show will stick to the major plot movements of the books, but increasingly, *how we actually get there* will go down very different in the show.

Brienne's storyline will be very different and I don't think Corpse Cat will make it to the show. Somehow, they're giong to have to get rid of all the boring-as-hell "On the Road With _____" travelogue bullshit from A Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons. A lot of this will be replaced with totally made-up shit like giving Arya more interesting stuff to do in Bravos, fleshing-out the events in the Vale or coming correct with Dorne/the Sand Snakes.

I swear to christ if they just end-up going full retard with Danny's storyline / Dario melodrama I'll rage.

>> No.4572365



>> No.4572377

I agree. After all, this is the guy who actually wrote some serious machievelli shit and bitch ass smackdowns like from The Queen of Thorns. That kind of stuff is how he actually thinks, despite being somewhat of a pussycat in person.

I wouldn't put it past him to be motherfucking not only his publisher and HBO, but his readers as well.

>> No.4572418
File: 140 KB, 1000x831, 1392496982904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never live life to the fullest like George R R Martin does.

>> No.4572440
File: 146 KB, 1024x576, Arya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a optimistic release date for the book? And what is a realistic release date for the book?

And what are you hopeing to see in it?!

>> No.4572456

>implying quentyn is dead
>implying you can corner the dorner

>> No.4572464
File: 102 KB, 720x538, Chatting with GRRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never live life to the fullest like George R R Martin does.

>> No.4572469
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>tfw you will never live life to the fullest like George R R Martin does.

>> No.4572471

September 2045
year 437, by the post-War reckoning

>> No.4572475
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>> No.4572476
File: 16 KB, 227x300, Skinny George RR Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4572567

the problem with the later books (which are presumably supposed to actually be the middle books) is that *at least* 50% of the material consists of 2 people sitting down for ale and greasy chicken while one of them (a) *tells* the other the history of westeros or (b) *tells* the other of something that has happened or is happening somewhere else in the story.

the show wont give a good goddamn about the history of westeros (there is a narrated / animated short series that does this with the BluRay i think - available on YouTube) but the show will almost certainly want to show us more so i think we'll get more action than in the books.

As for the later books, I suspect we'll get more of the same. A lot of who-gives-a-shit characters and sort of GRRM's version of the Aaron Sorkin walk-and-talk, which is people in ruffspun and boiled leather, with grease dripping down their faces, telling and not showing.

>> No.4572630

>>implying you can corner the dorner

Anon I'm dying. Godbless, you fine gent.


The problem with them is that they're boring and grimdark. Arya is off in water world, Dany is fucking around with her sandnigger kingdoms and dying from dysentary. Jaime got engaged to the cow and now he could use a hand. Tyrion was, what, stowed away on a barge, was fiddled by a rich wine vendor, then went down a river, fell in, and got the plague. John Snow was getting involved in non-wall business and now he's a zombie. Onion became a kindergarten teacher. Best parts were Sansa getting molested and based Dorne doing devious shit. Otherwise meh, very forgettable in comparison to the first 3 books. Everyone is spread to the four winds and isn't doing shit.

>> No.4572943

> Everyone is spread to the four winds and isn't doing shit.

Right - because GRRM fucked-up Danny's storyline and stalled her out in Mereen - presumably waiting for the dragon's to grow when they just as easily could have been growing in Dorne, the Stormlands or on Dragonstone. Then again, there is no reason why 4 year old dragons can't fuck shit up, too, so i'm not entirely clear why the wait was even necessary...

...unless GRRM just wanted to dick-around his publisher and readers for 20-25 years.

After the events of a Storm of Swords, it's pretty much half reboot (the new characters) and half holding-pattern (the remaining original characters). Having snow zombies on the wall and dragons in Dorne by the middle of A Feast for Crows would have kept the stakes rising and the tone more desperate and oh-shit-the-world-is-fucked, but it also would have shaved 2 books off the series, most likely.

>> No.4572966

GRRM wanted to go a 5 year time jump after ASOS, but he decided against it halfway through writing AFFC and completely trashed everything he had and started over.

Because of this, the Meereenese Knot became a thing, Jon as Lord Commander was not very believable, Bran is going to have master weirwood.net in a short amount of time, and Arya will have spent a relatively short time at the House of Black and White. The time jump was supposed to solve all of this, and give Dany actual experience ruling and a good long time for her dragons to grow.

>> No.4573016

It sounds like the timeskip would have resolved a lot of the issues people have with the latter two books. Why didn't he go through with it?

>> No.4573025

Yeah, so maybe his original error was in starting most of the characters too young (one which the show fixes). If GRRM didn't have a borderline obsession with the sexuality of young teenage girls, he might have realized his error when writing A Game of Thrones, but the idea of writing a willing 13/14 year old Dany was obviously too hard to resist.

I think Jon Snow is too young to be a lord commander, for sure, but Robb was too young to be taken seriously as a king / battle commander. The TV show manages this much more plausibly as they're both young and foolish, but essentially grown men. GRRM goes on and on about 14 year old girls being "a woman flowered" and a 16 year old boy being "a man grown", but it still doesn't ring true - no matter how historically accurate it may be.

On the other hand, I think it could have been workable with the right counselors/advisors/bannermen/menotors about them, but apparently the whole angle of these characters is that they're "young people thrust into responsiblity/duty" - it's not just about destroying the Starks.. and that makes it difficult for me to read, since i'm not a teenager. I guess my point is i feel like i'm reading Young Adult when the books were recommended to me as a fantasy series for "grown ups" and people who generally don't read fantasy.

>> No.4573031

he felt like there would be too much flashacks explaining the events of the five years he skipped

>> No.4573048

>Why didn't GRRM go through with jumping ahead in the chronology?
I think he talks about this in some of his interviews on the YouTube.

Honestly, though, I think he knew he was writing for television by this point and wanted it to be easily adaptable.

The irony is that now D&D are complaining that the actors playing Bran and Arya are growing up too fast. Had he ditched the Young Adult lit tropes of "a teenager thrust into responsibility / a scary grown-up world alone" by starting Dany/Rob/Bran/Arya as older like the show does it would have been easier to plausibly have Dany in Westeros by A Feast for Crows and Jon Snow would've made a believable Lord Commander, as anon suggests above.

>> No.4573056

>Honestly, though, I think he knew he was writing for television by this point and wanted it to be easily adaptable.

Five time skip would actually help the show. I mean look at the actors who are playing Arya and Bran they changed a lot.

>> No.4573065

Arya is easier to deal with I think, unless she grows massive tits overnight then makeup and wardrobe can work with that. Bran though..

And what about Rickon?

>> No.4573069

They will probably replace the actor like with Tommen

>> No.4573080

I think TWOW kind of has to be good at this point. GRRM has spent about 2,000 pages of buildup (a lot of which is unnecessary) and now he needs to deliver. The plot NEEDS to move forward, mysteries NEED to be solved, battles NEED to be fought. And they will be, unless GRRM starts giving POVs to characters from the Summer Islands and Asshai. ADWD leaves so many plotthreads on cliffhangers (dreadful decision, by the way) that it will be hard for shit not to go down in TWOW.

The Battles of Mereen and Winterfell should be dealt with immediately. So does the question of Jon's life or death. What a cheap, unearned cliffhanger that was.

Also, we need some Others action. They've been on the fringes for far too long, they need to start wrecking some shit.

>> No.4573084

IIRC, GRRM has confirmed that there are three big battles in TWOW, there will be no new POV's (excluding prologue and epilogue I assume), and we'll be seeing more of the Others and we're going further North than ever before. I'm guessing Bran will be doing that with warging or looking through weirwoods

>> No.4573085

>The Battles of Mereen and Winterfell should be dealt with immediately.

Those are already confirmed to be resolved quickly in TWOW. In fact you have summaries of two chapters about battle of mereen (tyrion and barristan) already online.


>> No.4573100

Great. I also hope the Dany and the Dothraki stuff is moved along at a fast pace. I don't think I could stomach another bucket load of Dany filler.

Now comes the waiting. I read that Robin Hobb said it would be coming out this Summer. She'd know.

>> No.4573111

Yeah that Dany/Dohtraki plot is really scaring me. If they actually take that bitch all the way back to Vaes Dohtrak it is going to take a lot of time

Also the publisher already denied that book is coming out in the summer. She tweeted that the book is 'years away'. I hope Hobb is right but I wouldn't count on it

>> No.4573147

In response to "Any idea when the Winds of Winter will be coming out?":

Oh, I haven't finished writing it for George yet . . . :)
Seriously, I think it is supposed to come out in July 2014. The month before The Fool's Assassin.
I am just sure that everyone will have spent their pocket money on George's book and will have nothing left to buy mine . . . .

Since they're both published by HarperVoyager in the UK, I think she would know of stuff like this especially considering her book is coming out around the same time. The "seriously" and specific answer of July 2014 seems to me like it's pretty legit. But all this could be wishful thinking, in fact it probably is.

Regarding the Dany situation, I think George stretching it out for a while is a real possibility. I think her storyline is gonna go along the lines of: stay with the Dothraki for a while > go to Vaes Dothrak > manage to win over Dothraki > travel back to Mereen with Dothraki > when she gets there, the battle is won > wanders around Mereen for a while > decides, "shits boring, lets go Westeros". And on that note we wait another decade for A Dream of Spring.

>> No.4573155
File: 11 KB, 160x160, 1363334653946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh c'mon... aren't you curious about Hokar so Hazo and Zim Zam Zamabam and the cultural particularities of kaki-colored mongrel denizens of dusty slave cities?

Let's not be racist, after all... They're all worth getting to know. I'm sure there are some perfectly rational, noble, dog-eating heroes in there somewhere.

>> No.4573200
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She's also friends with GRRM which adds a little more credibility to it. Of could the publisher would deny it, people always deny leaks.

I think July makes sense, from a money perspective.
Season 4 will have all the best parts of the story for a while, hype will be at an all time high. It starts April 6th and ends June 15th, and The World of Ice and Fire was delayed, perhaps in addition to the official reason it might contain information from TWOW. Books are usually announced months and months in advance, but for something with this much hype building up behind, a long wait period from announcement to release wouldn't make sense. Announcing the book around the time Season 4 starts would make the most sense, hype would continue to build as Season 4 goes on, and then everybody suffers for a month. Show watchers buy the books to pass the time, book readers drive themselves crazy. Release day comes along and sales records are broken.

George knows the show will catch up with him at this rate, but I think he's smart enough to avoid that. People always bring up how long AFFC and ADWD took to come out, but he literally started over while nearly done AFFC. Meaning he surely had to trash his notes on how to approach ADWD as well. And people like to forget how short the gaps between the first three books were. But halfway through Dance things start to really get rolling again. Everything is moving forward and he's said he won't be separating everyone again. I think he's either nearly done, or done with TWOW and it will be announced within the next 8 weeks. From a business standpoint it only makes sense.

I hope I'm right.

I can't stand the fan theories for much longer.

>> No.4573774

>I can't stand the fan theories for much longer.
Anybody else think Dany is going to accidentally nuke King's Landing by setting off a cache of wildfire by mistake?

>> No.4574456

this is what you remind me of

>> No.4574736

Winds of Winter will be good.
Why? A dance with dragons was already good.

>> No.4574815

>implying being marginally better than A Feast for Crows made A Dance with Dragons good.
>implying ending aDwD storylines with cliffhangers is in any way excusable when the novels are being published at 5-10 year intervals.

>> No.4574831

>marginally better
It's probably the 2nd best book to me.

Enjoyed it.

>> No.4574858
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>> No.4575553

>which horn is that?

It's the horn Victarion is going to use to steal 2 of Dany's dragons in Mereen. The insuing drama will give Dany additional somethings else to do in or around Slavers Bay that way she wont actually have to bring her dragons to Westeros just yet (if at all) to reclaim her kingdom and all that, which nobody wants because who wants to actually read about the struggle for the iron throne when you can read about Dany, Queen of Afgani?

>> No.4575590


If she wasn't a Strong Female Character she would be remembered as one of the worst characters in all of fiction. Everything about her is misjudged time wasting.

>> No.4575607

>Zim Zam Zamabam

>> No.4575694

is the cover real? where is it from?
>sorry for coming late to the party

>> No.4575697

Agreed. Adwd sucked dick with plot only marginally moving forward in the final chapters.
How anyone can say it was good is beyond me.

>> No.4575794

Amazing amount of small pointers for people with eyes.

Good storylines for most of the characters.

his writing felt more alive than affc

>> No.4575798

I just finished Dance with Dragons.
Why is Jon so fucking retarded
>Melis tells jon about the girl on the horse for the entire purpose of getting him to realize her visions aren't bullshit
>vision comes true
I swear GRRM gives his characters selective stupidity just so he can kill them off.

>> No.4575805

>Why is Jon so fucking retarded
Age: 14-16.

Bravo GRRM

His biggest mistake he himself admits to was making the kids too young.

>> No.4575806

>tfw no black gf

>> No.4575842

Undoubdetly. Because it will be about OP.

>> No.4575868

The one that destroys the big ice wall in the north.

>> No.4576244

After being stabbed, Jon Snow fled north. Far, far far far north. Ghost is his only companion, and he just runs far away, then is carried by the great snowy beast. The wind is roaring, caressing him to sleep, when suddenly, the wind stops, the wolf stops, and Jon looks up, and sees a crowd of lighted men. He is delirious, and begs for help. When they finally come near, he sees them for their true form. White Walkers. A whole army of them. No sword, no hope...

And they carry him. They're cold. Cold as ice. Their cold touch binds his flesh, fusing the wounds, and sharpening his thoughts. He is laid before a throne. A great white throne. Built of icy spikes, like a massive copy of the Iron Throne. And sitting on it, was a terror. A corpse... a giant white corpse, gazing down on him. Another came from beneath the towering feet, eyes of red. Jon felt sick.

"Yo-o-o-ooou... warm.... who come from low.... and away. Why... are you here?" His voice was cracked and hissing, chilled and impossible.

"I... I had to run. The guards attacked me, I just... I-"

It groaned and looked away.

He dared not ask, but Jon had to know. th. "Who are you?"

"I... a-a-a-mmm he who serves.... what.... chills you. Makes you colllld."

Snow slowly stepped behind Jon. Jon looked up at the terror of the throne. He could not make its face out in the storm. "What is... that?"

The white servant glanced back and snarled. "GREATERRR..."

"No... th-"

The terror slowly moved. It was alive. No... life what anything but that terror. And from the gale, a bony finger pointed at Jon. The servant gazed up in a ragged smile. And from the storm, roared a dull voice.

"J-Jon. I am Jon Snow."
It roared again.
"A warm thi-i-nnng." the servant hissed.
"NO. TH-...AT."
The finger was fixed on Snow. The direwolf was afraid. Huddled in a ball and shivering.
"....A WOOOOLLLF!!!!"

The White Walkers roared and beat their chests. Laughter? Rage? The sound was maddening. Jon covered his ears. The fear bubbled over and he cowered. He heard the voice. again

"I had to- there was nowhere else to go, I can leave if you ju-'
"I-I was brought here by your Walkers, I had no intention t-"
"What do you want from me? I gave you my reasons, kill me or let me go, I-"

The Walkers mimicked him, roared in the night his answer. "Don't Know. Don't Know. DON'T KNOW!" Jon closed his eyes are they shook violently, grotesquely and chanted the words. All drowned out but those words. He didn't feel the cold, he didn't hear the wind, just the noise. "DON'T KNOW. DON'T KNOW." His time in the wall. His father. His life. Why he was here, why he was anywhere. It was all he was ever was. A voice without purpose. A life without goals. Kings and Dragons raged, but he had none of it. Always the Other. Always nothing. Empty, pointless. Unknown.

"I don't... I don't know."

>> No.4576253

The crowd was silent. Jon kneeled in the snow and cried. They were toying with him. Bringing him here alive to mock him and eat him. He pulled a dagger. He would not let them have his last breath. If nothing else, then he knew that-


His thoughts boomed beyond him. The terror read them aloud.


Jon need not answer. The voice was right.


>> No.4576259

>Also the ancient evil trope, or any trope for that matter, is automatically a negative, just so you know.

Why are they automatically negatives? Automatically seems a tad bit strong.

>> No.4576268

>people thinking this shit can be wrapped up in just two books

Doh ho ho

>> No.4576276

>the chapter where everything is explained
>George R. R. Martin just leaves it half-finished and goes on a eating binge to have a massive heart attack, and leaves it in his will to release the book in the exact format as it is.
>If he dies before the TV show is complete, that show will also be ended per his will... by Daleks. Yes, Daleks from another dimension. Terry Nation estate signed off on it years ago.

>> No.4576335

>Martin dies and leaves the last book unfinished
>"how kafkaesque"

>> No.4576345

Not the entire series, but the current culmination of events.

>> No.4576354


The slaver's bay chapters are just as important as any other part of the series; GRRM isn't stalling. Dany has to get her army somewhere.

>> No.4576391

She already had her army before ADWD.

>> No.4576483


Meh. I thought Dany boring long before ADWD.

She should have taken her Mongol hoarde and ridden off into the sunset long ago, leaving the focus to Westeros.

>> No.4576497

Why does he take so long to write books? wtf ADWD came out 3 years ago, and it will be at LEAST another year...

>> No.4576503

Wrote himself into a corner. Doesn't care to write anymore. Take your pick of reasons.

>> No.4576514

Stephen King puts out like 3 books a year, and Dean Koontz and Clive Cussler manage at least once-yearly releases. Why GRRM so slow!

>> No.4576526

>>those suspenders.

GRRM lives dangerously.

>> No.4576533

Wrote himself into a corner. Doesn't care to write anymore. Take your pick of reasons.

>> No.4576537

Mereen was such a piece of shit boring subplot. Seriously, no one fucking cares.

>> No.4576539

>Why does he take so long to write books?
He's fat. You don't see a lot of fat authors who are prolific. Actually, I don't know of a lot of fat authors in general. Must be some correlation there.

Dudes probably just independently wealthy and is long since had his creativity validated. He doesn't need to do shit for anybody and probably doesn't care.

Stay hungry, friends. Don't end up like GRRM.

>> No.4576543

>In January 2014, Martin’s UK publisher, Jane Johnson, declared on Twitter that the book would “certainly” not be published before 2015.

>> No.4576554

>Actually, I don't know of a lot of fat authors in general. Must be some correlation there

Aren't most fantasy/sci-fi authors fat?

>> No.4576561


>> No.4576566

Writing with a single hand is slow.

He does it because he has an insatiable appetite to masturbate and can even produce large volumes of cum for his age.

>> No.4576567

That's the case for most of GRRM's female characters.

>> No.4576569

I'm not sure about that.

I know all the truly famous pulp authors (Burroughs, Howard, Lovecraft, etc.) were all skinny. Some dangerously so. So the godfathers of Sci-Fi/Fantasy writing weren't fat.

>> No.4576573

Marx was fat.

>> No.4576576


>> No.4576578

That makes the wetness between my legs wet.

>> No.4576579

Why doesn't anyone except me think Dany's son was actually born alive and has been hidden somewhere by the crazy old witch??

>> No.4576586

Uh no. Its not even hinted at.

>> No.4576590

Petyr is going to fuck Sansa I know that much.

>> No.4576597

Oh, you're kidding. That scene was suspicious as fuck.SHE NEVER SAW THE BABY.
Plus prophecy.
He is the Stallion That Mounts the World.
You'll remember me when you read this one day.

>> No.4576612

Jorah was chilling in the tent when Dany gave birth, so we need to believe he just let Rhaego be taken.

Now, lets assume Jorah is a disloyal fuck. The old horde was swallowed and anyone in the new horde has incentive to kill Rhaego.

Next Rhaego would now be 3? 4? The story needs to jump 10+ years into the future for him to be influential to the plot.

So how exactly is this a viable plot option?

>> No.4576694

>The story needs to jump 10+ years into the future for him to be influential to the plot.
For his actions to be. That's what you meant, yeah?

>> No.4576768

Yeah, I don't trust Jorah. Also the witch may have shown hime something else as the "baby".
(remember the original 5-year jump)
Plus, Rhaego, with his lineage, is a VERY powerful secret to have.

>> No.4576812

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

>> No.4576854

>not liking Wes Anderson

>> No.4576861

>liking Wes Anderson

Isn't Game of Thrones a bit mainstream for you?

>> No.4576866

Wes Anderson is mainstream as fuck m88, nobody likes him cause he's obscure lol

>> No.4576883

Never heard of 'im

>> No.4577221

Write epic book-cycle - get girls.

Hmm... Let's see what I can put on the table...