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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 1024x502, The_Smoke_by_lucaszoltowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4565875 No.4565875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greetings! In this thread

We speak only in Haiku's

This will not go well

>> No.4565879

Still quitting smoking

Distractions are essential

Must avoid boredom

>> No.4565893

Original poster
you are revealed to be a

>> No.4565896
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Grandad died today

Afflicted by lung cancer

I smoked in his name

>> No.4565905

increasing pain in
the place where my heart isn't.
i should buy more pink.

>> No.4565915

Excuse me
I forgot how many vowels
haikus should have

>> No.4565919
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Ex girl is in town
Not sure if I should text her
I have mixed feelings

>> No.4565920

the word you're looking for is syllables

>> No.4565923

I am warning you
A spoiler is indeed needed
For the tearful truth

Haiku's are fake shit
pretentious scribbles of lines
written to please others

>> No.4565929


>> No.4565936

We begin with five
And then proceed with seven,
Why am I alive?

>> No.4565937


You fucked up, shithole

You have to speak in haikus

Go back to >>>/b/, pleb

>> No.4565938

You're right
my mistake
I still fuck up in English

>> No.4565939

I am tired as fuck
these people dont let me sleep
this is really gay

>> No.4565952

sorry: "the word you're
looking for is syllables.
'shithole''s excessive."

>> No.4565953


Smoking is not bad
unless you smoke all the time
it helps to get laid

>> No.4565955


>being a beta
>not hitting her up for fuck
>being a pussy

>> No.4565958

I only smoke
when I'm given a cig
it's pretty nice

>> No.4565956

i am too stupid
to think of proper words to
use when i'm upset

>> No.4565969

Be cool, they told me,

So I kill myself alone

Hating the old me.

>> No.4565971

I have a boner
Bitches get me real hard, ugh!
I just want to fuck

>> No.4565976

I realized that
when I'm living alone
fapping is enough

>> No.4565984

I wish I was drunk.
I seek only to waste time,
and still find nothing.

>> No.4565985

Four-Six-Four, nigga?
I mean, seriously dude?
Uniformly wrong.

>> No.4565990


thats why you should not
take life too seriously
its just pathetic

>> No.4565993

What is that
I do not know
what you are implying

>> No.4566000

Honestly, I can't
fucking stand these stupid gim-
icks. - - - -

>> No.4566004


you do not follow
the rules of writing haikus
you should google it

>> No.4566007
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Everyone speaks of
how serious life should be
but where's criteria?

If you described a
threshold for when one gets too
relaxed, serious

Then I'd be quite pleased.
For to speak vaguely of such
things is quite foolish.

>> No.4566010

I speak of numbers
of syllables in haikus
yours was four-six-four.

>> No.4566013

No season marker
excess mora defiling

>> No.4566014

Speak english, wetback.
Communication is key.
This is my country.

>> No.4566020

Absent of despair

How could I feel the touch of

The sweet sun-stroked air?

>> No.4566030
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how in the muffinfucks
does smoking gets
you some pussy?

>> No.4566034

do you want a prize?
do you think your dissension
is cool at all? bitch.

>> No.4566043

One smelly person
always attracts another
(it worked in Mad Men)

>> No.4566045
File: 403 KB, 559x633, Ulysses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G.T.F.O, guys.
You're ruining a great thread.
I'm going to cry.

>> No.4566046

Haiku require a marker of the season and a cutting juxtaposition as well as being measured by mora instead of syllables. All that happens when you try to squeeze english into a form it's not suited for is pig shit shaped like words.

The only reason anyone even tries is because they can't write a proper sonnet.

>> No.4566047

My back is as dry
As your moms used up pussy
flapping in the wind.

>> No.4566051

For all that pretense
you still don't write a haiku
Winter rapes your butt.

>> No.4566055
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I know my mother
has gigantic pussyflaps
but they aid her flight!

>> No.4566064

Digging this thread hard
Faith in humans rekindled
Too bad it won't last

>> No.4566066

My image broke the
second line into a pair
Please ignore all that

>> No.4566070
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Sun shines from your arse

Which is ironic because

Winter is coming.

>> No.4566072

My dick
is hard
they call me
the bard

the other syllables are silent

>> No.4566073
File: 8 KB, 257x196, 1morting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I refresh page
like a Spring born from Winter
the format is fixed!

>> No.4566082


How ironic then
That this post should too be split
I hope this one won't

>> No.4566087

I believe the cause
is no subsequent posters,
because you fixed it!

>> No.4566089

The bard? He must jest

Four line haiku? We holler,

'"Try hard; not impressed!"

>> No.4566090


A joyous ending
To this all too brief saga
Closed before its time

>> No.4566095
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All great monuments
eventually crumble
Entropy's a bitch.

>> No.4566098
File: 41 KB, 800x900, shit shig dig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Year Twenty-Fourteen
Writing haikus on 4chan
Shiggy Diggy Doo

>> No.4566099

Panties in a twist,

Much to our joyous delight.

Guys, look at this twit!

>> No.4566105

This post could have been
a reply to this one, too
It's universal

>> No.4566107

cry all you want, so
you grow more dehydrated.
4chan is 4fun.

>> No.4566114
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Wretched hypocrite!
You fuel all fires, forever.
GOD sees your bullshit.

>> No.4566121
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I only pretend
to cry when it's funny, 'cause
4chan is 4fun

>> No.4566126
File: 24 KB, 640x360, favorite smile on the citadel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty hours played
All ruined in five minutes
Fuck you, Bioware

A second haiku
No, I'm still not over it
Yes, I fucked Ashley

>> No.4566136

"i was only pretending to be retarded"
always an "excuse".

>> No.4566139

Why has that Persian

Eaten his dancing patrons?

Aversion to rice?

>> No.4566142

Some find this correct
Others, however, will not
A tiring problem

>> No.4566152

hi derv

>> No.4566156
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1392336092923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do know
that Mad Men is just
a fucking TV Show

I kindly ask you
to go fuck yourself
with a cactus

>> No.4566160
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>> No.4566163


make this a haiku
faggot, he who browses /fit/
/lit/ is not so pleb

>> No.4566164
File: 126 KB, 562x476, 1382872344724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to that board

Where they worship the fat one,

Or fall on your sword.

>> No.4566168

Nintendo Direct
Was kinda disappointing
That Little Mac though

>> No.4566169

I want to die and
It's quite late at night, the moon
Is a dick, I guess

>> No.4566177

Indians are dumb
How can they be so beta?
/pol/ enlightens all

>> No.4566180

What, enjambements?
In a haiku? Are you dense?
Don't do that again.

>> No.4566190

Fuck off stormfrontfag
Don't take /pol/ seriously,
that bunch of jokers.

>> No.4566194

I can do what
Ever the fuck I want, mo
therfucker, I'm rad

>> No.4566198


You swear in excess
The mark of a poor writer
And a worse poet

>> No.4566206

Shut the fuck up, shut
The fuck up, shut the fuck up,
Shut the fuck up, fuck

>> No.4566215


In response to this
Such a vile, crass statement
I say thus, NO U

>> No.4566218

You're not all that good.
Ever written something great?
I really doubt it.

>> No.4566222

i think he won, m8
better luck next time, or not
either way, i lol'ed

>> No.4566224

A faggot crept close;
he jabbed you with his penis;
you now have cancer.

>> No.4566226
File: 115 KB, 474x632, 1391651301271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


truly sad to see
that /b/ plebs
are lurking in /lit/

>> No.4566237

i think you take a
website rooted in SA
too seriously.

>> No.4566248

Oh, I thought I was on /adv/ and was allowed not to be a pretentious fuck for a moment.
I obviously haven't written anything that great (as in awesome), but thanks for asking. Have you?

>> No.4566266

ur all a bunch of
faggots. get a life u nubs.

>> No.4566267

Here, people forget
A "true" haiku needs nature
But let's break the rules

>> No.4566269

A great thread ruined
By a single butthurt pleb
Nothing gold can stay

>> No.4566276

You're making me feel all powerful, babe

>> No.4566299

>Have you?
Yes, I think I do.
Nothing great, really, I mean.
But it's getting there.

Why did you stop though?
Rules are to speak in haiku.
Why did you break them?

>> No.4566313

Because people were
Being really mean. What is
It about? Also, I don't

Really speak English
Too well and meh. I am ter
Ribly sorry, meh.

>> No.4566333

It's a trilogy
about three failing brothers,
three german poems.

I love poetry,
but can rarely post it here.
Fucking english plebs.

I mean no offence.
But the english language sucks.
For poetry, that is.

>> No.4566343

Ist das dein Ernst, Bernd?
Jetzt fällt Dir auf, dass mein Deutsch
Genauso schlecht ist.

Was für Gedichte?
Es gibt leider kein gutes
Deutsches Forum, Bernd.

>> No.4566367

One is in free form
about a clever thinker,
detached from the world.

One is a ballad
about a jolly minstrel,
destructive and foul.

One is a sonett
about an eager artisan
whose work will crumble.

>> No.4566378

Das klingt doch ganz nett.
Viel Erfolg und Spaß, mein Kind.
Hat mich gefreut, yo.

>> No.4566381

Hau rein, Bernd, alter.
Ich gehe jetzt auch ins Bett.
Viel zu tun morgen.

>> No.4566612

No te entiendo
Habla español. Si no,
Te mato a ti

>> No.4566624

Real' mature, Pablo.
Celebrate diversity.
I hope you will starve.

>> No.4566637

Silent gurgling,
the onomatopoeic
threads sliding across.

>> No.4566650

>doesn't know what peo-
>ple say about excuses
>still on 4chan? yep.

>> No.4566678

A ha ha ha ha.
Wait, you're being serious?
Let me laugh harder.

>> No.4566753

What is the matter?
Have you read those poems? No?
Then why do you laugh?

>> No.4567082

A penis turban
the mark of allah himself
Hail the phallused lord

>> No.4567207

/lit/ - literature
a place to talk about books
except for the plebs

>> No.4567223
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You ever wonder
what your ancestors would think
of your lack of kids?

>> No.4567326

Yeah, what this guy said.

Haiku don't work outside of Japanese.

>> No.4568071

This thread sure is fun.
Don't let it sink to page 10.
Keep haikus coming.

>> No.4568099

Hear! This man right here
what he speaks, he doesn't know
He should just fuck off

>> No.4568112

He is long gone, John.
Wrote that fiveteen hours ago.
Calm your shaky tits.

>> No.4568115
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>woke up this morning
>decide to be productive
>fap to porn instead

>> No.4568116


Never stop smoking

One merely takes breaks from it

Always it lingers

>> No.4568118

I know that feel well.
Like, shit, so much stuff to do.
Didn't even start.

>> No.4568121

>yfw there are
>people who do not know how
>to count syllables

>> No.4568123

this morning I thought
I want to play a shooter
Metro the whole day

>> No.4568142

you just described
my entire day
this day and all days

>> No.4568175

hungover at work
trapped until valentine's date
will i get sucked off

>> No.4568677

well folks, thats the end
there is no more to be said
thanks anon slash thread

>> No.4568703


Your fortune maintains
That you, most likely, will not
Acquire a blowjob

However, perhaps
This prediction is false, and
Fellatio waits

>> No.4568723

I'm pretty hungry
another cup of coffee
and a cigarette

>> No.4568726


>> No.4568741

no food in this house
there is still some snow outside
order a pizza?

>> No.4568752

The day of lovers,

I'm alone. Flatmates are loud.

Dead, hollow, smothered.

>> No.4568770

Boo hoo, I'm lonely

The feel when you have no one

To buy pink crap for.

>> No.4568795

You misunderstand

Despite the day I feel cold,

Washed up in the sand.

>> No.4568801

What the fuck did you
Fucking say about me bitch?
You're fucking dead kid

>> No.4568808

I cancelled dinner
with my mom tonight because
no way, fuck that shit

>> No.4568818

Whatever you say...

You said, >the day of lovers

Must be your side's thorn...

>> No.4568900

Two sorrows combined,

Though one outweighs the other,

They both cross the line.

>> No.4568919

She loves you anon,

Shame on you for shunning her.

Fuck other people.

>> No.4568929

I'm seeing her on
Sunday as that's less awkward
and less Oedipal

>> No.4568957

Well, that is something.

How are you spending tonight?

4chan and reading?

>> No.4568974

Pretty much. And some
Star Trek Next Generation
When my eyes get sore

>> No.4569001

I'm watching firefly

To get my fill of sci-fi.

And, Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

>> No.4569018

I think I meant to
write you epic poetry
but I got high, soz.

>> No.4569163

God, I hate Earl Grey.
Only drink black tea from home.
Can't find it elsewhere.

>> No.4569169

You will never be
Captain of the Starship
Enterprise with that.

>> No.4569185

Earl grey is like the
american beer of teas.
Tastes like thin water.

>> No.4569198

Darjeeling is fine
Ceylon - an alternative, but
No such tops Earl Grey

>> No.4569210

No Assam? You suck.
Maybe you're a female or
Just American

>> No.4570282
File: 2.22 MB, 290x595, snoop dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hit the road jack and
don't you come back no more no
more no more no more

>> No.4570307

Great, but that's 6-8-5

>> No.4570349 [DELETED] 


Depends on your pronunciation of revealed. It could easily be 2 in most accents. It's just 6-7-5 by my count.

>> No.4570357


Yes, first line has six,
But revealed is only two,
T'is six-seven-five.

>> No.4570401

rum and coke on a
valentines night alone
im content with life

>> No.4570403


My whiskey and coke,
Just make me feel more alone,
But at least I feel.

>> No.4570455

cheers to you anon
we drink together apart
and feel forever

>> No.4570461

come with me to drink
ourselves to death and demise
you won't regret it

>> No.4570497

At bus stop shelters
Wet autumn leaves cling to feet
This world is too large

>> No.4570503

I don't fit these boots
Winter puddles make feet wet
Too much empty space

>> No.4570505


I itched and I shook,
When I woke up this morning,
But I'm steady now.

>> No.4570511

I enjoy this thread
These haikus are really good
keep on chooglin', /lit/

>> No.4570596

Night in the summer
Brings a coldness to my soul
Alone in my room

>> No.4570608


*hugs through webnetz*,
Coldness succumbs and light comes,
When night surrenders.

>> No.4570619

When beneath moonlight
In forgotten radiance
The night brings me joy

>> No.4570622

Panda in a cage
Surrounded by millions
He chews on bamboo

>> No.4570645

Alone at midnight
Little fangs leave small pock marks
I feel their presence

>> No.4572837

Bumping this thread up
It is one of the good few
Beauty should not die

>> No.4572962

I should leave this site
Too many woeful losers
This is not for me

>> No.4572969

Why do the haikus
Feel like some fat chinese man
Talks as if he's wise?

>> No.4572983


If you know not why
You dont understand women
They're not hard to know.

>> No.4572996

I am missing her.
But she is not missing me.
Most the time, that is.

>> No.4572997


my friend that is why
you must smash and dash until
you find the right one

>> No.4573008

Is there such a thing?
The right one? She does love me.
Just in the wrong ways.

>> No.4573023

when you make haiku's

do you count with your fingers

cause that's what I do?

>> No.4573036

Woke up at 4:10
In my dreams things were alright
This can't be my life

>> No.4573042

I keep water fleas
small with no impact on life
we're so alike

>> No.4573061

Haikus I can write
Five seven Five, just like that
Too much time alone

>> No.4573106

This thread is quite gay
OP should go kill himself
Haikus fucking suck

>> No.4573259
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>> No.4573346 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 720x480, 1392518568528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiero el pene
This desire I must accept
Now: to be pecked

>> No.4573676

I write haiku in inverse
Break the status quo
Fuck your Nippon line-length rules

>> No.4573689

My mind is static
And I can't see past the noise
Of blizzards within

>> No.4573770

A brutal winter
Encroaches from within me
Unending spiral

>> No.4573780

Inside my own mind
There lives a man, suffering
From cabin fever

>> No.4573799

Damn it anon, go
and shovel some goddamn snow
or no computer

>> No.4573804

Friend bought me VN
I fucking hate anime
It was a good joke

>> No.4573831

Oh, but you forget
haiku is five seven five
this thread is derailed

>> No.4576084

Let me bump this thread.
It really should not be dead.
It's the best we had.

>> No.4576092

Here I am on /lit/
Unwinding from a long day
Will I relax now?

>> No.4576098

Are you a Marine?
You so scary, bro I will
Shut the fuck up now

>> No.4576125

I'm whiter than shit
Writing haiku on 4chan
Goddamn laughable

>> No.4576172

I am really sad
I discovered this thread late
I hope it lives on

>> No.4576184

ur a faget son
ur mad gay and lust for cocks
i fucked ur mom #rekt

>> No.4576199

i feel like a lot
of kids on 4chan are just
white and suburban

>> No.4576208

This thread is still up
Why the honest fuck is that
Haikus are mad gay

>> No.4576209

who else is reading
these stupidly in their heads?
my balls are itching

>> No.4576214

/lit/ can't into math
they do not know any math, ha
earns minimum wage

>> No.4576218

Why don't people know
There is more to haikus than
Just the syllables?

>> No.4576224

in america
schools just teach you the basics
not about culture

>> No.4576228

May not accountant,
fulfilling all notions of
angst, lives richer life.

>> No.4576238

Ching chong ching chong thai
Ling long ching chong yung hong tu

>> No.4576251

tip top of kek lel
le mi sides are in hobbit
that post was funny

>> No.4576252
