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4564100 No.4564100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>let a friend borrow one of my favorite books
>he returns it
>bent cover and crease marks
Never again.

>> No.4564123

a friend has done this to me once

i'm giving him one more chance then i'm cutting him off forever

>> No.4564128

Ask for a $10 deposit (or whatever the book is worth) that he gets back when he gives you the book back.

>> No.4564140

>not creasing the spine
do people actually do this? how the fuck do you read?

>> No.4564144

>being this vain

>> No.4564203


also add

>dirt and hair in between the pages
>some of the pages are folded completely in half
>makes anime drawings of the characters on the inside of the cover

>> No.4564212

> let a friend borrow one of my favorite books
> long time passed, he didn't return it
> he's always dodgy when I touch the subject
> still not returning it
> "well, the thing is, I forgot it at john doe's house one day and he sold it to buy drugs"

>> No.4564242
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>let a friend borrow one of my favorite ebooks
>send him link
>he returns it
>link broken
Never again.

>> No.4564245

enjoy not having friends

>> No.4564249


That's the thing: they don't. Certain books, like Penguin Classics, have horrible spines and crack basically if you just read them, especially the big ones. Here on /lit/ it's pretty normal for people to have at least 10+ unread Penguin Classics in their shelves (which they post in those threads). If this is pointed out to them, they claim that they just like to have their books look new and perfect, etc, which is really just code for "I don't really read them."

It's pretty pathetic. It's good that you let him borrow it OP, because at least he fucking read it.

>> No.4564484

The reason why leftist people get more advanced degrees might also be because universities are often a haven for leftist people while others leave and start working.

>> No.4564500

you guys are absolute faggots

i wouldn't give a shit if my friend lost the book as long as he has "properly" read it for interest/self-educ/causal perusal

>> No.4564515
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>let a friend borrow one of my favorite pdfs
>he returns it
>file corrupt

Never again.

>> No.4564513

It is in fact possible to read these cheaply-made books, if you hold the spine in one hand and proceed carefully. It's really kind of a hassle though, and nowadays I mostly try to find cheap hardcover editions so I don't have to feel like I'm violating a book just by reading it. Penguin isn't even the worst; I have a wordsworth edition of Middlemarch that looks like crap after reading it just once.

>> No.4564517

>dirt and hair in between the pages

Greasy thumbprints and food stains are even worse

I'd just toss the book away and buy another if it ever came to that.

>> No.4564564


>tell friend in kindergarten to check out leo the late bloomer from the library
>it's the shit, yo
>he reads it
>he also happens to lose his first tooth
>blood and bloody fingerprints all over the pages
>never again

>> No.4564572
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>having friends

>> No.4564578

Almost same here, except the friend didn't read it or damage it, but he left it near a box of cigarettes. Now the book smells and I don't want to read it anymore.

>> No.4564584
File: 302 KB, 635x933, phaedrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recite a new tale to a fellow fabulist
>he tells it to others later
>he gets the words wrong

Nunquam iterum.

>> No.4564590

>let a friend borrow my kindle
>hey man, it's been over a month, have you finished reading Children of the Corn yet?
>oh no, I haven't finished it yet.
>well can I have my kindle back?
>sure, sure, just let me finish reading it.
>another month
>can I have my kindle back now?
>yeah, I'll bring it back next week.
>week passes
>you have my kindle?
>oops... I forgot.
>another week
>where's my kindle?
>oops... I forgot again.
>another week
>hey man, you have my kindle?
>you know what? I let my brother borrow it. But I'll get it back from him.
>next week
>alright, man, where's my kindle? I really want to read Stephen King's latest book.
>my brother broke it. I'm sorry.
>well can you get him to pay me back for it?
>sure, I'll get you the money a month from now.

>> No.4564592

Not sure about Penguin Classics, but some paperback spines just don't crease unless you go out of your way to do so of course.

Even some of the more meaty paperbacks don't. My copy of Infinite Jest doesn't have a single crease even though I didn't put any effort into avoiding it.

On the other hand, some crease like no one's business. My 3-volume version of LotR is creased like crazy despite being much shorter than Infinite Jest.

>> No.4564600

How does it take someone a month to read a short story? I finished Children of the Corn in 1/16 of an afternoon. I could probably finish it while on the toilet. Also, why are you being such a pussy? It's your kindle, you should've told him to give it the fuck back. And when he broke it, you should've broken him.

Of course, you never should have let someone borrow your kindle in the first place. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's true.

>> No.4564605 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 640x480, calle borjesson in the rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kindle owners are idiots

>> No.4565011

lol fuck off quentin

>> No.4565451


It just depends on the make of the book. I own this penguin classics edition of The Recognitions and I can lay it flat on its back without bending the spine. The edges are a little wearied out though. It's a little bigger than the other penguin classics though. I don't think it's made like the others.

>> No.4565475

>friend lets me borrow book
>food stain on first page
>try to get it out
>rip page

>> No.4565487

>let friend borrow book
>says he's finished and that he'll give it back next time he sees me
>never has it with him, hassle to go get it
>finally I go to his house and he gives it back to me
>it's on fire
Never again.

>> No.4565543

>Find a first edition Vonnegut hardcover for only 10$ because it's missing the protective sleeve
>Leave it on my ottoman to read later
>Somehow, a greasy plate ends up onto of it
>Grease seeps through
>Grease spots on the cover

>> No.4565569


>let a friend borrow my kindle

first mistake

also it seems he is barely your friend to begin with and you're just a big rollover pussy who can't say no + desperate to cling to that dude and social circle

>> No.4565575

For fucks sake you guys, never lend out books. It doesn't work. Books can be given, never lent.

>> No.4566448

>have book
>no friends
>no problem

>> No.4566459


Grease seeps trough the plate? What kind of plate is this? Paper plates? Why do you put your book down around white trash?

>> No.4566463
File: 141 KB, 256x256, heavy_reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4566471

Apart from using le ironically, as opposed to not at all, you also made a baseless claim about OP, and subsequently used a reaction image as if it would support your own bizarre claim. Please leave this board.

>> No.4566472

Reddit go kill yourself

>> No.4566474

I don't know, if the book is the kind that creses easy i'm okay with it.
If it shows that he didn't take good care, that's another thing.

>> No.4566475

Are you fucking stupid? He clearly communicated the idea that spreading the knowledge and ideas of books matters less than the conditions of his physical property. He will never loan a book again.

Can you not read? If not, please leave this board.

>> No.4566476

>Thinking he posted it ironically and not out of sheer force of his little tryhard, upset redditor habits

Okay, anon

>> No.4566479

Stop shitposting and I'll check it out

>> No.4566490

>calls another a shitposter
>spams >gb2 reddit

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.4566524 [DELETED] 

>Actually implying the retards who post le X face and shit their own pants in all caps if someone uses a meme are not from reddit
>"gr8 b8 m8"

>> No.4566536

>"Mike, go kill yourself"

Do you actually think and know how to read words or do you just get butthurt and say blanket retorts?

>> No.4566653

my girlfriend did this to my copy of Cat's Cradle

No more Boko Maru for her