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/lit/ - Literature

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4562833 No.4562833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


What do you think about this list, /lit/?

>> No.4562852


Wow, I don't care about ANY of those things. None of them matter, and fighting about any of them is silly. I think I'll go read a book.

>> No.4562857

Seriously mate, thanks for giving me a reason to close my browser and go read. The article, the comments, just...wow. We're all a bunch of children aren't we?

>> No.4562862
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>Rap music is not poetry, but Joni Mitchell/Bob Dylan/Belle and Sebastian is. = I am racist.

Stopped reading there.

>> No.4562864

Reads like stupid clickbait.
In general all "if you say this you mean that" articles are not only useless, underinformed garbage, but also really lazy and dishonest rebuttals.

>> No.4562868

The comments are embarrassing

>> No.4562867

Every time a white person calls another white person racist for some minor supposedly subconscious or unintentionally revealing thing, God adds a tally mark to the number of black cocks they have to suck in the afterlife

>> No.4562869

wait a minute...library dumpsters aren't full of books.

>> No.4562871

What ARE library dumpsters full of?

>> No.4562875

her twitter is literally @deadwhiteguys

>> No.4562876

>Making crafts out of old books is a DESECRATION! = I’ve never seen a library dumpster.

Throwing books away just so that other books can maintain their value is a desecration and a disgrace, but it happens every day.

>> No.4562880

>I would never read the tripe that is Twilight/50 Shades/Oprah’s Book Club selection, and I am going to tweet that statement 50 million times. = I am still as worried about being cool as I was when I was in high school.

but people read popular books so that they don't feel left out and uncool.

>> No.4562883

It's unbelievable who much this caters to the tumblr-perks-of-being-a-wallflower-look-at-how-special-i-am-because-read crowd.

>> No.4562886

Hilarious comment in there:

>Line from The Fault in Our Stars: As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once. Still think YA isn't real literature ?

LOL that is a _terrible_ line. I'm embarrassed for whomever wrote it, but knowing that it is in a YA novel makes me excuse it -- it's intentionally saccharine/sentimental.

>> No.4562888

eh, most of what she's arguing against is stupid but her actual arguments aren't much better. specifically not reading the classics because you "know how to think for yourself" is kind of arrogant and disregards entire traditions.

>> No.4562890

why are women so unfunny

>> No.4562894

the homeless people who have nowhere to go when the library closes.

>> No.4562903

Oh cool, the author lives in the same city as me. Maybe we'll lock eyes from across the room this weekend at Gallery5.

>> No.4562906

Any line from The Fault in Our Stars (plus the amazing themes and questions that are addressed in the book) proves that YA is real literature :)

>> No.4562934

The thing that enrages me most about his post is not the general idiocy, but the overall "you can't criticize me for anything all my opinions are valid" attitude.

>> No.4563115

>Amanda Nelson is a Book Riot staff editor living in Richmond, VA. She blogs about (mostly) classic literature at Dead White Guys

hey guys my blog name is dead white guys, you know like how authors are like dead white guys, im so funny and original

>> No.4563124

She lives near me. Maybe I can find her and ask why she hates old white men.

>> No.4563126


Just skimming over it and
>Book bloggers are killing literary criticism! = I’m an aging white man in publishing and I don’t know how to think for myself.

seems oddly specific

>> No.4563130

>I’m not a romance/crime/Western reader. I mean, I’ll read LITERARY genre. SOMETIMES. = My kitchen is full of quinoa and kale and soy ice cream. Someone please validate what a grown-up I am.

It's very absurd

>> No.4563141
File: 23 KB, 640x400, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rap music is not poetry, but Joni Mitchell/Bob Dylan/Belle and Sebastian is. = I am racist.

>> No.4563144

you sound like a butthurt white kid.

>> No.4563145

you sound like a mentally ill butthurt white kid.

>> No.4563147

He mocked the content, you mock the motive for mocking that might not exist

Add content you boring cunt

>> No.4563482
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>I don’t care if the main character is likable. It’s the PROSE that’s the thing. = My ability to tolerate insufferable jerks makes me better than you because you’re obviously only reading for escapism, which is an inferior motivation for reading.
Confirmed for terrible reader with a terrible grasp of literature.

>> No.4563582

Jesus, what a site.


Fits with that touchy reference to YA books on the OP list I guess.

>> No.4563598
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Jesus fucking christ this is a terrible attempt at satire, or parody, or something, it's so bad I can't even tell what she's trying to do. She's so angry and specific about things that aren't even things.

>> No.4563611
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Took this a few years back when the library near me was downsizing.

>> No.4563942

>I only read prize-winners/confirmed classics *sniff*. = I don’t know how to think for myself.
>Wanting to read only the best means you are idiot

>I am the author of this article = I am a dumb bitch

>> No.4563950

Lol I don't know anyone who thinks that. Dylan and those other jokers are in the shitter with rap.

>> No.4563953

Mother. Fucking. Hipsters.

>> No.4563955

>whomever wrote it
I'm equally embarrassed for you

>> No.4563964

Those comments...

>That's kind of the definition of a book snob. I guess that, because I am nearly 27 years old, I shouldn't be into My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (not a book, I know but a damn good example). What's wrong with an adult liking something like that? Not a damn thing. Why would they like it? Who cares...

>Line from The Fault in Our Stars: As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once. Still think YA isn't real literature ?
>Any line from The Fault in Our Stars (plus the amazing themes and questions that are addressed in the book) proves that YA is real literature :)

>> No.4563966

If you think your gayass indie bands are the least bit musically or poetically interesting then you're an aesthetically stunted moron

>> No.4563978

>All those people vehemently defending escapism
Stay pleb, am I right?

>> No.4564007



>> No.4564011

>Caring about what other people does.

>> No.4564021
File: 117 KB, 507x525, 1359849191902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a book blogger got their broncos bongled

whats with all the references to white men? what did we do this time?

>> No.4564026

>whats with all the references to white men? what did we do this time?

A form of tall poppy syndrome. Cut down the ones with power to make yourself appear hip to those without power. It endears you to almost everyone, and if a white man gets offended, everyone will just think he's an asshole for saying so, so you can't lose.

>> No.4564029

I liked white men before they were cool.

>> No.4564036

Any line from The Fault in Our Stars (plus the amazing themes and questions that are addressed in the book) proves that YA is real literature :)

>> No.4564075

"The original is unfaithful to the translation." -Borges

>> No.4564081

I couldn't resist commenting there :\

>> No.4564094

fuck people still read books :o i thought computer games killed them off :P

>> No.4564106

this is so idiotic it hurts. There are bilions of books, how can i choose one without asking somebody about it?
I dont have time to fucking read each and every and decide whether it was worth or not

>> No.4564120

I don't think there are that many books

>> No.4564125

>I’m an aging white man
>I am racist
>I have disposable income and like to make moral judgements about people who do not
I'm saddened by the fact that this rich white male bashing is really getting to me now. Especially when it comes from rich white females.

I can't really help the way I was born, sorry tumblr.

>> No.4564130

yes they are. History of literature is pretty long, how can you read Inferno or Decameron without reading all books that were created by contemporaries of Dante or Bocciaccio, so you can make your own opinion about medieval/renaissance literature?

>> No.4564131

>I can't really help the way I was born, sorry tumblr.

You can. Just check your priviledge 3 times a day and before you express any opinion.

What puzzles me is why do we even care what some stupid cunt writes. Its not worthwile

>> No.4564133

There aren't billions

>> No.4564154

ok, but hundreds of thousands of new books published around the world are more than enough to feel overhelmed

>> No.4564158


>> No.4564182

There are 130 million books, according to Google Books estimates.

>> No.4564186

I wonder if anyone has read them all........

>> No.4564188

I've only skipped the translated ones

>> No.4564199

> I don’t understand adults who read YA. You’re a grown-up person, you should read grown-up books. = I don’t like dancing in the rain or ice cream cones or trampolines or whimsy and my neck tie is too tight.

Her profile on the website says she also contributes on foodriot.
Seems like she's intimidated by other people's habits in everything she writes about.

>> No.4564201

And I copied the wrong line, lol.
> I’m not a romance/crime/Western reader. I mean, I’ll read LITERARY genre. SOMETIMES. = My kitchen is full of quinoa and kale and soy ice cream. Someone please validate what a grown-up I am.

>> No.4564213


I remember talking to a girl about how I didn't like rap and she called me a racist and I countered that I liked jazz music and think it's one of the greatest creations of the century, but apparently that doesn't count because it's old and for old white people and I just don't understand culture.

>> No.4564220

she has a point though.
although calling you a racist just cause you don't like rap it's dumb, jazz nowadays is seen as refined/for old white people, so if you were racist, you could be inclined to like it by its current social status, not its origins.

>> No.4564221

jazz was made by house niggers.

By this logic btw, is not listening classical music code for antiwhite?

>> No.4564226

so what, rap is mostly consumed by young whites anyway.
This is what blacks listen too


>> No.4564228


maybe. people don't listen to classical music because it's all dead white guys.

>> No.4564231

In Vietnam, a middle sized communist country with a poor economy, 50 000 books are released every year.

>> No.4564238

in oman its 7 books every year.

>> No.4564257
File: 37 KB, 576x432, 1383004053185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t have a TV because that would cut into my reading time. Did I mention I don’t have a TV? Hey. You there. I don’t have a TV. I don’t get that TV reference. = I am not all that interesting. Also, I watch three hours of Netflix a night on my laptop.

>tfw no one will be your friend or find you interesting because you don't have a TV

>> No.4564271

The total number of books released per year globally, according to the same Wikipedia article you took your figure from, is about 2.2 million, which means 2 billion (the smallest number that "billions" could refer to) books would take about 910 years at the current rate, and 910 years ago the world's population was about 1/25 what it is now.

>> No.4564284
File: 5 KB, 188x243, jabbatheslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta go with the flavour of the month brah. mine is @osamadidnothingwrong

>> No.4564649

is it racist, if I think that some rap is poetry, but it happens to be all written by white guys?

>> No.4564673

>I refuse to use an e-reader because I just love that old book smell. People who do not love that old book smell are not real readers. = My favorite perfume’s base note is mold.
Decay as a base note is one of the most alluring qualities of perfume. It is why jasmine based perfumes are so prized and why myrrh was a gift worthy of a childgod. It is as if the author of this piece does not smell women and think Death is coming, embrace the body while it's warm.

>> No.4564679

>snobs = people better and smarter than me

>> No.4564697
File: 37 KB, 659x694, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the effort this c/lit/ demonstrated by replying to a 6 month old article.

For being a blog about literature... strike that... about books, that site is pretty fucking embarassing

>captcha ashamed hoiogu

>> No.4564717

"Rap music is not poetry, but Joni Mitchell/Bob Dylan/Belle and Sebastian is. = I am racist."

Kek, who is Eminem.

I see the points but they're equally childish and ungrounded.

>> No.4564778

My kitchen is full of quinoa and kale and soy ice cream and none of this applies to me whatsoever

>> No.4564793

that mother theresa book being in the dumpster makes me laugh a lot

>> No.4564813

hip hop has better poets doing lyrics than actual poetry poets.

>> No.4564815

*tips fedora*

>> No.4564819
File: 269 KB, 500x375, mexican philosopher candles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is every thread about philosophy a study of history?

This is what would happen if philosophy was a math or science: Person writes work. People disagree about interpretation. People rewrite work while noting differences in interpretation. Work advances on that rewrite. Original work is avoided. Work is simplified. Original author gets some naming rights, but is otherwise a footnote. No one knows what they look like hundreds of years later because people no longer collect their portraits in their HDDs like Pokemon.

Why the hero worship /lit/? Do you guys have trouble stopping idol veneration or sumthing? The analytics have some good counter currents. Why haven't you followed their example?

>> No.4564821

people don't listen to classical music because its boring and takes 45 minutes to get to the hook.

>> No.4564879

"Take that, strawman!"

I would be upset if this was a massively popular article, but as it stands it's just some rant about just-vague-enough unlikable Bad Guys on a backwater site with other similarly uninteresting articles.

>> No.4564881


>> No.4565271

>Rap music is not poetry, but Joni Mitchell/Bob Dylan/Belle and Sebastian is. = I am racist.

This has to be bait "shit book snobs say" includes music?
Who the fuck even listens to music?

>> No.4565277

>Rap music is not poetry, but Joni Mitchell/Bob Dylan/Belle and Sebastian is. = I am racist.

Rap is only for one particular race.

>> No.4565333
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I've never understood the argument 'classical music is boring'. The classical composers did infinitely more interesting things with melody, harmony and formal organization than any music since.

>> No.4565419

>I would NEVER dog ear pages, crease a spine, or eat food while reading.
>I don’t care if the main character is likable. It’s the PROSE that’s the thing.

these are the bad ones, the rest I agree with the author's point.

>> No.4565437


I genuinely agree with the author in a non-ironic, patronising way, although I dislike poetry.

Fuck the people on /lit/ who like some dead greek person's poetry that they read through a shitty translation yet automatically disregard all rap music.

And fuck that nigger / liberal on /lit/ that keeps posting links to thug notes / talking about books in ebonics. Wow, my mind is blown, people who speak ebonics can be smart. Fuck off you patronising pleb. Yes I am trolled.

>> No.4565453

>Le tryhard full of shit patrician face

>> No.4565478
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Who do you think this post will impress?

>> No.4565489

lol what a dumb pleb bitch

>> No.4565502

>friend over
>says he has to use the restroom
>grabs a book off my shelf and takes it with him
>he reads the fucking book while taking a shit
>have to burn the book when he's done

In case you were wondering it was an old book of Henry James short stories.

>> No.4565523
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It's like the pic in >>4564697 says, just because you can't appreciate art that's more subtle and refined doesn't make those that do snobs. Besides, I'm a classically trained pianist and music theory major, so my interest in the music comes out of a geniune passion, not in attempting to appear more intellectual. I'd never tell anyone what they should or should not listen to, it isn't my place.

In the end not all art is equal. Some styles and forms aim for a deeper knowledge of the human character others are pure escapism. Both can be enjoyed but there's a reason art and entertainment are two seperate concepts.

>> No.4565530
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what kind of person would do this?

>> No.4565553


I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread, but it fits anyway.