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File: 8 KB, 278x181, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4555445 No.4555445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Hemingway and James Joyce were drinking buddies in Paris. Joyce was thin and bespectacled; Hemingway was tall and strapping. When they went out Joyce would get drunk, pick a fight with a bigger guy in the bar and then hide behind Hemingway and yell, "Deal with him, Hemingway. Deal with him."

Holy shit, this is fucking hilarious

>> No.4555453


That still sounds like something a cartoonsih super villain would do. Still hilarious though.

>> No.4555451

You could at least link the footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbMOhRL6wsA

>> No.4555616

Every time I learn more about Joyce, my respect for him as a person diminishes.

>> No.4555644

No one cares, anonymous fatty on 4chan.

Your opinions are immaterial.

>> No.4555696

It must be a sad life not having a big muscular friend that you drink with and will take care of you in a fight

>> No.4555707

Joyce seems like an unrestrained, grandiose, eccentric, impulsive, decadent dude like the kid from Rushmore.

>> No.4555708

Every time I learn more about moot, my respect for him as a person diminishes.

>> No.4555715

I think the more surprising thing here is that Joyce and Hemingway were even friends, given how diametrically opposed their writing styles are

>> No.4555717

Even his epistle to lovely Nora about her naughty little farties?

>> No.4555723

Faulkner was mad jealous.

>> No.4555730

Hemingway was into all sorts of weird shit, he just hid it behind a veil of overweening masculinity. I'm sure he knew all about Joyce's scat fetish.

>> No.4555740

but did they fuck?

>> No.4555741

>implying that didn't just mean that he loved every single part of her, no matter how disgusting
That's true love right there.

>> No.4555847

This is perfect. Joyce as the eccentric, impulsive, unrestrained jokester and Hemingway as the terse, manly serious one.

>> No.4555926
File: 271 KB, 210x131, fuck-this-gay-earth-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there will never be a police comedy movie about Joyce and Hemmingway

>> No.4556132

Welp, that's another thing I've got to commit myself to writing.

I also some day want to write a buddy comedy based on Horace and Virgil's journey along the Appian Way.

>> No.4556225

Why do people think James Joyce is so good?

"I thought we would start with a little full metal alchemist" she said, reaching into a cardboard box and setting a stack of manga on the table "and maybe if there is some time, we could watch some anime.
I bought .hack//sign, have you heard it? It's based on a video game sort of like fields of fantasy"
"Nice" I said, impressed by her selections, and here I was worried she would rip out Pokemon or Sailor moon in a lame misguided adult effort to be cool.


He ripped down the flyer and studied it with narrow eyes. "but what the hell is a manga club?" he asked, pronouncing it "Mahn-jah" "Does that mean vampire in Swahili or something?"
"Funny no. It doesn't But I wouldn't expect your pea breain to know any Japanese, so don't feel too bad" I was impressing myself with my witty comebacks. Who knew I had it in me?
"Ooh you're so smart. Freak Girl. I wish I could be a nerd like you and start a mahn-jah club at school."
"It's manga." I corrected. "Hard G"

it's bretty decent, but not the best stuff ever

>> No.4556435
File: 148 KB, 444x1290, HE SURE IS MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only useful thing Hemingway did in his life.

>> No.4556461

True irish warrior

>> No.4556881

Hemingway was a big fan of Ulysses and Joyce was a big fan of A Clean, Well-Lighted Place (and probably more as well, but that's the only one I've read him refer to.)

>> No.4558513
File: 7 KB, 228x221, sad frog prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never hang out with a community of interesting writers in a fascinating city full of culture

I live in NYC, and I do know some writers, but it's nothing like the Lost Generation was in Paris.

>> No.4558562

>I live in NYC

same. it's a city of lonely people.

>> No.4558583

There are a lot of people who romanticize New York in a similar fashion. Some might even be from Paris.

>> No.4558587
File: 109 KB, 750x265, sasuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new york
For some reason those two sound all around awful to me, like they are the first thing to pop up in my head whenever I try to think of the worst possible place to live.
I'd rather be a hobo on Sanzhi.

>> No.4558654

5/5 would read

>> No.4558664

Do you... do you wanna get together and discuss Dostoevsky?

>> No.4558670

They were both influenced by Ezra Pound, if that matters.

>> No.4558678

maybe. how old are you? what part of the city do you live in?

>> No.4558684

i am 14 and three quarters and i live in the broncks :)

>> No.4558689
File: 14 KB, 640x524, wes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't many Writers, if not any, hang out like they did back then?

Tolkien & Lewis's Inklings were hilarious

And before on their own they were still fun

What was the Story about Tolkien running of and crying because Lewis mocked his Poetry?

>> No.4558717

27, live in Brooklyn, Carroll Gardens

>> No.4558726

Were they all famous when they hung out?

Because I like to dream that someday people will laugh about me and my fellow writer friends' crazy antics

>> No.4558733

Before Inklings they were just known Writers

During Inklings they were great

>> No.4558764

ah, cool. i'm 25 and didn't really feel like hanging out with an 18 year old, that's why i asked. e-mail me if you want.

>> No.4558771
File: 2.46 MB, 4000x3000, New York City 058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only thing objectively bad about NYC is the high cost of living. You can try to live cheap but it'll still be more expensive than living anywhere else. Other than that it has an unfair reputation for being a shithole. I lived there for a (admittedly short) while and really enjoyed it.

Never been to Paris but I've met 3 different Frenchman on 3 different occasions who all said it was absolute shit and filled with pretentious assholes who take credit for every good thing that had ever happened in the city. But I've never been there and people have said similar things about NYC.

>> No.4558772

They do, but we can only identify the groups retrospectively.

There is, and has been for a long time, a really hot New York scene, and there's one in Chicago. There are a LOT of screenwriters in Los Angeles, I'm sure plenty of them hang out.

>> No.4558778


>those 7 years make such a difference

I mean, they can. But there's a point around like 17-19 where somebody's either mature or retarded. Past that point age shouldn't really come into it.

>> No.4558786

I'd rather kill myself than live in Paris or NYC. Honestly I'd EVEN rather live in LA, between materialistic shallow cunts and pretentious self-absorbed hipsters I will take the former, at least I can go to the beach and pretend the shitty people don't exist.

>> No.4558794

The locals of NYC are awesome, but the hipsters are awful. Essentially the hipsters are all the soft kids who left for college because they had no friends and hated their lives, and then there just became this giant gathering of loser artists in NY who came to try and make it big and eventually Hipsters were born. As a native New Yorker, they understand nothing about New York, the people, the unspoken rules, and why they are idiots driving rent prices through the roof with mom and daddie money.

I fucked a few of these girls and they are all the same
>bad music
>hideous tattoo and pointless piercings
>live like absolute trash

They are essentially the inverse political stance of typical white trash. They are just wealthy liberal white trash.

>> No.4558800
File: 2.10 MB, 4000x3000, New York City 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're choosing the worst people in those cities and using them to represent the entire population, which really is unfair. There's plenty of people in both cities just like people you'd meet anywhere else, not to mention interesting non-obnoxious subcultures aside from hipsters and celebrity stalkers.

>> No.4558806
File: 2.47 MB, 4000x3000, New York City 045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, that's what I was saying here >>4558800. Any legitimate movement, artistic political or otherwise, is going to be followed by a period of occupation by people who choose a place to live as a fashion statement. It's a shame, but on the bright side when hipsters do finally go out of style NYC will still be associated with them so you won't get an influx of whatever the new shitty trend is.

Just kidding it's NYC you're going to get every trend

>> No.4558808


there's enough of a difference that i've noticed it. it probably comes down to life experience, being more comfortable in your own skin, etc. less arrogance/narcissism/social anxiety.

>> No.4558815

the worse thing about the city isn't the hipsters, it's the loneliness. people don't even look you in the eye.

>> No.4558822


You might be right but I've never been friends with anybody much younger than me, just older friends. Maybe they are immature for their age, but it never seemed weird to hang out with guys 5+ years older than me.

>> No.4558826

fuck nyc
granted, I'm sure the locals are perfectly fine, but the amount of people who live there just to "live in new york" and are shitheads is more significant than in any other city
way too many shitty "yeah man, like, new york, it's just like, around every corner is a new experience, it's like nothing else in the world" etc etc
montreal is best east coast city

>> No.4558858

have you ever lived in new york? how can you judge the people who live there by this standard, then? also, how do you know that there isn't anything to experience in every corner of new york?

congratulations you are a judgmental idiot and you belong on this board.

>> No.4558859

Yes, it makes you feel very alone and somewhat miserable.

However, I've found that's a certain boon, because isolation seems to fuel my writing. Also, people will open up if you give them a chance, I've found. But I'm somewhat new to the city, so maybe my experiences reflect my naivete.

>> No.4558873

lol you sound like a resentful self-absorbed unhipster

>> No.4558877

that's not unique to metropolis though, just to urban and even a lot of surburban environments

living here in San Diego (county not city) and going to school in Irvine I have the same experience with most people.

>> No.4558882

fair, I've only spent around a month there
I'm sure there are a bunch of great people there, and there probably is something new around at least every other corner
but, in my experience at least, the percentage of hipster dickbags is exceptionally high. the allure of nyc attracts a lot of dicks. of course, I'm sure there are exceptional places, experience, and people, but it's so much more fun to generalize

>> No.4558914

Well, for every one hipster dickbag there are four pretentious assholes who think they are above everyone. Those are the truly annoying people.

>> No.4558933


>"yeah man, like, new york, it's just like, around every corner is a new experience, it's like nothing else in the world"

Yeah, it's a major metropolis and very unique. Why do you have to make fun of people who enjoy that? You're such an elitist you're too good for interesting places?

I mean, the Himalayas are okay, and I'm sure the Nepalese are perfectly fine, but all these shitheads who go there "just to climb the tallest mountains, man, just to appreciate nature and stuff" piss me off so much. So ridiculous, doesn't it just piss you off when people enjoy things that you're too good for?

>> No.4559093

Did... did you just compare something you wrote to something written by James Joyce?

>> No.4559116

towelin pls go

>> No.4559126


>implying nyc is any different than any other metropolis in the world

>> No.4559140

they had a huge circlejerk for each other

>> No.4559142

>implying that you know what you're talking about because you've been to nyc and other metropolitan cities when you actually never leave your room

>> No.4559143


Maybe it isn't, but there aren't many true metropolises and how similar they are to each other is unique and interesting in itself. NYC, London, Tokyo, New Delhi, Mexico City...I'm missing a few but there can't be more than eight.

>> No.4559147

just going to leave this here


>> No.4559151

And you know what, going back on what I wrote all of the cities I listed are very distinct from each other, so my original point that New York is a unique place stands.

>> No.4559162

I sincerely agree

>> No.4559623

It's the opposite for me. He gets better and better with everything I learn about him.