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4539758 No.4539758 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that you will never be as intelligent and attractive as this man?


>> No.4539764

20 seconds into the video and he's ugly, paranoid, and probably autistic

>> No.4539776

entry level pleb babby pseudo-edgy existentialist mewlings from a born-again absurdist

these young men are spit out into the world by the hundreds of thousands every year. he was just naive enough to think it was worth filming and sharing

>> No.4539795


He's obviously a sociopath

>> No.4539803

>How does it feel to know that you will never be as intelligent and attractive as this man?
ugh, self-promoting schizophrenic autists are annoying as fuck. Also, video is dubious and specious.

>> No.4539808

sounds like a /lit/izen

>> No.4540926

You spelled ass wrong

>> No.4540946

>these young men are spit out into the world by the hundreds of thousands every year
there was a time when i wouldn't have taken this statement seriously but it seems like everyone knows someone like the guy in the video.

where do they go? what happens to all of them?

>> No.4540950

'Destroying form is never wrong because if the form broke then it wasn't true.'
*looks caught out from own pretension*

>> No.4540963 [DELETED] 

I was able to suppress my laughter up until this point.

>> No.4540965

They spend their time in their bedrooms, posting on /lit/ and philosophizing by themselves into a camera.

>> No.4541029

40 minutes long? Pahahaha FUCK NO.

>> No.4541034

10/10 would re-watch

>> No.4541045
File: 526 KB, 609x608, Kendrick Lamar with Doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat blue eyes
i'm not gay just envious fuck
that nigger wasting his natural gifts with his autistic "truths"

>> No.4541048
File: 112 KB, 309x357, Beutifalman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh watching this hurts because growing up in norcal we used to play games like this where we would try and craft the shiniest platitudes, ultimately, spending all the million dollar words like "life", "cosmos", and "meaning" on petty adolescent bullshit (like this guy), which prevented us from talking about these things when they ACTUALLT confronted us. The guy talks like he's quoting a movie. Embarrassing.

>> No.4541166

am i supposed to be impressed by this

am i meant to be in awe that the puny walls of my mind have been broken, hit like a wrecking ball

what am i supposed to feel

>> No.4541167

How pretentious

Why does he take a breath one each sentence

>> No.4541193

Did anyone watch the whole thing? I stopped at about 3 minutes. I should have stopped at 20 seconds after he spewed shit about honesty and truth...