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File: 26 KB, 642x447, sci-fi horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4535419 No.4535419 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guise,

Is there any good book which combines horror and sci-fictions themes?
Perfect story should take place in some sort of space station. I think about it as "Silent Hill in Space". Is there anything like that?

>> No.4535449

Nothing? Really?

>> No.4535461

I wish i knew, OP.

>> No.4535487

Blindsight, Watts

>> No.4535532

Frankenstein you dense motherfucker.

>> No.4535534

Dead Space. But it's a vidya

>> No.4535602

Many of Philip K. Dick's short stories end in or describe pretty nightmarish sci-fi scenarios.
So does some of the work of Harlan Ellison.
And then you got the later works of Lovecraft.

>> No.4535609

>Dead Space
>Dead Space 2
>Dead Space 3

>> No.4535621
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>> No.4535626

>faggot 2
>faggot 3

To OP, Mountains of Madness, Color out of Space

>> No.4535631
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>dem buggers

>> No.4535639


>implying Lovecraft is unrelated to Dead Space
>unrelated to The Thing

Grow up.

>> No.4535647

Charles Stross? A Colder War and Missile Gap are fabulous imo.

>> No.4535655

>Recommends Lovecraft
>Not Shadow out of Time
>Not Through the Gates of the Silver Key
>Not Fungi from Yuggoth

>> No.4535658
File: 69 KB, 367x418, pkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by PDK.

Pure, surreal hallucinatory terror. Takes place mostly on Mars but there is a space station setting at some parts. Takes place mostly in the mind if you really want to be specific.

>> No.4535672
File: 445 KB, 600x969, A Maze of Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is even more horrifying.
And then we have short stories like I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon, The Electric Ant and the humorous but none the less terrifying Holy Quarrel.

>> No.4535695

Who goes there?

>> No.4535696

Not sure what you're looking for, but the first thing that came to mind was King's "The Jaunt" even though it's a short story. "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" is another horror short with a bit of scifi in it. Ellison in particular liked to straddle the genres.

For longer fiction, though, I can't suggest much. I'll join the chorus for PKD. "The Game Players of Titan" is pretty horrific.

A google search for "space horror novel" turns up some lists with books I've never read, so you may have luck with those.

>> No.4535697

That not horror.
Just horrible.

>> No.4535700

Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Much more sci-fi than horror though but Dan Simmons is famous for mixing the too in more equal proportions in other works.

>> No.4535714
File: 12 KB, 300x452, Eye in The Sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have to say I found Maze of Death disappointing. It was like a whore was blowing me for 80% of the book and then stopped and did a little dance and that was it.

I won't spoil you why, but I fucking hated how shit turned out. If this is your first Dick, maybe you'll be OK with it, but Dick fucked me over one too many times with this crap.

Read pic related instead.

>> No.4535738

Neil Gaiman.
China Mieville.

>> No.4535742

I heard GRRM does good horror scifi?

>> No.4535801
File: 117 KB, 621x1024, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison
Only a short story sadly, but captures both the things you're looking for

>> No.4535827

>If this is your first Dick, maybe you'll be OK with it, but Dick fucked me over one too many times with this crap.

I know what you're doing.

>> No.4536074

Thanks for "Eye in the Sky".
I'm familiar with P.K.Dick (I've read about 10 of his novels), but haven't read Eye in the Sky.
Despite your bad opinion on Maze of Death I am going to read this, eventually. Eye in the sky is priority though.
Thanks for that, looks promising.

WTF man?

>> No.4536165
File: 996 KB, 275x185, can't deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That story gave me an anxiety attack.

>> No.4536241


Definitely read it, its a very unsettling experience.

>Tfw no sentient computer to torture you for eternity

>> No.4536303

Man, this is so good. Reminds me of High Rise by J G Ballard, in that it leaves you feeling a little unhinged by the end.

>> No.4536546

anyone know where i can get the ebooks of deathland 67-78? they're the only ones im missing and i cant even find them on the undernet

>> No.4536827


Looked up High Rise, is very promising.

Been meaning to get into Ballard for ages now. Take it I should start with Drowned World?

>> No.4536833

god hates fags

>> No.4536836


I honestly do not see what the deal is with this book. Maybe if you're like, the same age as the protagonist or whatever.


>> No.4536855

I read the thread title and instantly went to Ellison's IHNMAIMS, but anon already got it. That plus Lovecraft (specifically Dunwich Horror and Mountains of Madness) and you've read every horror/sci-fi hybrid I've ever liked. Yes, that's only three stories.

...And yes, they're all novella-length at most.

It's a severely underrepresented genre. If you're looking beyond the realm of books (which I assume you're open to considering the Silent Hill reference in the OP), then obviously Alien is the go-to.

Oh, and there is a video game that's basically "Silent Hill On A Space Station" - it's a free downloadable adventure title called "The White Room", and it puts most horror games to shame. Definitely play it, considering - you know - it's free and pretty short.

>> No.4536870

Speaking of P.K. Dick, did anyone else have problems getting through VALIS? It's just, blegh. I'm thinking I don't get it.

>> No.4536885

It's not his best or easiest work.
Radio Free Albemuth is superior (read that first), though I'd recommend you focus on his short stories and mid period before diving into it.

>> No.4536894

Thanks for the advice

>> No.4537145

Just buy a projector and read ebooks through calibri, wireless mouse in hand to turn pages.
I have all of these things actually. Im going to do this.

>> No.4537157

The character motivations in Eye in the Sky where too discordant with reality for me.

>> No.4537177

Seconding this.
And this.

>> No.4537345

come on, hyperion is not horror at all. by that logic, dune is horror too because it introduces sand worms which are scarier than shrike the god of edgyness.

>> No.4537351

you might like dan abnett's eisenhorn and ravenor novels. it's more of an action novel with horror elements, but much of it happens during space voyages and on orbital stations.

>> No.4537377
File: 113 KB, 625x477, 1382793308744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, I only came in to post this

hmm damage control in effect

the short "thick water" ” by Karen Heuler
gave me some serious fucked up sci fi from the 70s feeling

the complete "blood music" by greg bear is great bodyhorror

>> No.4537466

I was his age when I read it. I put it down around the time he was being chased by wolves in a playground in that fucking awful videogame thing.

>> No.4538122


Hyperion is a waste of time. Don't bother.

>> No.4538126
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*Dick related

>> No.4539046

Ray Bradbury?

>> No.4539460

OP Here (glad that my topic hasn't vanished since yesterday).

I read IHNMAIMS today and i liked it very much. Very unsettling and horryfying story.
I've read At the Mountains of Madness, but never picked up other books by Lovecraft. Maybe I'll try with this Dunwich Horror.

Funny thing. I heard about High Rise about 3 hours ago - movie is being made. Tom Hiddleston stars. It's in my local library, so probably going to give it a read. Premise seems interesting.

Sometimes story is little confusing, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was funny, especially to see, how P.K.Dick makes fun of himself.

OT - About one hour ago I finished watching "Event Horizon". What a horrible movie. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

>> No.4539534

Bradbury's short story "Mars Is Heaven!" was bone-chilling by the end. Such a great set-up and such a nice, understated payoff.