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/lit/ - Literature

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4535185 No.4535185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'Oh so you like reading? What do you like to read?'

Time to get your stories straight. Five books you could list off as a stock answer to the above question.

1. For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway
2. True History of the Kelly Gang, Peter Carey
3. Roadside Picnic, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
4. Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
5. The Lost Weekend, Charles R. Jackson

Memorise and that's one less awkward social situation to worry about finding yourself in.

>> No.4535188

>Talking to other people

>> No.4535193

This is /lit/ not /pua/.

>> No.4535205

I think maybe my choice of picture was misleading. I didn't mean for this to be another thread about talking to members of the opposite sex. Just people in general. God knows it's unlikely I'll be asked this question by a girl any time soon.

>> No.4535217

>What do you like to read?

>> No.4535226

That doesn't make your thread any less stupid.

>> No.4535233

sigh. Maybe it is stupid. But I can't be the only one about who struggles to answer these on the spot questions without looking foolish and ignorant.

>> No.4535250
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"Schopenhauer, Cioran, Ligotti, Zapffe, Brassier."

>> No.4535257

You could just answer it honestly.

>> No.4535276

Such as?

>> No.4535278

Heaven forbid, honesty in this day and age. What are you thinking.

>Oh so you like reading? What do you like to read?'
Answering with say bizzaro fiction, Barron's articles, monster porn, true crime, and canning recipes might turn a head or two.

>> No.4535279

How much of an aspie are you? People don't (and shouldn't have to) expect a list when they bring up a question like that. At worst you should be naming off some of your favourite authors as examples, not starting points. If they care about your taste (they won't) they will ask you to elaborate on one or two of them.

>> No.4535284

So don't tell them you like in the first place if you're ashamed of it. You're just going to look ridiculous if you talk to anyone who is interested in the books you're pretending to like.

>> No.4535286

don't tell them you like reading in the first place*

>> No.4535291
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>> No.4535292


1. "A Farewell to Arms" - Hemingway
2. "The Brothers Karamazov" - Dostoevesky
3. "Jane Eyre" - Bronte
4. "Letters to a Young Contrarian" - Hitchens (yea yea, "fedora" and shit)
5. "The Great Gatsby" - Fitzgerald

Yup, that high school tier AP Lit list. Get at me, fuccbois.

>> No.4535303

>I wasn't being dumb! I were trolling!
Yeah, no, that doesn't make you look any less stupid at this point.

>> No.4535325

Story of the Eye
The Sun Also Rises
Don Quixote
Hamlet (muh metatextuality)

>> No.4535334

Why do people so freely throw around the accusation that people are only 'pretending' to like a book on this board? None of the books I listed are particularly 'deep' or challenging.

And yes, I realise that the whole idea is pretty autistic. I guess I didn't get that diagnosis for no good reason.

>> No.4535346

>The Stranger
>The Catcher in the Rye
>The Count of Monte Cristo
>Of Mice and Men
>An Ideal Husband

>> No.4535348

We're accusing you of pretending to like them because you admitted as much in >>4535278

>> No.4535352
File: 296 KB, 1200x1673, 1391530280691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit she looks so much like Gillian Jacobs.

>> No.4535367

The Brothers Karamazov
Titus Groan
Mother Night
The Sound and the Fury
The Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea

>> No.4535374

huh that wasn't me, but OK.

>> No.4535416

The will to power
The myth of sisyphus
The woman in the dunes
Kafka on the shore

>> No.4535423


I think OP has made a solid thread.

I was doing a mock interview with some smart hottie who works for Nationwide, when she asked me about the literature I'm into (because I talked about it in the CV) I stuttered and said some shit like 'Oh I'm into Rossetti, Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde etc' which was fucking stupid of me.

>> No.4535451

In Search of Lost Time
The Master and Margarita
The Trial
A personal Matter
Pedro Paramo

>> No.4535485

Couldn't you have just asked us to name five of our favourite books without the framing device suggesting we all suffer from Asperger's?

>> No.4535497

Remember where you are. Appeals to autism make for a honeypot of a thread.

>> No.4535554

>What do you like to read?
Books about grown men having sex with 12-year-olds

>> No.4535561

>The Stranger in the Rye

if she smiles, run away. she browses /lit/ and is probably a hambeast.

>> No.4535565

If you can see whether or not she's smiling you can probably judge whether or not she's fat more accurately other ways than by her choice in books.

>> No.4535571


unless it's night time. i suffer from night blindness

>> No.4535576

How can you see if she's smiling if you can't even make out her figure?

>> No.4535581

Vision radius of 3 cm^2

Atheists: 1
Uncut: 1
Mac: 0

>> No.4535622

Under the Volcano - Lowry
Where I'm Calling From - Carver
Good Morning, Midnight - Rhys
Runaway Horses - Mishima
Herzog - Bellow

>> No.4535657


Man, I loved that painting. Who's the artist?

>> No.4535673


I'm way too attracted to the girl in that painting.

>> No.4535681


Konstantin Razumov.

google images shows me that he only paints very attractive high class french women.

>> No.4535689
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>> No.4535690
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>> No.4535694
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>> No.4535699
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>> No.4535702
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>> No.4535703

that's a badly drawn bum

0/10 would not fap

>> No.4535707

Anna karenina
Terra amata
Don Quixote
Fly away peter

>> No.4535710


Thank you, OP.

I have discovered my favorite painter of all time. He embodies in his art exactly what I dream to be the perfect woman. And the female character of my next play (a comedy), that is going to be written after I finished the tragedy I am now writing, would use this paintings as inspiration.

>> No.4535712
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typical 4chan nerd going straight for the nudies.

>> No.4535713

damn who's this artist

>> No.4535717
File: 120 KB, 282x282, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Fault in our Stars
2. Harry Potter
3. Twilight
4.Hunger Games:Catching Fire
5. Divergent

>> No.4535718
File: 47 KB, 400x557, 1391540635292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4535726


I posted several facets of his work, not just the nudes. But I must confess that this guy is, seriously, my favorite contemporary artist in the art of painting, and I have discovered him only today. His name is

>Konstantin Razumov

But I am not beeing able to fund his facebook page of personal page. Can someone help me with that?

Also: I agree with you – half-nakedness is more suggestive and elegant, and much more sexy than pure nudity. You have taste, my friend.

>> No.4535740

1. For Whom the Bell Tolls
2. The Lord of the Rings
3. Call of the Wild and White Fang
4. The Brothers Karamazov
5. Kim

>> No.4535939

I want an upper class Frenchy gf.

>> No.4535959



You're out of your mind if you think the world will judge you as 4chan does.

>> No.4535971

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace... - Mishima
The Crying of Lot 49 - Pynchon
The Rules of Attraction - Ellis
Death in Venice - Mann
Crime and Punishment - Dostoy

If I were having a conversation outside of 4chan

>> No.4535976

Wow you are stupid.

>> No.4535989
File: 80 KB, 575x800, 132386-Annigoni-Queen-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how you're talking too.

Job interview? Next door lady feeding your cat? Junky buddies?

>> No.4535999

How do you pronounce Quixote?
Hate going to the shop and asking for something I have no idea how to pronounce.

>> No.4536012

Key Hoe Tea
And the don is a long O, like the word Don't.

>> No.4536023

When I discovered the beats, I must have pronounced Ginsberg's name with a soft G (like the drink) in front of at least 3 people before being taken aside and corrected. Quel horreur...

>> No.4536024

'Billy Budd & Other Stories' by Herman Melville
'All The King's Men' by Robert P. Warren
'The Dreamer's Tales' by Lord Dunsany
'The Demons' by Dostoyevsky
'The Songs of Maldoror' by the Comte de Lautremont

Does this mean I get a cute upper class French gf?

>> No.4536029

If you want to be hipster say it like Key-show-tay

>> No.4536030

Kichot, stress on the 2nd syllable, x/ch is pronounced like the Germans do (as if you are participating in a spitting contest)

>> No.4536035

>How do you pronounce Quixote?

You never listened to some Nik Kershaw?!


>> No.4536044

I said "Came-Usss" for camus out loud in class. Fuck me right

>> No.4536062

KEY hoe tay is close enough

>> No.4536063

I can better that. I pronounced Descartes 'dez-cart-ez' out loud in class. Still I was like, 15, and none of the other plebs sat amongst me would've noticed.

>> No.4536069

>The Trial
>Catch 22
>A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man
>An Outpost Of Progress
>Brave New World

>> No.4536088
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>An Ideal Husband
you would tell a grill you like that wouldn't you you beta faggot

>> No.4536099

Nope. Key-hoh-teh.

>> No.4536103

yea that's better, but like I said, close enough for an english speaker

>> No.4536107


>> No.4536108

Don't be fooled by the ones from Quebec.

>> No.4536146

You incite blasphemy upon Israel

>> No.4536178

why would you list books you've read?

if i asked someone that and they rattled off five books that show a literary taste with little to no cohesion i'd lose all interest

>what do you like to read
>I love Russian art and philosophy, so most of my "favorite" authors are acclaimed Russians, like Dostoevsky and Pushkin. I have a soft spot for the idea of the "great American novel," though, so I'm drawn to American lit from the past century. What about you?"

>> No.4536447

>tfw no dapper handsome european sugardaddy bf

>> No.4536460

>I have a soft spot for the idea of the "great American novel,"
you're a giant faggot

>> No.4536482

social awkwardness only exists if you are a pussy

>> No.4536637

I mostly read Appalachian literature as well as contemporary fiction. So:

> Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier
> Up In the Air - Walter Kirn
> River of Earth - James Still
> Time of Man - Elizabeth Maddox Roberts
> Never Let me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro

>> No.4536644

i'm a dyke, actually
close, tho, keep trying

>> No.4536663

Why would you bother replying? What kind of moron are you?

>> No.4536709

want to cuddle and talk about Tom Hamilton in Steinbeck?

>> No.4536813
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brb, fapping to paintings

>> No.4536823
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>> No.4536824

why would you bother replying to me?

>> No.4536832

Even in /lit/, the appearance of a female in a thread never ceases to derail it.

>> No.4536841

wtf guys i'm not actually a dyke
i'm not even a girl
it was a joke

>> No.4536961
File: 270 KB, 912x1220, Carson McCullers III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If home region specific:
>Land of Little Rain, Mary Austin
>Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey
>Desierto: Memories of the Future, Charles Bowden
>Downcanyon, Ann Zwinger
>The Voice of the Desert, Joseph Wood Krutch

If American lit:
>Light in August, Faulkner
>Tripmaster Monkey, Kingston
>Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Didion
>Catch-22, Heller
>Butcher's Crossing, Williams

If non-American lit:
>Dubliners, Joyce
>House of the Dead, Dostoy
>La Ciudad y los Perros, Vargas Llosa
>Anything Shakespeare
>La Llamada

If philosophy:
>Either/Or, Kierkegaard
>The Analects, Confucius
>A Theory of Justice, Rawls
>On Free Choice of the Will, Augustine

If Poetry:
>Edna St. Vincent Millay
>Li Bai
>García Lorca
>Billy Collins

>muh Catholic guilt

>> No.4537058

okay. do you want to talk about fictional poets in 20th Century novels and cuddle? we can even cuddle while talking about de Selby if you're into that meta shit.

>> No.4537143

What's with all this tawdry pool hall smut!?

...And why can't I post mine?

>> No.4537914

I'd probably say:
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
The Lord of the Rings
and Harry Potter.
Leaving Harry Potter last because that's the most likely topic starter .

>> No.4537919

Just say what most people would say. "Ahh I don't know, I like lots of adventure and stuff'

>> No.4538283
File: 95 KB, 390x310, lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw imagining you saying this to someone out loud and actually making scare quotes with your fingers when you say "favorite" and "great American novel"

>> No.4538403

no exactly

>> No.4538991

1. Julius Caesar
2. Nineteen Eighty-Four
3. The Picture of Dorian Gray
4. Slaughterhouse Five
5. Murder on the Orient Express

>> No.4539005

>'Oh so you like reading? What do you like to read?'

I, uh, like to read poetry.

>> No.4539010

>poetry? what are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.4539016

>what sort of books do you like reading?
>what sort of films do you like watching?
>what sort of music do you like listening to?

The answer is always the same: pretentious bullshit followed by a dashing smile

>> No.4539019

>poetry? what are you, some kind of faggot?
I-I-I guess so, since only gay men enjoy the fact that I enjoy poetry.

>> No.4541646

i'd like to enjoy you enjoying poetry