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452993 No.452993 [Reply] [Original]

Your top 3 books, GO!

>> No.453005
File: 534 KB, 1280x528, vlcsnap-2010-03-07-15h12m39s7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Catcher in the Rye
2. Alice in Wonderland
3. Twilight

>> No.453010

Gravity Rainbow
The REcognition

>> No.453011

>1. Catcher in the Rye
>2. Alice in Wonderland
>3. Twilight
*closes thread*

>> No.453014

invisible cities
the waves
moby dick

>> No.453023

The Tin Drum
Midnight's Children
100 Years of Solitude

They're all basically the same book, too

>> No.453028

1.) The Kite Runner
2.) Inside the Kingdom
3.) Digital Fortress

>> No.453033

You make me want to commit suicide. :/

>> No.453039

1. The Hobbit
2. Lord of the rings (the whole series is one book)
3. Eragon

>> No.453042

1. Ficciones
2. 2666
3. Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.453049

1. Twilight
2. Twilight
3. Twilight

>> No.453067

1. Le hussard bleu
2. Les noces barbares
3. Zazie dans le métro

>> No.453068

what's going on in this picture?

>> No.453074

it's a random dumb 4chan mspaint picture who careS?

>> No.453080

I'm guessing he's walking with a hot cup of coffee or cocoa (probably coffee because of kohvi, but fuck if I know) back to his computer/tv and while holding it at a weird angle the hot liquid spills on his thumb, after which he reacts, gets a seizure and shoots shit in his living room.

>> No.453087

The Brothers Karamazov
Voyage au bout de la nuit

>> No.453098


He accidentally tips his coffee backwards, it burns his hand. His reaction causes him to tip the coffee forwards. The third panel says "Fucking kohvi everywhere". Kohvi is the Estonian word for coffee. I assume that "Tur" is the first syllable of an Estonian expression with similar meaning to the word fuck.

>> No.453101

1- Catch 22
2- The Death of Ivan Ilyich (novellas count, right?)
3- Sun Also Rises (this one might easily be bumped off by others as I read)

>> No.453106

1. The Sound and The Fury
2. The Great Gatsby
3. Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.453115

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

I've got a hard on for Joyce.

>> No.453134

1. Crime and punishment
2. Death and the dervish
3. For who the bell tools

>> No.453137


>> No.453139

1. Notes From Underground
2. Blindsight
3. Being No One
yes, I am a pessimist.

>> No.453143

1. Atlas Shrugged
2. The Fountainhead
3. The Demon-Haunted World

>> No.453145

3.20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

>> No.453148

1. The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
2. The Trial
3. The Name of the Rose

>> No.453149

Farhenheit 451
To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.453157
File: 11 KB, 350x258, claudius2_gall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lion, the witch and the wardrobe

>> No.453167

Claudius steps into his wardrobe and finds himself in Scotland in the 1980's where he befriends some skag addicts and ends up selling them out.

>> No.453171

1. Twilight
2. Twilight: New Moon
3. Twilight: Eclipse

>> No.453174

>the lion, the witch and the wardrobe


>> No.453180


>> No.453177

1. The Sea of Fertility
2. A Rebours
3. Steppenwolf

>> No.453181

Angsty teenage vampire goes on a psychedelic trip which ends with a transient feeling of happiness as he watches his vampire sister riding a magic roundabout.

>> No.453190

1. Pan by Knut Hamsun
2. The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
3. The Process by Franz Kafka

>> No.453193
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>The Process by Franz Kafka

go on

>> No.453201

yeah, that guy is probably german and did not get that the translation of the Der Prozess is The Trial.

>> No.453203
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my favorite book, that one.

>> No.453206

1. The Castle - Franz Kafka
2. Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
3. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky

>> No.453218


ur almost right, except im not cherman.
"The Trial" is a shitty translation of the word process, as it is way too specific. Translating literature should be forbidden. The language is often half the art. Unless it's shitty story-telling books of course. What we call "airport-novels".

>> No.453234

I do not think trial is a bad translation of Prozess.
You are clearly an idiot. And probably austrian.

>> No.453237


lulz, I actually applied for a job as surveyer yesterday. :)

>> No.453250


Process is a word with much wider definition than just a trial. Attacking the person is a way of admitting having no arguments I guess. And I don't even have a basement.

>> No.453256
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>> No.453264

1. the secret diary of adrian mole 13 and 3/4 old
2. bonjour tristesse
3. deadeye dick

yes, I'm young.

>> No.453269


If you know why the man came to the castle it gives meaning. Read some Derrida.

>> No.453282

yeah, but I am pretty sure Prozess auf deutsch and Process in english is overthinking it a bit.
And the word trial is also very similarly layered as Prozess.
Just face it, Prozess means Verfahren, which is the same meaning trial has.

>> No.453295

You are right. Those people who always ponder about "trial" being a inferior translation for Prozess than "process" are pretentious wankers who probably can not even speak german.

Only trial makes it clear to the english reader that Prozess is a common word for trial as well as it can mean a procedure in general. And as the other anon said, trial means test, which is not so far away from proceedings.

>> No.453306


I've read connotations into the word process which cannot be made with the word trial.

Such as the inner process of change. This could of course be linked to inner trials. But nevertheless, I'll stick to saying trial is a shitty translation. Because I think so. And if you think there is something objective meaning to be grasped here, go read those Ayn Rand books of yours.

>> No.453309

1. Lolita
2. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
3. Rainbow Six

>> No.453320

yeah, I find your pretentiousness ridiculous.
Go lecture someone on this who is not fluent in english and german.

>> No.453333

I love bonjour tristesse.
well done on IMO some really good adolescent literature.

now GTFO underage b&.

>> No.453342


If you object to my objection against translated literature by calling it pretentious, you are trying to ridicule me, thereby revealing yourself.

>> No.453358

"Process" in english is up there with "thing" and "event" for unspecificness. It refers to the series of events leading to a result. It's too abstract to tell you anything about the book.

>> No.453359


interesting list

>> No.453389
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And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind
Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc

...And not necessarily in that order.

>> No.453405

1. The Last Samurai (Helen Dewitt)
2. Cat's Cradle (Kurt Vonnegut)
3. Imajica (Clive Barker)

>> No.453406

ender's game
chocolate war
goodnight moon

>> No.453417

Infinite Jest
Green Mars

>> No.453429

Nine Stories
Deathbird Stories

>> No.453467

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A Confederacy of Dunces
The Stand

>> No.453483

1. Gravity's Rainbow
2. Blood Meridian
3. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (in Middle English)

>> No.453501

One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Heart of Darkness