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/lit/ - Literature

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4531424 No.4531424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading fantasy most my life, and I've finally realized how fucking formulaic and run-dry YA fantasy is. Don't get me wrong, there's some ripping fantasy books out there, but it's become a god damned band-wagon that every budding 'author' wants to jump on and claim his fame.

Anyway, I'm wanting to broaden my horizon. I'm thinking about giving Dante's Inferno and Call of Cthulu a shot, and I'm currently reading Notes from the Underground. What else would you guys recommend?

I warmed up to the idea of trying Hemingway's stuff to broaden my reading range. Any advice to what you guys think his best works are? Also whether he is worth reading or not.

>> No.4531426

read the sticky
no one gives a shit about your life story

>> No.4531430

Read The Count of Monte Cristo and Lolita and shut the fuck up.

>> No.4531431

i've already read the sticky, you well-poisoning, dick-fingered fuck

>> No.4531442

What specific fantasy has soured you so?

Anyway, you might try starting with some of Hemmingway's short stories. A good example of his style is "Hills Like White Elephants." Read that, and if you understand the subtext you're probably ready to delve into his novels. If you are confused, read more of other stuff first.

>> No.4531450

>wanting to hop right into Dante's Inferno as a way to get into "literature"

You're in for some rough stuff sport. You should probably try and get your poetry legs under you before you tackle something like that.

But it'll be hard either way and hard work and perseverance never did any one wrong just realize it won't be a walk in the park.

>> No.4531454

lies of locke lamora, kingkiller chronicles, magician, mistborn, all those kinds of fantasy.

but anyway, i'll give hills like white elephants a shot, thanks

come on, just contribute helpfully to this thread, and it'll be gone before you know it.

>> No.4531455
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>Dante's Inferno
>not reading it in the original Italian

>> No.4531459

Both The Count of Monte Cristo and Lolita are excellent and engaging works that are great for sparking an interest in literature.

>lies of locke lamora
>kingkiller chronicles

dear god man, what have you been doing

at least read malazan

>> No.4531465
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>I've been reading fantasy most my life, and I've finally realized how fucking formulaic and run-dry YA fantasy is.
Oh god. How old are you?

>> No.4531473

and? there are books by hemmingway on it you fucking retard. this ain't hard, stop being mindless faggot

>> No.4531481

>dear god man, what have you been doing

i've been reading trash m8

>at least read malazan

now THAT is fantasy that I fucking love. aside from his dicky writing style, that kind of fantasy is my jam. I just made the mistake of trying to find it in other fantasy novels

>> No.4531485
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great bait mate

>> No.4531488

>being this mean

>> No.4531491

>mfw i thought the story was about a boob job

>> No.4531499

pls explain

>> No.4531503

The Spanish hills symbolize, like, breasts or something.

>> No.4531509

that's good by me...

I don't think he cares about offending the OP or not. i mean, what would 4chan be without people like him?

>> No.4531511

i dunno brah he keeps talking about an operation, white hills remind me of boobs

>> No.4531515
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azure goolies

>> No.4531531

besides after reading an online explanation of the "meaning" i can safely say if this is the manner in which Hemingway writes then fuck him in the ass, I ain't ' about dat lyfe. as if both of them know what she means when she points to the hills and says we could have had all of that. i wouldn't get it if i put 10 babies inside her and considering they appear as two dumb "adventurers" incapable of planning for pregnancy while bumming around on trains and drinking alcohol (during pregnancy) I doubt they're either.