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File: 23 KB, 205x300, guns germs and steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4526276 No.4526276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I always knew racism was stupid and wrong, but thanks to this book, I now know WHY it's stupid and wrong.

I heartily recommend this book, it's like poison to /pol/tards.

>> No.4526284

>Jared Diamond

>> No.4526287

>I always knew racism was stupid and wrong, but thanks to this book, I now know WHY it's stupid and wrong.

So how did you know it was stupid and wrong before you found out why?

>> No.4526298

>implying I need reasons to know why stormfags are wrong

>> No.4526303

Stormfags? Accepting a conclusion without understanding the rationale behind it is ridiculous. Of course, I say this without explaining my rationale.

>> No.4526305

Same way a child born to atheist parents knows theism is dumb.

>> No.4526309
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>> No.4526311

So, he knows nothing, and can only recite ideology?

>> No.4526316

The same way a child born to muslim parents knows Allah is great and Muhammed shouldn't be made fun of.

>> No.4526321

Right, but wrong tense. He *was* reciting received ideology, *now* he has reason.

>> No.4526326
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>Africa didn't have domesticable animals

Neither did Europe to begin with, animals are tamed over generations of breeding, not immediately.

>> No.4526327

Who, OP? It's more likely that he would accept any reason that justified his worldview. Confirmation bias.

>> No.4526333

Jared Diamond is a Jew.

>> No.4526342
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Oh no need to tip your insincerity at me.
The implication is that this child doesn't know anything for certain till it is reenforced by secondary sources. Read between the lines, theist.
Being born into Christianity was hindrance.

>> No.4526351

I converted to Christianity after spending the first 20 odd years of my life as an atheist.

Come at me.

>> No.4526353

If you want to maintain any kind of proficient discourse, it'd be for the best if you weren't so pugnacious in your replies, though I'm sure it's spite you want, not discussion.

>> No.4526354

I watched the video for that last year in school. I'm not convinced. Whites were still the ones who decided to stop living in mud and walk somewhere else.

>> No.4526355

I don't know if that makes whites superior though.

>> No.4526356
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Opinion disregarded then.

>> No.4526361

The simplest explanation is the most likely.

And the simplest explanation is that some ethnic groups/races have genetic differences that include higher propensity for intelligence and problem solving, while others do not.

>> No.4526362
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>I like living in mud and filth in horrible conditions
>I don't, and my decisions moved the human race forward leaps and bounds

Yeah man, I think blacks can run faster, they must be better.

>> No.4526365

>captivity and domestication are the same thing

>> No.4526368

It's not necessarily genetics. Social upbringing is hugely important, maybe even more so than genetics, in most cases.

>> No.4526369

>The simplest explanation is the most likely.
dat sum pleb version of occam's razor?

>> No.4526373

Thats like saying "I think Mountain Lions have a higher propensity for intelligence than Panthers"

>> No.4526374
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more successful though.

Even if whites aren't superior they certainly did better. (What qualifies as "better" is obviously subjected but you know what I mean.

I don't have any sources on me but I'm pretty sure there's sources that refute this book and suggest that whites are superior in ways. (at least intellectually). I haven't looked too much into it but before just tossing the possibility aside because it's what you're comfortable with is no reason not to research.

>> No.4526375

it's literally occam's razor

>> No.4526376

True, but in this situation he just happens to be correct. To be racist, you have to believe that there is an objective system of values. Values can only be subjective. I haven't read the book, so it's entirely possible (and judging from the subject matter, quite likely) that he's right for the wrong reasons - but he's still right.

>> No.4526381

That depends, do Mountain Lions have demonstrably more complex routines and activities than Panthers?

>> No.4526377
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He knows the truth but he doesn't know why.

Not the same.

You were an agnostic the whole time. Now you are willfully ignorant. I can only hope that you aren't a fundie or will raise any fundies. Enjoy

Were you the hat tipper?
Doesn't matter. I'm going to go read now (About Christians as a matter of fact)

>> No.4526384

>not the same

Solid refutation comrade

These stupid Christians are ruining our communist paradise!

>> No.4526385


>> No.4526386

Yeah, but being more successful is no justification for the kind of racism that dehumanizes and subjugates less successful peoples. And I say "less successful" while keeping the Aztecs, Chinese, and Cherokee in mind.

>> No.4526388

Depending on the kind of future you want for the human race, it is justification.

>> No.4526389

I was not the hat tipper.

>> No.4526392

What routines and activities do whites partake in with a high enough percentage above blacks that it can be considered a "general propensity for higher intelligence"?

>> No.4526393

>Implying I need to refute Allah

Or any of it. Been done. Out.

>> No.4526397

not the one you replied.

I agree. But I do think that it should at least be considered (I fully believe it's true) That there is inherent differences in races.

>> No.4526399
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I always knew God was real and created the world, but thanks to this book, I now know WHY he's real and created the world.

>> No.4526400

No, it isn't. Whites were more successful. Whites took over the (western) world. Alright. That's fine. But racism and slavery are unrelated, disgusting things.

>> No.4526403

Two different races can be inherently different and inherently equal.

>> No.4526404

That is a horribly extraneous and entirely un-funny comparison.

>> No.4526406

Why do you keep saying "whites"?

Anyway. how about the following?

>building spaceships
>inventing medicines
>inventing in general

>> No.4526410

*tips fedora*

>> No.4526411

Wow. That list is ridden with bias and ignorance.

>> No.4526420
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>> No.4526427

I say whites because that is the term that encompass all peoples of that specific heritage and general racial features. Same reason I use blacks; it encompasses not only native african's but aborigines and people of Papua New Guini.

Also, your reasons are directly refuted in Guns, Germs, and Steel. Did you not read the book that this thread is here to discuss? If that is the case you should feel embarrassed.

>> No.4526431

>it's like poison to /pol/tards
>but I'm pretty sure there's sources that refute this book and suggest that whites are superior
IIRC the book doesn't actually argue that there are no meaningful differences between human populations. /pol/ acts like it does, but I really don't think that's something it says.

Feel free to quote something proving me wrong, though.

>> No.4526432

Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid.

>> No.4526436

Whites aren't the only group to have advanced civlizations and contribute to the scientific community.

Asians and Arabs have too.

Sub-Saharan africans are the only ones who haven't.

>> No.4526438

>building spaceships
>inventing medicines
>inventing in general
None of these are done by anything more than a tiny, tiny proportion of the population, so I doubt that they're meaningful evidence for the average intelligence of that population.

And as for 'exploring', I'm pretty sure people from Africa have done a whole lot of that. Since we're all from there and all.

>> No.4526439

What about people who share most if not all distinct traits of Caucasian but who did not originate in the Caucasus Mountains?

Furthermore, isn't Mongoloid generally considered insulting?

>> No.4526441

And of that tiny, tiny proportion of the population. It's almost entirely whites and asians.

Hell, it was ex-nazis who built the apollo ships.

>> No.4526442

Well, it has negative connotations, but when used scholarly nobody will take offense.

>> No.4526446
File: 136 KB, 750x748, Chinese-babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguments that draw on average IQ
>talking about 'white superiority'
This always bugs me. It's like you haven't noticed who actually tops the IQ tests.

>> No.4526445

Who cares if it's considered insulting.

Mongoloid is a good term.

>> No.4526447

Literally nobody ITT has talked about IQ.

>> No.4526450

>when used scholarly
except contemporary scholars hardly use it because its as dated as oriental

>> No.4526453

Yeah man that might be true but like, just because one group of people had a stranglehold on the world because of arbitrary and luck-based advantages over other races doesn't make another race inherently inferior. In fact, now that equality is finally making a push forward you notice that blacks, given they are growing up in adequate conditions to foster higher levels of intelligence, are accomplishing the same level of intellectual capacity as any other race.

>> No.4526455

I meant proportion of a given population, e.g. 'whites'. You can't use the achievements of a very small number to generalise about the capabilities of the whole.

>> No.4526459

Indeed, there is quite a bit of historgraphy that actually argues that a Europe dominated world is abnormal and China is the usual dominant economic power -- see the writings of Andre Gunter Franck: professional masturbator. It's just that the perfect storm of plague, mongols, and extreme inflation changed the system briefly over to the Wests favor in the Renaissance, and late Middle Ages. Most of it is bullshit in my opinion, but the paradigm is shifting.

>> No.4526461

It's not the Chinese thats for sure. Japs maybe, but whites won out over them in the way all races do when they fall behind intellectually- with war.

>> No.4526462

>Whites were still the ones who decided to stop living in mud and walk somewhere else
Um, what? Europeans were living in mud for aaaaaaages. Other peoples were way ahead of them on that score.

>> No.4526464

Isn't he a Jew?

>> No.4526467

Of course you can, since when didn't the achievements of the extremes affect the average?

>> No.4526472
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Anyways, on topic:
Anyone that's racist is ignorant, and for some odd reason thinks highly of ''his own people'' when really, 60% of them are moronic anyways.

Most arguments for racism are really intellectual hatred, but if you think any skin complexion makes you smart, or genetically predisposed to being smarter, then you need to take a look around and realise how far down the drain your brain is.

>> No.4526473

Eh, /pol/ always gets around to it at some point when it talks about people being 'superior' to each other. After 5,000 threads on the subject, I think it can be read as implied.

>> No.4526475


It's like reading a book about evolution written by a creationist.

>> No.4526480

Since there might be thousands of below-averages who completely cancel out the extremes. It's fairly simple, really. You can't come close to an average without testing a decent sample size and including low and high ends.

>> No.4526481

You're thinking of an entirely different time scope as we were discussing. We were referring to the initial people who left africa for greener pastures, if you will. We were not referring to the differences between the larger group of people who spread out once leaving africa.

>> No.4526486

Um... what's the relevance?

>> No.4526483

ps: this thread is also filled with people who don't seem to know that Europe only passed China in economic/trade means during the nineteenth century, and that Europeans were fucking dumbfounded when they first saw China and realised they had a society that flourished like their own even though they weren't christian. And that the cradle of civilization is in fact in the Middle-East and Northern Africa.

>> No.4526493

So 'whites'=everybody who left Africa? I are confus. Normally when I think 'white people' I think Europeans.

>> No.4526496

Jews have a vested interest in wiping out the idea of racial differences.

>IE, The Holocaust, never again goy!

>> No.4526504

But I'm pretty sure Diamond doesn't argue that there are no racial differences.

>> No.4526509


This book holds two contradictory statements.

>whites got better because their environment forced them to develop methods of staying warm and etc

>whites' environment was richer than the rest so they were able to get better

It's fucked. It only proved that antiracists are running out of arguments.

Asians did well in Africa, Arabs did well in Africa, Africans always fucking sucked in Africa, despite varied climates, riches everywhere. Africans still do just as badly in other countries now.

Read a forensic textbook on human anatomy and realise that you've been lied to quite a bit about "We're all the same under the skin."

>> No.4526510

>muh /pol/

So ignorant.

>> No.4526515


>> No.4526517

I mean in that specific exchange the conversation evolved in a way that slightly altered the initial intent of the word.

>> No.4526518

Skin color is the least important difference between races though.

>brain structure and size
>skull and skeletal shape
>gestation periods in the womb
>percentage of people with the "warrior" gene

>> No.4526520


>> No.4526523
File: 16 KB, 180x280, 180px-MeinKampf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always knew racism was stupid and wrong
such objectivity
much critical thinking
open minded

pic related
I always knew jews were stupid and wrong, but thanks to this book, I now know WHY it's stupid and wrong.

I heartly recommend this book, it's like poison to tumblerettes

guns,germs and steel is a good book though, that is not what I am criticising

>> No.4526525

>>brain size
they still give out degrees in anthropometry?

>> No.4526527

/pol/ is shorthand for 'racists'. It's actually arguably better, since 'racist' itself has taken on such a thoroughly perjorative meaning.

>> No.4526530

>A races accomplishments don't count because EVERYONE in the race didn't commit them

Jesus, this is the antiracist argument?

>> No.4526531

According to the /pol/ polls though, less than half of them are actually racist.

>> No.4526532


>/pol/'s version of le fedora meme is to ridicule simple facts


>> No.4526534

That's a great thought the only problem is those two statements don't contradict each other, at all

>> No.4526538

Can someone do a quick 'for further reading' list for Guns, Germans, and Steel? Sex At Dawn comes to mind.

>> No.4526539

We're not all the same on the inside DeShawn.

Sub-Saharan africans are the only race that didn't mix with Neanderthals, which explains why they seem so distant from the rest of humanity.

>> No.4526540

Imagine if 49% of Americans actively sought to kill and devour fellow human beings, people would call the US a cannibal nation.

>> No.4526542

>gestation periods in the womb
Intredasting. What are the differences?

>> No.4526543

>the earth rotates the sun
even if it happens to be true, you are still as ignorant as the person who is wrong if you are incapable of constructing an argument to support your claim

>> No.4526550

Dammit. I might have to just say 'racist', then.

>> No.4526553


>This research suggests that normal gestational length is shorter in Black and Asian women compared with white European women and that fetal maturation may occur earlier.

>> No.4526554

>building spaceships
Russians pioneered space exploration, piggybacked on modern physics which is dominated the achievements of Jewish mathematicians
>inventing medicines
Scientific medicine begins with Persian and Arab Muslims
>inventing in general
Lol, okay. Enjoy your Amurgan education.

>> No.4526555

/pol/ is shorthand for "burn the witch"
It is an strawman, the internet is full of them, tumblerinas, 9fags, bros,etc...

>> No.4526557

Whoops, quoted the wrong post.

>> No.4526558

Interesting, no black people did any of those things then?

>> No.4526560

I think you're replying to the wrong post, bro.

>> No.4526563

Sure thing, Leroy.

>> No.4526564


Animals usually have very short gestation perods too. Basically because they have to get up and about quickly in order to survive in the wild.

>> No.4526565

but in /pol/ only a 48% are racists so your argument is invalid

>> No.4526566

Do you even read what you're typing?
It's not the accomplishment of a race. It's the accomplishment of a person. That's the whole point of my post.

>> No.4526570

Some definitely did exploring. I imagine some inventing too. Spaceships and medicine... not sure. I'd be surprised if they were completely unrepresented in the latter, at least.

>> No.4526574


>If your heritage is non-African, you are part Neanderthal

>> No.4526576


>> No.4526578

>anyone's heritage being non-African

>> No.4526582

Yes, only the people that STAYED in Africa until relatively modern history are considered African you pillock.

>> No.4526583

Yeah, it's 2014, darling. We have real science now.

>> No.4526586

So to what degree is race socially constructed?

Conversely, to what degree is it biological?

>> No.4526587

How is it only 1-4%? If the two populations merged, you would expect somewhere around 50%, right?

>> No.4526594

So when does heritage stop being heritage? I'm pretty sure you can always go back another generation.

>> No.4526596

When does blue turn into purple?

Just because you can't point at a specific point and say that's where it begins, doesn't mean one or the other doesn't exist.

>> No.4526597

It's a socially constructed identity grounded in observable biological differences. You can't give a % on that, it would make no sense.

>> No.4526601

Except this is about differences over time. If purple was descended from blue over many thousands of years, you couldn't meaningfully say purple had a non-blue heritage.

>> No.4526602

>frankfurt school fanfic sociology


>> No.4526607

Obviously depends on the size of the populations

>> No.4526614

I'm pretty sure the Frankfurt school didn't invent the notion that we are social beings who interpret our existence through language, anon.

>> No.4526617

Sex at Dawn made me want to be a bonobo, just chillin, eating berries, fuckin' everyone just because.

>> No.4526618

Race is a social construct, descendance is biological

>> No.4526620

>this is what /pol/ actually believes

>> No.4526631

no, that was Heidegger, but Heidegger also knew the limits between science and philosophy and he never went around correcting scientific terms because he thought he was entitled to be the absolute standard of truths in all the spheres of intellectual endeavor

>> No.4526637

Neither are scientific terms, though. Scientists themselves guarantee this by continuously proving earlier scientists wrong.

>> No.4526639

Since the law of averages.

>> No.4526641

...and, in fact, races are a very good case in point. The original 'scientific' categories were invented before we even knew what DNA was.

>> No.4526642

>average is 50
>a bunch of 99 extremes come in
>thinks this won't change things

>> No.4526646

the biological differences between two populations is a scientific issue

>> No.4526651

Just because they had to work hard to live in their environment doesn't mean that the environment wasn't rich in resources.

>> No.4526653

That's it. Paint a caricature of your opponent because you don't have a real argument.

>> No.4526654

You mean like the constant posts declaring /pol/ to be the cause of all racism and opinions you disagree with?

>> No.4526655

Indeed, and as I said science changes all the time and thus can't be treated as an 'absolute standard'.

>> No.4526660

I explained this earlier- I used /pol/ as shorthand for 'racist'. You've demonstrated why, because you're treating 'racism' as a bad thing in itself.

>> No.4526663

I didn't treat it as a bad thing, I said you act like it's the source of racism.

>> No.4526664

Science should be used as the absolute standard precisely because it is open to change

>> No.4526666
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>We're all the same, it's just skin colour.

>> No.4526671

>someone has an extreme deformity


>> No.4526673

Yes, methodically it's open to change. But that means its conclusions are always provisional, which means you can't shout people down by saying 'science says this!'

>> No.4526674
File: 186 KB, 797x533, abos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You calling aboriginals deformed? RACIST SCUM

>> No.4526677


I love how in all these images the "white" skull is always a more appealing color than the "non-white" skull, and always in pristine in condition, whereas the "non-white" skull is always rough-looking and missing a tooth or whatever.

>> No.4526678
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>> No.4526679

all conclusions are always provisional, science at least includes that fact in its methodology instead of presuming it has a privileged access to reality like others

>> No.4526682

You are fucking retarded. A couple hundred 99's will not change hundreds of millions of 50's.

>> No.4526683

It's funny, there's the odd reference earlier to 'whites' showing how smart they were by being the first to leave Africa, but... I could be remembering this wrong, but I think the Aborigenes are believed to have been first.

>> No.4526685
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>> No.4526686
File: 112 KB, 600x1000, ththrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just skin.

>> No.4526687

Do you even read what you're typing?
It's not the accomplishment of a person. It's the accomplishment of a race. That's the whole point of my post.

>> No.4526691

Yes, but the 99s will be cancelled out by an equal number of 1s. So the point is, you can't just derive the average from looking at the 99s.

>> No.4526692

To be fair, most abo skulls would be buried under a pile of rocks, or just left in the desert. Whereas a white skull would be more likely to either been donated to medical research, or exhumed from a coffin.

>> No.4526698

They then spent thousands of years wandering around a desert, and their list of inventions ends at the stick.

>> No.4526700

>this is the aryan race

>> No.4526701

You've done nothing clever.

>> No.4526702

That's a weird counter-intuitive view, though, and needs justification. It's completely self-explanatory that if I paint an amazing picture, I have painted an amazing picture. You'd have to justify claiming that my 'race' painted that picture.

>> No.4526704

Looks like average crackers to me.

>> No.4526717


>this denial