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4525807 No.4525807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: favourite comedian.

>> No.4525820
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Obligatory: Bill Hicks.

“I'm tired of this back-slappin' "isn't humanity neat" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes.”

>> No.4525825

As if you had the knowledge to simply dismiss Zizek as a joke.
Plebs like you are no different from the people dismissing Rorty by calling his reading of Dewey a misreading. The point was never that there is a right or wrong way to read something, but to constantly challenge and evolve ones thinking.

>> No.4525827

"WE WANT OUR THUMBS!" - Bill Hicks

>> No.4525837
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I'm not OP and I know that a lot of people truly dismiss Zizek as a joke.

But to say he is a joke is not the same as to say one dismisses him. It is not necessarily the case.

My God, it is precisely *sniff* the contrary. It legitimizes his words. A joke is much more revealing than the serious statement. And this is backed up by Zizek himself.

The joke that encompasses all this is that some people will say he is joke with the intention to dismiss him, when to my view that claim just works to include him. It denies him, making him the real thing. At the same time, the one who dismisses him, precisely because they dismiss him, won't be able to realize this.

>> No.4525839


Just dropping by to say that I enjoyed your post.

>> No.4525846

People who fail to take the words of the jest serious and the serious as a jest, don't really 'get' neither.

>> No.4525847

I agree, but my point was simply that OP should being arrogant and just drop to his knees and continue sucking those cocks.

>> No.4525849


>> No.4525851


>> No.4525860

jerry seinfeld strictly within the universe of seinfeld itself and of no derivative works

>> No.4525894
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I love Bill Hicks

>whatcha' readin' for?

>> No.4525895
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>> No.4525901


Can't touch this.

>> No.4525903
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>> No.4525926

Only an American would make that sort of social critique, deeply rooted in materialistic nihilism.

>> No.4525938

Mitch Hedberg
Sam Kinnison
Bill Hicks

>> No.4526019
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Say what you will, but his character in Peep Show caused from me more laughter than any other TV show character I can think of.

As for standup, I still haven't gotten tired of Louie CK's shtick. And as much as I disagree with Doug Stanhope, I do enjoy his standup routines.

>> No.4526054


I can't /lit/ seriously that there are people here who honestly like Bill Hicks. No doubt they'd like George Carlin as well, who give third rate vapid pseudo-political rants to make up for the fact they're not even funny.

>> No.4526081

the ultimate pseudo intellectual college student's favourite comedian

did you move on to him after your goerge carlin phase?

>> No.4526083

But a flag is a symbol that represents freedom. What?

>> No.4526110 [DELETED] 

Honestly I think Lee Mack is much more witty than him on every level. He's good but Lee is too quick for him and he often just resorts to shouting at everyone to try and get a laugh, which is fine (and funnny) but does get a bit weary after a while.
I'd probably go with Simon Amstell though, the guy is extremely good at making depression and awkward situations tragically funny.

As far as American comedians go I think Reginald D Hunter and Richard Prior may be my favourites. Reg needs to stop going on panel shows though.
Louis CK has moments of greatness but then he gets caught up in shock humour tactics that pull him back unfortunately.

Two least favourite comedians are Sean Walsh (I hope his career doesn't last) and that American guy who I can't remember the name of. He referenced the Pixies and had a CD where he takes his face off.
I can't remember but the overall smugness and stupidity of that guy just pissed me off.

>> No.4526117

I think Lee Mack is much more witty than him on every level. He's good but Lee is too quick for him and he often just resorts to shouting at everyone to try and get a laugh, which is fine (and funnny) but does get a bit weary after a while.
I'd probably go with Simon Amstell though, the guy is extremely good at making depression and awkward situations tragically funny.

As far as American comedians go I think Reginald D Hunter and Richard Prior may be my favourites. Reg needs to stop going on panel shows though.
Louis CK has moments of greatness but then he gets caught up in shock humour tactics that pull him back unfortunately.

Two least favourite comedians are Sean Walsh (I hope his career doesn't last) and that American guy who I can't remember the name of. He referenced the Pixies and had a CD where he takes his face off.
I can't remember but the overall smugness and stupidity of that guy just pissed me off.

>> No.4526125

is that supposed to be funny

>> No.4526135

I like Stewart Lee, not because he's particularly funny but because people who don't understand his jokes get so worked up about him.
Armando Iannucci is the greatest living humorist, in my opinion.

>> No.4526139

David Mitchell, Seinfeld, and Mitch Hedberg. I think that's his last name.

>> No.4526168

The way Stewart Lee conducts his stand up pisses me off, especially when he looks down at the camera when he wants to make a point.
If it wasn't for that maybe I could take his pseudo intellectual rantings for more than ten minutes.

>> No.4526182

>I can't /lit/ seriously that there are people here who honestly like Bill Hicks.
>I can't /lit/ seriously

>> No.4526185

That means the joke is on you.
>people who don't understand his jokes get so worked up about him.

>> No.4526190

Dylan Moran and Louis C.K share the top position i suppose

>> No.4526204

my nigga

>> No.4526226
File: 61 KB, 425x480, bill-bailey-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a ultimate pseudo intellectual college student thing to say.

Anyhow, it's hard to pick favorites, but a recent one that I've been getting into is Bill Bailey. His musical comedic style is a breath of fresh air, as is his all in good fun, PG style.
While I appreciate topical comedians, sometimes I just want to have a good old no strings attached laugh.

>> No.4526246

Hannibal Buress: "What's wrong, old man? You mad cuz we got all this apple juice and you don't have any? Cuz hell yes we are hoarding this apple juice. It's a great sale and you can go get some in aisle 5 before this store realizes what a terrible mistake it's made, you lonely Hormell chili eatin' old man."

Reggie Watts: "Horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'It's probably not a good idea that you're in here. You're a very large animal. Any sudden movements you make could injure somebody. None of the glasses are ergonomically designed for you to drink from them so....you should probably leave.'"

Louis CK: "Cum in my cat's face once, shame on me. Cum in my cat's twice..."

Eddie Murphy in his prime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0_vTUnokNU

>> No.4526359

Stewart Lee, Dylan Moran, Simon Amstell, and Simon Munnery.

>> No.4526402

Why aren't American stand-up comedians funny? I mean, USA produces plenty of funny material in other mediums - literature, for example - but for some reason their stand-up is just utter dog shit. Why?

>> No.4526471


We have tons of EVERYTHING. Good shit is inherently rare because it isn't mediocre or bad. In a country of over 300 million people the least common denominator prevails and you have to put in a slight amount of effort to find the good stuff. Simple as that.

>> No.4526474

does anyone still find Monty Python funny? it seems like dated lelsorandum crap

>> No.4526489

i fucking hate american stand ups too

it seems like all of the "good" ones are just edgy cunts who make broad statements about politics or whatever

whenever i watch an american stand up i always get the impression that im supposed to be laughing in agreement rather than laughing at decent jokes, it's no wonder these sorts of people are loved by reddit

>> No.4526535

anyone that wants to build a serious following has to dumb way down because lots of americans are too stupid to understand sarcasm or irony. a lot of people here don't have that "second level" that's required to understand referential or intellectual humor, so you get shit like larry the cable guy that people can relate to on an honest level. it's kind of depressing actually

>> No.4526561

Dylan Moran, possibly, though I haven't heard his new stuff.

Stateside, I've listened to and liked a lot of John Mulaney's stuff lately.Of course, there are the greats like Chappelle, Hedberg, and the like, but I'm trying to branch out.

Most of my favorite comediennes (if we're differentiating) are American as well i.e. Maria Bamford, Natasha Leggero (for some reason I like the whole rich girl shtick), etc.

I know everyone has different comedic predilections, but I just can't take someone who's really into Doug Stanhope, Bill Hicks, Sam Kinnison and that ilk seriously.

>> No.4526572

Most of my English acquaintances have come to the same conclusion. I talked to this guy who watched it when it first came on the air. He went back recently and watched some skits and thought they were just awful.

>> No.4526581

But the "good stuff" is shite too, in the case of your stand-up comedy.

And it can't be because of any inherent inability to "get" irony, as is sometimes claimed, because some of the funniest authors I have read were American.

>> No.4526591

The Life of Brian will never be dated.

>> No.4526608

He's usually shouting something clever, though. I do agree that Mack is quicker than Mitchell. At least on panel shows.

>> No.4526612

Some of it is, some of it is timeless. And it was rarely random, even at its most absurdist.

>> No.4526621

I've gotten really into listening to comedian appearances on the Opie and Anthony show. A ton them are on YouTube, but the best ones have Louis CK, Patrice O'Neal, or Colin Quinn.

They're just these 2-3 hour long shows with constant riffing and banter, it's so interesting to listen to naturally funny people talk at length about so many different things. Opie and Anthony are horrible people and I hate their politics (and would probably never listen to their show outside of the comedian appearances), but even Anthony is admittedly funny as hell. Anyone else listen to these? I feel like I've gotten caught up in a weird loop.

>> No.4526625


I can't help you. If you can't find a single good thing in an art-form in one of the biggest countries in the world you've either got a bizarre prejudice or an extremely misguided idea of how diverse stand-up is here. Protip: don't start with Comedy Central.

>> No.4526632


Oh of course. They're some of the most popular guys in radio.

Patrice O'Neal's "SyFy original" names for famous movies is a fucking classic. Instead of "Jurassic Park" they'd call it "Dinosaur Forest."

>> No.4526634

yeah, but the guy you're talking to probably isn't talking about larry the cable guy, but the respected comedians like louis ck, bill burr, etc.

i think what you're saying applies to those comedians as well, though, the "dumbing down." it's kind of like "this is how i have to speak in order to tell you what you need to hear." in that way, non-americans will have a harder time getting why it's so funny b/c they can't access the nuance.

>> No.4526647

Are you British? I've noticed that Brits tend to have a higher sensitivity barrier with regards to racial slurs, misogyny, masculinity, etc. This cuts out about 98% of American comedy.

>> No.4526649
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>> No.4526650

>cynically mocking the victims of capital

>> No.4526657

Thank God I grew up from him. Maybe I could dig a little bit of the late Hicks, when he knew he going to die and finally stopped being so fucking angry and edgy.

I like Dave Allen and Les Luthiers (shitskin comedy-group)

>> No.4526661


Actually yes, funny and important in small doses. They're not perfect but they do subversion fairly well.

>> No.4526668


Agreed. He could certainly be clever though.

"Hicks! Get back to work!"
"I'm done."
"Then pretend like you're working."
"Why don't you pretend like I'm working?"

>> No.4526690

I am British. I assure you that I am not easily offended - we have our own foul mouthed comedians who make your guys look like angels - I just find those kind of "jokes" (not even really jokes much of the time, just sequences of offensive words and images) lazy, juvenile and inane.

>> No.4526715

Hicks = the new leftist Franzen kickbag of /pol/ tourists here

>> No.4526723

I have no idea what the fuck that means.

>> No.4526734


Alright, I'll bite. How are these dickbags "important"?

>> No.4526735

He is a leftist, what did you expect?

>> No.4526740

i think he she or it is trying to claim that anyone who doesn't like bill hicks is a white supremacist

>> No.4526745

>Liking the hate rally

Typical intolerant liberal.

>> No.4526755


You said it yourself and I repeated it: subversion. It's important to laugh at things in culture sometimes which will misguide you if you aren't occasionally made aware of them through parody. Just because it's a simple concept doesn't mean it's not good.

>> No.4526987

Ancient troops rallied around their standards in the confusion of battles. Mercenaries in the 30 Years War would change sides frequently, but would die to protect the flag of their company. It was their professional livelihood. If we want to be literal and dickish about the whole thing, a lot of soldiers died protecting a flag.

>> No.4527028

Zizek is good, fresh, humorous, thought provoking and has some original insights. My honest opinion, despite /lit/ constantly shitting on him. Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.4527035


Funniest shit. Watch the whole video too.

>> No.4527043

Patton Oswalt
Mitch Hedberg
Doug Stanhope

I like Bill Hicks but I don't really find him to be that "funny".

>> No.4527047

Oh and Jimmy Carr and Josh Blue. The latter has cerebral palsy and it's part of his act.

>> No.4527056
File: 204 KB, 669x470, Normones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tim Heidecker and Norm Macdonald

>> No.4527063

This might just be the funniest joke I ever heard. I feel like writing an article for it.

>> No.4527068

I wonder whether Norm Macdonald knows of /lit/. He appreciates the written word.

>> No.4527084

I enjoy David Mitchell in most things he's in, anything Peter Serafinowicz has a hand in making, and I'll watch anything with Richard Ayoade in - excluding, of course, the US remake of the IT Crowd.

>> No.4527087

Does anyone remember the name of an American comedian who had long hair and worked from mainly one liners?

Kind of like Stewart Francis but a bit dryer.

>> No.4527089

Stewart Lee and Chris Rock. Stewart Lee has made it impossible for me to even bother checking out any new comedians because what he does is - apologies for the vague, pretentious qualification - on another level. His two TV series possibly the funniest things he's ever done, but 41st Best Stand Up is my favourite of his live shows.

I love all of Chris Rock's stand up work, although I have a hard time convincing people it is anything special, which I think it is.

>> No.4527095

Norm McDonald
Rhod Gilbert
Jim Breuer

>> No.4527098

Mitch Hedberg is probably the guy you're thinking of.

Also not seeing any mention of Brian Regan. Really underrated silly guy. I don't think he ever curses either.

>> No.4527099

I really cannot "get" Stewart Lee.

>> No.4527104

I like some of Chris Rock's stuff but he has to think of a new strategy for giving himself thinking time while telling jokes.
Repeating the punchline over and over again just erodes anything funny about the joke.

No he was much older and is still alive I think.

>> No.4527111

I really think he came close to perfecting his craft in Carpet Remnant World. It seems like the culmination of everything he has been aiming at since his return to stand-up.

>> No.4527126

Have you watched an entire set of his? You really need to see his acts from start to finish to fully appreciate them. It's not so much straightforward stand-up comedy as it is performance art, and should never be taken at face value as Stewart Lee the artist is separated from Stewart Lee the performer by several layers of irony.

>> No.4527129


That may be true. It is definitely an ambitiously structured - and hilarious - piece. I possibly have a bias towards 41st because of the impact it had on me. I go back to it more than anything else he's done.

>> No.4527132

Stewart Lee is pretty much the anti-Clarkson which would probably please him but for some reason he is just as insufferable as Clarkson is.

>> No.4527134

I'm with you. I've been binging on the youtube uploads for a few weeks. Just last night I was listening to "No, we're not gonna hire them". Definitely check it out if you haven't.

Also listen to Jim Breuer's pizza man story and Patrice's prison story. Best so far.

>> No.4527139

Oh shit! Just picturing Patrice cackling his ass of at that line. I need to watch this now.

>> No.4527151

nah not really

>> No.4527168
File: 16 KB, 346x283, ullmanmarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like lots of comedians, but:
Larry David
Norm Macdonald
this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FcyJRf6PFw

>> No.4527182

Oh yes, I love David Mitchell and Richard Ayoade. And when they're together they're unstoppable!
Also I like Jimmy Carr, if simply because of his laugh. Brightens up any panel show.
I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Fry and Laurie. They are a hilarious double act and their Jeeves and Wooster was perfect.
Monty Python is great too, got to the end of the third series the other day. Still no 'gorn'! I can't wait to finish watching them. Classic stuff.
Also gonna give Ade Edmondson and Rick Mayall a plug. Loved TYO and Bottom.

>> No.4527214

I know he'll get a lot of hate for having a very hipster cadence, but I like reggie watts. The way various characters morph into another, and the sentences that loop into being meaningless are all hilarious to listen to. The fact the music he makes is pretty great for improv is nice too.


>> No.4527897


I love Hannibal Buress. He really has moments of sheer brilliance.

"I was so caught up in the euphoria of having all that apple juice, that for a minute I lived in this world where racism didn't exist."

>> No.4527915

Here's the correct list in order

Bill Cosby
Louis CK
Bill Burr
Hannibal Burress
Richard Pryor
Maria Bamford
Jerry Seinfeld
Dave Chapelle
John Mulaney
Kumail Nunjani

>> No.4527959

I hate comedy.

>> No.4528227

Steven Wright

>> No.4528272


>> No.4528275

Bill Burr.

>> No.4528277

i hate drama.

>> No.4528400

Bill Burr
Lenny Bruce
Obligatory Mitch Hedberg
Patrice O'Neal

>> No.4528411

rip in peace you lovable fat fuck

>> No.4528425

Quiet possible the definition of edgy without a purpose. "humanity is a virus with shoes." A virus on what? What besides humanity gives a fuck about anything we do? Is my buddy rock gonna be pissed that I'm pissing on him?

>> No.4528430

We do. They honestly aren't hard to find, because there are a lot of them. We are damn near French in our percentage of self-hating nihilists and "social critics" that have no business being comedians besides people paying them to say stupid shit and call it a joke, but besides that we are decent enough. And there's so damn many in general, everyone from a hick to a professor should be able to find someone they like.

>> No.4528731

tfw conservative and like bill hicks